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42 Cards in this Set

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What is a the question

Wha will be tested in the experiment


A proposed explanation for the question based on previous knowledge or scientific evidence

Independent variable

the variable you are testing, or choosing to manipulate

Dependent variable

the variable you are measuring, that is affected during the experiment


testing the assumptions of the experiment by either proving or disproving it (removal of the independent variable ss


parameters of the experiment that are kept the same between treatments to insure there is only one independent variable

What is a variation in biological data?

due to genetic and environmental factors, it requires the interpretation of variation through statistical analysis.

Descriptive statistics

estimating a population data from collected sample

Hypothesis and statistical testing

includes a null and an alternative hypothesis; test stat and a probability

if the p-value is less than 5% what should you infer?

p-value less than 0.05= reject the null hypothesis and fail to reject the alternative, meaning there is a difference in the data

What should you infer if the p-value is greater than 5%

you should fail to reject the null hypothesis and reject the alternative hypothesis, meaning that there is no difference in the data.

What is microscopy?

using a microscope to magnify and resolve very small individual cells (from micrometers to millimeters)


the increase of size of the image

How do you determine magnification

total magnification is the product of the objective and the ocular lens

if the ocular lens is 40X and the objective lens is ten times, what is the total magnification?


Resolving power

the ability to discriminate, as separate entities, objects that are very close together.

How can you improve the resolution

you can use a light with a smaller wavelength or increase the numerical aperture

how do you determine the resolution?

R= 0.61λ / Numerical aperture

how do you calculate the actual size of the cell?

Size of cell (mm) = Ocular micrometer (μm/1 eye piece unit) Xeye piece unit (ruler)

Magnification of the drawing (MOD)

how many times the drawing is magnified compared to the actual specimen

how do you calculate the MOD

MOD = size of drawing (units)/actual size of the cell (units)

how do you calculate the scale bar?

Scale bar (cm) = MOD X 10 μm – and convert to cm

What is the best control in an experiment?

the complete removal of the IV so you can be certain that the outcome is due to the presence of the IV

what category of stats includes the mean, mode, median, and range?

descriptive stats

what does the null hypothesis state?

it states that there is no difference between groups or no relationship between variables

what does the alternative hypothesis state?

it states that there is a difference in the groups, and that there is a relationship in the data

What are the 3 main functions of the cell membrane?

1. seperation of contents of the cell from the external environment

2. organiztion of specific chemicals and reactions into specific compartments or organelles within the cell

3. allows selective passage of certain molecules and ions in and out of the cell and organelles

What is the cell membrane composed of ?

the cell membrane is composed of a phospholipid bi-layer and integral membrane proteins

how does temperature effect the membrane?

an increase of temperature causes an increase of kinetic energy, making the membrane very fluid and the intracelluar components leak out due to the the increased fluidity

a decrease of temp causes a decrease of kinetic energy making the membrane very viscous and the intracelluar components leak out due to ice crystals that form and damage the membrane.

How do solvents effect the cellular membrane?

the larger the carbon chain, the more damage is done as it pushes through to align itself with the PLBL, the o-h end is hydrophyllic and the C chain is hydrophobic.


a key component of both cell movement and signaling mechanism within eukaryotic organisms

What are the 3 cases and their outcomes in the tetrahymena experiment?

Case 1: Damaged cilia- phagocytosis is not happening, exocytosis is occurring

Case 2: Damaged membrane= No phagocytosis, exocytosis is happening

Case 3: control- no toxin exposure

Phagocytosis and exoxytosis are happening normally.

What is an enzyme

a catalytic protein that speeds up chemical reaction but not itself is changed or destroyed by the reaction

how does temperature effect enzymes?

High temp= causes denaturation in the protein structure

Low temp- low kinetic energy EXTREMELY slow rate of reaction

How does pH affect enzymes?

Extreme pH's do cause denaturation of the enzyme

Fossil fuels

non-rennewable and contribute significantly to greenhouse gas emissions and global warming


are produced using plant material, absorbing CO2 from atmosphere during growth and helps to reduce green house gas emissions

How did the corn subtrate affect fermentation?

Had little to no CO2 production as corn contains large amounts of starch and yeast cannot brakdown starch


cellulose needs to be broken down into glucose before yeast can ferment it, which requires a pre treatment so little to no CO2 was produced when yeast was added to the grass substrate.


contains alot of simple sugars so can easy be broken down and fermented by yeast.


positive control because if the glucose didnt produce Co2 then there would be something wrong with the yeast.

ethanol effects on yeast