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199 Cards in this Set

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composition of chylomicron
80-90% triglyceride, 10-15% phospholipid, < 5% cholesterol
helps pancreateic lipase (which function sin associating with the lipid droplet) bind to micelles
purpose of the hydrophilic side of bile
allows for the emulsification property of bile
how is LPL (lipoprotein lipase) held to the vessel wall
by ionic interactions, can be displaced by heparin, useful to assess LPL activity
RBCs energy supply
RBCs uses only glucose, and therefore only glycolysis
brain energy supply
uses mostly glucose, never chylomicrons but will use ketones, use chylomicrons mostly for structure
what percent of bile is reabsorbed
adipocytes and glucose utilization
needs insulin to have glucose enter adipocytes, does not undergo glycogen formation, responsible for producing fatty acids
how does insulin lower [glucose]
through glycogen synthesis (when well fed) and fatty acid synthesis
muscle and carbohydrates
responsible more so for using fatty acids
liver and carbohydrates
makes glycogen, goes through HMPS to make lots of NADPH and RNA and DNA synthesis, can use fatty acids and make them as well
sources of C2 in liver utilization of carbs
initially gets energy from fatty acids, then eventually through free glucose in the blood as the glucose levels begin to INC
where does glycerol come from
DHAP and glycerol kinase
where are the C2s used?
used in fatty acid synthesis, if saturated in the cycle, then can also use for cholesterol synthesis
vegetables and cholesterol
chol. not found in vegetables
dietary input and cholesterol levels
complete removal of cholesterol from diet only lowers [cholesterol] by 10-15%, the majority of the cholesterol comes from carbohydrate intake
normal blood glucose level
70-100%, 4mM, pretty constant with time
time course for the regulation of blood sugar
with time when last ate at t=0, ycogen degradation occurs at about 12-24 hours, early on there is also lipid degradation which is used up as well, spares blood sugar, amino acids are relatively low in concentration, fit in after glycogen degradation is almost all used up (is glucose sparring and utilizes gluconeogenesis), within 24 hours INC cortisol levels which mobilizes proteins out of muscles (probably start with structural proteins like collagen), induces proteolysis
ways that free amino acid utilization can maintain sugar level
gluconeogenesis and can spare glucose like lipids do that come in at acetyl CoA
cortisol does what to enzymes
INC the concentration of transaminases, gluconeogenesis and urea cycle, makes mRNA, blocked by eating
how long can one live with only water and electrolytes
about 60 days, increases to about 75 days when vitamins are taken, if one loses about 1/3 of their N, then death is irreversible
brain and glucose
has the greatest need for glucose, has 100% dependence on glucose, need about 70-100 mg%, needed to satisfy brain
liver and glucose
liver provides glucose, pancreas secretes glucagon to release glucose from glycogen, adrenal medulla releases stressed induced epinephrine which inhibits insulin release, but never use up all the glycogen in the liver,
muscle and glucose
is glucose sparring, adrenal medulla is stimulated to mobilize glucose from glycogen, has no glucagon receptors, prefers fatty acids, only uses glucose if anaerobic,
hormone-sensitive lipase
inhibited by insulin, stimulated by glucagon, epinephrine, cortisol, ACTH and GH, is lipid mobilizing (adipokinetic), turns triglycerides into FFA and glycerol, FFA then binds to albumin which cannot cross BB barrier, can enter the muscle and undergo beta-oxidation, does not enter RBC because they lack mito (which is needed for beta-oxidation)
liver and fatty acid usage
use some fatty acid and uses for own energy for TCA cycle, uses excess C2s to make ketones that can go to the brain, muscle and kidney, the brain shifts its glucose dependence to about 20% and ketone dependence to about 80%, same for the muscle when it uses ketones under aerobic conditions
HMG-SCoA lyase
once HMG-SCoA is made, lyses this C6 compound into a C2 unit (acetyl CoA) and a C4 unit (acetoacetate, a beta-keto-acid), this C4 unit can be reduced by NADH to form beta-hydroxy acid (beta-hydroxy butyrate), interchangeable with each other, these two C4 units are the ketones, the beta-hydroxy is more prevalent (80%)
do you make ketones and cholesterol at the same time?
NO, make cholesterol during the well-fed state, make ketones during the starvation state
how are ketones utilized in other parts of the body (brain, muscle) and not in the liver?
the ketones are activated with CoA by succinyl-SCoA to form an activated ketone and succinate, this is catalyzed by the enzyme succinyl CoA acetoacetate transferase which is present in tissue that use ketones but not present in the liver
1. ketone + succinyl-SCoA -> activated ketone + succinate
a. catalyzed by succinyl CoA acetoacetate transferase
ketotic (ketosis)
an excess of ketones, occurs when [glucose] is low, if acetoacetate accumulates (as occurs with excessive ketone production), can spontaneously decarboxylate into acetone which is blown off as a waste product, the accumulation of acetoacetate (along with its interchangeable form beta-hydroxy butyrate) can also lead to acidosis (ketoacidosis), acetoacetate and beta-hydroxy butyrate are acids
why can’t FAs be used to make glucose
because it does not give rise to a net accumulation of OAA
order of energy usage in maintaining [glucose]
glycogen stores -> gluconeogenesis -> adipokinesis -> proteolysis
what happens during starvation phase?
