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43 Cards in this Set

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beta-adrenergic amines, glucagon, PTH
alpha-adrenergic amines, NT, Ach
Gat (mechanism)
Rhodopsin[=] light

increase cGMP phosphodiesterase

increase cGMP

ion channels close
Intrinsic TK receptors
EGF, IGF-1/2, insulin
Non-intrinsic TK receptors
GH, prolactin cytokines
Cytokine Trasnduction system
non-intrinsitc TK rec.

(w/ GH and prolactin)
Insulin Transduction system
Intrinsic TK Rec.

(w/ IGF-1/2, EGF)
Signal Transduction System for Prolactin
non-intrinsic TK rec.


-->STAT dimerizes to go to nucleus and act as a transcription factor

(also used by GH and cytokines)
Signal transduction system for IGF-1/2
same as for insulin and EGF

1. Intrinsic TK autophosphorylates
a. GRB-->Ras system-->MAP kinases
b. PLC-y-->IP3 + DAG ---> Ca2+ and PKC
c. PI3-K -->PIP2---(phosphorylation)-->PIP3 ---> protein kinase cascade
Signal Transduction System for Intrinsic TK rec.
(IGF-1/2, EGF, insulin)

1. PLC-->IP3 + DAG --> Ca2+ and PKC

2. Grb--> Ras system-->MAP kinases

3. PI3-K-->PIP2--(phorphorylation)-->PIP3----->protein kinase cascade
Natiuretic Peptide Signal Transduction Pathway
Guanalate Cyclase activation-----> increased cGMP----> activatio nof PKG
3 ways a G-PCR can be inactivated
1. ligand stops bonding to receptor

2. GTPase binds Ga[=]GDP

3. phosphorylate the cytoplasmic side of the G-PCR--> G-PCR[=] beta-arrestin, and inactivate regardless of ligand binding
will bind to phosphorylated G-PCR and inactivate regardless of ligand binding

decreases released GH from anterior pituitary
GH biological actions (general)
-->insulin resistance
stimulate lipolysis and FFA oxidation, stimulate liver gluconeogenesis, inhibits muscle glucose uptake

stimulate bone growth, protein synthesis, soft tissue growth
GH actions (Biochemical)
increase acetoacyl CoA, citrate, and ATP--> activate pyruvate decarboxylase

--->increase Acetoacyl CoA, citrate, and ATP----> decrease PFK-1 and pyruvate dehydrogenase-------> increase glucose-6-phosphate------> decrease hexokinase
GH actions on:
Pyruvate dehydrogenase

Pyrivate decarboxylase
Pyruvate dehydrogenase--> decreased (along with PFK-1)

Pyruvate decarboxylase---> increase activity
How GH decreases Glycolysis:
increase Acetoacyl CoA, citrate, and ATP

decrease PFK-1 and pyruvate dehydrogenase

increase glucose-6-phosphate

decrease hexokinase
Laron's Syndrome
-->resistance to GH

-->treat with IGF-1
IGF-1 Effects
--> stimulates muscle glycolysis
-->increases muscle uptake of insulin
-->stimulates protein synthesis, bone, muscle cartilage

(insulin-like metabolic effects and growth promotion of GH)

***liver and adipose tissue have very few IGF-1 Receptors***
Excessive Production of GH (Causes and Treatment)
1. Gigantism and Acromegaly--> commonly a mutation in Gas (rec. for GnRH) constitutively turning on GH production

2. Laron's Syndrome-->resistance to GH (treat with IGF-1)
GH Deficiency (Causes and Treatment)
-->mutations in GnRH or receptor, pituitary damage

--> Diagnostic: low serum GH, low serum IGF-1//2
***response to GH still intact***

-->give GH (but be damn sure that's what it is)
Type II-Diabetes and GH/IGF
-->never give GH

-->can give IGF
Catabolic Illnesses/ Negative Nitrogen balance and GH/IGF
-->administer both GH and IGF

-->full anabolic affects with glucose effects offset
Ostopenia / osteoporosis and GH/ IGF
-->IGF will assist PTH in bone deposition
Detection of exogenous GH and abuse
-->GH released in pulsitile manner

-->better to judge IGF-1 and IGFBP3

-->local gene injection makes impossible to detect due to localized response (no serum elevation)
Cholesterol synthesis
Acetyl CoA <-----all carbons from here

Acetoacyl CoA



Isopentyl PPi

2x Isopentyl PPI --->> Dimethyl Phosphate

Dimethyl Phosphate + 2x Isopentyll PPI ---> Farnestryl PPI

2x Farnestryl PPI--->Squalene

Squalene + O2 --->Lanosterol

Commited Step in CHolesterol SYnthesis
HMG-CoA -----(HMG Reductase)----> Melvalonate
Regulation of HMG-Reductase
1. SREBP moves from ER to nucleus to activate HMG transcription when cholesterol low

2. Membrane portion of HMG-Reductase will change conformation to activate proteolytic destruction when cholesterol metabolites high

3. Activity decreased by AMP-active Kinase (phosphorylation)
-->HMG-Reductase inhibitor

-->will increase LDL receptors
Bile Salt synthesis
Cholesterol ---(7a-hydroxylase--> 7a-Cholesterol

7a-cholesterol---(P450 monooxidases)-->Cholyl CoA

Cholyl Co will join with
1. Glycine---> Glycocholate (major product)
2. Taurine----> Taurocholate (minor product)
List in order intermediates of cholesterol biosynthesis
Acetyl CoA
Acetoacyl CoA
Isopentyl PPI
Dimethyl Phosphate
Farnesrtyl PPi
Structure of bile salts

-->solublize dietary lipids

-->same structure but the carbon tail has hydrophilic tail
Cholesterol esters
-->less soluble than cholesterol
-->more easily transported in lipoproteins, stored in liver

Cellular uptake of cholesterol
(LDL)-APO-B100[=] clathrin-coated pits

endocytosis-->fusion with lysosome--> degredation

released unesterified cholesterols
1. used in membrane synthesis
2. ACAT will esterify for storage or VLDL synthesis (liver)

***LDL receptor returned to membrane****
Internalized Cholesterol Effects on Regulation
1. Decreases HMG-Reductase activity

2. Decrease LDL Recepor synthesis via inhibition of mRNA

3. Activation of ACAT
Structure of LDL Receptor
-->cyteine-rich residues = LDL-binding domain

-->homologous EGF domains and 6 blades of transducin units

-->O-linked glycosylated region= stablized rec. in membrane

-->hydrophopic (mem. region) and cytoplasmic tail (interacts with clathrin)
Effects of ADH on target tissues (with rec)
ADH [----Gas-PCR------] principle cells (collecting ducts)
---->increase Aquaporin-2 synthesis

ADH [-----Gaq-PCR-----] vascular smooth muscle
Angiotensin II on target tissues (with rec.)
AngII [-----Gq-PCR------] vascular smooth muscle

AngII [----Gq-PCR----] Zona Glomerulosa
-->secretion of Aldoseterone (increase Na+ absorption)
ANP/ ANF on target tissues with rec.
ANF [-----Guanalate Cyclase----] vascular smooth muscle

ANF[-----Guanalate Cyclase----] Zona Glomerulosa
-->decrease Aldosterone secretion