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159 Cards in this Set

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Dietary fuels and fates
carbs = 4 kcal/g
protein = 4kcal/g
fat = 9kcal/g

cmpds are oxidized to CO2 and H2O via citric acid or aka krebs cycle during which e- are transferred to O2 leading to production of ATP via a process called oxidative phosphorylation

excess dietary fuel -> fuel stores -> fat, glycogen, protein -> fasting -> oxidation = ENERGY
critical for biosyn of
musc cont
active ion transport
cell signaling
major carbs in human diet
starch - storage form of carbs in plants
sucrose & lactose - disaccarides
fructose & glucose - monosaccharides
glucose - predominant carb in human blood
cmpsed of AA via peptide bonds

16% N by weight

hydrolyzed to their constituent aa during digestion

oxidation to CO2 and H2O - 4kcal/g
consist of triacylglycerols (triglycerides) which are cmpsd of 1 glycerol to 3 fatty acids via ester linkage

common saturated fatty acids = palmitate and sterate

common unsaturated - oleate

more E b/c highly reduced
daily energy expenditure
1. energy expended at rest
2. energy expended in physical activity
3.energy needed to process food we eat - diet induced thermogenesis & is equivalent to 10% of kcal ing.
basal metabolic rate
measure of E needed to amintain life

determined by measuring O2 consumption OR heat produced by resting person recently awakened after 12 hr fast

expressed in kcal/day

depends on body weight, sex (F is lower), body temp ( inc 12%/deg C) and ambient temp

BMR=24kcal/day/kg body weight * body weight in kg
physical activity relates to BMR
30% of BMR of sedentary person
60-70% of BMR for person who engages in about 2 hrs of moderate exercise a day
100% for ppl who do several hrs of heavy exercise a day

daily energy expenditure can be det. from BMR and approp. % of BMR req for phys act.

daily energy expenditure = BMR+%ofBMR
diet induced thermogenesis
E needed to process/store food we eat

10% kcal ing

often ignored in daily energy expenditure calc
caloric balance
to maintain body weight has to stay in this (E intake =E expenditure)

overweight ppl can be defined as weighing 20% more than ideal weight

positive cb = consumption> expenditure
cb = consumption =expenditure
neg cb = consumption < expenditure
Body mass index
BMI = weight/height^2 used to determine if weight is in a desirable range
- below 18.5 underweight
above 25 are overweight
dietary req
specific nut to remain healthy

carb - no essential
fatty acids - linoleic and alpha-linoleic fatty acids b/c they are precursors for arachadonic acid and eicosanoids (these come from plants)
-eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) from fish oils

protein-0.8g/kgof ideal body weight
9 essential aa = Lys, Ile, Leu, Thr, Val, Trp, Phe, Met, and His

Arg conditionally essential - req to support growth

vit - sml quantites

minerals - some req in lrg quantiteies like P or Ca
others only trace amts Fe and Se
nitrogen balance
when aa are oxidized N atoms exreted in urine as urea primarily but also as uric acid, creatinine, & ammonia

= N taken into body each day - amt of N cont cmpds lost in urine, sweat, feces, and cells that slough off

neg N balance develops when
a. too little protein in diet
b. diet consists of lower quality prot. lacking essential aa
aliphatic cmpds
carbon based cmpds that contain single or doublebonds and are either straight or branched
sulfhydryl group
quaternary amine
ester vs esther

conj bases of major biol relevant acids
carboxylates, phosphates, or sulfates

dissociated form of an acid "ate"
acid ends in "ic"
polar bonds are highly reactive b/c electronegative atoms can act as nucleophiles to attack electropositive atoms

electroneg atoms= good nucleophiles
electropos atoms =electrophilic
cmpsd of 3+C that contain a carbonyl group and multiple hydroxyl groups

can be aldoses and ketoses

trioses = 3 C
tetroses= 4C
pentoses, hexoses , and so on

glucose = aldohexose
stereoisomers that differ in the position of a hydroxyl group at only 1 chiral carbon
in solution the carbohydrate ring structure, the hydroxyl group attached to the anomeric C can undergo this process

the hydroxyl changes from the up (beta) to the down (alpha conformation) position or vice versa

non-enzymatically or catalyzed by mutarotases
glycosidic bonds
anomeric C react w.N or O to form these bonds

N-linked ones found in nt
O-linked found in disaccarides or other sugar polymers

have either an alpha or beta orientaiton and numered according to their positions of attachment
fatty acids
long aliphatic chains w/COOH at one end and CH4 (w-carbon) at the other

cis unsaturated fatty acids are the most naturally occuring
linked to 2 fatty acids through ester linkages at positions 1 and 2 of the glycerol

phosphate group to position 3 via phosphodiester linkage
can be linked to a polar head group like choline

common components of lipid membranes
major structural motif of steroids is 4 ring steriod nucleus

converted into amphpathic bile salts used by body to absrb poorly soluble chem/cmpds
nitrogenous bases
possess either a purine, pyrimidine or pyridine ring
adenine, guanine, thymine, nicotinic acid

liked to sugars through a N-glycosidic bond to form a nucleoside when these are phosphorylated on the ribose ring they are termed nucleotides (adenosine triphosphate)
50-60% body weight of adults
75% " " " " kids
obese = body weight is made up of a lower precentage of water

60% of total body water is intracellular and rest makes up extracellular fluid

can make up to 4- H bonds - avg one lasts 10 picoseconds - constantly forming/breakinig/reforming

good solvate for organic molec and inorganic salts

high heat capacity and high heat of vaporization
cations ECF ICF
Na+ 145 12
K+ 4 150

