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46 Cards in this Set

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substances containing two or more diff types of elements that are chem bounded
the attraction between like molecules
the attraction between unlike molecules
surface tension
when cohesion creates a boundary on the outside of a molecule
the substance that goes in a substance
the substance that receives the solute
substances that break down into H+
substances that break down to release OH-
Organic molecules
movelcules that contain c-h bonds and are found in living things
organic compound made up of sugar molecules
simple sugars with one unit
large polymer chains made up of simple sugar monomers
watering avoiding molecules that do not mix
a polysaccharide
what are proteins constructed from?
a polymer constructed from 20 different monomers called amino acids
what are nucleotides
the monomers of nucleic acid polymers
proteins that speed up chemical reactions in the body
when high temps or extreme pH values affect the shape of an enzyme
a substance that speeds up the rate of a chemical reaction
the specific reactant that an enzyme can act on
what monomers make up carbohydrates?
what monomers make up lipids?
fatty acids and glycerol
what monomers make up nucleic acids?
what monomers make up proteins?
amino acids
what atoms make up carbos?
carbonn, hydrogen, oxygen
what atoms make up liipids?
carbon, hydrogen, oxygen
what atoms make up nucleic acids?
carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, pepotides
what atoms make up proteins?
what is the function of a carbo?
quick energy, polysaccharide =energy for storage and building
what is the function of a lipid?
long term energy, forms membranes for cells, chemical messengers
what is the funciton of a nuclic acid?
to pass down heritable genetic info
what is the function of a protein?
to transport atoms in and out of cells, forms structures, speeds up chemical reactions (enzymes)
ex carbo?
mono = glucose, frucose, galactose
poly = starch, glycogen, cellulose
ex lipid?
Fats = oil, butter, lard
steroid = cholestrol, estrogen, testosterone
ex protein?
makes up muscles, hair, fur
Difference btw simple sugar and starch?
simple sugar= fast energy
starch = energy storage
diff btw fats and steriods?
steroids act as chemical messengers
what bond holds nucleotides together?
covalent bonds
how may diff amino acids?
how do plants and animals store polysaccharides?
plants = starch
animals = glycogen
what are saturated fats?
max # of hydrogen, only a single straight bond, solid at room temp
what are unsaturated fats?
less then max # Hydrogen, 1 double bond, crooked chain, liquid at room temp
what is the best known steriod?
cholesterol surrounds your cells with protection
what are the three parts of a nucleotide?
a sugar called deoxyribose, a phosphate group, and a nitrogenous base
what are the three groups attached to carbon in a amino acid?
amino group, carboxyl group, and the side group
protein are made up of one or more ______
polypeptide chains