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75 Cards in this Set

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Def: Basic unit of heredity

Func: Guiding the process of making proteins <= make up physical structures, regulate development through lifespan


Def: a molecule formed in double-helix shape

Contains 4 nucleotides:

- Adenine

- Cytosine

- Guanine

- Thymine

Pairing rule: A - T, C - G


Genetic makeup of an entire organism


Physical traits or behavioural characteristics that show genetic variation

Ex: eye colors, facial features, personalities


Structure in cellular nucleus that are lined with all of the genes an individual inherits

Human has 23 pairs chromosomes

Behavioural genomics

The study of DNA and the way in which specific genes are related to behaviours

Behavioural genetics

The study of how genes and environment influence behaviours

Involve in comparing ppl with different relatedness

Monozygotic vs dizygotic twins

Monozygotic twins: single egg, genetically identical

Dizygotic twins: 2 eggs fertilized by 2 sperms, share the womb, approx 50% genetics in common


a statistic (between 0 and 1) represent degree of genetic differences between individuals

contribute to individual differences in a behaviour or trait found in population


Changes in gene expression that:

- Occur as a result of experience

- Do not alter genetic code

Diathesis-stress model

Gene-environment interaction becomes apparent after an accumulation of events

Natural selection

Favourable traits become increasingly common in a population, while traits that are unfavourable become less common


Change in frequency of genes occurring in an interbreeding population over generations

Intrasexual selection

Situation which same sex members compete to win opportunity to mate with opposite sex

Intersexual selection

Situation which one sex members choose mating partner based on desirable traits.

Homo habilis => Homo erectus => Homo sapiens

Homo habilis: brain 50% larger than ancestor. Start to use stone tools

Homo erectus: brain approx 1/3 larger than homo habilis. Can stand straight. Use more sophisticated tools, use fire.

Homo sapiens: brain slightly larger than homo erectus. Ability to think in abstract and communicate => knowledge => key for modern human society


Major type of cells in nervous system. Responsible for sending and receiving message throughout body

Structures and functions vary considerably. Structure is related to functions of neurons

Sensory vs. motor neurons

Sensory neurons: Receive info from body senses and bring it to brain. Responsible for touch or pain sensation

Motor neurons: Carry messages from brain to muscles to control muscles' flexion and extension

Soma (neuron cell body)

Contain nucleus that houses cell's genetic material


Small branches radiating from soma

Receive messages from other cells and transmit those messages to the rest of cell


Tail-like structure protruding from soma.

Transports info in form of electrochemical reactions from soma to end of neuron

Axon terminal

Bulb-like extension at end of axon, filled with vesicles


Chemical messengers allowing neurons to communicate with each other

Glial cells

Specialized cell in nervous system, involved in:

- mounting immune responses in brain

- removing waste

- synchronize activity of neurons

Out number neuron 10 to 1

Glial cells:


A type of glial cells

Fatty sheath that insulates axons from one another => increasing speed (up to 150m/s) + efficiency of neural communication

Resting potential

Relatively stable state when cell is not transmitting message

Outside neuron: high concentration of + charge ions (sodium, potassium)

Inside axon: low + charge ions, high concentration of - charge chloride ions

Difference outside and inside => inside axon has - charge of -70mV

Action potential

Wave of electrical activity originates at base of axon and travels down its length

Neuron is stimulated => + ions flow into cell (ions move from high conc to low conc)

Action potential is initiated at - 55mV => action potential occurs => raise - 70mV to + 35mV

Mechanism to return to resting potential

Need to return to resting potential to fire again

As soon as action potential occurs => ion channels slam shut => sodium ions inside cell being pumped out => cell becomes hyperpolarized, means cell is more negative than -70mV

Refractory period

Brief period when neuron cannot fire

Charge is more negative than - 70mV

1. Synapses

2. Presynaptic cells

3. Postsynaptic cells

1. Microscopic space between neurons

2. Cells that release neurotransmitter into synapses

3. Cells with specialized receptors to hold neurotransmitter from synapses

All-or-none principle

Individual nerve cells fire at same strength every time action potential occurs

A stimulus is more intense than others because more cells are stimulated and each cell firing repeatedly

Excitatory vs. inhibitory

Action of neurotransmitter causes the membrane to become:

less negative (excite) / more negative (inhibit)


Process where neurotransmitters that have been released into synapse are reabsorb into axon terminals of presynaptic neuron

Prolonged stimulation makes it more difficult for cells to return to resting potential => necessary to fire again => necessary for neurotransmitters to be released back to synapses again


Glutamate vs. GABA

Glutamate: most common excitatory neurotransmitter in brain.

Involve in new memory formation

GABA: primary inhibitory neurotransmitter

Prevent neurons from generating action potential

Facilitate sleep, reduce arousal



One of the most widespread neurotransmitter in body

Found at junction between nerve cells and skeletal muscles => involve voluntary movement

Also associated with attention and memory if released in brain



A monoamine neurotransmitter

Involves in: mood, control voluntary movement, processing of rewarding experiences



A monoamine that synthesized from dopamine molecules

Involves in: regulating stress response, increasing arousal, attention, heart rate

Often work with epinerphine (adrenaline)



A monoamine neurotransmitter

Involves in regulating: sleep, mood, aggression, appetite

Agonist drugs

Drugs that enhance or mimic effects of neurotransmitter's action

Direct agonist: physically bind to receptors at postsynaptic cells

Indirect agonist: facilitate effects of neurotransmitters, no binding to receptors

Antagonist drugs

Drugs that inhibit neurotransmitter activity by blocking receptors or preventing synthesis of neurotransmitter

Direct antagonist: blocking receptors

Indirect antagonist: reduce influence of neurotransmitter but no blocking receptors