Cl- 105 5
HCO3- 25 12
Pi 2 100

numbers in mmol/L

distribution maintained by energy req transporters ex/ Na+/K+ pump
proportional to the total conc of solute particles

water moves from a compartment w/low conc of solutes => one w/higher conc of solutes

when water moves from one compartment to another it is replaced by fluid from diff. compartment to maintain a near constant osmolality
Woman could not be aroused from nap, taken to ER in coma. roommate reported that she had been feeling nauseated, drowsy, vomiting for 24hrs. she is clinically dehydrated and has a low BP. Resp. deep and rapid, breath has fruity odor of acetone.

what's wrong
osmotic diuresis

-blood levels of glucose are so high b/c lack of insulin so body thinks it is starving so mobilizes fatty acids and metabolize it a metobolite is ketone bodies so there is an inc. in particles in blood so they are passing from blood into the glomerular filtrate kidneys=>urine

b/c high osmolality of glomlar filtrate much more H20 is being secreted in urine than usual (polyuria) so H20 depleted from blood replaced from intracellular fluid so cells are dehydrated

when brain stem is dehdrated unable to carry out normal fns = coma

give her isotonic (0.9%) saline to rehydrate b/c
osm of blood and intercellular fluid is 290 oms/kg
.9g NaCl per 1mL = 155mMol
NaCl <=> Na+ + Cl-
if all the way => then 310 Osm/kg H2O
so this saline rehydrates her w/minimizing swelling
dissociation constant in H2O
Kd = [H3O+][OH-] / [H2O]

dissociation is small

conc. of pure water is 55.5 M

so use Kw= [H3O+][OH-] = 1*10^-14
dissociation constant Ka
the ability of an acid to donate a proton to a solution

Ka = [H3O+][A-] / [HA]

stronger the acid the higher the Ka

pKa = -log (Ka)

The smaller the pKa the stronger the acid
acids produced during normal metabolism
Sulfuric acid
lactic acid
pyruvic acid
citric acid

weak -
acetoacetic acid
beta-hydroxybutryic acid
acetic acid
dihydrogen phosphate
ammonium ions
ketone bodies
acetoacetic acid and beta-hydrooxybutric acid
henderson-hasselbalch equation
when concentration of A- = HA then pH=pKa

so pH=pKa + log ([A-] /[HA])
mixture of a weak acid and conj base that resists changes in pH when an external acid or base added

factors that determine the effectiveness of a buffer
1. pKa relative to pH of solution
buffers work best w/in 1 pH of their pKa
2. Its concentration
the more concentrated the buffer the greater its capacity to accept or donate protons

body fluids are all buffered

if pH of buffered solution drops 1 unit in pKa the ratio of A-/HA- from 1:1 to 1:10
how much acid does the body produce a day?
22,000mmol of acid/day which if unbuffered would equal <1.
pH of body fluids
- blood pH is maintained btw pH 7.36-7.44 and intracellular pH is 7.1
- major organs operate btw pH 6.8-7.8
mech. for maintaining body pH
4 major buffering systems :

1. the bicarbonate-carbonic acid boffer system - extracellular fluid -open sys out via urine and lungs

2. the hemoglobin buffering system (red blood cells)

3. the phosphate buffer system (all cells)

4. the protein buffer system (all cells and plasma)
Bicarbonate buffer system
CO2 produced during TCA cycle is major metabolic acid (about .5-1kg/day)

CO2 reacts reversibly w/ water to produce carbonic acid, which dissociates to form bicarb and a proton

CO2 + H2O &lt;=> H2CO3 &lt;=> H3O+ + HCO3-

occurs spontaneously - but occurs primarily in RBC where it is catalyzed by carbonic anhydrase

concof CO2 in body fluids is about 400 times higher than carbonic acid

dissolved CO2 is in eq w/ CO2 in air in the aveoli and avalibility of CO2 can be inc or dec by adjusting the rate of breathing

carbonic acid (H2CO3) in blood can be reduced by deep breathing which leads to increased release of CO2 into the lungs -- useful for treating metabolic acidosis (dec in blood pH

but shallow breathing can be used to treat metabolic alkalosis (inc in blood pH) b/c more CO2 is retained in blood

dissolves into intercellular fluid - providing a buffer for interstitial fluid
Concentration of dissolved CO2 measured in ER
expressed as a fractioin of partial pressure of CO2 in the arterial blood (PaCO2)

pH=3.5 + log([HCO3-]/[H3CO3]) -> pH= 6.1 + log([HCO3-]/ [CO2(d)]) -> pH=6.1 + log ( [ HCO3-]/ 0.03PaCO2)

[HCO3-] and PaCO2 are expressed as mEq/mL and mm Hg

the constant 0.03 reflects that only 3 % of gaseous CO2 is dissolved
hemoglobin buffer system
near the tis. hemoglobin acts as a buffer b/c it is enriched in histidine (basic pKa=6.7) at a number of exposed positions

His combine reversibly w/protons to produced protonated and nonprotonated versions of hemoglobin

can except a proton near the lungs where CO2 is released and shifts the eq and can accept a proton from carbonic acid
phosphate buffering system
dihydrogen phosphate and its conj base is a major buffer of intracellular pH in all cell types

