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38 Cards in this Set

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free energy


-based on

-nrg of reactants and products

and if the reaction will happen spontaneously or not

-chemical nrg and concentration

reactants want to go from ______ nrg to ______ nrg

high to low

equilibrium means free nrg...

of reactants and products is equal

change in G

free energy

tells us if a rxn will happen, but not how fast

what are enzymes for?

to speed up chemical reactions

Activation energy (Ea)

the amount of energy the colliding particles must have for reactants to get over the barrier and become products

size of activation energy determines what?

reaction rate (how fast a reaction occurs)

higher activation energy =

slower the reaction

lower number of reactants turning into proucts ("productive collisions")

lower activation energy =

faster reaction

greater the number of reactants turning to products ("productive collisions")


a substance that accelerates a chemical rxn

what happens to the activation energy of a catalyzed reaction?

lower activation nrg

Can a catalyst change the free energies of the unbound reactants or products or the equilibrium?


equilibrium constant K

multiplied product concentration


multiplied reactant concentration

K is smaller than .001

basically no reaction occurs

K is .001- 1

at equilibrium; more reactants than products

K is 1- 1000

at equilibrium; more products than reactants

K at 1

products and reactants are equal

K larger than 1000

basically reaction goes to completion

Le Chatelier's Principle


when stress is applied to a system of equilibrium,equilibrium shifts to relieve stress

Stress? change in concentration, pressure, temperature, volume, that disturb original equilibrium

ex: buffers!

Catalysts can change the _____, but not the ______of a reaction.



what determines equilibria?

free energies of the UNBOUND reactants and products


a protein or other molecule that catalyzes a biological rxn

active site

specific pocket within the enzyme with a specific shape and chemical makeup needed to bind to a substrate

where substrate binds on the enzyme

most enzymes are ____?


how do RNA molecules act as catalysts?



the reactant in an enzyme catalyzed

what makes sucrose taste sweet?

sweet taste receptor accepts (not specific) and sends signal to the brain

how does sucrose have calories?

binds to protein sucrase (very specific) that begins sucrase metabolism

specificity (of enzyme)

enzyme's limitation of activity to specific substrate or type of reaction

enzyme papain

can break down peptide bonds in MANY different proteins, not just papaya fruit (where the enzyme is from)

enzyme thrombin

catalyzes hydrolysis of peptide bond adjacent to arginine in a protein essential for blood clotting

enzyme catalase

for the decompostion of hydrogen peroxide which can damage DNA

turnover #

*most enzymes?

measures catalytic activity

max # of substrate molecules acted upon per enzyme per unit of time

*most enzymes turn over= 10-1000 molecules per second

-enzyme with very fast turnover rate?

-catalase (hydrogen peroxide to water and O2)10^7

-papain (hydrolysis of peptide bonds) 10


*usually what? (2)

a nonprotein part of an enzyme that is essential to the enzyme's catalytic activity

*usually metal ion or coenzyme

*trace minerals and vitamins



an organic molecule that acts as an enzyme cofactor

***electron carriers


why are cofactors needed?

proteins are limited to the 20 amino acid side chains and to do all the things they want to.....need more things

6 Enzyme Classifications

1. oxidoreductases

2. transferases

3. hydrolases

4. ligases

5. isomerases

6. lyases