there is an accumulation of acetyl-CoA (C2 units), these C2 units turn on pyruvate carboxylase to turn Pyr into OAA, acetyl-CoA must be present to activate Pyr carboxylase, use fatty acids first then amino acids
cortisols role in proteolysis
stimulates proteolysis, glucose from breakdown of proteins, breaks down both structural (first) and enzymatic (next) proteins to INC aa available in the pool for glucose production (gluconeogenesis)
breathing and pH
if pH is low then breathe lots (Kussmal)
what happens in [glucose] and [ketone] levels are excessively high
insulins effect on different parts of the body
liver: stimulates glycogen and fatty acid synthesis (activates acetyl-CoA synthetase), takes about 100 microU/mL
muscle: stimulates glycogen synthesis, 3-4X INC in glucose uptake, takes about 50 microU/mL
adipocytes: stimulates glucose uptake and inhibits HSL, takes about 10 microU/mL for uptake and 1 microU/mL for breakdown
Type I diabetes
don’t make insulin, used to be called juvenille onset
type II diabetes
tissue doesn’t respond to insulin, late onset
complications of have blood sugar at <100 microU/mL in diabetics
hyperglycemia-when glycogen and fatty acid aren’t made
glycosylation-glucose glycosylates proteins (albumin, hemoglobin)
cataracts-reduction of glucose to glucitol, polymerizes and clouds lens
microangiopathies-aneurisms, problems with capillary beds, can view this in the eye, also says if there is problem with kidney
lots of urine, associated with diabetes
dehydrated, drink a lot, complication of polyuria
complications of having blood sugar at <50 microU/mL
muscle weakness during exercise (anaerobic metabolism), this occurs because glycogen can’t be made
complications of having blood sugar at <10 microU/mL
hyperlipemia-INC lipids in blood and switch to ketosis
complications of having blood sugar at <1 microU/mL
ketosis and acidosis, inhibit HSL
excess glucose in urine
when does ketosis begin
6-12 hours after meal, when amino acid is beginning to be used, shift towards a gluconeogenic state
functions of amino acids
1. proteins-structure/enzymes/hormones/transporters/immunoglobulins
2. neurotransmitters-GLN, GLU, TYR, TRP, GLY
3. gluconeogenesis-urea cycle
4. energy-TCA cycle
5. sphingolipids-serine
6. hormones-TYR -> thryoxine, epinephrine
7. phospholipids
8. nucleotides
9. heme (gly-succinoyl-CoA)
10. vitamin B3-nicotinamide biosynthesis (TRP), niacine
essential amino acids
protein turnover
for insulin, half-life (T/2) is 20 mins, for dentine (teeth) and crystalline (eyes) half-life is a lifetime, on average 1-2% is degraded/24 hours, 20% of protein is excreted/degraded per day or about 30 grams loss/day (~1 oz. required for replacement 1/10 lb.), 80% is recycled
total amount of protein in body
~10 kg
how are amino acids loss?
1. can be lost intact (urea)
2. creatinine loss (Gly, Arg, Met)-~3-10 gm/day
bulk of the amino acids loss, MW= ~60 gm/mol, 50% N
amino acids and amino acid loss
~15% N, therefore 15% of 30 gm of nitrogen in amino acids is lost then ~10 gms or urea is produced from 30 gm of amino acids
humans and amino acid loss
man usually makes ~30 gm urea/day, we ingest 90-100 gms of protein/day, total loss of about 30 gms urea, 10 gms creatinine and 40 gms total/day
protein degradation
no digestion occurs in the mouth, when in the stomach there is acid hydrolysis (produced from parietal cells) and pepsin (produced from chief cells as pepsinogen which is activated by high [H+]
cleaves basic aa (Lys) first but fairly nonspecific (general protease), under zero order kinetics, is an inactivated pepsinogen form, when want to be activated then cleave the tail region that covers the active site which contains two Asp (which have – charge), cleavage occurs when there is protonation of one of the Asp then H2O enters and cleaves the tail with an intrinsic protease activity
rennin (chymosin)
used in cheese industry, when exposed to milk casein it forms a coagulated milk protein (traps milk in stomach so pepsin can work on it), found in abundant amounts in children but there is very little in adults)
what kinds of enzymes from pancreas
trypsinogen, chymotrphysinogen, procarboxyg-peptidase, pro-elastase, pro-collagenase
protein degradation
protein -> polypeptides -> smaller polypeptides -> amino peptidases -> dipeptidases -> amino acids, they then all go to the blood
activates trypsinogen to trypsin which then activates chymotrypsinogen, pro-carboxypeptidase, pro-elastase, and pro-collagenase, not a kinase but actually a protease, secreted into the lumen of the duodenum
basis of allergies
allergies of food due to having differences in breaking down small polypeptides, when they enter the bloodstream an allergic reaction is started
characteristics of amino acid uptake across GI mucosal cells
1. L amino acids only taken up because only use L
2. ATP dependent process
3. Na+ dependent and Na+ independent (some for each type, 2 different mechanisms)
4. specific transporters-(TRP and MET), if these are defective Hartnup’s Disease, basics, neutrals
adding ubiquitin (76 a.a. polypeptide) to a protein and marking it for degradation, if have Asn on the NH2-end of the protein then the T/2 is short at ~20 mins, if have Met on the end, T/2 is long at ~3 days
PEST sequence