H2PO4- <=> H3O+ + HPO4-

occurs in RBC
protein buffering system
proteins and their conj bases are a major buffer of intracellular pH in all cell types

ex - serum albumin mantiains osm. balance

H+ + protein - <=> H3O+ + Protein
3 yo boy brought to ER by grandfather. boy had taken a half full 500 tablet bottle of 325 mg asprin (acetylalicylic acid) from counter- grandfather found him taking them and made him spit out but he wasn't sure how many he already swallowed so brought him to ER now gramps is hyperventilating
boys stomach was lavaged and white tablets where found but he was showing no signs of salicylate toxity ( resp stimulation, upper abd. distress, nausea, or headache

initial effect of asprin induces an alkalosis caused by an effect on the hypothalamus that inc. the rate of breathing and expiration of CO2 which is followed by a complex metabolic acidosis caused by dissociation of salicylic acid (salicyclic acid <=> salicylate +H+ pKa = 3.5)

Salicylate is lipid soluble and has a dissociable proton. in high conc able to partially uncouple mitochondria so there is a decline in ATP conc in cell and consequent inc in AMP in cytosol which stimulates glycolysis

overstimulation of glycolytic pathway results in inc levels of lactic acid in blood and metabolic acidosis

salicylate may impair renal fn so accumulation of strong acids
usual level of serum salicylate
therapeutic dosage 4-5 g/day
120-350 micrograms/ml and a level of 800 micrograms/mL is lethal
blood pH range
how do you test for ketone bodies
blood ad urine
normal blood glucose level
no higher than 200 w/o regard to last meal

reference level of PaCO2
38-42 mmHg

this reflects carbonic acid level
reference serum bicabonate level
24-28 mEq/L
type 1 diabetes
aka juvenile or insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus

if blood insulin levels fall too low - free fatty acids leave adipocytes and converted by liver to ketone bodies acetoacetic acid and beta-hydroxybutryic acid which accumulate in blood resulting in a metabolic acidosis known as diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA)

until insulin is administered the resp center in brain is stimulated by acidosis to cause deeper and more frequent resp (Kussmaul's resp) .CO2 is expired more rapidly than norm and blood pH rises
what is the physiological pH
about 7

at this level AA are protinated
the amino group is protonated so has a + charge
the carboxyl group is deprotonated so it has a neg charge

so if R is uncharged a zwitterion predominates at physiological pH
D vs L forms of alpha AA

glycine's alpha C is the only one that is not chiral so it doesn't have difefrent forms

alpha AA in L config are used to syntehsize proteins

D AA are rarer and occur in components of bacterial cell walla and a number of antibiotics
5 groups of AA
sulfur containing
nonpolar/aliphatic AA
simplest AA

greatest flexibility of all the AA
b/c min steric hindrance
imino acid b/c of cyclic structure

secondary amine

least flexible b/c side chain restricts conformational freedom
which AA have branched highly hydrophobic side chains?
which AA are found on the interior of globular protein

b/c they help stabilze the globular protein by excluding water
aromatic AA

in each the aromatic ring is attached to the beta carbon
ring stacking
forms strong hydrophobic interaction occur w/each of the side chains of the aromatic AA

hydrophobicity of the aromatic AA are Phe>Trp>Tyr (side chain is a weak acid)
aromatic AA and UV light
can abs light in the near UV region btw 240 and 300 nm

abs of trp can be 4x that of tyr

phe abs significantly lower amts of UV b/c it's lack of resonance

this explains why most proteins abs light at 280 nm which is used to measure the conc of protein
polar/uncharged AA

more soluble in water b/c they can H-bond w/water

often located on exterior of protein
amide group of Asn and Gln
do not donate or accept protons at physiological OH
which AA can be phosphorylated by protein kinase?

modification that is imp for cell signaling and cancer
Sulfur containing AA
methionine also nonpolar
cysteine also polar
which AA is the first AA in the vast majority of proteins?
charged AA

side chains deprotonated and neg charged at physiological pH except lys and arg which are protonated

participate in electrostatic interactions
acts as an acid/base catalyst found in lots of enzymes
a 4 month old female infant, emigrated from the soviet union w/her french mother and russian father 1 month ago. she was normal but in the last several weeks was less than norm. attentitive to her surroundings. her psychomotor maturation seemed delayed and a tremor of her extremities started. So she came to the ER when mother found her having gross twitching mvmts. Pediatrician examined and noted a musty odor to baby's wet diaper.
several phenyl ketones were found in her urine
she has PKU
hyperphenylalaninemia which is mediated by autosomal recesive transmission of defective phenylalanine hydroxylase (PAH) gene causing accumulation of phenylalaine in bood (norm less than 1-2 mg/dL but in newborn it's twice this) people w/PKU have levels abv 16 mg/dL. PAH is req for the generation of Tyr

phenyl ketones cause the musty odor

liver biopsy det the level of activity of PAH

tx - maintain levels of phenylalanine in blood through dietary restriction
isoelectric point
pI - the pH at which molecule has no net charge

pI= (pKa (alpha-COOH) + pKa(alpha+NH3))/2
van der waals
weak non-convalent interactions

occurs btw two close atoms
done by temporary dipoles
hydrophobic effect
when 2 non-polar groups approach each other, water molecules become disordered so there is a net increase in entropy which results in a decrease in free energy which stabilizes the interaction
Pi or ring stacking
-forms a dipole-dipole iinteraction btw two neighboring aromatic groups
-possible bc of redistribution in electron density

