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54 Cards in this Set

  • Front
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cns contsitutes what
brain and spinal chord
pns consists of what
cranial nerves and spinal nerves, ganlia and sensory recpetors
left hemisphere of brain does what
language and speech (biz)
right hemispehere does?
abstract and concept (art)
Pia matter what?
covering of brain
outer mater (grey)
elevated ridges of the brains
shallow grooves (for blood vessels)
deep grooves
longitudinal sulcus
separates lft/rt hemispheres
centeral sulcus
saparates frontal from parietal lobes
motor functions what part of the brain
frontal lobe
frontal lobe does
motor functions
sensory functions what part of brain
parietal lobe
pre central gyrus , where, wht sensory?
infront of central sulcus, speech and vol. muscle
pre frontal cortex, wht and where
intellect, complex reasoning,personality anterior portin of frontal lobe
occipital lobe what controls
temporal lobe, what does it do
olfactory bulbs and tracts what does it do
optic nerve what it do
optic chiasma what is it
where medial optic fibers cross
optic tract where
after the chiasmia,
pituitary gland
connects the pituitary and the thalmus
Pons where/ what
raised area after the penduncles (primary motor and sensory)
medula oblongata where
lowest brain stem region
corpus callosumwhere /what
connects rt and left hemispheres, forms top or lat ventricles
chorid plexus
bundle of capilaries in ventricles
makes floor of the lat vent. also involved in olfaction and limbic (emotions)
bi-lobed, gray matter, relay station for sensory pulses passing up
autonomic control center, ex. temp/ water balance
pineal body
secrets melatonin (sleep)
superior colliculi
visual reflex center
inferior colliculi
auditory center
cerebral aquaduct
slender cannal connects 3rd and 4th ventricles
arbor vitae fo cerebellum
tree of llife, whit matter in the cerebellum
arachnoid matter
middle menengies
pia matter
delicate inner most layer next to the brain
circulation of the CSF
1) lateral ventricles 2)intraventricular formation 3) third vent. 4)cerebral aquaduct 5) 4th vent. 6) CAN SPLIT central canal of spinal cord or medial/lateral appetures (russian holes) into sub arachniod space, arachnoid vili, sinus cappilaries, venus blood
olfactory nerve
smell (looks like rabbit ears)
optic nerve
vision (on the X) TOP
ocular motor nerve
eye movement; next down from the optic nerve jsut past the optic tract
trochlear nerve
eyemovement (thin round nerve on peduncle) down low from pons
trigeminal nerve
chewing (off of the pons)
adducens nerve
eye movement (tiny round nerves off surface of the medulla) last one down centered under the optic tract
poly synaptic neurons
have one or more inter neurons
sensory neurons
affereant neurons carrying messages to the brain
motor neurons
efferent carrys messages from brain to muscles
contra- lateral
stimulus one side response on opposite side
stimulus and reaction on the same side
4 types of relflex arc
mono synaptic
poly synaptic
contra lateral
prupose of three layers of meninges
cover and protect brains
outer layer ( meninge)
dura matter leathery double layered membrane
middle layer (meninge)
arachnoid matter has thread like projections to attatch it to the pia mater