Proline, Glutamate, Serine, and Threonine, the more PEST sequences on a protein, the shorter the half-life because it is marked for degradation, transaminases are rich in PEST sequences, Vit B6 (pyridoxal phosphate) can block PEST sequence and protect protein from degradation, phosphorylation of serine on PEST sequence prolongs the T/2 of a molecule by blocking sites for phosphorylation
molecules with short half-lifes
prostaglandins and cyclo-oxygenase
which of the essential amino acids can we make
M, H, R, these are essential only during illness, pregnancy and growth
alanine synthesis
1. pyruvate (alpha-keto acid) + alpha amino acid -> alanine (alpha-amino acid) + alpha-ketoacid
a. catalyzed by transaminase (responsible for switching C=O for C-NH2
alanine transaminase (ALT)
catalyzes the reaction Pyr + AA -> Ala (specific) + alpha-ketoacid (generic), specific for only ½ of the reaction (Ala) generic for the other half (alpha amino acid), is very reversible with a Keq of 1
glutamate-pyruvate transaminase (GPT)
catalyzes the reaction Pyr + Glutamate -> alanine + alpha-keto glutarate, both halves of the reaction are specific
glutamate-oxalacetate transaminase (GOT)
catalyzes the reaction Glu + OAA -> alpha-ketoglutarate + Asp, both are specific
pyridoxal phosphate
the handle of the transaminase, needed by the transaminases, needed to carry the N from the amino acid and add it to alpha keto acid, comes from vitamin B6 (pyridoxol) which is phosphorylated with ATP to form pyridoxol-phosphate, then oxidize with NAD+ to form pyridoxal phosphate, the ATP and NAD+ steps order can be switched
schiff’s base
reaction between primary amine and aldehyde, found in the transaminase mechanism, occurs when the amino group reacts with the transaminase, has water leave and forms the Schiff base intermediate, water then breaks the Schiff base into an alpha keto-acid and leaves the amine on the pyridoxal phosphate (making a pyridoxamine-phosphate)
characteristics regarding transaminases
1. pyridoxal phosphate used in sphingolipid biosynthesis-80% of amino acid biosynthesis uses this (ser + 16:0~CoA -> sphingolipids), the co-factor
2. schiff’s base weakens bonds to alpha-carbon atom (on the amino acid on the pyridoxal phosphate) allowing:
a. decarboxylation (non-oxidative)-if have C=N move to C-COOH, can weaken that bond and have decarboxylation, metal ions (esp. Ca++, Mg++) can prevent decarboxylation, can stabilize COOH and keep it on the amino acid
b. beta-gamma elimination-have C=N move to R=C and then move to gamma C to weaken the bond between beta and gamma C
c. deprotonation-have C=N move to C-H and have deprotonation
d. transamination
aspartate synthesis
Glu + OAA -> alpha-ketoglutarate + Asp, catalyzed by GOT, a C4, aspartate from OAA
glutamante synthesis
Pyr + Glu -> alpha-ketoglutarate + Ala, catalyzed by GPT, a C5, glutamate from alpha-keto glutarate
asparagine synthesis
1. Asp + Gln -> Asn + Glu
a. catalyzed by transamidase, tends to go forward, have to force backward, but don’t make Gln this way
b. mammalian
2. Asp + NH4+ -> Asn
a. catalyzed by Asn synthetase
b. use ATP -> AMP + PPi -> 2 Pi
c. found in prokaryotes, this enzyme is not in humans
uses of asparagine
used in protein synthesis and not in metabolism, is glycosylated in the ER, N-linked glycosidic bond
glutamine synthesis
1. glutamate + NH4+ + ATP -> Gln + ADP + Pi
a. catalyzed by glutamine synthetase
b. high levels of NH4+ is toxic to the body
c. glutamine is more easily transported across the membrane than glutamate is
d. allows for C’s to be transferred out of the cell, but it also takes a toxic NH4+ with it in a detoxified form
2. backwords reaction catalyzed by glutaminase, making Glu from Gln, not completely reversible but can go backwards, does not make ATP, releases NH4+
glutamate dehdyrogenase
an alternate way to make glutamate, alpha-ketoglutarate + NH4+ + NADH -> Glu, an alternative way to detoxify NH4+, reversible
liver and glutamine
does the reverse reactions of the muscle that converts alpha-ketoglutarate into Gln, converts Gln -> Glu + NH4+, then converts Glu -> alpha-keto glutarate + NH4+ + NADH, these two NH4+ can combine to form urea, alpha-keto glutarate enters TCA cycle and makes OAA which can be turned into glucose which leaves the liver and reenters the muscle, brain, RBC and other tissues
serine synthesis
glycolysis leads to 3-PGA
1. 3-PGA + NAD+ -> NADH + alpha-ketoacid
2. alpha-keto acid + amino acid (may be Glu or Asp) -> alpha keto-acid + phosphoserine
a. catalyzed by a transaminase
3. phosphoserine -> serine + P
glycine synthesis
1. from serine-
a. Ser + THF -> Gly + N5, N10 methylene THF
i. catalyzed by serine hydroxy methyl transferase
2. de novo from methylene THF-
a. methylene THF + CO2 + NH4+ + NADH -> glycine + NAD+
i. catalyzed by glycine synthase
ii. this glycine can then be made into serine
3. from choline-
a. choline is oxidized to aldehyde and oxidized to an acid, forms betaine
b. betaine -> dimethylglycine + CH3
i. this methyl group can be donated to homocystein to make Met, can donate methyl via SAM to things like epinephrine, leftover becomes homo-cysteine, which can then repeat the cycle
c. dimethylglycine can then lose two CH3 to 2 THF to form glycine
4. threonine-can be split into glycine and acetaldehyde (which is converted first to acetate, then to acetyl-CoA
a. catalyzed by threonine aldolase
tetrahydrofolate (THF)
