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46 Cards in this Set

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what is a trace element and function as cofactor for enzymes


glutathione peroxidase GPx

iodothyronine deidinase IDI


what are the symptoms in Se deficiency in animal

white muscle disease in sheep

unsteady gate and arched back

deficiency in human

in some area in china- keshan diease- enlargement of heart, loss of flexibility (cardiomyopathy)

- low Se content in soils

is there Se deficiency disease in here?

does it particially assocaited with cancer



explain the fuction of selenium

free radical attack, fatty acid peroxides cause damage,

so GSH + Se to GSSG to fatty alcohols then harmless catabolism

GPx helps arrest lipid peroxidation

what are the other function of selenium

IDI is controls the thyroid funciton, T4 to T3

thioredoxin reductase

25 selenoproteins in mammals

zinc deficiency

- stunted growth i children

- decreased taste sensation

- imparied imune funcion

severe deficiency

- dwrfism

- delayed sexual maturation

- hypopigmented hair

human in zinc deficiency first reported in egypt

diets low in meat, staple based on beans, unleaved bread, other wholegrain foods, high in fibre and ohytate

causes of zinc deficiency

- decreased intake, absorption or increase intake of inhibitor

- increased losses - votmit, poo

increased- requirement- growth, pregnancy, lactation

zinc intake enhancers

animal protein

organic acids

zinc inhibitors



iron copper

oxylate (spinitch, chocolate)

zinc intake requirement: 8, 18

hre: 15.2, 10.2


food rich in zinc


red meat

chickn thigh


what are functions of zinc


protein and nucleic acid metabolism

lipid and carb metabolism

interactions with hormones

growth and reproducton

immune function T cells

appetite- taste acuity,night vision

vitamin A metabolism

RDI for zinc

n intake



good source for selenium


fish, brazil nuts, liver and kidney


poultry/eggs, other meat

history of goitre

post-re-emergence of mild iodine deficiency


mild and moderate ID

smaller than



reasons for reduction in iodine status

- reduction in use idophors in dairy industry

- lower intake of iodised salt

- decreased use of discretionary (salt)

- use of non-iodised forms: rock salt

what are some IDD?

hypothyroidism <100

goiter <50

imparied mental function <50

retarded physical develpment and

abortion stillbirths, congenital abnormalities <25

cretinism <25

mandatory iodine fortification

iodine salt in bread

what deficiency is most common around the world


shuttle between ferrous to ferric forms

also assist many enymes


RDI for iron

8, 18

1% males and 26% females have inadequate intakes

what are the supply for iron

- amount eaten

haem vs non haem

promoters andinhibitors in diet

what are the requirements of iron

absortion higher if sttus low


growth, regnancy an lactation

presence of infections

animal flesh

from plants

- provide haem and non-haem

- non haem

intake of haem and non haem

10-15 non- 85-90

of absorption

haem: 25-35 non- haem: 2-10

ron promoters and inhibitors


vitamin C

meat fish an protein taken at the same time as non-heme iron



coffee and tea


calcium, vinc and manganese

absorption higher if status low


during life when you are pregnant or groth spurt you need iron

iron deficiency severe

low stores and anaemic

functions of vitamin A

- functio in vision

- integrity of epithelial cells

- embryonic development

- maintnace of immune function

what is vitamin A deficiency called


what are the components and process of itamin A formation cis- trans

opsin and 11-cis retinal= rhodopsin

change in shape leads ot nerves impulse

two types of vitamin A

preformed retinol

provitamin A carotenoids

beta carotene

dioxygenase- 2 retinols


vitamin D process

7 dehydrocholesterl


dietary intake (both to liver)

25 D3

to kidneys

form 1,25 dihydroxyvitamin D3

this maintain calcium balance in the body

vitamin D deficiency in adults and chldren?



people with fat malabsorption

also leads to deficiency, risky

source for vitamin D

oily fish and egg yolk

mushrooms that is exposed to the sun

and vitamin D is permitted to be added to diary product

analogues derived fromlegumes and cereals

have you have too much

yes, hypercalcaemia

main source from vitamin E (tocopherol)

oil from plants and animal food- fatty tissues

and the function is maintaencance of membrne integrity

deficiency is rare

what does part of coensyme thaimin pyrophosphate does

assist in energy metabolism of all cells

situated on the membrane o nerve cells

rapid turn over limited storage.