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139 Cards in this Set

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Living matter is characterized by (5)

1. High degree of complexity/organization

2. Extraction, transformation and systemic use of energy to create and maintain structures and to do work

3. Interactions of individual components are dynamic and coordinated

4. Ability to sense and response to changes in surrounding

5. A capacity for fairly precise self-replication while allowing enough change for evolution

realistic representation of proteins in cytosol

Full of protein so all of these reactions are constantly taking place in a very crowded cell

The Genome

Includes ____ chromosomes (humans)

The complete genetic endowment of an organism (all DNA even mitochondrial)

46 chromosomes

Correlation between genome size and complexity

Poor, being more complex doesn't mean you have more chromosomes (some plants have more chromosomes or more DNA than humans)

Of all DNA ______ codes for proteins



expressed sequences (translated into amino acid sequences)


regions of genes that are transcribed but not translated

Introns are removed

after transcription and the exon mRNA sequences are spliced together

Almost _____ % of the genome are transposons

_____% of the genome is introns



What are transposons

sequences that can move within the genome

(not all 50% are moving at once, 50% are transposons or transposon remnants)



simple sequence repeats

Short sequences (10bp or less)

repeated millions of times

Much of SSRs are associated with _____

centromeres and telomeres

Centromeres are

where proteins attach during mitosis

(region where two daughter chromosomes are held together during mitosis)

-after DNA replication but before cell division

essential for equal distribution of chromosome sets to daughter cells

Function of telomere sequence

Carried out by _____

caps the end of the eukaryotic chromosomes

added by enzyme telomerase (not present in some cells causes aging)

Miscellaneous unique sequences

multiple random things that silence other genes

Eukaryotic DNA is organized ______

with proteins into a complex called chromatin

Describe the 46 chromosomes of humans

22 pairs (diploid)

plus X or Y

length varies

How is DNA found in the cell

never naked always associated with proteins

Humans have about ____ length of DNA per cell

2 meters

first step of DNA compaction

DNA is supercoiled (coiled and then the coil is coiled)

When not super coiled called ______

Supercoiling has great influence on _______

and is ______


has great influence on and is greatly influenced by transcription and replication of DNA

Supercoiling is highly regulated

What regulates the coiling of DNA?


2 types of topoisomerases?

Type I: makes a transient cut in one DNA strand

Type II: make a transient cut in both DNA strands

______ are used as antibiotics and for _____

topoisomerase inhibitors and for cancer because this enzyme is so important for replication. Without it, bacteria can't grow and cancer can't replicated

How does topoisomerase function?

twists the DNA and changes the tension on the DNA

Partial unfolding on DNA reveals _____

bead on a string

What are the bead made of in DNA wrapping?

146 bp of DNA wrapped around 8 histones.

Linker between beads on a string DNA length

54 bp bound to histone H1

Purpose of histone tails

Interact with other histones, proteins or DNA some of the most modified peptides in excistence. Methylated, carboxylated, glycosylated... ect. Modifications change the function of the histone.

_____ has a profound effect on DNA- related processes

Hostone location, histone variants, and histone trail modifications and have a profound effect on DNA-related processes

Nucleosome formation compacts DNA ____fold

7 fold

Overall compaction of DNA is _____ fold

10K fold

After nucleosome formation what is the next level of structure?


30nm fiber strands of histones are then coiled

then these coils are arranged into higher ordered structures. Not totally understood

How does the structure of 30 nm fiber forming a higher order structure appear to work?

Appears to involve a loop of DNA associating with a scaffold of proteins

How does the DNA appear in nondividing state, and interphase

Chromatin is amorphous

How does the DNA appear in mitosis?

Chromosomes become condensed, pairs of sister chromatids

3 characters of DNA metabolism

A new copy of DNA is synthesized with high fidelity before each cell division

Errors arise during/after DNA synthesis are constantly checked for, repairs are made.

