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25 Cards in this Set

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1.)rod-shaped structure found in embryos of all chordates, it is derived from mesoderm tissue

2.)animals that undergo live births

3.)animals that lay eggs

4.)animals that develop within eggs, which remain within the mothers body up until they hatch, the mothers have live births

5.)a structure that produces specific hormones in animals





endocrine gland

1.)mammals that lay eggs

2.)a group of mammals commonly thought of as pouched mammals

3.)group of vertebrate animals characterized by the presence of sweat glands and mammary glands




1.)there are 4 distinct characteristics that set chordates apart from all other phyla; possession of a __at some time during the organisms life, a single, dorsal, tubular __chord, a __pouch and a post-anal propulsive ___

2.)are all the characteristics talked about above possessed by all members of the phylum as an adult or during the larval stage

notochord, nerve, pharyngeal, tail


1.)other characteristics include __muscles in an __trunk, a ventral __ with dorsal and ventral blood vessels, a complete __system and a cartilage or bony __

2.)the __ is a rod-like, semirigid structure that extends the length of the body, and lies b/w the gut and CNS tract

3.)in vertebrates the notochord becomes the __

1.)segmented, un-segmented, heart, digestive, endoskeleton


3.)spinal column

1.)the nerve chord is dorsal and often enlarges at the anterior end to form a __

2.)the pharyngeal pouches are often present during the __stage only

3.)in aquatic organisms, the pharyngeal pouches becomes the __

4.)is it true that the posterior tail may not persist in adults





1.)the subphylum tunicataa consist of what organisms

2.)for the tunicates, they are found in __environments and most are __(fixed in one place) as adults

3.)the common name of tunicataa comes from the nonliving __that surrounds the animal

4.)the tunic contains __


marine, sessile



1.)as adults, are the tunicates highly specialized in their habitat

2.)food particles and __are removed from water as it is filtered through the pharynx and gill slits

3.)so for tunicates, only the __exhibit characteristics of the chordates

4.)the subphylum Cephalochordata includes what organisms





1.)the lancelets are an aquatic organism called __

2.)does the genus of Cephalochordata have the 4 characteristics of the chordates in the simplest form

3.)the water enters the mouth, driven by __found in the buccal cavity

4.)then the water passes through the numerous gill slits in the __





1.)food is trapped in the __on the gills

2.)the mucus and food are then moved by __to the intestine

3.)the nervous system is centered around the hallow nerve chord lying above the notochord and there is a very simple __




1.)the most distinctive characteristic of this subphylum is that the animals replace the notochord with a spinal column of vertebrae composed of cartilage, bone or both

2.)the distinctive endoskeleton consists of some or all of the following: vertebral column with a __at one end, visceral arches, limbs, girdles, a jaw and two pairs of jointed __


cranium, appendages

1.)vertebrates have a large diversity of internal organs which include endocrine glands, kidneys and hearts with at least __chambers

2.)vertebrates also have __ which is unique to this subphylum

3.)vertebrates can be __, meaning females have live births

4.)vertebrates can be __, meaning they lay eggs





1.)vertebrates can also be __, which means they produce eggs, which develop internally, then the eggs hatch and the young are released through a live birth process

2.)what is an example of ovoviviparous animals

3.)class of vertebrates is Agnatha, which organisms are this

4.)Agnatha are marine and freshwater fish, they have no paired appendages, and they possess a __skeleton



jawless fish


1.)the mouth of hagfish possesses two rows of eversible teeth, this differs from the ___, which posses an oral sucker with well developed teeth

2.)___(Myxini) are marine dwelling while ___(Cephalapidomorphi) may be found in marine and freshwater habitats

3.)the __are not parasitic and feed on dead or dying fish, annelids, mollusks, and crustaceans


hagfish, lampreys


1.)the __is parasitic, they attach to prey using their sucker like mouth and the teeth rasp away at the flesh of their host

2.)the class Condrichthyes consist of what organisms

3.)the endoskeleton of Condrichthyes is entirely __, and they have exposed gill slits


cartilaginous fishes


1.)examples of Condrichthyes

2.)the tough leathery skin of __is covered with numerous dermal placoid scales and the anterior plates are modified to form replaceable rows of __in both jaws

3.)the skates and rays are distinguished by their dorso-ventrally flattened __and enlarged __fins that act like wings while swimming

skates, sharks, rays

sharks, teeth

bodies, pectoral

1.)the gill slits of skates and rays are located on the __of their body

2.)the animals in the class of Condricthyes display ___(how they give birth) characteristics

3.)the class Osteichthyes includes what animals

4.)the endoskeleton of Osteichthyes is composed of what

underside (ventral)


bony fishes

cartilage, bone

1.)an __(lid) is located over the gill slits of bony fish and there are __and __fins present

2.)for Osteichthyes, the skin is embedded with __scales and there is no placoid scales

3.)the class Amphibia consist of what animals

operculum, pectoral, pelvic


frogs, toads, salamanders

1.)characteristics of the class Amphibia include forelimbs, usually with __digits, smooth moist __ with many glands, respiration by __, a __chambered heart and __fertilization of eggs that must remain moist.

2.)the larval stage of the class Amphibia is usually aquatic with __
3.)the order Caudata of Amphibia includes __and the order Anura includes __

4, skin, lungs, 3, external


salamanders. Frogs, toads

1.)the class reptilia consist of what animals

2.)the class repilias general characteristics include horny __scales on a integument with few glands, __limbs, usually with __toes, __chambered hearts, __fertilization, eggs that are laid on land and have a leathery covering (___) and __for gas exchange

3.)what is the only animal within the class Reptilia with a 4 chambered heart

1.)lizards, snakes, crocodilians, turtles

2.)epidermal, paired, 5, 3, internal, amniotic egg, lungs


1.)the order Squamata of the class Reptilia consist of what animals

2.)the order Testudines of the class Reptilia consist of what animals

3.)the order Crocodilia of the class Reptilia consist of what animals

4.)the class Aves consist of what animals

lizards and snakes


alligators and crocodiles


1.)characteristics of the class Aves include __usually adapted for flying, __covering of feathers and leg scales, skeleton fully ossified with __cavities, __chambered heart, voice box, air sacs, amniotic eggs with a lot of __and hard calcareous shells

forelimbs, epidermal, air, 4, yolk

1.)characteristics of the class Mammalian include the possession of __, integument with __glands, scent and __glands, __chambered heart, voice box (__), specialized teeth, skull, lungs, eggs develop in a __with placental attachment, milk produced by __glands

2.)this group (Mammalian) is named after the mammary glands which secretes milk that is full of __, protein, __, and minerals

1.)hair, sweat, mammary, 4, larynx, uterus, mammary

2.)fat, sugar

1.)does milk help the young to grow fast and suckling bonds mother and young?

2.)__are the most diverse group of vertebrates living on the earth today

3.)there are __distinct subclasses of Mammalian

4.)__which contains only the order Monotremata or the Monotremes (___)




Prototheria, egg laying

1.)the Prototheria live in __and New Guinea and they include the __and two types of __(spiny, hedgehog type animals)

2.)the __or Marsupials (__) has about 280 species

3.)the Mettatheria consist of what animals

4.)the last subclass is the __or Mammals (___).

Australia, duck-billed platypus, echidna

Mettatheria, pouched

opossums, kangaroos

Eutherians, placental

1.)for Mammals, these animals have a uterus and fertilization is __

2.)gestation for mammals is prolonged as is nurturing the young and these animals are ___(live births)

