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217 Cards in this Set

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A control point outside the citric acid cycle is the reaction catalyzed by

the pyruvate dehydrogenase complex.

A deficiency in thiamine causes the disease beriberi. Which might you expect to have a higher than normal blood concentration in an individual with this condition?


True or False: ATP is consumed by the pyruvate dehydrogenase complex during the synthesis of acetyl CoA.


All but one of the enzymes of the citric acid cycle are found in this part of the mitochondrion:

The mitochondrial matrix.

Condensation of Acetyl-Co-Enzyme with oxaloacetate yields citrate


Condensation of Acetyl-Co-Enzyme with oxaloacetate yields citrate

Each myosin head contains a binding site for _____ and a binding site for _____.

Each myosin head contains a binding site for Actin and a binding site for ATP.

Each of the following catalyzed reactions of the citric acid cycle appears to be regulated except



The following compounds are all intermediates in the citric acid cycle.

Which intermediate does FAD oxidize?

Compound 4

In step 6 of the CAC Compound 4 Succinate is oxidized by FAD removing two protons from the two middle carbons and yielding FADH2

The following compounds are all intermediates in the citric acid cycle.

Which intermediate is formed from fumarate?

Compound 5

The following compounds are all intermediates in the citric acid cycle.

Compound 3

How does the reaction catalyzed by malate dehydrogenase proceed despite a ΔG°′ of 29.7 kJ/mol?

concentrations of oxaloacetate are kept very low by rapid use in the subsequent step

How many NADH are produced when one acetyl group is oxidized in the citric acid cycle?


How many electrons are transferred from one acetyl group during the citric acid cycle?


In a muscle cell, what is the name for the bundles of myosin tails?

thick filaments

In eukaryotes the enzymes of the citric acid cycle are found in the ________.


In eukaryotes, the citric acid cycle occurs in the _____ and therefore requires that reactants of the citric acid cycle be transported from the _____.

In eukaryotes, the citric acid cycle occurs in the mitochondrial matrix and therefore requires that reactants of the citric acid cycle be transported from the cytosol.

In muscle cells, the following reaction proceeds as written, i.e., from left to right, despite having ΔG°' ≈ +30 kJ/mol. How can this occur?

The concentration of malate must be higher than oxaloacetate for this reaction to occur in the cell.

In which cellular location do the majority of the reactions of the citric acid cycle take place?

the mitochondrial matrix.

Muscle contraction is triggered

in response to an increase in the cytoplasmic Ca2+ concentration.

One turn of the citric acid cycle generates

1 GTP, 3 NADH, 1 FADH2

Pyruvate translocase is a/an ________ protein that transports ________.

Pyruvate translocase is a/an symport protein that transports pyruvate and H + in the same direction.

Pyruvate translocase is specific for transporting pyruvate across the inner mitochondrial membrane.


Release of succinate from succinyl-CoA can be coupled to GTP synthesis because:

The thioester bond between succinate and CoA has a large −ΔG of hydrolysis.

The acetyl group is carried on lipoic acid as

a thioester

The activity of dihydrolipoamide acetyltransferase (E2) is inhibited when the concentration of of acetyl CoA is decreased.


The activity of dihydrolipoamide dehydrogenase (E3) is inhibited by a high NADH/NAD+ ratio.


The arrangement of subunits in the PDH(pyruvate dehydrogenase) complex ensures that ________.

Correct the product of one enzyme is delivered to the next in turn

The citric acid cycle can be viewed as a multi-step catalyst simply because it returns to its original state after each round of reactions.


The conversion of malate to oxaloacetate has a high +ΔG (it is endergonic). It can take place because:

The oxaloacetate product is used up in the subsequent reaction.

The energy needed to drive muscle contraction comes from ATP hydrolysis that is carried out by

Correct myosin heads.

The enzyme pyruvate translocase is located ________.

in the inner mitochondrial membrane

The immediate electron acceptor for the majority of the oxidative reactions of the citric acid cycle is


The order of prosthetic groups as they act in the three proteins of the PDH(pyruvate dehydrogenase) complex is:

E1: thiamine pyrophosphate

E2: dihydrolipoamide


The pyruvate dehydrogenase complex is composed of three distinct enzymes.

True (E1,E2,E3)

The pyruvate dehydrogenase complex is composed of three distinct enzymes.


The reaction catalyzed by _____ requires an enzyme bound flavin coenzyme.

Correct succinate dehydrogenase

The recycling of NAD allows glycolysis to continue in the absence of oxygen.


