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46 Cards in this Set

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1st cells evolved in water...

3 billion years ago before spreading onto land.

Most cells are surrounded by water and cells are about...

70-95% water.

Water (H2O) is a polar molecule and hydrogen bonds form between...

water molecules.

What type of bonds form between the atoms within a water molecule?


The oxygen end of the H2O molecule is more _______ than the 2 hydrogens -> meaning the electrons spend more time closer to the oxygen end than to the hydrogen ends of the H20 molecule -> oxygen end has a slight ___ charge & the hydrogen ends have a slight ___ charge -> the whole H2O molecule is "charged" -> results in _______ covalent bonds within each H20 molecule.

Negative; - ; + ; polar

Polar covalent bonds results in hydrogen bonding...

...bonds that form between adjacent H20 molecules.

What type of bonds form between adjacent water molecules?


Hydrogen bond always involves a _________ atom [with a positive (+) charge] forming a bond with an adjacent atom [with a negative (-) charge] in a molecule (usually oxygen or nitrogen).


Describe 4 properties of water that make the existence of life on Earth possible and give examples.

Cohesion, Moderate, Expansion, and Solvent.

Cohesion of H20 molecules:

water molecules stay close to each other as a result of hydrogen. (Ex. water transportation in plants from the roots -> leaves)

Difference between cohesion and adhesion?

Cohesion is when hydrogen bonds hold H20 molecules together. Adhesion is clinging one substance to a different substance.

Surface Tension:

measure of how hard it is to break the surface of a liquid and related to cohesion. (Ex. water spiders, water striders, and belly flops)

Moderation of Temperature by H20:

water moderates air temperature by absorbing heat from the air.

Water moderates air temp. by ________ heat from air that is warmer and ________ heat to air that is cooler -> very effective "heat bank" because it can absorb or release a large amount of heat with only a slight change in its own _____________.

Absorbing; releasing; and temperature.

Kinetic Energy:

energy of motion; atoms and molecules are always moving.


measure of total amount of kinetic energy due to molecular motion.


measures the intensity of heat due to the average kinetic energy of molecules.

_________ scale is used to indicate temperature.


Water freezes at ______˙C (that's a degree thing) and boils at _____˙C.

0 (zero) & 100.

Unit of heat is calorie. Calorie (defintion):

is amount of heat required to raise the temperature of 1 g. of water by 1˙C.

1,000 Calories=

a kilocalorie.

Water has a high specific heat (definition):

is the amount of heat that must be absorbed or lost for 1 g. of that substance to change its temp. by 1˙C. (compared with most other substances)

High specific heat of water due to its hydrogen bonds...

Heat must be absorbed to break H-bonds.

Heat is released when H-bonds form.

Costal areas have milder climates compared to inland regions -> because: large body of water (ocean) can absorb & store huge amount of solar heat during the day/summer while warming only a few degrees.

During night/winter the gradually cooling water can warm the air.

Big picture:

Because of water's high specific heat, water that covers most of the Earth keeps temperature fluctuations on land & water (& in organisms) within limits of permit life.

Transformation from a liquid to a gas is called?

Vaporization or evaporation.

H20 has a high "heat of vaporization"

heat a liquid must absorb for 1 g. to be converted to gas.

As liquid water evaporates, the surface of the liquid that remains behind "cools down" -> evaporative cooling: ______________; contributes to stability of temperature in lakes/ponds; prevent terrestrial organisms from overheating. (ex. evaporation of sweat from skin -> dissipates body heat/prevents overheating on hot day)

surface of an object becomes cooler during evaporation.

Expansion of H20 molecules upon freezing:

H20 is one of a few substances that is less dense as a solid than as a liquid.

Solid ice ______ on liquid H20 -> due to H-bonding -> at 0˙C, H20 molecules become "locked at arm length" into a crystal of ice -> ice crystal has fewer molecules of H20 compared to liquid H20 of the same volume (ice is ~ 10% less dense than liquid H20).


What is the significance that solid water is less dense then liquid water?

Ice will float; so that animals can stay on top of or underneath.


The Solvent of Life


Substance that is dissolved (sugar)


Dissolving agent of a solution (water)

Aqueous Solution:

Water is the solvent (sugar and water)

Hydration Shell:

Ionic compound is dissolved in water, each ion surrounded by a sphere of water molecules.


Substance that has affinity for water (ions & polar molecules).


Doesn't have affinity for water, repels, non ionic & form non polar covalent bonds.

What happens to water when it ionizes (dissociates)?

H+ (H positive) OH- (OH negative)

What is an acidic solution?

Any substance that increases the H+ (H positive) concentration of a solution.

What is a basic solution?

Any substance that reduces the H+ (H positive) concentration of a solution.

Draw a pH scale on the line and indicate what numbers represent acid, base, or neutral solution:

0-6 = acid or acidic; 7 = neutral; 8-14 base or basic

Internal pH of most living cells is close to?


Remember that each pH value represents a ______________ in H+ (H positive) concentration.

10 fold change

How much more acidic is lemon juice (pH 2) compared to root beer (pH 6)?

(10 x 10 x 10 x 10) more acidic = 10,000

What are buffers and why are they important to life?

Substance that minimizes changes in the concentration of H+ (H positive) and OH- (OH negative) in a solution, helps pH stability in human bond and many other biological solutions.