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42 Cards in this Set

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Vit C common food sources
citrus fruits; potatoes; peppers, brocolli; strawberries
Vit C deficiency
Scurvy - defective collagen formation leading to subQ hemorrhage, aching bones, joints, and muscle in adults; rigid position and pain in infants
vit C recommended intake (RDA)
F: 75 mg M: 90 mg
Thiamin RDA
F: 1.1 mg M: 1.2 mg
Thiamin common food sources
enriched cereals and breads; unrefined grains; pork; legumes, seeds, nuts
Thiamin deficiency
Beri-beri - edema; anorexia, weight loss; apathy, decrease in short-term memory, confusion; irratibility; muscle weakness; enlarged heart
Riboflavin RDA
F: 1.1 mg M: 1.3 mg
Riboflavin common food sources
Dairy products; fortified cereals; meats, poultry, fish; legumes
Riboflavin deficiency
ariboflavinosis - sore throat, hyperemia, edema of oral mucusal membranes; cheilosis, angular stomatis; glossitis, magenta tongue; seborrheic dermatitis; normochromic normocyclic anemia
Niacin RDA
F: 14 mg M: 16 mg
Niacin common food sources
Meat: chicken, beef, fish; enriched cereals or whole grains; most foods
Niacin deficiency
Pellagra - pigmented rash in areas exposed to sunlight; vomiting; constipation or diarrhea; bright red tongue; neuro symptoms
Vit B6 (pyridoxine) RDA
F: 1.3 mg M: 1.3 mg
Vit B6 (pyridoxine) common food sources
chicken, fish, pork; eggs; fortified cereals, unmealed rice, oats; starchy vegetables; noncitrous fruits; peanuts, walnuts
Vit B6 (pyridoxine) deficiency
seborrheic dermatitis; microcytic anemia; epileptiform convulsions; depression and confusion
Folate RDA
F: 400 ug M: 400 ug
Folate common food sources
citrus fruits; dark green vegetables; fortified cereals and breads; legumes
Folate deficiency
impaired cell devision and growth; megaloblastic anemia; neural tube defects
Vit B12 RDA
F: 2.4 ug M: 2.4 ug
Vit B12 common food sources
aminal products
Vit B12 deficiency
Megaloblastic anemia; neuro symptoms
Biotin RDA
F: 30 ug M: 30 ug
Biotin common food sources
liver, egg yolk
Biotin deficiency
conjunctivitis; CNS abnormalities; glossitis; alopecia; dry, scaly dematitis
Pantothenic acid RDA
F & M: 5 mg
Pantothenic acid common food sources
wide distribution in foods especially in aminal tissues, whole-grain cereals, and legumes
Pantothenic acid deficiency
irritability and restlessness; fatigue, apathy, malaise; GI symptoms; neuro symptoms
Choline RDA
F: 425 mg M: 550 mg
Choline common food sources
milk; liver; eggs; peanuts
Choline deficiency
liver damage
F: 700 ug M: 900 ug
Vit A common food sources
carrots; dark green and leafy veggies; sweet potatos and squash; broccoli
Vit A deficiency
night blindness; xerophthalmia (dry eyes); keratinization of epithelium in GI, respiratory, and GU tracts; skin becomes dry and scaly
F: 90 ug M:120 ug
Vit K comomn food sources
green leafy veggies; cabbage family; bacterial flora of intestine
Vit K deficiency
defective blood coagulation; hemorrhagic anemia of newborn
F: 5 ug M: 5 ug
Vit D common food sources
fortified milk; exposure of skin to sunlight
vit D deficiency
Rickets - inadequate bone mineralization (osteomalacia)
F & M: 15 mg
Vit E common food sources
vegetable oils, margarine; wheat germ; nuts; green leafy veggies
Vit E deficiency
Muscular dystrophy, neuro abnormalities