The repeating functional unit in a myofibril is called

the sarcomere.

The step at which acetyl CoA enters the citric acid cycle is classified as a ________ reaction.


The succinate dehydrogenase complex catalyzes

the formation of a double bond in the oxidation of succinate to fumarate.

What cellular location contains pyruvate dehydrogenase and most of the citric acid cycle enzymes?

mitochondrial matrix

What makes the reaction catalyzed by citrate synthase highly exergonic?

hydrolysis of thioester

What type of reaction is the conversion of fumarate to malate?


When acetyl-CoA reacts with oxaloacetate to form citrate

a new carbon-carbon bond is formed

Where is succinate dehydrogenase located?

Correct mitochondrial inner membrane

Which 5-carbon intermediate of the citric acid cycle is converted to a 4-carbon molecule with the release of carbon dioxide?


Which enzyme catalyzes the conversion of citrate to isocitrate?


Which enzyme catalyzes the reaction shown?

malate dehydrogenase

Which enzyme catalyzes the reaction shown?

succinate dehydrogenase

Which enzyme catalyzes the reaction shown?

succinyl-CoA synthetase

Which enzymes in the citric acid cycle catalyze oxidative decarboxylation reactions?

isocitrate dehydrogenase and the α-ketoglutarate dehydrogenase complex

Which group of small molecules best fit the boxes associated with the reaction shown?

Group 2

Which group of small molecules best fit the boxes associated with the reaction shown?

Group Five

Which of the following causes pyruvate dehydrogenase kinase to catalyze the phosphorylation and inactivation of E1 in the pyruvate dehydrogenase complex?

elevated concentrations of NADH and ATP

Which of the following coenzymes is required by E1 of the pyruvate dehydrogenase complex for catalytic activity?

thiamine pyrophosphate

Which of the following coenzymes is required by the pyruvate dehydrogenase complex for reoxidation of E3?



Which of the following condenses with oxaloacetate to form citrate?


Which of the following enzymes contains an FAD prosthetic group?

succinate dehydrogenase

Which of the following enzymes does not use NAD+ for oxidation?

Succinate Dehydrogenase.

Which of the following enzymes is not a control point of the citric acid cycle?


Which of the following enzymes is the only membrane-bound enzyme in the citric acid cycle?

Succinate Dehydrogenase.

Which of the following enzymes uses coenzyme FAD as the electron acceptor?

succinate dehydrogenase

Which of the following inhibit(s) pyruvate dehydrogenase kinase?


Which of the following is an inhibitor of pyruvate dehydrogenase?


Which of the reactions of the citric acid cycle requires FAD as a coenzyme?

Correct the conversion of succinate to fumarate

Which reaction below produces GTP in the citric acid cycle?

succinyl CoA ---> succinate

Which statement about myosin is not true?

All of the answers above are true of myosin.

Myosin is a heterohexamer.

Myosin contains two globular heads.

Myosin contains six different polypeptides

Myosin aggregates to form thick filaments

Phosphorylation can be used to either inactivate or activate enzymes. This is a key element in the regulation of glucose metabolism. Phosphorylation of glycogen phosphorylase BLANKS it; phosphorylation of glycogen synthase BLANKS it.

Phosphorylation can be used to either inactivate or activate enzymes. This is a key element in the regulation of glucose metabolism. Phosphorylation of glycogen phosphorylase activates it; phosphorylation of glycogen synthase inactivates it.

Glycogenlysis See notes (RED)

A lipid-soluble cofactor that can diffuse freely in the membrane of the electron transport chain and carry electrons across the membrane is ________.

ubiquinone (Q)

Also known as CoA Q


CoA Q 10


A muscle cell from an alligator jaw contains more mitochondria than a wing muscle of a migrating bird such as a goose.


ATP directly provides the energy to transport protons across the inner membrane from the matrix to the inner-membrane space of mitochondria.


ATP synthase and other integral membrane proteins pass protons from the matrix to the inner membrane.


See TCA regulation folder 2 (tca regulation lecture 2)

ATP synthase is located in the ________ of the mitochondrion.

inner membrane

An important difference between respiratory inhibitors and uncouplers is that

uncouplers do not inhibit electron transport whereas respiratory inhibitors do so

Another name for Complex I in the mitochondria is

NADH-CoQ oxidoreductase.

See TCA regulation folder 2 lecture 2

Another name for Complex II in the electron transport chain is

succinate-CoQ oxidoreductase.