composed of pteridine ring (from folate, is the two ring compound of THF), PABA (paraamino benzoic acid) and Glu (may have 5-7 of them), can pick up C’s at varying levels of oxidation, a good handle for C on intermediate oxidation levels
different forms of one carbon metabolism
1. methyl form-SAM (SAM can methylate Norepinephrine (from Tyr) into epinephrine)
2. alcohol, aldehyde, and acid form-THF, good handle for C on intermediate oxidation levels
3. CO2 form-biotin, can put CO2 onto something, used in pyruvate carboxylase, acetyl CoA carboxylase and propionyl CoA carboxylase
pteridine-PABA-glutamate (can’t make this de novo, bacteria can in our stomach)
PABA analog
sulfonamide, used as a way to counteract bacteria from making folacin, doesn’t hurt us, but only bacteria
methylene THF
can be oxidizes once to aldehyde or twice into an acid, can also be reduced to CH3, methylene THF can get 1-C donor from Ser or His (oxidized form of C as an aldehyde),
methionine synthesis
methionine is essential, can make it though with homocysteine + CH3 from betaine -> dimethylglycine, depends on the availiability of C’s and homocysteines, nutritional state of the body
why are there so many glycine biosynthesis pathways
15% of body mass = protein
1/3 of that (5%) = collagen
1/3 of that (1-2%) = glycine (1/7 of protein is glycine)
cysteine synthesis
1. methionine + ATP -> S-Adenosyl Methionine (SAM)
a. Met attacks ATP at alpha phosphate, beta and gamma is loss as 2 Pi
b. the S on SAM has three bonds with one bond to AMP and a + charge
2. SAM -> S-Adenosyl homocysteinne (SAHcys) + CH3
3. SAHcys -> adenosine (AMP) + homocysteine
4. homocysteine has two fates
a. homocysteine + betaine -> methionine + dimethyl glycine
b. homocysteine + serine -> cystathionine + H2O
i. catalyzed by cystathionine synthase
ii. attack at C bonded to OH
c. cystathionine -> alpha-aminobutyrate + cysteine
i. catalyzed by cystathionase
tyrosine synthesis
1. phenylalanine + O2 -> tyrosine
a. catalyzed by mixed function oxidase (MFO), AKA is monooxygenase, brings in something reduced (THB, tetrahydrobiopterin) and oxidizes it (DHB), THB is regenerated when DHB is reduced by NADH
b. half O2 goes to tyrosine other half forms H2O
c. hydroxylation reaction
2. tyrosine can be used as neurotransmitters, melanin and thyroxine
tetrahydrobiopterin (THB)
gives off 2H+ in the tyrosine synthesis reaction becoming DHB, catalyzed by phenylalanine hydroxylase (PH)
Phenylketouria (PKU)
individuals that have a deficient phenylalanine hydroxylase, cannot turn excess Phe into Tyr, Phe accumulates, Phe through transaminase + alpha ketoglutarate -> glutamante by phenyl pyruvate, reduction of phenyl pyruvate leads to phenyl lactate and decarboxylation of that can form phenyl acetate, these three phenyls are phenylketones, phenylketones are toxic to developing brain and heart
proline synthesis
1. Glu + NADH -> Schiff’s base intermediate (glutamate semi-aldehyde) + NAD+
2. glutamate semi-aldehyde + NADH -> proline
a. all these reactions are reversible
purposes for amino acid catabolism
ingestion, fasting, and starvation
liver and amino acid absorption
takes in 17/20, doesn’t take val, leu, ile normally, these three enter circulation and go throughout the body, after meal 60% of amino acids are val, leu, ile (branched chain amino acids
fate of branched chain amino acids (BCAA)
val -> succinyl-CoA
ile -> succinyl-CoA or acetyl CoA
leu -> acetyl CoA
succinyl CoA is used for gluconeogenesis
acetyl CoA is used for TCA cycle and FA synthesis
uses of BCAA during fasting/starvation
eat protein (98% for protein synthesis and 2% degradation), Ile and Leu contribute to FA, Ile and Val contribute to succinyl CoA which can be converted to succinate which turns ketone bodies into acetoacetyl-CoA
ACTH and cortisol
hypoglycemia tells the anterior portion of the pituitary gland to release ACTH, ACTH goes to the adrenal gland and tells the cortex to release cortisol and the medulla to release epinephrine, cortisol affects almost all tissues, can INC gluconeogenesis and transaminase in the liver, INC mRNA set liver up for amino acid usage, in the muscle lysosome membranes become more fragile because of cortisol, releases proteolytic enzymes that breaks down proteins into amino acids (want to get blood sugar levels up)
glucose/alanine cycle
the 20 a.a.’s reacted with pyruvate and transaminases to form alanine and 20 alpha-ketoacids metabolized by muscle, takes these and turns them into energy for the muscle only (spares glucose, doesn’t make it), alanine from the muscle enters the blood stream (30% of blood amino acids are Ala during starvation) and enters the liver as pyruvate, pyruvate enters gluconeogenesis become glucose and leaves the liver to supply brain, RBC
tumors in adrenal gland or pituitary
drives the glucose/alanine cycle so much that it leads to hyperglycemia, epinephrine is release in large amounts and blocks insulin release, INC cortisol can lead to lots of muscle wasting
glucose/glutamine cycle
alanine + alpha-ketoglutarate -> pyruvate and glutamate, pyruvate is used to pick up NH4+ from amino acids, glutamate builds up but cannot leave the muscle, some glutamate loses NH4+ and replenishes alpha-ketoglutarate (through GDH), some glutamate is also turned into Gln with NH4+ which can leave the muscle cell (through Gln synthetase), 20% of blood amino acids is glutamine, goes to liver and the liver turns it into glucose
