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62 Cards in this Set

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Stem cells can become anything
neural plate turns into the neural tube
Occurs at about 3 weeks gestation. Will become the brain and spinal cord.
Glial cells
Stem cells travel along
Axons are guided by
guidepost cells and target cells
guidepost cells
release chemicals which attract or repel axons
target cells
guide axons in place, and give them neurotropins
promote neuron activity and stop apoptosis
growth cone
Outgrowth of an axon as it is trying to find it's place.
Axons travel to a target cell to create a new synapse.
Neural darwinism
The process of apoptosis. Use it or loose it.
Critical/sensitive periods
Periods when certain types of activities have great affect on the brain, such as printing and language.
Excessive pruning
Can be caused by insufficient stimulation, and in extreme cases cause retardation.
universal linguists
Children are at a young age. Means they can hear all language sounds, when adults can only here sounds made in their language.
Critical for?
Critical for understanding language.
Temporal lobes
Wernicke's disfunction
Receptive aphasia, like word salads
Wernicke's projects info via the:
arcuate fasciculus
Critical for?
Language production
In the frontal lobe
Production aphasia
Slight damage produces anomia=
You can't think of the word.
Describe synaptogenesis
Axon puts out a growth cone which approaches muscle fiber (or other).
Makes contact-synaptic vesicles accumulate around the axon terminal, and receptors cluster at the point of contact
proceeds from the hindbrain up. The prefrontal cortex is the last to be myelinated in about mid-20s.
is the creation of new neurons
neurogenesis happens:
in the hippocampus stem cells differentiate into new neurons in the adult brain of mammals. This facilitates memory.
arborization is
the branching out of axons and dendrites which happens throughout life, especially in stimulating environments
Collateral sprouting is
branching outgrowth of new axon terminals from uninjured axons, which attaches to a synapse vacated when another axon was destroyed.
transneural degeneration
happens when post-synaptic neurons die off, because they aren't getting neurotropins from their pre-synaptic axons.
Mullerian system
Female sex organs
Wolffian system
Male sex organs
The sex determining region of the Y chromosome (SRY) creates:
tetis-determining factor
At about 12 weeks the new testis secrete
Mullerian inhibiting hormone &
Androgens like testosterine
The clitorus is homogolous to the
The labia are homogolous to the
Mullerian inhibiting hormone produces
Androgens create masculinization of?
-External genitalia
-Wolffian system
Testosterine masculinizes what part of brain during early development?
Androgen insensitivity syndrome
When a person lacks the mechanism that enables androgens to connect to genes in a cell's nucleus. Person is XY, but morphologically female.
-When masculinization only occurs partly. Can happen when there is a mutation on the SRY gene in males or in fn their father's SRY gene is translocated from his Y chromosome to another chromosome.
-Also, genetic male with low levels of testosterone.
-Also, genetic female with high levels of testosterone.
Tests to diagnose ADHD
Choice Delay Task
Stop Signal Task
Attention Blink Task
You can have one good magic card now, or a super great one in 10 minutes. ADHD kids will take the good one now
Choice Delay Task
Every time you see a green light on this video game, push the button. Next task, if you see a green light on this video game, push button, except if you see a red light right after. ADHD kids understand the rule, but push the button anyway. They are too focused on 'go' and can't pay attention to the 'stop'.
Stop Signal Task
Present a series of letters, tell subject to look for the letter J. Afterward, ask them what letter came after the J. Kids with ADHD can't tell you what came after.
Attention Blink Task
Memory processes
What is procedural memory dependent on?
Basal Ganglia
What is making knew explicit memories dependent on?
Working memory
7 +or- 2 items
Allows us to pay attention
prefrontal cortex
Encoding is made up of?
Working memory
Declarative/explicit memories
Hippocampus helps us encode
Declarative/explicit memories
Which can easily be verbalized.
The left hemisphere handles:
Analytic thinking
explicit memories
The right hemisphere handles:
Synthetic thinking (big picture)
language tone
spatial relationships
Pregnant mother undergoing stress with male fetus can cause:
less androgen produced, less masculinization, possibly predisposition for male homosexuality
Less brain masculinization in rats (mom stressed during pregnancy)
smaller sexually dimorphic nucleus (SDN)
Less brain masculinization in humans (mom stressed during pregnancy)
maller interstitial nucleus of the anterior hypothalamus (INAH).
according to LeVay (1991)
Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia
Overdevelopment of the adrenal glands from birth. increases predisposition for female homosexuality
Process of Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia
The adrenal gland has a negative feedback relationship with the pituitary gland.. The pituitary secretes ACTH which stimulates the adrenal gland. Cortisol, one of the hormones from the adrenal gland, feeds back to decrease the release of ACTH. Some people have a genetic limitation in their ability to produce cortisol, so the pituitary continues secreting more ACTH, causing the adrenal gland to secrete larger amounts of other hormones, including testosterone. Masculinization of female's genitals.
- Two type of memories
Explicit memory
• stored throughout the cortex
• stored in frontal and temporal lobes
implicit memory
• dependent on basal ganglia
associative (classical and operant conditioning.)
anterograde amnesia
Inability to create new explicit memories because of damage to the hippocampi.
retrograde amnesia
Inability to remember old, explicit things results from damage to many areas of the cortex, but mostly the frontal and temporal cortex.
What is associative memory dependent on?