At one time the uncoupler 2,4-dinitrophenol was used as a weight reducing drug. Its side-effects, including death, resulted in its discontinued use. How could this drug cause weight loss?

The uncoupler allows the oxidation of fats from adipose tissue without the production of ATP. This allows the oxidation to proceed continuously and use up the fats

Compare the pH of the mitochondrial matrix and the inner membrane space.

The pH is lower in the inner membrane space.

Dehydrogenase Enzymes

Primary regulators in the Tricarboxylic Acid Cycle

See TCA cycle google drive pg 1-4 TCA cycle lecture 1

Complex 1 of the electron transport chain oxidizes ____, reduces ____, and ____ protons in the process.

Complex I of the electron transport chain oxidizes NADH, reduces Coenzyme Q , and pumps protons in the process.

complex 1

oxidises NADH producing NAD+

Reduces coenzyme Q ( transfers 2 electrons/protons)

Moves 4 protons into the intermembrane space from the matrix

Complex II in the electron transport chain supplies electrons as ________ to the rest of the chain (complexes III and IV).


See ETC TCA regulation folder 2 lecture 2

Complex II of the electron transport chain oxidizes ____, reduces ____, and ____ protons in the process.

Complex II of the electron transport chain oxidizes FADH2, reduces coenzyme Q, and does not move protons in the process.

Complex 2 (succinate Dehydrogenase)

oxidises FADH2 producing FAD

See folder 2 TCA lecture

Complex III of the electron transport chain oxidizes ____, reduces ____, and ____ protons in the process.

Complex III of the electron transport chain oxidizes coenzyme Q, reduces cytochrome C, and pumps protons in the process.

pumps 2 protons

See TCA Regulation folder 2 lecture 2

Complex IV of the electron transport chain oxidizes ____, reduces ____, and ____ protons in the process.

Complex IV of the electron transport chain oxidizes cytochrome c, reduces O2, and pumps protons in the process.

Conformation changes in proteins are crucial in the synthesis of ATP in the mitochondria.


Consider the following half-reactions

+1.130 V

See TCA Regulation folder 2 Redox electrical potential lecture

Electrons from FADH2 are delivered to ____ and electrons from NADH are delivered to ____ of the electron transport chain.

Electrons from FADH2 are delivered to complex 2 and electrons from NADH are delivered to complex 1 of the electron transport chain.

Epinephrine can stimulate glycogen degradation while at the same time, lowering glycogen synthesis.


For eukaryotes, where are the Complexes of electron transport located?

inner mitochondrial membrane

Glucagon is excreted when blood glucose is ________ (high, low), while insulin is secreted when blood glucose is ________ (high, low).

Glucagon is excreted when blood glucose is low, while insulin is secreted when blood glucose is high.

Glycogen is mainly found in

liver and muscle

Glycogen phosphorylase and glycogen synthase

are not activated simultaneously

Glycogen storage occurs in _____ and _____ tissue.

Glycogen storage occurs in muscle and liver tissue.

Glycogen synthase and glycogen phosphorylase

are modified by the same enzymes

Glycogen synthesis in vertebrates requires ________ to activate glucose 1-phosphate.

Glycogen synthesis in vertebrates requires UTP to activate glucose 1-phosphate.

Heat can be generated in the brown adipose tissue of hibernating mammals due to ________.

uncoupling by thermogenin

How are the branches in glycogen produced?

A branching enzyme moves a short chain of several glucose units from a linear α(1,4) section of glycogen to make a new α(1,6) branch point.

How do uncoupling agents affect the electron transport chain and oxidative phosphorylation?

They provide an alternative path for protons to re-enter the mitochondrial matrix, so ATP synthesis decreases. Electron flow and proton pumping are not affected.



find lecture

How many electrons are required for the complete reduction of one molecule of oxygen gas?


See TCA regulation folder 2 page 2

How many protons are translocated across the membrane by complex I for every pair of electrons that are passed from NADH to QH2?


Hydrolysis of pyrophosphate is an important energy driving force in the synthesis of glycogen.


If an inhibitor disrupts the flow of protons from the matrix into the intermembrane space of mitochondria, no ATP will be formed.


If the ΔG for the oxidation of NADH by oxygen is -220 kJ/mol and the ΔG for transport of H+ across the inner membrane is 20 kJ/mol, what is the efficiency for energy captured in the proton gradient versus energy evolved from NADH oxidation?


If the following half-reactions are combined, what is the potential for the spontaneous reaction?