fate of N atoms from amino acuds
1. alanine-alanine that enters the liver can be converted (with alpha-keto glutarate) to pyruvate and glutamate (through GPT), glutamate (through GDH) can replenish GDH and release NH4+
2. glutamine-can be turned into Glu through glutaminase and release NH4+, Glu can be turned into alpha-ketoglutarate and also release NH4+, this ammonia builds up and is detoxified and excreted, intestinal mucosa can excrete NH4+ and kidney pisses out some NH4+
Urea Cycle
occurs in the liver, partly in the mito, partly in the cyto
1. NH4+ + CO2 + 2 ATP -> Carbomyl phosphate + 2 ADP + Pi
a. catalyzed by carbamoyl-phosphate synthetase (CPS-1), mito
2. carbamoyl phosphate + ornithine -> citrulline + Pi
a. catalyzed by ornithing transcarbamoylase (OTC), mito
3. citrulline + Asp + ATP -> AMP + 2Pi + arginosuccinate
a. catalyzed by arginosuccinate synthetase (ASS), cytosol
4. arginosuccinate -> fumarate (C4) + arginine
a. catalyzed by arginosuccinate lyase (ASL), cytosol
5. arginine + H2O -> urea + ornithine
a. catalyzed by arginase, cytosol, renenters the mito
has the ability to leave the mito and enter the cytosol of the lvier
although it is essential, can be made in the body depending on the nutritional values
notes regarding urea cycle
1. occurs in two compartments
2. enzyme-induced during starvation (by cortisol)
3. two nitrogens (from NH4+ and from aspartate)
4. fumarate links urea cycle to the TCA cycle, also a source of H+ pickerupers, fumarate to malate, malate to OAA, OAA to aspartate
5. requires catalytic amounts of ornithine
6. provides pathway for arginine biosynthesis
7. each urea made utilizes 4 ATP (2 at CPS-1, 2 at arginosuccinate synthetase step)
8. disease at each step are known
fate of alanine
alanine -> pyruvate via ALT (GPT)
fate of serine
ser -> glycine via THF; serine hydroxyl methyl transferase
ser -> pyruvate + H2O + NH4+ via serine dehdyratase
ser -> cystein via cystathionine
ser -> phsophatidyl serine (-> ethanolamine, choline), sphingolipids (palmitoyl CoA + serine
fate of glycine
gly -> ser via serine hydroxyl methyl transferase
gly -> CO2, THF, NH4+, NADH via glycine synthase (or glycine cleavage enzyme)
gly -> glyoxalate -> oxalate
fate of aspartate
asp -> OAA via GOT
fate of asparagine
asn -> excreted
fate of glutamate
glu + NAD+ -> NH4+ + NADH + alpha-keto glutarate via GDH
fate of glutamine
gln -> glu + NH4+ via glutaminase
fate of proline
pro -> glu -> alpha-keto glutarate (the reverse of synthesis)
fate of phenylalanine
phe -> tyr via phenylalanine hydroxylase
fate of tyrosine
tyr -> homogentisic acid (catecholamines, melanin, DOPA, energy)
tyr + alpha-keto glutarate -> alpha-ketoacid (parahydroxy phenylpyruvate)
alpha-ketoacid (parahydroxy phenylpyruvate) + O2 -> CO2 + homogentisic acid via Vit C
parahydroxy phenylpyruvate -> fumarate + acetoacetate (both ketogenic and glucogenic)
parahydroxy phenylpyruvate -> polymer (is black in urine, alcaptonuria)
fate of arginine
arginine -> ornithine + urea
ornithine + alpha keto glutarate -> semialdehyde + glutamate via transaminase
semialdehyde -> glutamate
glutamate -> alpha keto glutarate via GDH
fate of threonine
1. threonine -> alpha-ketobutyrate
a. threonine dehydratase
2. alpha-ketobutyrate + CoAsh -> propionyl-CoA + CO2
3. propionyl-CoA + CO2 + biotin -> methyl malonyl CoA
a. carboxylase
4. methyl malonyl CoA -> succinyl-CoA
a. B12 mutase
alternative fate of threonine
threonine -> glycine + acetaldehyde via threonine aldolase, the acetaldehyde then becomes acetate then finally acetyl-CoA
which amino acids enter at the pyruvate level
Pyruvate (C3)-ala, ser, gly, cys, trp, thr
which amino acids enter at the acetyl-CoA level
acetyl-CoA (C2)-thr, leu, ilu
which amino acids enter at the acetoacetate level
acetoacetate (C4) -> acetyl CoA, amino acids are phe, tyr, trp, lys
which amino acids enter at the succinyl-CoA level
succinyl-CoA (C4)-thr, met, ile, val
which amino acids enter at the fumarate level
fumarate (C4)-asp, phe, tyr
which amino acids enter at the OAA level
OAA (C4)-Asp
fate of methionine
1. Met + ATP -> SAM
2. SAM -> CH3 (which can be donated) + S(A) Hcys
3. S(A) Hcys -> AMP + Hcys
4. Hcys + Ser -> cystathionine
a. catalyzed by cystathionine synthase
5. cystationine -> cysteine + precursor to alpha-ketobutyrate
a. catalyzed by cystathioninase
fate of cysteine (through reduction)
two cysteines are joined together by a cysteine bond, responsible for forming pyruvate and H2S
1. proteolysis of a protein -> cystine
2. cystine -> reduced form of cysteine
a. catalyzed by cystine reductase
3. reduced form of cystine -> mercaptor pyruvate
a. catalyzed by transamination
4. mercapto pyruvate + 2H+ -> pyruvate + H2S
fate of cysteine (through oxidation)
responsible for forming pyruvate and SO4- as a source of sulfur
1. cysteine + O2 -> oxidized form of cysteine
a. catalyzed by dioxygenase
2. oxidized form of cysteine -> pyruvate-SO2
a. catalyzed by transaminase
3. pyruvate-SO2 -> pyruvate + SO3- (sulfite, which can be converted to sulfate (SO4--))
uses for S
need for CoASH, sulfates used in sulfatides, glycoaminoglycans, conjugation reactions (makes things more soluble)
examples of glycosaminoglycans
chondroitin sulfate, dermatan sulfate, kertan sulfate, heparin sulfate
examples of conjugation reactions
bilirubin, hormones, DHEA-S (the stored form of DHEA)
how is sulfate trapped?