Segments of DNA are rearranged either within a chromosome or between two DNA molecules, giving a novel DNA (recombination)



Synthesize DNA by adding nucleotides to a strand

Different polymerases perform different tasks

Leading strand, okasaki fragment synthesis, primer synthesis, DNA repair




Degrade DNA by cutting the backbone

Also called Dnases or Rnases

2 types: Exonucleases and endonucleases


remove nucleotides from the ends of DNA


Cleave bones within a DNA sequence

DNA helicases

Enzyme that separates DNA strand

DNA ligases

Seal nicks in the DNA backbone

DNA synthesis is _____

semi conservative

(each new DNA strand has one old parent strand and one new daughter strand)

Synthesis of DNA always occurs by addition of new nucleotides to the ____ end


synthesis is done 5' to 3' end (of parent)

Synthesis of leading vs lagging strand

The leading strand is made continuously as the replication fork advances

The lagging strand is made discontinuously in short pieces that are later joined together

Incoming DNA is a ______ which is needed for _____

triphosphate needed for engery of addition

______ enzyme is involved in DNA synthesis

DNA polymerase

Add new nucleotide to the _____ which ______

3' hydroxylgroup which attacks the phosphate and the other 2 phosphtes leave as pyrophosphate

How is the right pair formed in DNA synthesis

Bonding is favored and geometery of polymerase favors correct pairs

How many lesions in DNA? how many become mutations?

thousands per day but only 1/1000 becomes mutation because of DNA repair

Majority of DNA lesions are corrected using ____

the undamaged strand as a template

Human genome contains genes for over _____ repair proteins


What is a mutation?

Bases escape repair and an incorrect base serves as template in replication, now both strands have incorrect base pair

What can happen with mutations?

Nothing (many silent)

Compromise cellular function

change cellular function

change regulation

Location of mutation matters

germline cell (will get passed to offspring)

somatic cell (will maybe effect organism but not get passed on)

Cancer caused by _____

mutations (usually multiple)

Are all mutations as dangerous or risky?


not all mutations are equally cancerous

BCRA1 &2 (breast cancer causing agent)

Ames test

Uses salmonella strain with a mutation that makes bacterium unable to synthesize histidine add compound and see if bacteria grows in histidine free medium (means mutation occured)

Ring occurs if strong carcinogen because causes too many mutations in high concentration


incorporation of incorrect nucleotides

Abnormal bases

spontaneous deamination, chemical alkylation or exposure to free radicals

Pyrimidine dimers

UV exposure

Backbone lesions

Exposure to ionizing radiation, free radicals

Types of DNA repair


Mismatch repair

Direct repair

Base excision

Nucleotide excision

Error-prone translesion DNA synthesis

Recombination repair

1st line of DNA for damaged DNA

DNA repair proofreading

Without exonuclease activity DNA polymerase

is far less accurate

DNA polymerase proof read from ___ to ___

called _____ activity

3' to 5'

called exonuclease activity

If polymerase adds wrong base _________

translocation to next position is inhibited, 3' to 5' exonuclease activity removes incorrect nucleotide and polymerase begins again.

How does DNA mismatch repair work?

Special proteins recognize and bind mismatched base pairs (due to changed geometry)

Nucleotides from the newer strand and DNA is resynthesized using the parent strand as a template

How does the cell know which strand is the parent strand during mismatch repair

In bacteria parent strand is methylated

In humans not quite sure but it has a method

Direct repair

Directly repairs abnormal bases

Specific enzyme for each repairable base

Fixes bases that have been methylated

these proteins are sacrificed (one time use)

Base Excision Repair

DNA glycosylases recognize specific lesions (cleave bond between surgar and base, leaves the sugar and phosphate)

Then DNA polymerase adds a few new bases, and DNA ligase seals the strand

Nucleotide excision

Large distortions in DNA are repaired by nucleotide excision

Exinuclease come in and nick both sides, helicase removes the small section with the lesion, DNA polyermase adds right base pair and DNA ligase seals