0.149 V

If the reduction potential for NAD+ is -0.315 V and the reduction potential for oxygen is 0.815 V, what is the potential for the oxidation of NADH by ox

1.13 V

In addition to control of activity by phosphorylation, phosphorylase kinase is activated by


In glycogen synthesis, the intermediate between glucose-1-phosphate and glycogen is


see glycgogenesis page 2 glycogenesis lecture

In glycogen synthesis, what is the intermediate between glucose-1-phosphate and glycogen?


In mammals the enzyme complexes of oxidative phosphorylation are in the inner mitochondrial matrix.


In the electron transport chain, electrons are passed from redox center to redox center ____.

spontaneously due to the redox potential gradient.

In the presence of an uncoupler, more substrate can be oxidized.


In the presence of oxygen and in the absence of ADP, what occurs if the uncoupler 2,4-dinitrophenol is added to a suspension of normal mitochondria five minutes after an oxidizable substrate has been added?

Oxidation of the substrate does not occur until the 2,4-dinitrophenol is added. Afterward, oxidation proceeds rapidly until all of the substrate is consumed.

Mitochondria are about the size of an E. coli cell.


Oxidative phosphorylation occurs in the mitochondrial membrane in eukaryotes and the plasma membrane in bacteria.


Oxidative phosphorylation requires all of the items listed below except

a matrix more positively charged than the intermembrane space.

Phosphate (Pi) is transported into the mitochondria from the cytosol by a phosphate carrier which is driven by the

simultaneous transport of H+ into the mitochondrion

Phosphoprotein phosphatase -1 (PP1)

catalyzes the dephosphorylation of phosphorylase kinase.catalyzes the dephosphorylation of glycogen phosphorylase.

Protein kinase A, which stimulates glycogen degradation, is activated directly by

cyclic AMP. or CAMP

Respiratory inhibitors in mitochondria do this:

Block both electron flow and ATP synthesis

Since caffeine inhibits cAMP phosphodiesterase, too much coffee can result in the synthesis of too much glycogen.


The ________ is between the inner and outer membranes of the mitochondria.

The intermembrane space is between the inner and outer membranes of the mitochondria.

The compound uridine diphosphate glucose (UDPG) plays a role in

glycogen synthesis.

The cytochromes undergo which of the following oxidation reactions?

Fe2+ → Fe3+

The enzyme complexes I-IV in the electron transport chain associate with each other by a combination of hydrophobic interactions, disulfide bridges and hydrogen bonding


The enzyme glycogen phosphorylase catalyzes a reaction in

glycogen breakdown.

The final reduced species in the electron transport chain is


The main enzyme of glycogen catabolism is _____, which catalyzes a _____ reaction.

The main enzyme of glycogen catabolism is glycogen phosphorylase, which catalyzes a phosphorolysis reaction.

The number of mitochondria per cell is relatively constant among cell types and species


The numbers of mitochondria in cells is closely associated with cell function


The only complex which actually uses molecular oxygen is

Complex IV

The oxidation of FADH2 to FAD involves the transfer of _____; the oxidation of NADH to NAD+ involves the transfer of _____.

The oxidation of FADH2 to FAD involves the transfer of two hydrogen atoms; the oxidation of NADH to NAD+ involves the transfer of a hydride.

The proton motive force is a result of

a combination of an electrical potential and a chemical potential

The protonmotive force is the free energy due to the proton gradient across the inner mitochondrial membrane.


The reduction potential (E°) is numerically related to the value of ΔG.


The source of energy to produce ATP in mitochondria is a proton gradient formed across the outer mitochondrial membrane.

false (WRONG)

In the ECT (oxidative phosphorylation)

The Proton gradient provides the enrgy needed to convert ADP to ATP via ATP synthase (molecular motor) by converting electrical potential into kinetic energy

The synthesis of ATP in mitochondria is driven by a proton or pH gradient.


The terminal electron acceptor for complex III of the electron transport chain is

Cytochome C

The ultimate electron acceptor from complex II is

Q (ubiquinone)

The ultimate electron acceptor in the electron transport chain is


UDP-glucose pyrophosphorylase works by this mechanism:

It adds a UMP molecule to glucose-1-phosphate by splitting out pyrophosphate.

Uncouplers are compounds that inhibit the phosphorylation of ADP

without affecting electron transport.

Uncoupling agents can work by disrupting the flow of protons during ATP synthesis.


Uncoupling in mitochondria refers to:

Stopping ATP synthesis but not stopping electron flow.

Under starvation conditions, about how long does it take in humans for the body to deplete the glycogen store in the liver?

