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10 Cards in this Set

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Oxygen Requirements
Fluid Thioglycollate Medium

Media contains: glucose, cystine, and sodium thioglycollate

resazurin turns media pink in presence of oxygen

Aerobe- top of media
Facultative- throughout
Anaerobe- bottom of media
Gelatin Liquefaction Test
Nutrient Gelatin

used to determine organisms ability to produce gelatinase, which liquifies gelatin

Positive- gelatin is liquefied
Negative- gelatin is solid
Carbohydrate Fermentation
Glucose, Lactose, Mannitol, Maltose and Sucrose Broths

Used to determine the organisms ability to ferment a specific carbohydrate with or without the production of gas

Phenol red is used as an indicator in the media

Fermentation causes acid

Positive- Media turns yellow (acidic)
Negative- Media stays red (stays neutral)
Methyl Red Test
Used to determine the organisms ability to produce mixed acid and products from glucose fermentation

formic acid--formic hydrogen lyase--> CO2+ H2

Positive- red color develops
Negative- yellow color develops
Voges-Proskauer Test
Used to determine the organisms ability to produce acetoin, 2,3 butanediol, and ethanol which cause less lowering of the pH than methyl red postive organisms

add 18 drops of Barritt's Solution A and 18 drops of Barritt's Solution B
agitate for 1-2 min, sit 30 min

positive- wine red
negative- brown color
Catalase Test
Tryptic Soy Agar slant

Used to test for the presence of enzyme catalase. It decomposes peroxide. Obligate anaerobes and aerotolerant bacteria lack this enzyme.

add 3 drops of H202 (peroxide)

Positive- bubbling (02 gas is liberated from h202)
negative- no bubbling
Oxidase Test
Tryptic Soy Agar Slant

Used to determine the presence of oxidase enzyme. Obligate aerobes have this enzyme to oxidize various substrates through the cytochrome oxidase system.

Touch with sterile swab, add oxidase test reagent to swab
10-30 sec.

postive- change from yellow to purple
Negative- no color change
Nitrate Reductase Test
Nitrate Broth

Used to determine the organisms ability to reduce nitrate (NO3) to nitrite(NO2) or nitrogen gas (n2) by nitrase

boil and cool media, add 5 drops nitrate reagent A (Sulfanilic acid) and 5 drops of nitrate reagent B (Dimethyl alpha naphthalamine)

Postive- red color, nitrate reduced to nitrite
Negative- no color change- do confirmation test by adding small pinch of zinc powder:
postive: no color change, organism reduced nitrate to nitrogen gas
negative: red color, nitrate reuced zinc, not the organism
Starch Hydrolysis
Starch Agar Plate

Used to determine the ability of an organism to break down starch by amylase

drop small amount of IKI onto plate

Positive- zone of clearing around streak line
Negative- no clearing
Casein Hydrolysis
Skim Milk Agar

Used to determine organisms ability to produce the enzyme caseinase which breaks down casein (white powder in milk) to more soluble products

positive- zone of clearing around streak line
negative- no clearing