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33 Cards in this Set

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What are the advantages of breast feeding for the mother?
Less breast cancer, Weight loss, faster uterus recovery(size), and less expensive and is convenient
What are the advantages of breast feeding to the child?
Less food allergies
Lower BP in childhood
Fewer infections
Enhanced neural development
Dietary variety
Easily digested
Promotes eating in moderation
Children are leaner
Helps formation of teeth and jaws
What is the function of oxytocin in lactation? How is it stimulated?
Promotes contraction of myoepithelial cells that causes milk release

Suckling stimulates release from hypothalmus, also higher centers stimulated by infant cry
What is the function of prolactin in lactation? How is it stimulated?
Stimulates milk production is mammary alveoli

released by hypothalmus in response to suckling
What is the milk called that is produced the first few days after birth? Benefits vs non-human milk?
Colostrum. Stimulates meconium=first infant feces

Has 2x protein and is rich in antibodies
How can human milk composition vary?
Varies by mother, time of day, stage of lactation, time into feeding(Foremilk, midmilk, hindmilk)
What are the functions of Lactose as a human milk component?
Major carbohydrate used by infants: Glucose and galactose at brush border
Supplies glucose needed for fetal CNS function
What are the functions of Lactase as a human milk component?
Fetal GI lacks lactase so this helps with digestion in the beginning. Lactase expression goes up untill 4 weeks after birth
Describe the bacterial colonization of the infant gut and its effect on Ca++ absorbtion
GI steril at birth, gets bacteria from mother. Carbs are fermented by bacteria making lactic acid environment good for lactobacillus(crowds out pathogens) and increasing solubility of Ca for paracellular absorbtion
How much of the caloric demand of infants is supplied by milk? Why is high calorie density needed for infants?
50%, low stomach volume
What are the fat content of human milk at different feeding times?
Formilk-Low 60% of feeding
Midmilk-Mid 35% of feeding
Hindmilk-high 5% of feeding
How do infants digest lipoproteins (lipid source) in milk? What do they preferentially hydrolyze?
Lingual and gastric lipase. --preference for short and med chain FA's
Pancreatic lipase is 10% of adult so milk has Bile salt-stimulated Lipase(BSSL). Hydrolyzes TAGs
What are the functions of PUFAs in human milk?
O-3 DHA and EPA are incorporated in to lipid bilayers of CNS and retina.
What are the 2 types of protein constituents of human milk?
Casein, whey
What are the functions of Casein and whey in human milk?
Casein provides calcium and phosphate and curd in stomach to slow gastric emptying.

Whey- stays in solution in the stomach to deliver vital proteins in SI= α-lactalbumin, lactoferrin, secretory IgA, lysozyme
What are the functions of lactalbumin, lactoferrin, and Secretory IgA in milk?
Lactalbumin has no function
Lactoferrin sucks up iron in Fetal GI to impede pathogens
Secretory IgA bind microbes in GI(do not cross BBM)
What are the components of colostrum that aid in health GI development of infant?
40-60% of colostrum cells are macrophages the rest is leukocytes and lymphocytes. Destroys pathogenic bacteria
How does whey stimulate GI growth?
Has growth modulators (ie EGF and Nerve GF)
What is the function of lysozyme in whey?
lysozyme may hydrolyze the pollysaccharide coat of gram neg bacteria
What are the benefits of HMO?
Human milk oligosaccharide

contains prebiotic factors like Bifidus factor that encourage growth of natural flora

HMO competetively binds to pathogenic bacteria(they want to attach to enterocytes) so they will be lost in stool
What are the minerals in human milk? How do they compare with levels in human milk?
Calcium, phosphate, sodium, and iron. The levels are all lower than cows milk. Iron in human milk is more bioavailable though
WHy is vitamin K a concern in new borns?
Breast milk is low in Vit. K and fetal instestinal flora doesn't make enough. Vit K given to prevent VK deficiency bleeding.
What flavors can infants taste at birth?
sweet, bitter, umami

When is it best to feed infants formula?
After 6 months infants show increased growth compared to infants on breast milk for one year
What is the purpose of having vegatable oil in formula?
supplies short and med chain fatty acids
What are the disadvantages to formula?
Lack any of the immune support properties, digestibilty, hormones or active enzymes
Why are formulas iron and vitamin C fortified?
Because the iron is less bioavailable so it is added. In addition Vit C increases bioavailability.
When is soy formula used?
When the infant is lactose intolerant. Casein and lactose replaced by soy protein and sucrose.
When infant is intolerant to cows milk
Infant has galactosemia(galactose intolerance)
What are the 2 types of lactose intolerance in infants?
primary=congenital lactase deficiency(rare)
Secondary=lack of lactase due to diarrhea episode
Why is Calcium and methionine added to soy formula?
Soy protein is lower quality and lack methionine

Calcium is less bioavailable due to lack of lactose and casein
What is an immunological disadvantage to using soy?
Sucrose that is added in place of lactose doesn't give prebiotic support
What are the nutritional needs of premature infants that must be addressed?
More glucose in formula b\c 50% less lactase than normal

More calorie dense formula due to smaller stomach
List reasons that cows milk is NOT reccomended before one year of age?
-High in minerals that increase renal load leading to diarrhea, dehydration and vomiting
-Increase risk of developing milk allergy
-Low Fe availibility due to high Ca++
-Too high in protein
-poorly digested fat
-gastrointestinal bleeding