24 hours

What does the reduction potential of 0.815 V for the reduction of water to oxygen indicate?

oxygen is a very strong oxidizing agent

What feature of cytochromes makes them valuable in electron transport systems?

the iron ion

What is the driving force for the reaction catalyzed by UDP-glucose pyrophosphorylase that converts glucose 1-phosphate to UDP-glucose?

the subsequent hydrolysis of pyrophosphate

What kind of reaction is used to release glucose units from glycogen?


What shuttle mechanism transfers cytosolic NADH into the mitochondria with a loss of reductive power, with the electrons entering the electron transport chain as ubiquinol instead of NADH?

glycerol-3-phosphate shuttle

When glycogen phosphorylase is phosphorylated

its activity increases.

When glycogen synthase is phosphorylated

its activity decreases.

When mitochondria are actively carrying out aerobic respiration

the pH of the matrix is greater than the pH of the intermembrane space.

Which complex contains cytochrome oxidase?

Complex IV

Which complex contains succinate dehydrogenase?

Complex II

Which complex in the electron transport chain carries electrons from cytochrome c to molecular oxygen, reducing it to water?


Which complex in the electron transport chain does not contribute to the proton gradient?


Which enzyme cleaves the α(1 → 6) bonds in glycogen?

debranching enzyme

Which has the highest reduction potential?


Which of the following aides in formation of a primer for glycogen synthesis?


Which of the following are located in the inner mitochondrial membrane?

all the components of the electron transport chain and one of the components of the citric acid cycle, namely the succinate dehydrogenase complex

Which of the following best describes how liver supplies other tissues with the glucose it releases from its stored glycogen?

It releases glucose into the blood.

Which of the following complexes does not directly contribute to the production of ATP by pumping protons?

Complex II.

Which of the following correctly relates the order of intermediates during the synthesis of glycogen?

glucose → glucose-6-phosphate → glucose-1-phosphate → UDP-glucose → glycogen

Which of the following describes a sequence which will ultimately activate glycogen breakdown in a muscle?

epinephrine binds β receptors. cAMP PKA phosphorylase kinase glycogen phosphorylase

Which of the following enzymes catalyzes the conversion of glucose-1-phosphate to glucose-6-phosphate?


Which of the following enzymes catalyzes the conversion of glucose-1-phosphate to glucose-6-phosphate?


Which of the following transport mechanisms is used in the inner mitochondrial membrane? IMS = intermembrane space

symport of Pi and H+ from IMS to matrix

Which of the following will NOT activate glycogen phosphorylase in the liver?

eating a high carbohydrate meal

Which statement is TRUE concerning the metabolic reaction shown below?

The enzyme that catalyzes this reaction is called a mutase.

Which statement is true about two reactions that are coupled?

One reaction will normally not occur without the other.

A coenzyme frequently encountered in transamination reactions is

pyridoxal phosphate.

A special carrier is needed to get fatty acids into the mitochondria, since an acyl-CoA cannot cross the outer mitochondrial membrane.


After consuming a delicious frosted donut, glucose pours into your muscle cells and is oxidized to recharge your cells with ATP. When ATP levels rise to sufficient levels, your muscle cells begin to store glucose as glycogen for later use when you are fasting. Which of the following enzymes is primarily responsible for the storage of glucose as glycogen?

Glycogen synthase

After digesting a delicious frosted donut, glucose pours into your muscle cells and is oxidized to recharge your cells with ATP. When ATP levels rise to sufficient levels, your muscle cells begin to store glucose as glycogen for later use when you are fasting. Which of the following enzymes is primarily responsible for the switch from ATP production to glycogen storage?


An individual consumes a large amount of glucose during breakfast. If the individual has normal metabolism, this consumption should result in which of the following conditions?

Enhanced glycogen synthase activity in muscle

By a simple transamination reaction, intermediates in glycolysis or the Kreb's Cycle can be converted in one step to all of these amino acids, except


Carnitine acyltransferase is located in the mitochondrial

inner membrane.

Considering the figure below, what compound would be formed by action of acyl-CoA dehydrogenase?

Dihydroxyacetone phosphate (DHAP) is converted to glyceraldehydes-3-phosphate by the enzyme triose isomerase to continue the reactions of glycolysis. The delta-G for this reaction is +0.6 making it readily reversible. Under what circumstances would you want to reverse this reaction?

To transfer electrons from cytosolic NADH to FAD by glycerol-3-phosphate in the inner mitochondrial membrane.