Chemicals secreted by the glands of endocrine system

Usually secreted into blood stream to travel through body => slower effect than neurotransmitter


A brain structure that regulates basic biological needs and motivational system

Pituitary gland

Master gland of endocrine system

Produce hormones and send command about hormone production to other glands of endocrine system

Adrenal glands

A pair of endocrine glands located adjacent to kidneys

Release stress hormones (cortisol, adrenaline)


A hormone produced by pituitary gland and hypothalamus

Reduce pain and induce feeling of pleasure

Central nervous system (CNS) vs. Peripheral nervous system (PNS)

CNS: consist of brain and spinal cord

PNS: division of nervous system that transmits signals between brain and rest of body. Divided into: somatic system, autonomic system

Peripheral nervous system:

Somatic system

Consist of nerves that control skeletal muscles => responsible for voluntary and reflexive movement

Also consist of nerves that receive sensory inputs from body

Peripheral nervous system:

Autonomic system

Portion of PNS that responsible for regulating activity of organs and glands

2 sub-components:

Sympathetic nervous system: Responsible for fight or flight response (ready for action responses: increase heart rate, dilated pupils,...)

Parasympathetic nervous system: Maintain homeostatic balance in the presence of change. Work to return body to a baseline, nonemergency state

The hindbrain

Brain stem

Hindbrain: critical to control basic, life-sustaining processes

Brain stem: on top op spinal cord => "stem" or bottom of brain

2 structures: medulla and pons

Medulla: basic functions => heart rate, breathing, sneezing, ...

Pons: level of wakefulness, dreams

The hindbrain

Reticular formation

Extend from medulla upward to midbrain

Influence attention and alertness

The hindbrain


Lobe-like structure at base of brain

Monitoring movement, maintaining balance, attention, and emotional responses

Also involve in coordinating and timing ongoing movements

The midbrain

Above the hindbrain

Primarily functions as a relay station between sensory and motor areas

Superior colliculus: visual attention

Inferior colliculus: auditory attention

The forebrain

Consist of all neural structures which are above midbrain.

Including all folds and grooves on brain surface

Have multiple interconnected structures which are critical for complex processes: emotion, memory, thinking, reasoning

The forebrain


Spaces inside forebrain, filled with cerebrospinal fluid => eliminating waste, bring nutrition, cushion brain from impact

The forebrain

Basal ganglia

Next to ventricles

Group of 3 structures involved in: facilitating planned movements, skill learning, and integrating sensory and movement info with brain's reward system

The forebrain

Limbic system

Integrated network involved in emotion and memory

Amygdala: key structure in limbic system

Facilitate memory formation of emotional events

Mediate fear responses

Play a role in recognizing and interpreting emotional stimuli, including facial expression

Hippocampus: critical for learning and memory, particularly in formation of new memories

Hypothalamus: see other card

Thalamus: a set of nuclei involved in relaying sensory info to different regions of brain

Cerebral cortex

The convoluted, wrinkle outer layer of brain

Involved in higher functions such as thought, language, personality

The four lobes

Occipital lobe

Located at rear of brain

Process visual info

Receive visual info from thalamus => processing => 2 visual pathways:

- To temporal lobe: object recognition

- To parietal lobe: using vision to guide movements

The four lobes

Parietal lobe

Involved in experiences of touch and bodily awareness

Somatosensory cortex: a band at front edge of parietal lobe

Densely packed nerve cells that register touch sensation

The four lobes

Temporal lobe

Located at the sides of brain near ears and involved in hearing, language, higher aspects of visual (object and face recognition)

Auditory cortex: top part of temporal lobe, essential for hearing.

Wernicke's area: slightly behind auditory cortex, related to understanding language

The four lobes

Frontal lobe

Important in many higher cognitive functions such as planning, regulating impulses and emotions, language production, and voluntary movements

Also allow for guide and reflect own thought processes

Primary motor cortex: thick band of neuron at rear of frontal lobe

Involve in control voluntary movement and planning movement

Prefrontal cortex: 2/3 of frontal lobe

Perform many higher-order cognitive functions (decision making, controlling attention)

Corpus callosum

Collection of neural fibres connecting 2 hemispheres

Allow left and right hemispheres to communicate

Hemispheric specialization

Phenomenon where 2 hemispheres often perform very different functions

Right: cognitive tasks involves visual and spatial skills, recognition of visual stimuli, musical processing

Left: language and math


Capacity of brain to change and rewire itself based on individual experience


Technique which researcher intentionally damage an area in brain

Transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS)

Procedure which electromagnetic pulse is delivered to a targeted region of brain

Used to create "temporary lesion", but weak pulse can also stimulate brain

Structural neuroimaging

Type of brain scanning that produces images of different brain structures

Structural neuroimaging

Computerized tomography (CT scan)

X-ray are sent through brain by a rotating tube around head

Structural neuroimaging

Magnetic resonating imaging (MRI)

Clear images of brain are created based on how different neural regions absorb and release energy while in magnetic field

Structural neuroimaging

Diffusion tensor imaging (DTI)

Measure white-matter pathways in brain

Newest type of structural imaging

Functional neuroimaging

Type of brain scanning that provides info about which brain areas are active when a person performs a particular behaviour

Functional neuroimaging

Electroencephalogram (EEG)

Measure pattern of brain activity using multiple electrodes attached to scalp

no picture of brain

Functional neuroimaging

Magnetoencephalogram (MEG)

Measure tiny magnetic fields created by electrical activity of nerve cells in brain

no picture of brain

Functional neuroimaging

Positron emission tomography (PET)

Low level of radioactive isotope is injected into blood, and its movement to regions of brain engaged in a particular task is measured

Functional neuroimaging


Measure brain activity by detecting influx of oxygen-rich blood into neural area which was just active