In nucleotide excision _____ base nicks in bacteria

____ in eukaryotes

13 in bacteria

29 in eukaryotes

What happens when there is no undamaged DNA to use as a template

1. Repair using another chromosome as template (recombination)

2. Error prone translesion synthesis

What happens if DNA is already separated and find lesion in single stranded DNA?

the other side is already replicated, there is no template strand to work with, template fork will stall and will sometimes collapse

1. repair using another chromosome (recombination)

2. Error prone translesion

Error prone translesion synthesis

Most ______

Most recognize specific types of damage and have appropriate response

Most are limited to short regions of DNA minimizing mutagenic potential

These unqiue polymerases are good at adding nucleotides to damaged DNA

2 ways segments of DNA can rearrange their location

Within a chromosome

From one chromosome to another

3 classes of recombination

Homologous/General recombination

Site Specific recombination

DNA transposition

Homologous/general recombination

Exchange between two DNAs that share an extended region of similar sequence (homology) site of recombination does not matter

Site specific recombination

exchange DNA only at a particular sequence

DNA transposistion

Jumping genes: short DNAs that can move from one DNA location to another

3 functions of Homologous Recombination

Repair DNA when no template strand is available

Segregation of chromosome pairs in meiosis

Enhance genetic diversity in meiosis


when diploid germ cells divide into produce haploid cells

benefits of recombination in sister chromosomes during meiosis

Creates tension when chromosomes are pulled apart and ensures proper chromosome segregation


wrong # chromosomes

What can cause anupoloidy

Improper alignment

Meiosis in females

long term process with an extended suspended animation phase

Start meiosis in fetal stage, chormosomes align and cross over then stop (more likely cross over will not work and have anupolidy with age)

Inversion or deletion _____

occurs if recombination sites are on the same DNA

Intermolecular recombination occurs _____

Occurs if recmobination sites are on different DNAs

Transposons carry _____

genes for transposases, but some can contain extra genes (cut and paste or copy and paste)


enzymes that binds end of transposon and catalyzed movement to another part of the genome

Transposaes usually makes ______ and then ____

makes staggered cuts in the target sits

so not only do you add transposon but you add gaps and polymerase will come fill in.

Replication fills in the gaps, duplicating the sequence flanking the transposon

Immunoglobin genes assemble by ____


Each chain of antibody has

variable and constant regions

_____ produces different antibodies


Gene duplication benefit

duplicate so one can mutate and gain extra function

Evolution of Eukaryotes

First were anerobic then engluf bacteria that is aerobic genes from this travel to nucleus and endosymbiont becomes mitochondria then engulf cyanobacteria then DNA travels to nucleus and endosymbiont becomes choloroplast

How was the human genome sequenced?

Used BAC plasmids and sanger sequencing

What are BAC vectors?

A special plasmid that can accommodate up to 300,000 base pairs

After incorporating the DNA into the BAC then what?

introduced into bacteria where they can be screened and replicated

Plasmids are

small DNA circles that can replicate in bacteria

How do you get DNA into plasmids/

DNA fragments from genomic DNA are mixed with cut plasmids and ligated together

What is needed for sanger sequencing reaction?

DNA template (DNA want to sequence)

Primer (to start polymerase going)

DNA polymerase (to replicate new DNA)


ddNTPs (fluorscently labeled)

How do you ensure that the right part of the plasmid with be sequenced with sanger?

Come up with special primer that matched the BAC DNA right where you made the insertion so polymerase will start right where the inserted DNA starts

why do ddNTPs stop sequencing

each base is fluorescently labeled with different color. You add to the 3' OH carbon, ddNTP doesn't have this hydroxyl group on the 3' carbon so nothing can be added

What is the point of the primer for sanger sequencing?