form 3’-Phospho adenosyl 5’phospho Sulfate (PAPS), the activated form for sulfate (need 3 ATPs to make)
1. SO4 + ATP -> Adenosyl Phosphosulfate (APS) + 2 PPi (-> 2Pi)
2. APS + ATP -> PAPS + ADP
fate of histidine
1. decarboxylation
a. histidine -> CO2 + histamine (catalyzed by histidine decarboxylase)
2. forming glutamate
a. histidine -> NH4+ + urocanic acid (has conjugated double bonds and can observe uv light)
i. catalyzed by histidase
b. urocanic acid + H2O -> FIGLU (formiminoglutamate, composed of glutamate and formimino) (intermediate that has opened ring, found in urine if there is a deficiency in folic acid)
i. catalyzed by urocanase
c. FIGLU + THF -> glutamate + formimino-THF
fate of trytophane
1. tryptophane + O2 -> kynurenine (open ring)
a. catalyzed by dioxygenase
2. kynurenine is then modified by:
a. remove formate (HCOOH)
b. remove alanine (and convert to pyruvate, glucogenic)
c. deaminate (NH2)
d. decarboxylate (CO2)
e. break ring open with O2 (forms C6 cleaving the benzoic acid), forms alpha-ketoadipic acid
f. oxidative decarboxylation (add SCoA at one end, lose 2 CO2 at both ends) (forms acetoacetyl-SCoA, ketogenic)
fate of lysine
1. ketogenic
a. lysine + alpha-ketoglutarate -> saccharopine
b. saccharopine -> NH4+ + alpha-amino adipic acid
c. alpha-amino adipic acid -> NH4+ + alpha-keto adipic acid
i. catalyzed by transaminase
d. alpha-ketoadipic acid turns into acetoacetyl-CoA via oxidative decarboxylation (add SCoA at one end, lose 2 CO2 at both ends) (forms acetoacetyl-SCoA, ketogenic)
2. glucogenic
a. slightly glucogenic, lysine is more ketogenic though, an alternate path that we do not need to know about
common steps of the branched chain amino acids (BCAA)
1. VAL, ILE, LEU undergo transamination first to form branched chain alpha-ketoacids
2. then undergo oxidative decarboxylation to form a completely reduced C with a CoA on the end, acts like a branched cahin fatty acid
3. then undergo the 1st step of beta oxidation (the addition of FAD and add a double bond between the alpha and beta C)
valine after the common steps of BCAA
1. valine undergoes 3 steps and forms intermediate
2. intermediate undergoes oxidation of C=C to COOH and forms methyl malonyl-SCoA
3. methyl malonyl-SCoA -> succinyl-SCoA
a. catalyzed by methyl malonyl mutase with a vitamin B12 cofactor
isoleucine after the common steps of BCAA
1. valine undergoes 3 steps and forms intermediate
2. continue with beta-oxidation and add another CoASH to form propionyl-SCoA and acetyl CoA (ketogenic)
3. propionyl-SCoA + CO2 + biotin + ATP -> methyl malonyl CoA
4. methyl malonyl CoA -> succinyl-SCoA (glucogenic)
leucine after the common steps of BCAA
1. leucine undergoes 3 steps and forms intermediate
2. intermediate is carboxylated with CO2 to form an intermediate
3. that intermediate is split with H2O to form acetyl-CoA and acetoacetate (beta-ketobutyrate, forms 2 acetyl-CoA)
Maply Syrup Urine Disease
is related to Val, Ile and Leu, genetic defect in decarboxylation step, destroys brain, test urine for branched chain a.a., tell them not to eat Val, Ile, or Leu
Functions of Nucleotides
1. nucleic acids (DNA, RNA)
2. Energy forms (NMP, NDP, NTP)
3. regulatory (2nd messengers-cAMP, cGMP)
4. activators (UDP-glucose, galactose; CDP-Choline
5. NAD, FAD, CoA, PAPS, SAM (cofactors)
6. Adenylations (for regulation)
7. physiological agents (Adenosine, ATP, ADP released with neurotransmitters), has a direct effect on smooth muscles
base + sugar
base + sugar + PO4
know them 242-243
two rings, adenine, guanine, hypoxanthine (precursor for xanthine), xanthine, uric acid
one ring, cytosine, uracil, thymine, orotic acid
names of the bases, nucleosides and nucleotides
adenine + sugar -> adenosine + PO4 -> adenylate
guanine + sugar -> guanosine + PO4 -> guanylate
hypoxanthine + sugar -> inosine + PO4 -> inosinate
xanthine + sugar -> xanthosine + PO4 -> xanthylate
cytosine + sugar -> cytidine + PO4 -> cytidylate
uracil + sugar -> uridine + PO4 -> uridylate
thymine + sugar -> thymidine + PO4 -> thymidylate
orotic acid + sugar -> orotidine + PO4 -> orotidylate
deoxyribose vs. ribose
alpha-D-deoxyribose is missing an OH on 2 C, alpha-D-ribose undergoes a reduction process
glycosidic bond
for purines is a beta N-glycoside bond between 9-N on purine and 1’C on the ribose
for pyrimidines is a beta N-glycoside bond between 1-N on pyrimidine and 1’C on the ribose
phosphorylation of the bases
can occur on OH of C 2, 3, or 5, but normally not on 1 position
phosphodiester bond
connects nucleotides, is a 3’-5’ bond
where do the atoms from nucleotide biosynthesis come from
memorize, pg 245, biosynthesis occurs during the well fed state, need ribose and energy
Purine synthesis
1. glucose -> ribose-5-phosphate
a. via HMPS
2. ribose-5-phosphate + ATP -> phosphoribosyl pyrophosphate (PRPP) + AMP
a. catalyzed by pyrophosphoribosyl kinase
3. PRPP + Gln -> Glu + PPi (-> 2Pi) + phosphoribosylamine (PR-NH2)
a. catalyzed by Gln-PRPP amidotransferase
4. PR-NH2 + Gly + ATP -> Phosphoribosyl-glycinamide + ADP + Pi
a. catalyzed by phosphoribosyl glycinamide synthetase
5. phosphoribosyl-glycinamide + formyl-THF (the CH2 is oxidized to CHO) -> intermediate
a. catalyzed by transformylase, if short on folate will have problems with biosynthesis here
6. intermediate + gln + ATP -> intermediate + ADP + Pi
7. intermediate -> intermediate (cyclized form)
a. catalyzed by a cyclase
8. intermediate + CO2 -> intermediate
a. does not use biotin and ATP, catalyzed by a carboxylase
9. intermediate + Asp + ATP-> intermediate + fumarate + ADP + Pi
a. catalyzed by a synthetase
10. intermediate + formyl-THF (as a oxidized CHO, recycled with serine -> gly) -> intermediate
a. a formylation
