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64 Cards in this Set

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Glycogen synthesis is called
What tissues are insulin independent?
Lens of eye
What main tissues are insulin sensitive?
Most tissues including adipose and muscles
Summarize the action of GLUT4 transporters in the presence of insulin in the blood
Insulin binds to its receptor, the activated receptor causes GLUT4 recruitment to cell membrane, vesicles containing GLUT4 transporters fuse with membrane and cause an increase in glucose uptake into cell, transporters are moved out of membrane and into cytoplasm when insulin levels drop, vesicles housing GLUT4's close and become endosomes until recruited again
All diabetes group of disorders are characterized by

Type I: absolute deficiency
Type II: relative deficiency (can even be normal at first onset)
What step involving glucose is involved in all glucose utilization pathways?
Transfer of terminal phosphate group from ATP to glucose, forming G6P

G6P will not be taken up by transporters, ensuring it will stay in cell for further metabolism
What are the 4 characteristics of Hexokinase? Glucokinase?
Km = 0.1mM
Constitutive - not induced
In general tissues
Inhibited by G6P

Km = 10mM
Induced by insulin
Used by liver
Not inhibited by G6P
How does Hexokinase create facilitated transport of glucose by phosphorylation?
Glucose --> G6P causes [glucose] inside cell to be less, therefore creating favorable gradient for continued influx
What molecule causes inactivation of GK?
Fructose 6-phosphate

Although not inhibited by G6P similar to Hexokinase, F6P concentraions can cause GK to translocate into the nucleus, bind to it's regulatory protein, and become inhibited. Glucose will cause the GK to translocate from the regulatory protein when glucose concentrations are higher than F6P and glucose needs converted
Where is glucokinase found?
How does G6P convert to G1P?
The phosphate on G6P is tranferred to the carbon-1 position yielding G1P via an enzyme called phosphoglucomutase
What does phosphoglucomutase do?
Causes intramolecular transfer of a group from one position to another
The only step common between glycogen synthesis and breakdown is:
G6P to G1P
What energy is required per molecule of glucose for gycogenesis?
2 total energy subunits, 1 for phosphorylation of glucose (UTP) and one to regenerate UTP from UDP + ATP
Summarize glycogenesis, beginning with glucose (include enzymes)
Terminal P on ATP transferred to glucose --> G6P (hexo/glucokinase) --> P on 6-carbon transferred to 1-carbon (phosphoisomutase) --> UTP is broken to yield a UDP connected to the G1P, UDPG, and the 2 pyrophosphate leftover from UTP conversion is hydrolyzed to yield Pi --> UDP is released and 2 glucose molecules become linked with an alpha-1,4 bond at the reducing end of the glycogen primer (glycogen synthase) --> UTP is regenerated from UDP via utilization of ATP to ADP (nucleotide diphosphokinase)
What protein is used on the reducing end of the glycogen primer?
How does the glycogen primer become activated or usable for glycogenesis without previous glucose attachments?
OH oh tyrosine or serine residues act as initial site for glucose addition. Glycogenin is capable of autoglucosylation and catalyzes the transfer of glucose from UDPG and be further elongated via GS (glycogen synthase)
Summarize branch formation during glycogenesis
5-8 glucose residues linked alpha-1.4 are cleaved via glucosyl-4:6 transferase and reattached at the interior via alpha-1,6 bond
What enzyme cleaves glucose segments to replace them internally for branching?
Glucosyl-4:6 transferase
Known as the 'branching enzyme'
How far apart can branching be in glycogen formation?
4 residues away
What is the purpose of branching in glycogen?
More non-reducing ends allows more enzymes to access and increases frequently of glycogen formation and breakdown
Why is glucose stored in the form of glycogen rather than individual molecules?
Glucose is highly osmotic whereas glycogen is not. Too much glucose storage can lead to cell lysis due to excess water uptake
The degradation of glycogen is termed
The first cleavage in glyconeolysis is cleavage of what bond?
The terminal alpha-1,4 bond via glycogen phosphorylase and phosphorylation of that glucose molecule with Pi
T/F the first step in glycogenolysis requires ATP?
False - the glucose molecule is phosphorylated with Pi to yield G1P
What does glycogen phosphorylase do?
Catalyzes sequential removal of glucose from nonreducing end of glycogen to form G1P
The debranching enzyme consists of what catalytic activies?
Transferase: transfers terminal 3 glucose molecules to different branch and expose alpha-1,6 glucose linkage

