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29 Cards in this Set

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Reason for Plant Growth
Plants cannot move therefore they respond to changes in environment by changes in growth patterns
Plant growth
Cell walls are rigid and don't allow for movement of cells past each other: shape of organs dependent on growth

growth dependent on division and expansions.
Preprophase Band
A ring of microtubules bisecting the cell in the outer layer of cytoplasm

in rapid growth areas plane is perpendicular to growth areas
Plant growth: expasnion
Growth after divisional growth can be rapid and is caused by water uptake.

Lower water potential leads to water going into the cells (the large central vacual) causes volume to increase.

enzymes get released into the primary cell wall break hydrogen bonds between cellulose microfibrals: loosening the structure

Cell growth perpendicular to cellulose microfibrals
Plant cells arise from a totipotent ancestrial cell

Differences in gene expresion lead to different protein compliments which determine cell function and morphology
Control of Differentiation
Differentiation can be determined based on positional information or location of the cells
How plants function
Using plant hormones: Have no nervous system, therefore they integrate functions by distributing chemical signals in the body.
Plant Hormones
Modifies structure and function in response to the environment
Example Phototropism
Phototropism (definition)
Is the altered growth pattern in response to light
can be positive growth or negative growth

most plants show a positive phototropism due to greater growth on the shaded side of the stem (petiole)
Phototropism (discovery)
Darwin and son discovered that signal comes from the tip of the stem in grasses

1. Shoot with no tip, or covered tip, shows no phototropism
2. Shoot covered with transparent tip, or with lower parts of stem covered, shows positive phototropism
Phototropism (tip of signal)
shown to be a chemical signal when tip was separated signal was still present after tip was reatached with a gelatin permeable to large proteins.
Phototropism (hormone)
called auxin causes stem to grow based on where the auxin is released
Auxin (function)
only an intermediate amount of apical meristem produce growth

Activates proton pumps which pump H+ into cell wall. H+ activates expansins weakening the cell wall

because H+ is pumped out K+ is pumped in down the electrochemical gradient. making the solute potential increases. Cell then increases
Auxin (transport)
Produced in the apical Meristem (top most branch)

and transported down the stem (from root to shoot)

Cotransport with hydorgen imports Auxin into the basil membrane.

Carriers at basil membrane export the auxin
Other functions of Auxin
1. Stimulates cell growth/ differentiation in the vascular cambium (secondary growth)
2. Stimulates formation of roots in stem cuttings
3. Stimulates growth of fruits in some plants (auxin produced by seeds)
4. Inhibits growth of axillary buds (source of apical dominance)
Various Plant Hormones



Abiscus Acid

work with auxin to promote cell division and differentiation
causes stem elongation by stimulating both cell division and expansion – responsible for bolting; breaking of dormancy

produced from fungi found in rice plants.
in the apical meristem
Abiscus Acid
-- Slows down metabolism, maintains dormancy in seeds (antagonistic to gibberellins)
A gas, it is involved in senescence, fruit ripening (Commercial fruits are now stored in ethylene-free or ethylene-enriched environments for storage or artificial ripening).
Morphological responses to the enviroment.
Phototropism (overview)
ii. Ensures maximal exposure to light through inhibition of growth on lit side of plant
iii. Sensation of light occurs at shoot tip (cryptochromes) : blue light receptors
Changes in growth patterns due to touch.

example vines crawling up a tree.
Circadiane Rythmes
Sensitivity to day and night cycles (photoperiodism)

circadian rhythm depends on light sensitive structures and signaling compounds to spread information through the plant
Example of photoperiodism
PHOTOPERIODISM is the reason for most seasonal responses example: control of flowering.
flowering types
1. Short-day, flower in response to night lengths longer than a certain minimum. Therefore flower in the fall.
2. Long-day, flower in response to night lengths shorter than a certain maximum. Therefore flower in the spring.
3. Day-neutral, flower in response to internal cues (e.g., plant maturity); flowering not photoperiod-sensitive.
Flowering mechanism
Flowering responds to night length.

Just a flash of light to long will supress flowering.

Signal is hormonal therefore by grafting two plants together the signal produced by one plant impacts the other.
are red/far-red sensitive pigments composed of a protein covalently attached to a non-protein chromophore
i. Red light darkness (~660 nm) induces a conformational change that makes the phytochrome more sensitive to far-red light