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33 Cards in this Set

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name two of the phylums named for Kingdom Protista
Sarcodina, Ciliophora
Characteristics of Protista
primarily single celled, nucleus, ± mitochondria, ± chloroplast, ± cell wall
reproduction, asexual reproduction, ± meiosis, autotrophic/ Heterotrophic, pseudopodia/flagella/Cilia
Characteristics of Sarcodina
movement by pseudopodia, reproduction: asexual by binary fission, sexual-rare or unknown
Parts to know of the Sarcodina
plasma membrane,ectoplasm, endoplasm,organelles.
--some are parasitic in humans
Characteristics of Ciliophora
movement by cilia, asexual reproduction
Parts to Know of Ciliophora
plasma membrane, organelles,mouth (oral groove), gullet, pellicle
Characteristics of invertebrates
multicellular,heterotrophic, aerobic resiration, asexual reproduction, motility
germ layers of the invertebrate embryo
body organization of Invertebrates
radial symmetry: completely symetrical
bilateral symmetry: only symmetrical longitudily.
what is Acoelom, Psuedocoelom,Coelom
Acoelom: no space in cavity
Psuedocoelom: appearance t have space
Coelom: open space in cavity things are segmented
Origin of Animals

- hypothetical origins:
ciliate ancestry: organisms lived symbioticly with other organism which eventually became the organelles
colonial ancestry: groups of the organisms lived symbiotically in a group for survival
some examples of kingdom Placozoan
Porifera (sponges), Cnidaria (Hydra, jellyfish)
what are the scientifc names for the phylum for flatworms and classes: hydra, flukes/leeches, tapeworms)
Phylum: Platyhelminthes class: Turbellaria(hydra) Trematoda (flukes)
Cestoda (tapeworms)
classes of Phylum Mollusca (clams, snails, octopus)
Scaphopoda: tooth or tusk shells
Gastropoda Snails and slugs
Pelecypoda: bivalves
Cephalopoda: Squids&octopuses
characteristics of Annelidia (worms)
1. Bilateral symmetry
2.Non-tapering segmented body
3.Each segment contains bristles(setae)
4.Body plan:
-body wall and digestive system with layers of muscles
-Coelom present, usually divided by septa
-Digestive system complete, extending through organism
-Circulatory system closed
-Respiration via skin or gills
-Excretory system composed of paired nephridia(like a kidney)
-Also deals with osmoregulation
- nervous system organized, brain present with ventral nerve cord
three classes of annelids and characteristics of each
1. Hirudinea (leaches) posterior and anterior suckers for attachment- anterior- oral sucker leads from pharynx to anus
2. Polychaeta
Many setae, gills, primarily marine
3.Oligochaeta (earthworm)
-Few bristles -segments are numbered
Characteristics of Arthropoda(insects, spiders, crabs)
1.Bilateral symmetry
2.Body segmented: head,thorax,abdomen areas
3.exoskeleton:composed chitin
5. jointed(hinged) appendages
1 pair per area
5.Body plan:
a.Digestive system complete
b.Circulatory system open
c.Respitory system, gills or tubes
d.Specialized sensory structures
a.Eyes(usually more then 2)
Classes of Arthropoda
1.Merostomata(horseshoe crabs)- no antennae, four pairs of legs,marine
2.Arachnida(spiders,mites,ticks) –not antennae,
3.Diplopoda(millipedes) one pair of antenna, two pairs of legs per seg
5.Insects(insects) one pair of antennae, three pair of legs, mostly terestiral
Echinodermata, (starfish,sea urchin, sea dollars)
1radial to bilateral symmetry
Depends on organism
2. coelmate
3. body plan:
coelom ciliated, cavity with fre cells( amoebacytes),
4. water vascular system- system of interconnected tubes,- regulate the amount of water in the organism,
5. reproduction- sexes separate, sperm and egg
5 classes of Echinodermata
1.Echinoidea-sea urchins and sand dollars
2.Crinoidea-sea lily (flower like)
3.Ophiuroidea-brittle stars
4.Holothuroida-sea cucumbers
characteristics of Kingdom: Chordata--vertebrates
1. notochord: first formed skeletal supporting structure, long rod that runs the length of the body, dorsal to the digestive system.
2. nerve chord: dorsal tube parallel to notochord, anterior portion enlargedforms brain
3. pharyngeal gill slits: on either side of pharynx, feeding and or respiration, all higher chordates have themmany only during early embryonic stages
4. tail: at least in embryo
Major Taxa
-subphyla; of Chordata
1. Urochordata-tunicates(sea squirts);
occur in intertidal zone to deep sea environments, filter feeders passing water through gill slits-food/respiration. Two distinct phases; juvenile form- bilaterally symmetrical, motile. Adult form-radial symmetry, non motile