Alpha-1,6 glucosidase releases one glucose
What is the function of transferase in glycogenolysis?
Phosphorylase can only break down glycogen up to 4 units from a branch point. Transferase takes last 3 units and adds on to nonbranched area for phosphorylase to break the bonds and release glucose while glucosidase cleaves the alpha-1,6 bond of remaining glucose
Alpha-1,6 bonds are cleaved by
Alpha-1,6 glucosidase
Alpha-1,4 bonds are cleaved by
Glycogen phosphorylase
G1P from glycogenolysis is transformed to G6P via
Step same in both pathways
G6P to glucose occurs via what enzyme? and where?
Enzyme is only present in liver, muscle does not have ability so G6P is utilized for glycolysis in muscle tissue rather than exchanged for glucose
Glycogenolysis and glycogenesis occur in what part of the cell?
The two types of regulation for the glycogen synthesis and degradation pathways are what type?
The two regulatory enzymes for general (de)phosphorylation are what type?
Kinase - transfers P onto enzyme from ATP

Phosphotase - hydrolyzes P off of enzyme
Glycogen synthase is active when it is in what state?
Phosphorylase is active when it is in what state?
The two enzymes that oppose each other in the glycogen pathways are active in what states?
Glycogen synthase - nonphosphorylated
Phosphoryalase - phosphorylated
Phosphorylase b is what?
Inactive form of phosphorylase
During a fasting state? What status do we want our enzymes in?
Glycogen synthase will be inactive and phosphorylase will be active for breakdown
Compare phosphotase and phosphorylase
Phosphotase: enzyme that hydrolyzes phosphates from other enzymes to yield Pi

Phosphorylase: enzyme that cleaves alpha-1,4 bond during glycogenolysis and is rendered inactive by phosphotase
What is phosphorylase kinase?
Adds the phosphate group onto phosphorylase, rendering it active for glycogen breakdown
Two major hormonal activators of glycogenolysis are:
Glucagon is secreted from
Alpha pancreatic cells
Glucagon has effects in what tissue?
Epinephrine is secreted from
Adrenal medulla
Which hormone regulator has more than one target tissue effect?
Epi - both muscle and liver whereas glucagon is ONLY liver
The activation of PKA via glucagon phosphorylates what three things, and what effect do they have once phosphorylated?
Glycogen phosphorylase - ACTIVE
Glycogen synthase - INACTIVE
Inhibitor-1 - ACTIVE (for inhibition of phosphotase)
How is cAMP broken down via insulin stimulation?
Changed to AMP via phosphodiesterase
Phospholipase C, when epinephrine binds to alpha receptors, does what?
Hydrolyzes PIP2 to IP3 and DAG
Ca++ is released from endoplasmic reticulum via epinephrine receptor activation, and binds to what?

The C++-calmodulin complex activates phosphorylase kinase as well as phosphorylation of glycogen synthase (inactivation)
PKC, activated by Ca++ and DAG phosphorylates what?
Glycogen synthase, renders it inactive
The three main effects insulin is thought to have are
Limit cAMP production
Activate hepatic (liver) protein phosphatases
Activate phosphodiesterase converting cAMP to AMP
When glycogenesis is active the insulin:glucagon ratio is
High - a lot of insulin in the blood is causing glycogen synthesis
Hormone mediated regulation can be overridden by what?
Allosteric regulation - prevents problems due to 'false alarms' of hormone release
The allosteric inhibitors of liver glycogenolysis/glycogen phosphorylase are:
What allosteric activator causes activation of glycogen synthase in the liver?
What are the allosteric activators and inhibitors in muscle for glycogen synthesis and degradation?
Activators of GS: G6P

Inhibitors of glycogen phosphorylase: G6P, ATP
Activators of glycogen phosphorylase: Ca++, AMP (indicates that ATP has been hydrolyzed and more glucose is needed)
Glycogen levels in muscle do not vary with a fasting/feeding cycle due to
Glucagon - has no effect on muscles
Summarize type I glycogen storage disease
Von Gierke's disease
Cannot take glucose to G6P, affects both pathways and cannot provide glucose in fasting state
Symptoms: enlarged liver, hypoglycemia, ketosis, affects liver and kidney
Summarize type III glycogen storage disease
Cori's disease
Debranching enzyme is affected, cannot remove the group of three moieties and reattach
Affects muscle and liver
Summarize Andersen's disease
Type IV glycogen storage disease
Branching enzyme is affected, cannot change alpha-1,4 bond to alpha-1,6
Symptons: cirrhosis of liver, and eventual failure by age 2
Type V glycogen storage disease is
McArdle's disease
Problem with phosphorylase, cannot breakdown glycogen ONLY in muscle
Limited ability to perform exercise
Hers' disease is
Type Vi glycogen storage disease
Affects phosphorylase in liver
Cannot provide glucose in fasting state, same symptoms as Type I but milder