2 orientations:
off center stacking (DNA)or t-shapped stacking
cation-pi stacking
forms an ion-dipole interaction btw aromatic group and a neighboring cation

common in proteins
weaker than ioinc interactions but stronger than ring stacking
strength of a H-bond
stronger when O-H-O is in a straight line and weaker when bent or at an angle
electrostatic interactions in proteins
at physiological pH arg, lys, and His are positively charged but asp, and glu are neg charged

can interact over longer distances than other types of interactions
disulfide bonds
covalent bonds in proteins

help in protein stability

cysteine can be oxidized to sulphenic, sulphinic and sulphonic acid
18 year old male brought to hospital by mother bc of the sudden onset of severe lft flank radiation around his left side toward pubic area. his urine was reddish-brown in color and urinalysis revealed presence of many RBCs. xray showed radiopaque stones(calculi) in both kidneys but no fam history of kidney stones. he passed a stone shortly after admitance w/immediate releif of pain. stone analysis revealed maj component to be cystein. whats wrong?
norm AA filtered by renal glomerular caps into tubular urine but reabs from fluid back into blood.
he has cystinuria - genetically det. AA substitution in transport protein which nnorm reabs cystine, arginine, and lysine back into the blood. urine contains high amts of these aa and cysteine is less soluble than aa b/c of disulfide bonding and precipitates to form renal stones

rare disorder 1 in 2500 to 1 in 15000

recessive mode of inheritance

tx- dec amt of cystein w/in bod restricting dietary methionine which contributes to cystein formation. increase in volume of fluid drinks

stones may be removed by surgical tech. - sonic fracture of stone and pass b/c of smlr size
characteristics of peptide bonds
O has a partial neg charge
N has a partial pos charge
free rotation around C-N bond does not occur but rotation around alpha C and C (called psi angle) and alpha C and N do occur (called phi angle)

b/c of steric constraints alpha C are norm in trans conformation and so are side chains
4 AA
3-30 AA
many AA MW less than 10,000g/mol
lots of AA MW greater than 10,000 g/mol
peptide bond formation
dehydration (condensation rxn)

AA favored over protein so carboxyl group on peptide is chem modified or activated in order to synthesize a new peptide bond
peptide bond formation - chemical method
short peptides can be synthesized by solid phase peptide synthesis

uses dicyclohexylcarbodiimide (DCC) to activate the alpha- carboxylate of AA

syn proceeds from c-terminus of peptide to N- terminus
peptide bond formation - biological method
occurs in 3 steps
1. aminoacyl adeylate (aminoacyl-AMP) is formed by reaction of an AA w/ATP which is catalyzed by aminoacyl-tRNA synthetase specific for the AA
during this reaction pyrophospahte (PPi)is formed
the release and hydrolysis of PPi makes rxn energetically favorable

2. AA is transfered to ribose on a specific tRNA to form an aminoacyl tRNA

3. two tRNAs bind to the ribosome at adjacent sites
alpha-amino group of a C termila AA (in A site) nucleophillically attacks the activated carboxyl of the N-teerminal AA (in P site)

the A site tRNA then translocates to the P site and the next amino acyl-tRNA binds at the A site to extend the polypeptide chain

syn proceeds from n- to c- terminal direction
peptide bond hydrolysis
favored rxn but very slow
rate inc by incubating protein w/
1. SA (6M HCl, 110 deg C for 24 hrs)
2. SB (40% aq NaOH, 110 deg C for 24hrs)
3. enzyme called protease
exopeptidase (aminopeptidase) cleaves in between AA

endopeptidase cleaves w/in the AA btw NH and c=o
initiator codon
stop codons
wobble effect
3rd AA most variable
degenerate genetic code
there are multiple codons for an individual AA
alpha helix
2dary structure
polypeptide wraps around imaginary helical axis
side chains protrude away

stabilized by internal Hbonds btwn amide of N of one peptide bond and carbonyl O of 4th AA from N terminal side of peptide bond - parallel to long axis of helix
each turn held together by 3-4 H-bonds
pro is a helix disrupter b/c shape and lack of amide H
gly is destabilizing bc of high conformation flexibility

poly Glu will not form a helix at pH 7 bc of destabilizing effect of adjacent neg charge

bulk and shape of Asn, Ser, Thr, and Cys residues can also destabilize if they are close together
stabilized by positive residues 3or 4 AA away from neg charge residues
factors affecting a- helix stability
1. electrostatic repulsion/attraction btw adjacent AA
2. the bulkiness of the adjacent R groups
3. interactions btw R groups 3-4 residues apart
4. presence of Pro or Gly residues in sequence
beta sheet
secondary structure
H-bonds btwamide H on one strand and carbonyl oxygen on other strand
adjacent R groups in individual beta strands protrude from sheet in opposite directions above and below
parallel or antiparallel
when it makes a beta sandwich stacking R groups must be small
beta turn
in globular proteins typically 1/3 of AA are in turns or loops that connect secondary structural elements to create tertiary structure
most common - connects two adjacent strands of an antiparallel beta sheet
180 degree turn only using 4AA
carbonyl O on first residue H bonds w/amide N on 4th residue to help stabilize the turn
supersecondary structure
commonly occuring recognizable combos of alpha helicies and/or beta sheets

zinc finger, helix turn helix, leucine zipper motifs commonly occur in DNA binding proteins
in leucine zipper Leu residues interdigitate
in zinc finger cys and his residues coordinate a zinc atom
tertiary structure
electrostatic, H-bonding, van der Waals, hydrophobic and disulfide bonds stabilize tertiary structure