2. Cephalochordata-lancelets; small fish-like animals, notochord and nerve tube/cord along entire body, persistent in adulthood

3. Verebrata-spinal animals; largest group of chordate,-notochord becomes replaced by a vertebral column segmented spinal column as the supportive axis,-brain enclosed by a brain case,
Agnatha(jawless fish); large group plentiful during Cambrian period, earliest jawless fish were?
ostracoderms-bottom dwellers filter feeder, body covered by bony armored plates, skeletal system-notochord terminated anteriorly in enlarged brain case
-extant ostracoderms;two lines survived hagfish and lampreys

Characteristics: cartilidge

-hagfish: scavengers, feed by rasping tongue

-lamprey: rasping tongue modified around in oral sucker
Jawed fish: earliest jawed fish were bottom feeders, gill supporting structures became modified into a jaw bone like projections served as teeth, despite a large amount of adaptive radiation placoderms became extinct during the Carboniferous period.
placoderms; ostracoderms
Amphibians(Amphibia): evolved from lobe finned fish. name characteristics
thick boney skeleton.
tetrapods-4 limbs.
Respiration via; gills, lungs, epidermis
Important parts of frog anatomy both external and Internal
1.External anatomy(frog): Head,mouth, nares(nostrils), eyes, tympanic membrane(eardrum), Trunk: forelimbs-hand with 4 fingers,
leg-foot with 5 toes
Cloacal opening-

2.Internal anatomy:
a.Buccopharyngeal ccavity-oral cavity; mouth-tongue, esophagus, jaws-upper/lower, teeth-maxillary upper jaw, vomerine in palate(holds food)
bTorso: abdominal vein, stomach, pyloric sphincter, small intestine, liver-3 lobed, large intestine, cloaca, lungs, brain-5 lobed, spinal cord
Characteristics of Reptillia (reptiles)
--First truly terrestrial group
scaly skin, Internal fertilization, Amniote eggs
Aves(bird): one group of reptiles(dinosaurs) underwent evolutionary modification. Evolutionary adaptations?
wings; modified forelimb,

bone too dense; to reduce weight, bone became honeycombed.

Respiration enhanced; flight heavily dependent on energy, respiration means for energy production(ATP), lungs connected to ventilating sacs which allow for more oxygen uptake.

Circulation enhanced; to get oxygenated blood to all parts of the body

heart modified, heart large in proportion to body-4 chambered, clear demarcation between oxygenated and deoxygenated blood,
Mammalia(Mammals): Characteristics
mammary glands; Gland produces nutritious fluids for young offspring.
three lineages of Mammalia
Monotremes-egg layers
Monotreme characteristics
egg laying mammals.- extant species: duck billed-platypus, spiny anteater. –most primitive mammals, amniotic egg laid& incubated. Hatchling continues development in a temporary skin pouchcontains nipples for suckling
Marsupial characteristics
egg laying mammals.- extant species: duck billed-platypus, spiny anteater. –most primitive mammals, amniotic egg laid& incubated. Hatchling continues development in a temporary skin pouchcontains nipples for suckling
Eutherians characteristics
Placental mammals: amniotic egg laid& incubated internally. –developing fetus exchanges material with mother indirectly.—Placentasponge like tissue formed by both mother and fetus.-placental develops in the uterus: material passed from one to the other. – end result is fully formed offspring.