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33 Cards in this Set

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type of control in cardiac muscle tissue
smooth muscle tissue
1) found in digestive tract, arteries.
2) shape like a spindle, unstriated
3)uninucleate, nuclei are long and elongated.
skeletal- moves the bones
cardiac- pumps blood
smooth- move contents within an organ.
Nervous tissue
cell body- carries on function for the cell.
dendrite- receives nerve impulses, short and numerous
Axon- carries impulses to brain and spinal cord.
Cellular constituent in nervous system.

Function- senses and responds to stimuli in environment. relays information
First skin layer has two cell types: keratinocytes and melanocytes
secrete a tough, water insoluble protein.
produce a brownish black pigment called melanin, which filters out ultraviolet radiation from sunlight.
Second layer of skin.
Middle and thickest layer.
Contains sweat glands, sebaceous glands and many blood vessels.

Contains hair follicles and nerve endings.
Subcutaneous layer
The deepest layer of skin.
Insulates body.
Provides protective padding.
Stores energy here. (Has much adipose (fatty) tissue here)
Aging effects on skin
1. loses elasticity because of water loss and fat loss.
2. melanocytes decrease.
3. blood vessels decrease.
Functions of skin
1) barrier to moisture loss
2) protection
Types of skeletons
1) hydrostatic- muscles work
2) endoskeleton- rigid internal body
3)exoskeleton- rigid external body parts
Skeletal system
Appendicular- consists of bones of the appendages and the bones that link the appendages to the axial skeleton
Pectoral Girdle contains:
1) clavicle (collar bone)
2) scapula (shoulder blade)
Bones coming off pectoral girdle
a) humerous-funny bone
b) radius
c) ulna (looks like monkey wrench)
d)carpals (wrist)
e) metacarpals (main hand)
f) phalanges (fingers)
Pelvic Girdle
-formed by the coxal bones,
which consists of three bones:
1) ileum-upper portion
2)ishium-central portion
3)pubis- bottom portion
Bones coming off pelvic girdle
tibia (big bone in lower leg)
fibula- small bone in lower leg
tarsal- ankle
metatarsal-main part of foot
axial skeleton
skull-protects brain
vertebral column-protects spinal cord
ribs and sternum-protects heart and lungs
Ball and socket joint
allows movement in all directions (shoulder, hip)
Hinge joints
1) one way movement (fingers and toes)
Pivot Joints
allow bones to rotate, provide ease of manipulation. (wrists and hands)
yellow bone marrow
stores fat
spongy bone
1. found in the end of the bone
2. honeycomb like with small cavities
3.contains red bone marrow
Skeletal disorders
1. Arthiritis- inflammation of joiints
2. osteoarthritis-joints become stiff, cartilidge is worn.
3. rheumatoid-autoimmune disease
4. Osteoporosis- bones become thinner.
Prevention for skeletal disorders
1) sufficient calcium intake
2) weight bearing excersize
3) don't smoke
Skeletal Muscles
attached to skeleton and produces body movements.
upper portion of back, triangular

elevates shoulder.
Latissimus Dorsi
lower portion of back

help with deep inspirations
Rectus Abdominus
in the abs, usage is heavy during sit ups.
forms rounded muscular area over the shoulder.

abducts the shoulder joint.
External obliques
side of the trunk

supports abdominal muscles.

flexes knees and foot.