Each round of β-oxidation of a saturated fatty acyl-CoA produces _____.

1 NADH, 1 QH2, 1 acetyl-CoA

Fatty acid catabolism is called β-oxidation, since the second or β carbon from the carboxyl group is the site of oxidation.


Fatty acids are oxidized in the

mitochondrial matrix

Glycogen synthesis and catabolism begin and end, respectively, with glucose-6-phosphate. Which of the following enzymes is required for both synthesis and catabolism of glycogen?


How many NAD+ are reduced in the degradation of palmitoyl-CoA to form eight molecules of acetyl-CoA?


How many QH2 and NADH are produced by one round of the -oxidation pathway?

1 each

How many cycles of -oxidation are required to completely process a saturated C18 fatty acid?


If the carbonyl carbon of a fatty acyl CoA molecule with a C10 chain is labeled with 14C, how many rounds of -oxidation are required to produce a radioactively labeled acetyl CoA?


In the β-oxidation pathway, the oxidation occurs at carbon _____ with the acetyl group that becomes acetyl-CoA derived from the _____ end of the fatty acid.

In the β-oxidation pathway, the oxidation occurs at carbon 3 with the acetyl group that becomes acetyl-CoA derived from the carbonyl end of the fatty acid.

Long-chain fatty acids (>16 carbons) are transported into cells using fatty acid transport proteins. After entering the cytosol, reverse transport of the fatty acids is prevented by

being conjugated with coenzyme-A through an acyl linkage.

Oxidation of 1 mole of the fatty acid 14:1 will generate how many moles of acetyl CoA?


Oxidation of 1 mole of the fatty acid C18:1Δ6 will generate how many moles of acetyl CoA?


Palmitic acid, with 16 carbons, requires 8 cycles of β-oxidation to produce 8 acetyl-CoA.


Polymerization of glucose by glycogen synthase to form glycogen occurs through

energy contributed by hydrolysis of UDP-glucose.

The carrier molecule which transports fatty acids through the inner mitochondrial membrane is


The enzyme activity catalyzing the reaction shown is best termed a


The first three reactions of the β-oxidation cycle of fatty acids produce

one mole each of NADH and FADH2

The oxidation of fatty acids is best described by which of the following sets of reactions?

Oxidation, hydration, oxidation, carbon-carbon bond breaking

The processing of one molecule of stearic acid (18 carbons) by β-oxidation

requires 8 cycles of β-oxidation and produces 9 molecules of acetyl-CoA.

The reactions involved in β-oxidation of fatty acids include the following:

3 → 2 → 4 → 1

There are four steps in the -oxidation pathway. Some reaction types are listed below. Give the proper reaction types in the order that they occur in the -oxidation pathway.

2, 5, 2, 4

Transport of free fatty acids from the cytoplasm to the mitochondrial matrix requires

ATP, carnitine, coenzyme A.

Two critical hormones that signal for glycogen breakdown are:

glucagon and epinephrine.

What amino acid is attached to the pyridoxal-5′-phosphate in a typical transaminase?


What are the β-oxidation products of stearic acid, a saturated fatty acid with 18 carbons?

8 NADH, 8 QH2, 9 acetyl-CoA

What are the products of the following transamination reaction?

glutamate; pyruvate

What is the product of fatty acid activation?


What transport system moves activated fatty acids from the cytosol to the mitochondrial matrix?

carnitine shuttle

What type of reaction is used to deaminate most amino acids?


When amino acids are catabolized for use in energy producing pathways, which of the following reactions must occur first for the majority of amino acids?

Transmination reaction requiring pyridoxal phosphate

Where in the cell does β-oxidation occur?

Mitochondrial matrix.

Which group of small molecules best fit the boxes associated with the reaction shown?


Which lipid form is transported across the inner mitochondrial membrane before -oxidation?


Which of the following best explains the chain of events that occurs when glucagon binds to its receptor?

activation of G protein, activation of adenylate cyclase, production of cAMP, activation of protein kinase A

Which of the following citric acid cycle intermediates can be converted to aspartate via transamination?


Which of the following is a true statement for fatty acid oxidation?

Both NADH and QH2 are produced.

Which of the following is not an advantage of fatty acids as a form of energy storage?

Storage of fats in muscle tissue makes it readily available for use during activity.

Which of the following statements concerning β-oxidation of fatty acids is false?

Initiation occurs at the methyl end of the fatty acid.

Why is it undesirable to have high concentrations of free fatty acids in cells?

They are amphipathic and act as detergents that can degrade membranes.