Most polymerases cannot replicate a single strand of DNA needs a little start of double strand (primer) special polymerases make the primer and then other polymerases extend from the primer

how is the majority of genome sequencing now done?

reversible terminator sequencing

Reverisble terminor sequencing also called/

Illumina sequncing or next generation sequencing

Describe next generation sequencing

Take all fragments of DNA and bind one end to a slide with other end floating around then take primer. Only use fluorescent dNTPs with blocking groups, polymerase only adds one base to each strand. take picture of slide, read put chemicals in to clear blocking group and each round get one more basepair

Each dNTP in next gen sequencing has ____

dNTP fluorophore and blocking group that can be removed

Original cost of sequencing vs now?

price change due to

2.7 billion now $999

due to next generation sequencing

What did we learn about protein coding genes when sequenced human genome

Originally thought we had more genes that we had

thought 35,000-100,000

Now know 21,000

Why can we make so many proteins with a much smaller amount of genes

90% of protein coding regions are subject to alternative splicing

What we learned about transposons when sequencing the genome

Before thought junk DNA

Sequenced and found a whole lot of "junk DNA"

now know that transposons might drive some evolution, jumping around and sometimes taking other DNA with them may change regulatory elements and lead to evolution

What we learned from non-coding regions of DNA when sequencing

Before: protein coding regions were conserved

Now know 6% of sequences well conserved but only 1.5% of that is protein coding

Issue with conserved DNA

Conserved DNA is DNA that is very similar between species. We though that protein sequences would be the most conversed before the human genome project but only 1/4 of conserved is protein coding.

These other areas could be promotors, regulatory regions, insulators, noncoding RNA

What we learned about non-coding RNA after genome sequence

RNA that gets transcribed but not translated, after sequencing realize much more than we thought

Micro RNA

Regulate transcription of coding RNAs

Linc RNA

ling intergenic noncoding RNA : unclear function many smaller parts with important function?

What we learned about evolution after sequencing the genome

Before thought protein coding mutations lead to evolution now

More "evolution in conserved non-coding regions

What can we do with genome known?

Comparitive genomics

Improve methodologies (gene mapping and discovery, cloning, primer design, genetic manipulation)

Create new methodologies (genome wide association studies, RNA-seq, CHIP-seq, chromosome conformation capture

Make maps

Comparing genomes

Conserved vs. homolog vs. paralog vs. ortholog

Conserved: very similar across many species

Homolog: gene wither easily detectable sequence similarity

Paralog: homolog within same species (think gene duplication)

Ortholog (homolog in a different species, could have the same function in each species)

How does knowing genomes of humans and other animals allow us to figure out what makes us human

Figure out the unique parts of our DNA that are different from the majority of our ancestors

______ help identify changes within the human lineage



out groups such as orangutan because if you just compare human and chip and get to a different base pair then you don't know if the T makes humans unique or if the G is what makes chimps unique and everyone else has a T

Accelarated evolution identified in _____

regulatory sequences

Most other mammals have similar sequence different by 1 or 2 BP and for humans changed a lot (which changed the way our brain developed)

Humans accelerated genome

regions of genome that are much different between humans and other species

Humans differ from each other by

1/1000 bp

Vast majority of human genetic variation

are inherited they do not arise spontaneously in an individual


Single nucleotide polymorphism (variation in single bp in genome)


Particular version of a gene

Most human genome variants with frequency of _____ have been discovered


____% of SNPs in an individual are represented in current databases



many times genes are inherited together from a parent. Basically you can look at a few SNPs and infer what most of your variations in that region are because of recombination things that are close together are usually inherited together

Genome project and mendelian diseases

Compared haplotypes of non effected people vs effected people which help determine where a particular gene that causes disease is located

Linking SNPs to disease can

identify genes

genome wide association studies

Take all common SNPs and you look t what SNPs all different individuals have. 4000 have disease, 6000 don't you can figure out for multifactorial diseases if 55% of people who have G have disease and 40% of non infected people have G then know having G somewhat increases risk


analysis of how genetic makeup affects an individuals response to drugs

Discovery of a new cancer gene helps us

understand mechanisms and direct therapeutic efforts