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32 Cards in this Set

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Ion Channel Receptors
Salty= Na ions
Sour= H ions
G-Protein Coupled Receptors
*Neurotransmitter release without depolarization

Functions of muscles
1) Movement
2) Stability
3) Communication
4) Control of body openings & passages
5) Heat production
Properties of muscles

*Excitability & Conductivity are shared between neurons and muscle cells
Types of Muscle cells
1) Skeletal: voluntary, striated, multinucleate,atttached to bone,skin or fascia
2) Cardiac: involuntary,striated,mononucleate,authorhythmic(can self regulate beat),typically smaller and HIGHLY BRANCHED
3) Smooth: involuntary, non-striated, mononucleate, hair follicles, walls of hollow organs
3) Smooth
-"contractile unit" of muscles
-organization of protein
- the cytoplasm of a muscle cell
-contain: myofibrils,myoglobin, glycogen

*when you increase the size of your muscles, you are adding more myofibrils in the muscle cell.
bundles of 3 types of myofilaments that make up the sarcomere:
1) thick filaments--> myosin protein
2) thin filaments--> actin protein
3) elastic filaments--> titan protein
Thick/Thin Filaments
-myosin protein
-binds and hydrolyzes ATP

-actin proteins
-each actin has an active site that can bind to the head of myosin protein
-tropomyosin is a protein that blocks the active site on the actin from the myosin head in the relaxed muscle.
-troponin binds tropomyosin and calcium to all the active site to be exposed.

*Thin/Thick filaments DO NOT change shape
Muscle Contraction
1) Excitation: communication between neuron and muscle cell
2) Excitation-Contraction Coupling: conversion of action potential in muscle cell to activation of protein in the sarcomere
3) Contraction: muscles develop tension and may shorten/ sliding filament theory
4) Relaxation: return to resting
Muscle Contraction:
Purpose/Major Events
1) Excitation:
Purpose- communication between neuron and muscle cell
Events- release of ACh in synapse. ACh binds to receptors to create EPP. Start of action potential

2)Excitation-contraction coupling:
Purpose- Activation of proteins in sarcomere
Events: Sodium voltage-gated channels in T-tubules open. Calcium channels of SR open and Ca diffuses in sarcoplasm and binds to troponin. Tropomyosin exposes the active sites on actin.

3) Contraction:
Purpose- Interaction of proteins in sarcomere. Creation of tension and shortening
Events- Hydrolysis of ATP by myosin. Myosin head is activated. creation of cross bridges. Release ADP+P causing head to flex. and new ATP causes the head to release.

4) Relaxation:
Purpose- return to resting
Events- No ACh. AChE breaks down ACh in synapse. no EPP. Ca actively transported to SR. Tropomyosin masks active sites. No cross bridges
Types of Junctions
1) Mechanical:
-Desmosomes- cell adhesion proteins
- Allows muscle cells to pull on eachother without damaging membrane

2) Electrical: "gap junctions"
- connexons: non-specific, leaky ion channels
- allows Na to diffuse between cells during depolarization
- propagation of signal
Functions of the Heart's Fibrous "Skeleton"
1) provides structural support for the heart
2) Gives the muscle cells something to pull against
3) Electrical insulator, helps regulate beating of the heart
Chambers of the Heart
Two atria (right and left):
-thin walled muscle
-recieve blood going toward heart from the body and lungs
-pumps blood to ventricles

Two ventricles (right and left):
-Thick- walled muscle
- Recieves blood from atria
- pumps blood to lungs and body
Mechanism of a heart beat
-Cells of the SA node triggers action potential
-action potential moves through the two atria causing contraction (atria systole)
- action potential depolarizes the cells of the AV node (ventribular systole)
- action potential propagated down the bundle of His
- action potential propagated thoughout the ventricles, causing contraction
ECG waves
P- wave: atrial depolarization (atria systole-contraction)- started by SA node

QRS complex: ventricular depolarization, atria repolarization

T-wave: ventricular repolarization
Purkinje fibers
-spread throughout ventricles
- coordinate contraction of ventricles
-ventricles contract from bottom upwards because of the direcions of the bundles
Stages of the Cardiac cycle
Phase 1: Quiescent Period
Phase 2: Atrial Systole
Phase 3: Isovolumetric contraction- FIRST heart sound
Phase 4: Ventricular ejection
Phase 5: Isovolumetric Relaxation-SECOND heart sound
Cardiac Output
-the amt of blood pumped by one ventricle in one minute
-CO= Heart rate x Stroke volume

- CO increases during exercise
Cardioacceleratory Center
-increase heart rate
-sympathetic nervous system
- neuron secretes norepinephrine (NE)
- Adrenergic receptors on cells of SA node bind NE
- cause an increase rate of action potentials of SA node.
Cardioinhibitory Center
- Decrease heart rate
- Parasympathetic nervous system
- neuron secretes ACh
- Cholinergic receptors bind ACh
- allows K to leave the cell--> hyperolarizing reaction (moves cells away from threshold- takes longer for action potential to occur)
- rate of action potentional decrease
Normal heart rate
70 beats/minute

*without nervous control, the heart could beat about 100 beats/minute
Normal flow of blood
-Heart-> artery->arteriole->capillary
-Capillary->venule->vein->back to heart
Pulmonary system
-from heart to lungs and then lungs to heart
- functions in GAS exchange (drop off carbon dioxide and pick up oxygen)
- capillaries in lungs
Systemic system
- from heart to rest of the body after getting oxygen
- capillaries in all body systems
Arteries vs. Veins
Arteries: under more pressure than veins- amount of muscle and collagen is higher due to more pressure (allows them to stretch)
3 layers of tissue in vessels
1) Tunica intima: innermost layer, endothelium is a selectively permeable barrier
2) Tunica media: middle layer, usually thickest , smooth muscle controls VASOCONSTRICTION and VASODILATION
3) Tunica externa: outtermost layer, consists of loose connective tissue, ANCHORS vessel to its surroundings (stabilizing role)
Capillary beds
- site of exchange of materials
-relies on diffusion
- flow of blood controlled by sphincters
- only about 1/4 of capillaries are open at once because if all were open, BP would be too low. (ex: getting a sunburn)
-carry blood BACK to the heart (typically deoxygenated blood)
- Thin walls, with less muscle and elastic
- under low pressure compared to arteries
- contain valves that prevent backflow
Varicose veins
- when blood pools in veins of lower limbs
- causes veins to stretch more than usual- the stretching seperates the valves
- valves cant completely close causing more pooling
- seen in people who stand or sit for too long because there is no muscle contraction
- Hemorrhoids are varicose veins in anal canal
-painful surgery
Blood Pressure
-the forces that the blood exerts against a vessel wall
- Systolic pressure: peak pressure during ventricle contraction
-Diastolic pressure: peak presure during ventricle relaxation

-Healthy BP: (age 20-30) 120/75
-Disease State BP: 140/90
What Affects BP?
1) Cardiac Output: higher output-> higher pressure
2) Blood Volume: more blood in same volume= higher pressure, less blood in same volume= lower pressure- mainly controlled by kidneys and hormones
3) Resistance of blood flow in vessels: vessel diameter can change (vasomotion)- Atherosclerosis: deposition of cholesterol and fat deposits in arteries--> decreases vessel diameter--> higher pressure- affects afterload stroke volume