hydrophobic AA typically on int of protein
hydrophillic on surface H-bond w/H2O to help solubilize protein
what denatures proteins?
beta- metacaptoethanol - reducing agent cleaves disulfide bonds

urea disrupts hydrophobic interactions btw side chains

heat, extremes of pH, detergents
protein folding
defects in intracellular protein folding can contribute to dx like cystic fibrosis, creutzfeldt-jacob dx(mad cow dx), huntington dx, alzheimer's

once outside the cell many proteins cannot fold or refold into their native structures once denatured

intercellular folding aided by molecular chaperones whose fn is conserved from bacteria ->humans
inc. numbers of chaperone levels in cells exposed to cellular stresses (high temp)

hydrophobic rich regions of unfolded proteins are bound w/in poockets in chaperonin complex to prevent aggregation
conformational changes in chaperonin complex promote proper folding of the bound polypeptide
a peptide hormone 51 AA sml protein

synthesized as a single chain precursor caled preproinsulin which contains a signal sequence that is removed during its insertion into the ER which results in the production of proinsulin w/3 disulfide bonds

proinsulin packaged into secretory granules in pancreatic beta cells and converted to active insulin by specific proteases that cleave peptide bonds to form mature insulin

elevated blood glucose triggers insulin secretion

composed of chain A (21 AA) and chain B (30 AA) linked by 2 disulfide bonds
IgG Ab are one of most abundant serum proteins

contains 4 chains : 2 heavy and 2 light made from diff genes

light chains=220AA
heavy chains = 440 AA
held together by disulfide linkages and noncovalent forces

IgG = Yshapped structure can be cleaved by proteases at the hinge region

papain tx generates Fc fragment(crystalizes easily) and Fab fragment

all have regions of fairly constant sequence CH1, CH2, CH3, and CL
and variable secuence VL and VH

constant domains adopt a characteristic structure called immunoglobulin fold
heavy chain and light chain both have one region of variable sequence

variable domains associate to from the antigen binding site

10^8 diff Ab
antiparallel beta strands look like beta barrels which bind sml molecules
- predominant Ab in serum - 4 additional classes of Ig somewhat related structures
- known as gamma globulin, readily traverse blood vessel walls and the placenta so can transfer immunity to developing fetus
can activate complement system when it binds Ag
principally found in body secretions (saliva, sweat, tears, milk, walls of intestine

occurs as a monomer or dimer conected by a J chain
interacts w/Ag to prevent their binding to a particular cell
helps get Ag out of body w/IgA
produced during initial phases of an infection

consists of 5 Y-shapped IgG like chains

largest Ig

5 chains are held together in pentameric form by a j chain

b/c of size restricted to blood stream
found on surface of B cells
plays imp role in allergic response by interacting w/phagocytic leukocytes in blood and histamine secreting cells in tis.

when binds Ag mast cells are stimulated to secrete histamine and other molecules that cause vasodilation. inc the permeability of blood vessels to facilitate mvmt of immune cells to sites of inflammation

recognizes pollen or other allergens as foreign triggering immune response
fibrous proteins
alpha keratin, collagen, and silk fibrin

elongated filamentous proteins that have structral roles in animal cells and tis

major protiens in skin and CT and animal fibers like hair and silk

dominated by secondary structure

a-helix cross linked by disulfide bonds -tough insoluble protective structures of varying hardness and flexibility - ex - alpha keratin of hair, feathers and nails

beta conformation - soft flexible filaments - silk fibrorin

collagen triple helix - high tensile strength w/o stretch - ex collagen of tendons, bone matrix
alpha keratin
major proteins of hair, wool, nails,claws, quills, and consitute major fraction of proteins in animal skin

Intermediate filament proteins which have important structural roles in cytoskeletal architechture of nuclei, the cytoplasm, and cell surface

primarily alpha helical that can be more than 300 residues in length

high content of Ser, Glu, Gln, and Cys

pairs of helices twine about each other in parallel to form left handed coiled-coil - residues btw alpha helicies must interdigitate norm. hydrophobic

rich in Ala, Val, Leu, Ile, Met, and Phe

coiled coils associate to get protofilament which assoc to get protofibril

mechanical strength depends on chemical intrachain crosslinking (disulfide bonds)
the greater the number of disulfide bonds the greater the strength - nails have a higher number than hair

permanent waves
heat and a reducing agent applied to hair to break H-bonds and disulfide bonds respectively

heat uncoils alpha helical structure

removal of the reducing agent and addition of an oxidizing agent allows disulfide bonds to reform in a pattern determined by the stylist shuffled disulfide bonds
silk fibroin
produced in insects and spiders

individual polypeptide chains are predominantly in beta conformation

high content of Gly and Ala residues interdigitate to permit close packing of layered sheets

each beta sheet is stabilized by H bonding btw peptide bonds

intersheet interactions are predominantly van der waals interactions

silk fivers do not stretch bc the polypeptide backbone is already in an extended conformation - but flexible bc it is held together by weak interactions
collagen fibrils are present in CT, tendons, cartilage, the organic matrix of bone and cornea of the eye

strong as steal wire

numerous proteins belong to this family
distinct secondary structure
collagen helix is: left handed, 3 residues per turn, composed of repeating tripeptide sequence Gly-X-Y where X is often pro and Y is often 4-Hydroxyproline
individual polypeptide chain contains about 1000 AA each

the pro and 4 Hyp residues allow form sharp twisting and Gly allows for close proximity of chains