11. intermediate -> cyclization of intermediate forming inosine mono phosphate (IMP), it is a hypoxanthin ring, the first purine nucleotide
inhibition of pyrophosphoriboxyl kinase
inhibited by high [ADP] and hi [GDP] concentration, this is a sign of low energy
importance of the step catalyzed by Gln-PRPP amidotransferase
is the key regulatory (commited step of purine synthesis)
regulation of Gln-PRPP amidotransferase
inhibition-products of NMP, NDP, NTP (feedback), especially A and G, is additive, A and G inhibiton add together
stimulation-high PRPP (feed forward)
mechanism-doesn’t follow Michaelis-Menten, is sigmoidal shape due to substrate activation or cooperativity, INC velocity with INC in PRPP, shifts to the right in the presence of purine nucleotides (shows a slowing velocity)
characteristics of de novo purine synthesis
1. there is a sugar handle (PRPP)
2. linear pathway to IMP (branched thereafter)
3. 5 ATP’s required
4. 2 Gln, 2 THF (serines), glycine, CO2, aspartate required
5. highly regulated (2 of them, the key is the formation of PR-NH2, other is creation of PRPP)
adenine synthesis
1. IMP + Aspartate + GTP -> succinyl adenine
2. succinyl adenine + GTP -> adenine (AMP) + succinate
a. adenine acts as an inhibitor of the key regulatory step in the pathway
guanine synthesis
1. IMP + NAD+ -> xanthinic acid (XMP) + NADH
a. acts as a way to activate the molecule
2. XMP + ATP + Gln -> guanine (GMP) + Glu
reciprocal regulation of purine synthesis
ATP blocks A synthesis and stimulates G synthesis, GTP blocks G synthesis and stimulates A synthesis, they reciprocally act as energy source for the other reaction
pyrimidine synthesis
1. Gln + CO2 + P (from 2 ATP -> 2 ADP + Pi) -> carbamoyl-phosphate
a. catalyzed by carbamoyl phosphate-II (CPS-II)
2. carbamoyl-phosphate + Asp -> Pi + intermediate (ready for cyclization)
a. catalyzed by aspartate trans carbamoylase (ATCase)
3. intermediate -> dihydro-orotic acid (cyclized form)
4. dihydro-orotic acid + NAD+ -> orotic acid + NADH
a. the orotic acid has a double bond between CH and C-COOH
5. orotic acid + PRPP -> orothodylate (OMP)
carbamoyl-phosphate II (CPS-II)
the key commited step in pyrimidine synthesis, not in mito like in urea cycle, but in the cytosol, activated by ATP (high energy charge), stimulated by PRPP, inhbitied by UMP (1st pyrimidine product)
aspartate trans carbamoylase
also a committed step, is inhibited by CTP (last pyrimidine product)
uracil synthesis
OMP -> UMP + CO2
catalyzed by orotidylate decarboxylase, UMP is used to inhibit CPS-II can then be phosphorylated by two ATPs to form UTP,
CTP synthesis
UTP + ATP + Gln -> CTP + Glu + ADP + Pi
catalyzed by cytidylate synthetase
notes for pyrimidine synthesis
is completely a linear a pathway and the sugar handle is added after the ring is formed
thymine biosynthesis
ribose needs to be converted to deoxyribose before uracil nucleotide can be methylated to thymine
ribonucleotide reductase
Ribose + thioredoxin (has 2 reduced cys) -> 2’-deoxyribose + oxidized form of thioredoxin
catalyzed by ribonucleotide reducatse, requires diphosphate level of nucleotide substrate (not tri- or mono-), must then recycle to get back reduced thioredoxin, use flavoprotein and thioredoxin reductase and oxidize FADH2 to FAD, must then recycle to get back FADH2, use the flavoprotein again and oxidize NADPH to NADP+ to get back FADH2, must the regenerate NADPH and that comes from HMPS and malic enzyme
formation of dTMP
1. via d-UMP
a. UTP -> UDP + Pi
b. UDP -> dUDP
i. catalyzed by ribonucleotide reductase
c. dUDP + ATP -> dUTP + ADP
d. dUTP -> dUMP + PPi (-> 2Pi)
e. dUMP -> dTMP (through methylation by thymidylate synthase)
2. via d-CDP
a. CTP -> CDP + Pi
b. CDP -> dCDP
i. catalyzed by ribonucleotide reductase
c. dCDP -> dUMP + NH4+ + Pi (through deaminase and phosphatase)
thymidylate synthase
does methylation of dUMP into dTMP, uses methylene-THF and adds CH3 to dUMP, this CH3 is reduced and methylene THF is itself oxidized to dihydrofolate, THF is remade when DHF is reduced to THF by dihydrofolate reductase (uses NADPH and gives off NADP+), this is inhibited by methotrexate (MTX, acts as an analogue to DHF)
cancer patients
block thymine biosynthesis in cancer patient, blocks the reformation of THF, why chemotherapy is so crazy, hair and gut regenerate fast and affected by these things
relationship between purines and pyrimidines
PRPP can turn on both purine and pyrimidine synthesis, ATP can also stimulate pyrimidine synthesis
regulation of ribonucleotide reductase
acts as a switch, on when [ATP] is high, off when [dATP] is high, on form has INC binding affinity for ribonucleotide reductase for CDP and UDP, dTTP is made from both dCDP and dUDP, dTTP inhibits both CDP and UDP to deoxy forms and stimulates GDP to dGDP form, dGTP is then made and inhibits GDP to dGPD and stimulates ADP to dADP, dATP is made and turns the system off
degradation of DNA and RNA
1. DNA and RNA -> nucleotides
a. via nucleases and phosphodiesterases
2. nucleotides (monophosphates) -> nucleosides + Pi
a. via phosphatase
3. nucleosides + Pi -> base + sugar
a. via phosphorylase
4. sugar -> ribose-1-P or dexoy-R
salvage of the degradation of DNA and RNA
1. sugar-ribose-1-P can be salvaged as ribose-5-P through a phosphoribo mutase, ribose-5-P can then enter HMPS (consume sugar) or PRPP (salvage them and reuse them)
2. base-handled differently for purines and pyrimidines
3. nucleosides-not always reused, can but not always
4. nucleotides-reused
pyrimidine salvage
is readily done, add PRPP to the pyrimidines taken in (O.A., Cyto, Uracil) and form (OMP, CMP, UMP), PRPP added to ring after ring is formed, thymine is not salvaged, if thymine and PRPP were added together would get ribose-thymine but ribonucleotide reductase would not act on this substrate
purine salvage
