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33 Cards in this Set

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one of the paired reddish organs located in the lumbar region that regulates the composition & volume of blood & produces urine
renal cortex
outer granular appearing part of the kidney
renal pelvis
a cavity in the center of the kidney formed by the expanded, proximal portion of the ureter, lying within the kidney & into which the major--
renal medulla
inner striated appearing red-brown region
functional unit of the kidney
a rounded mass of nerves or blood vessels, especially the microscopic tuft of capillaries that is surrounded by the glomerular capsule of each kidney tubule
bowman's capsule
cortex that the renal tubule lies in/ inside is a glomerulus
loop of henle
loop that fluids & solutes pass into
fluid produced by the kidneys that contains wastes or excess materials and is excreted from the body through the urethra
glomerular filtration
the first step in urine formation in which substances in blood are filtered at the filtering membrane & the filtrate enters the proximal convulated tubule of a nephron
tubular reabsorption
the movement of filtrate from renal tubules back into blood in response to the body's specific needs
tubular secretion
the movement of substances in blood back into blood in response to the body's specific needs
glomerular filtrate
consists of all the materials present in the blood except for the formed elements & most proteins
net filtration pressure
net pressure that expresses the relationship between the forces that promote fluid movement at the arterial & venous ends of a capillary & that promote glomerular filtration in the kidneys
an enzyme released by the kidney into the plasma where it converts angiotensinogen into angiotensin I
The final nitrogenous excretion product of many organism; the chief solid component of urine
one of two tubes that connect the kidney with the urinary bladder
urinary bladder
a hollow, muscular organ situated in the pelvic cavity/posterior to the pubic symphysis
inflammation of one or both kidneys, involves nephrons & renal pelvis
bright's disease
inflammation of the kidney that involves the glomeruli
inflammation of the renal pelvis & its calyces
small tube leading from the floor of the urinary bladder to the exterior of the body
inflammation of the urinary bladder
nephrotic syndrome
protein in the urine, primarily albumin, that results in low blood level of albumin, edema, & high blood levels of cholesterol, phospholipids, & triglycerides/caused by increased permeability of the filtering membrane
renal failure
decrease or cessation of glomerular filtration
either an infection of a part of the urinary system or the presence of large numbers of microbes in urine
embryonal carcinosarcoma; a malignant tumor of the kidneys arising from epithelial & connective tissue
narrowing of the lumen of a canal or hollow organ, as the ureter or urethra
presence of urea or other nitrogenous elements in the blood
x-ray film of the kidneys after injection of a dye
inflammation of the urethra caused by highly acidic urine, the presence of bacteria, or constriction of the urethral passage
the act of expelling urine from the urinary bladder