3 collagen heilices called alpha chains are wrapped around each other -superhelical twisting is rt-handed

triple helix stabilized by interchain Hbonds
individual triple helical collagen molecules

supramolecular assemblies of tropocollagen units arrayed in staggered , side-by-side allignment

how they associate determines tensile strength of collagen molecule
collagen and tropocollagen post translational modified
1. proline hydroxylation - vit C dependent rxn - uses prolyl hydroxylase and Fe+ too, 4-hydroxy proline plas imp role in stabilizing triple helix by formin H-bonds btw individual collagen helicies

2. lysine hydroxylation - vit C dependent rxn as well as Vit C and Lysyl Hydroxylase
Hydroxy Lysine residues are sites of attachment for disaccharide moieties (glucose-galactose)

3. lysine oxidation to allysine req lysyl amino oxidase
allysine can react w/another molecule of allysine to form an aldol cross-link
covalent crosslinks such as these strengthen the collagen structure

could also cross link w/lys or hydroxylysine
in the absence of covalent modifications cross linking btw molecules of tropocollagen cannot occur and collagen molecules are largely unstable
2,3 - Bisphosphoglycerate
BPG - produced by RBC in lrg amts from glycolysis
has a neg charge

-reduces affinity of hemoglobin for O2 favors dissociation of O2

HbBPG + O2 <=> HbO2 + BPG

central cavity of Hb is lined w/+charged residues that interact w/ BPG

only one molecule binds to each hemoglobin tetramer in T state

r state hs a low affinity for BPG b/c of conformational changes that reduce access to central cavity
fetal hemoglobin
HbF is an alpha2 gamma 2 fetus synthesizes gamma subunits instead of beta

has lower affinity for BPG consequently has higher affinity of O2

imp bc fetus must be able to extract O2 from the blood of the mother
factors affecting O2 release
HbO2 <=> Hb + O2

H+ ->
BPG ->
CO2 ->
<- O2
how can diff. forms of hemoglobin be separated by electrophoresis?
bc differences in PIs

HbA pI = 6.87
HbS pI = 7.09
HbF pI = 6.58

- charged proteins migrate toward anode (+ electrode)
+ charged proteins migrate toward cathode (-electrode)

HbA has a fastr rate of migration towards the anode b/c pI is lower

least pI travels fartest and highest pI travels least

HbA has a lower pI b/c Beta subuint of HbS contains a Glu6Val mutation so it has 2 fewer neg charged residues than HbA
protein by itself that is free of cofactor or prosthetic group
how much can enzymes enhance rxn rate?
10^16-10^17 fold
complex of apoenzyme + prosthetic group, coenzyme, or cofactor
what are the 2 most studied proteins?
hemoglobin and myoglobin

myoglobin was the first 3D protein structure to be solved and hemoglobin was 2nd
hemoglobin vs myoglobin
heme - transports O2 through blood , a tetramer

myo - stores O2 in mm so it can be used to provide E through oxidative phosphorylation, a monomer

both contain heme group
six classifications of enzymes
oxidoreductase - transfer of e- (hydride ions or H atoms)

transferases - group transfer rxns

hydrolases - hydrolysis rxns

lyases - addition of groups to dbl bonds or formation of dbl bonds by removal of groups

isomerases - transfer of groups w/in molecules to yeild isomeric forms

ligases - formation of c-c, C-s, C-o and C-N bonds by condensation rxns coupled to ATP cleavage
enzyme naming
assigned a 4 part classification Num. by Enzyme Commission (EC num)

first number - denotes class name
2nd - denotes subclass(what it transfers)
3rd = denotes chem idenitiy of modified group
4th - denotes id of substrate

also assigned a systematic name that IDs the rxn it catalyzes
pH optimum
typical pH or pH range enzyme operates w/max activity

due to the fact tat aa have ionizable groups
active site
AA residues create molecular surface that is complementary to substrate and are involved in catalyzing the rxn

once substrates is bound the conformation changes to isolate substrate from surrounding aq enviro
enzyme catalyzed rxn
E + S <=> ES <=> EP <=> E + P
rxn coordinate diagram
progress of rxn plotted against free E (G)

starting pt = ground state and end point

under standard cond: 298 K, 1 atm, 1 M , pH 7

biochem standard free E change = delta G prime knot = difference in S and P ground state if P is lower E state then free E is neg. b/c favorable but if P is higher free E is pos.

top of curve - transition state things are changing

activation E = delta G vertical 2 headed arrow - lower activation E = faster rxn
protein bound prosthetic group which iron is bound to carry O2 b/c if iron is free promotes formation of reactive O2 which damages O2

belongs to class of cmpds called porphyrins (protoporphyrin IX)

binds to ferrous (Fe2+) six coordination bonds - 2 to N atoms in flat porphyrin ring and 2 perpendicular to porphyrin ring