must use different enzymes for A and G and HX, PRPP is added to A to make AMP catalyzed by adenine-phosphoribosyl transferase (A-PRT), PRPP is added to G or HX to form GMP or IMP and this is catalyzed by G/HX-PRT, this is also catalyzed by guanine-hypoxanthine phosphoribosyl transferase
cytosine (and uracil) degradation
1. cytosine loses NH4+ and O2 is added to form uracil
2. uracil undergoes reduction with NAD(P)H to form dihydro-Uracil
3. dihydro-uracil undergoes cleavage to form ureidopropionate (AKA carbamoyl-beta-alanine)
4. carbamoyl-beta-alanine loses NH4+ and CO2 to form beta alanine
5. beta alanine can be turned into acetyl-CoA
uracil synthesis
OMP -> UMP + CO2
catalyzed by orotidylate decarboxylase, UMP is used to inhibit CPS-II can then be phosphorylated by two ATPs to form UTP,
CTP synthesis
UTP + ATP + Gln -> CTP + Glu + ADP + Pi
catalyzed by cytidylate synthetase
notes for pyrimidine synthesis
is completely a linear a pathway and the sugar handle is added after the ring is formed
thymine biosynthesis
ribose needs to be converted to deoxyribose before uracil nucleotide can be methylated to thymine
ribonucleotide reductase
Ribose + thioredoxin (has 2 reduced cys) -> 2’-deoxyribose + oxidized form of thioredoxin
catalyzed by ribonucleotide reducatse, requires diphosphate level of nucleotide substrate (not tri- or mono-), must then recycle to get back reduced thioredoxin, use flavoprotein and thioredoxin reductase and oxidize FADH2 to FAD, must then recycle to get back FADH2, use the flavoprotein again and oxidize NADPH to NADP+ to get back FADH2, must the regenerate NADPH and that comes from HMPS and malic enzyme
formation of dTMP
1. via d-UMP
a. UTP -> UDP + Pi
b. UDP -> dUDP
i. catalyzed by ribonucleotide reductase
c. dUDP + ATP -> dUTP + ADP
d. dUTP -> dUMP + PPi (-> 2Pi)
e. dUMP -> dTMP (through methylation by thymidylate synthase)
2. via d-CDP
a. CTP -> CDP + Pi
b. CDP -> dCDP
i. catalyzed by ribonucleotide reductase
c. dCDP -> dUMP + NH4+ + Pi (through deaminase and phosphatase)
thymidylate synthase
does methylation of dUMP into dTMP, uses methylene-THF and adds CH3 to dUMP, this CH3 is reduced and methylene THF is itself oxidized to dihydrofolate, THF is remade when DHF is reduced to THF by dihydrofolate reductase (uses NADPH and gives off NADP+), this is inhibited by methotrexate (MTX, acts as an analogue to DHF)
cancer patients
block thymine biosynthesis in cancer patient, blocks the reformation of THF, why chemotherapy is so crazy, hair and gut regenerate fast and affected by these things
relationship between purines and pyrimidines
PRPP can turn on both purine and pyrimidine synthesis, ATP can also stimulate pyrimidine synthesis
regulation of ribonucleotide reductase
acts as a switch, on when [ATP] is high, [dATP] is high, on form has INC binding affinity for ribonucleotide reductase for CDP and UDP, dTTP is made from both dCDP and dUDP, dTTP inhibits both CDP and UDP to deoxy forms and stimulates GDP to dGDP form, dGTP is then made and inhibits GDP to dGPD and stimulates ADP to dADP, dATP is made and turns the system off
degradation of DNA and RNA
1. DNA and RNA -> nucleotides
a. via nucleases and phosphodiesterases
2. nucleotides (monophosphates) -> nucleosides + Pi
a. via phosphatase
3. nucleosides + Pi -> base + sugar
a. via phosphorylase
4. sugar -> ribose-1-P or dexoy-R
salvage of the degradation of DNA and RNA
1. sugar-ribose-1-P can be salvaged as ribose-5-P through a phosphoribo mutase, ribose-5-P can then enter HMPS (consume sugar) or PRPP (salvage them and reuse them)
2. base-handled differently for purines and pyrimidines
3. nucleosides-not always reused, can but not always
4. nucleotides-reused
pyrimidine salvage
is readily done, add PRPP to the pyrimidines taken in (O.A., Cyto, Uracil) and form (OMP, CMP, UMP), PRPP added to ring after ring is formed, thymine is not salvaged, if thymine and PRPP were added together would get ribose-thymine but ribonucleotide reductase would not act on this substrate
purine salvage
must use different enzymes for A and G and HX, PRPP is added to A to make AMP catalyzed by adenine-phosphoribosyl transferase (A-PRT), PRPP is added to G or HX to form GMP or IMP and this is catalyzed by G/HX-PRT, this is also catalyzed by guanine-hypoxanthine phosphoribosyl transferase
cytosine (and uracil) degradation
1. cytosine loses NH4+ and O2 is added to form uracil
2. uracil undergoes reduction with NAD(P)H to form dihydro-Uracil
3. dihydro-uracil undergoes cleavage to form ureidopropionate (AKA carbamoyl-beta-alanine)
4. carbamoyl-beta-alanine loses NH4+ and CO2 to form beta alanine
5. beta alanine can be turned into acetyl-CoA
thymine degradation
thymine -> di-hydrothymine -> beta-amino isobutyric acid -> lose NH4+ and CO2 (carbomyl is lost), then lose another NH4+ to form methyl malonyl CoA, methyl malonyl CoA is formed into succinyl-CoA with B12 mutase
adenosine degradation
1. adenosine -> inosine + NH4+
a. catalyzed by adenosine deaminase (A.D.A.)
2. inosine + Pi -> hypoxanthine + R-1-P
3. hypoxanthine + O2 -> xanthine + H2O2
a. catalyzed by xanthine oxidase (X.O.)
b. H2O2 is recycled to O2 via catalase
4. xanthine + O2 -> uric acid + H2O2
a. catalyzed by xanthine oxidase (X.O.)
b. H2O2 is recycled to O2 via catalase
5. uric acid is excreted
guanosine degradation
1. guanosine + Pi -> guanine + R-1-P
a. catalyzed by purine nucleoside phosphorylase
2. guanine + H2O -> xanthine + NH4+
a. catalyzed by guanase
3. xanthine -> uric acid
a. catalyzed by xanthine oxidase
4. uric acid is excreted
uric acid (less soluble) <-> enol <-> urate (more soluble), the uric acid that is less soluble will prevail at low pH and will precipitate in tissues, forms needle-like crystals form in synovial fluid leading to gout