F3+ doesn't bind O2

heme deep in protein to prevent iron oxidation
- in myoglobin 1 of the axial sites of coordination is bound to a HIs, the other site of coordination interacts w/O2

color of blood due to changes in electronic properties of heme when O2 binds

CO and NO can coordinate to heme iron in place of O2 and have a higher affinity for heme iron than O2 - CO binding to heme prevents O2 from binding and is highly toxic
transition state theory
the enzyme active site is complementary so iit binds most effectively to the TS for the rxn

the binding of ES should be weaker than the interaction btw enzyme and the TS for rxn

if it binds to tightly to the substrate during the transition state then the activation energy is higher when going from ES to TS than when going from S to TS

the complementary interactions btw the enzyme and the transition state of the rxn are maximized so the activation E is lowere when going from ES to TS than when going from S to TS

enzyme binds TS 10^12 times tighter than to the substrate or products
induced fit
conformational change when the enzyme binds substrate that excludes water
binds glucose to change into a conformational active enzyme - phosphorylates glucose b/c it undergoes conformational change upon glucose binding that converts the enzyme from inactive to active conformation that excludes water

ex of induced fit

glucose + Mg-ATP --(hexokinase)--> phosphorylated glucose +Mg-ADP

extensive H-bonding to glucose - induces the conformational change

galactose the C-4 hydroxyl is in axial position so it can't bind productively to hexokinase b/c of loss 4- Hbonds so it cannot be phosphorylated by hexokinase but can be by galactokinase

enzyme specifity
Inhibition of HIV protease
HIV protease is an "aspartyl protease: that cleaves peptide bonds in proteins
2 closely spaced Asp residues make water nucleophilic so it can attack the carbonyl carbon in the peptide bond

aspartyl proteases provide an example of acid base catalysis

HIV protease cleaves newly snthesized viral protein at specific Phe-Pro bonds so it can package new virus for release into blood

during the rxn cycle a tetrahedral intermediate is formed at the TS
-most HIV protease inhibitors possess a tetrahedral hydroxyl group to maximize interactions with the enzyme at the TS

TS analogues are generally competitive inhibitors that bind to enzymes 10^2 to 10^6 times more tightly than the normal substrate
TS state analogues of HIV protease
3 main drugs target certain enzymes to control HIV
HIV reverse transcriptase
HIV integrase
HIV protease
factors that stabilize the TS and lead to rate enhancement include
1. Decrease in ENtropy
2. Desolvation effects
3. induced fit
4. general acid-base catalysis
5. covalent catalysis
6. metal ion catalysis
7. use of coenzymes

1-5 used by chymotrypsin
decrease in entropy
proper orientation of substrate in enzyme active site - increases the probability of productive collisions btw molecules - which in solution may be rare

also by proximity

loss of rotational and translation entropy when substrate binds but loss is offset by favorable binding energy of substrate

ES are now bound so now the rxn is 1st order instead of 2nd order ( an increase in effective molarity of rxn centers)
desolvation effects
when an enzyme binds to substrate desolvation of substrate occur

H bonds btw substrate and water are replaced by interactions between enzyme and substrate - solvation shell stabilizes biomolecules - so rate enhancement in absence of this
general acid-base catalysis
side chains of variety of AA can act as either proton donors or acceptors

positioned to max proton transfers

rate enhancements of 10^2 -10^5 fold
used bymost enzymes
covalent catalysis
nucleophilic attack by an active site residues lead to the formation of a covalent intermediate which is more reacctive than the substrate

several AA can participate in this by acting as nuceophiles (Ser (OH), Cys, His)
used to activate the substrate
chymotrypsin and trypsin
pancreatic serine protease catalyzes the hydrolysis of peptidebonds C-terminal to an aromatic AA acit (Trp, Tyr, Phe)
- works in sml intestines
- ex if how entropy effects, transition state stabilization, general acid-base catalysis and covalent catalysis contribute to rate enhancement

enhances the non-enzymatic rxn by at least a factor of 10^9. Trypsin employs a virtually identical catalytic mechanism but trypsin cleaves peptides after Arg or Lys

In trypsin the substrate recognized pocket contains an aspartyl residue(neg) which helps to promote bindng positively charged AA

active site serine
RXN mechanism of Chymotrypsin
1. substrate (unstructured region of protien) binds to the enzyme

2. His acts as a general base and deprotonates the Ser hydroxyl = alkoxide nucleophilically attacks the carbonyl C

3. Formation of tetrahedral acyl-enzyme intermediate . the neg charge on O is stabilized by H bonding to the electropositive amide protons in the oxyanion hole

4. collapse of the tetrahedral acyl-enzyme intermediate leads to the reformation of the carbonyl the breakage of the peptide bond and the loss of the C-term fragment
His57 donates the proton that it removed from Ser195 to the departing N-term alpha amino group (covalent catalysis)

5. step 4 leads to the formation of the acyl-enzyme intermediate

6. a H2O molecule binds to active site. His57 again acts as a general base deprotonating the water molecule to generate hydroxide anion (-OH). Nucleophilic attack on the carbonyl carbon occurs

7. Nucleophilic attack on the carbonyl C results in the formation of a second tetrahedral acyl enzyme intermediate . The neg cha
summary of the rxn mechanism of chemotrypsin
Asp - modulates the pKa of His os it is able to deprotonate Ser hydroxyl (pKa 4)
protonated His is stabilized by neg charge of nearby carboxyl group of the Asp residue

catalytic triad

the acyl-enzyme intermediate has a lower E level than the TS b/c it is more stable

the last step has the highes E level and is the rate limiting step of rxn
catalytic triad
this arrangement of Asp, His, and Ser is common to a number of proteases and called the catalytic triad - a good example of the cooperative interactions that occur btw the aa in an active site that occur to promote catalysis
metal ion catalysis
metal ions are often cofactors for enzyme rxns (1/3 of all enzymes use metal ions)
metal ions are either tightly bound by the enzyme or bound to the enzyme as a substrate metal ion complex
Mg-ATP in the hexokinase rxn is an example which helps orient the substrate for nucleophilic attack and to help stabilize deveolping charge n the transition state

in solution there is no free ATP so enzymes typically bind metal ion-ATP complexes
153 aa - single polypeptide chain w/ 8 alpha helicies that comprise 78% of the aa residues in the protein - named A-H

the polar and charged residues are on the surface and the heme group is buried in a hydrophobic pocket in the interior

there are 2 His residues present in the Heme binding pocket
myoglobin binding to O2
binds and releases O2 based on its affinity for O2 - binds O2 in O2 rich environments and releases it in O2 deprived regions

equilibrium constant Ka is a association constant and is a parameter that indicates the affinity of a ligand for a protein expressed in terms of M-1

the larger the Ka the higher the affinity of the ligand(O2) for the protein

the fraction of available binding sites that are occupided by a ligand = [PL]/[P]+[L] = binding sites occupided/total binding sites --- this is also equal to w/ the substatution of Ka
= [L]/[L]+1/Ka

dissociation constant Kd = 1/Ka with M as the units - equivalent to the conc of ligand(O2) at which half of the ligand binding sites are occupied. Smaller the Kd the higher the affinity of ligand for the protein

so theta = [L]/[L]+Kd a hyperbola eqn -hyperbolic fn

because O2 is a gas partial pressures replace the concentrations so
theta = p[O2] / p[O2] +P50
P50 of myoglobin for O2 is 0.37 kPa or 2.8mm Hg

CO binds to myoglobin 200 times
present in erythrocytes (34% by weight)
near the lungs hemoglobin is 96% sat w/O2
in peripherial tis hemoglobin is only 64% saturated

an alpha2beta2 tetramer consisting of 2 alpha subuints 141 residues and 2 beta subunits w/146 residues

mass 64,500g/mol diameter 5.5 nm roughly spherical

exists in 2 major conformations tense T state (absence of O2 predominate of deoxyhemoglobin) or relaxed R state (O2 binds and stabilizes this conformation)
ionic salt bridges stabilize the T state - porphyrin ring adopts a puckered conformation when O2 binds the ring adopts a planar conformation and pulls the proximal His residue and alters the conformation of attached Helix F cange causes conformational changes in other subuits and allows them to more readily bind O2
why myoglobin is not good transporter of O2
pO2 in lungs is abt 100 mm Hg (13.3 kPa) in lungs it is 30 mm Hg (4 kPa)
since P50 of myoglobin is 2.8 mm Hg it would not release the O2 to tis -so not a good O2 transporter

any protein that bound O2 w/hyperbolic binding curve isn't good transporter b/c a. protein that binds O2 w/high affinity would be completely saturated w/O2 in lungs and would not release to tis.
b. protein binds to O2 w/low affinity would release it to the tis but would not become saturated w/O2 in lungs

hemoglobin overcomes this problem by binding to oxygen cooperatively - it undergoes transition from a low affinity state to high affinity state as O2 conc increases
hemoglobin binding to O2
O2 binding to an individual subunit of alters the affinity of adjacent subunits for O2.

binding of first molecule of O2 binds weakly b/c bound to T state but affinity for second one is increased and subsequent binding of O2 to the remaining subunits helps to further convert hemoglobin from the T to R state - positive cooperativity
-O2 sat. curve for hemoglobinis sigmoidal

hemoglobin can only bind 4 molecules of O2

reversible binding of ligand to protein w/n binding sites described by eq expresion :

fraction of binding sites occupied by ligand (theta) = [PLn]/[P]+[L]^n = [L]^n/ [L]^n+Kd (eqn for a sigmodial curve)

subs for partial pressures
theta = p[O2]^n/p[O2]^n+kd

when hemoglobin is half saturated w/O2 theta=0.5, Kd=p[O2]^n
so for a sigmodial curve Kd does not equal the concentration of ligand that yields half max binding (P50)
P50 = nth root of Kd
for hemoglobin P50 = 26 mm Hg

hemoglobin transport of H+ and CO2
hemoglobin responsible for transport to the lungs of 40% of H+ and 15-20% of CO2 produced by tissues

CO2+H2O &lt;=>H2CO3 &lt;=> H+ + HCO3-

hydration of CO2 in tis decreases the pH of the surrounding solution

the protons and CO2 produced in the tis do not bind the heme
protons can bind to the AA residues in hemoglobin
His 146 (His HC3) in the beta subunit makes a major contribution to the Bohr effect
when protonated His146 forms a salt bridge to Asp94 (Asp FG1) that stabilizes the T state
therefore protonation of His146 favors release of O2

CO2 produced in tis does not bind directly to heme
CO2 forms a carbamate group w.the alpha amino groups on each of the individual hemoglobin subunits
since the reaction produces protons it contributes to the bohr effect

the higher concentration of O2 in lungs promotes O2 binding and the relase of CO2
the bohr effect
pH decrease the O2 saturation curves shift to the rt favor low affinity state

at at low pH 7.2 tis, the affinity for O2 dec. and O2 released
at low pH CO2 and H+ bind to hemoglobin is favored

proton binding to specific sites on hemoglobin cause conformational changes that favor a shift to the T state

In the lung higher pO2 and a slightly elevate blood pH (7.6) promote release of CO2 and H+ which favors the R state

consequently the affinity for hemoglobin for O2 increases binding in the lung favors release of protons wheras in tis where the proton concentration is higher the binding of a proton favors release of O2

The effects of CO2 and H+ on O2 transport were first noted in 1904 by christian bohr and is therefore called the bohr effect
HHb+ + O2 <=> HbO2 + H+