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48 Cards in this Set

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Action Potential

Rapid reversal of electrical charges in the form of ions.


Receive chemical signals from other axons


Neuron Cell Structure

Dendrites receive, cell body contains nucleus, axon sends message on

Schwann cells are insulation and lipids prevent signals from passing through this cell.

Node of Ranvier

-opposite electrical charges (positive charge on inner membrane, negative charge on outside of membrane).

-nodes where Schwann cells don't cover the axon

Primary Means of Ion Movement

1. Na/K pumps (3/2 pass through)

2. Ungated ion channels

3. Gated ion channels (action potential)

Gated ion channels

responsible for allowing action potential to occur (making rapid reversal occur), at the nodes of Ranvier

-highly specific

Role of voltage gated ion channels in the action potential

1. Resting state: channels are closed

2. Threshold: stimulus opens some Na gates

3. Depolarization phase of the action potential: K still closed, Na rushes in

4. Repolarizing phase of the action potential: K opens and Na inactivation gate closes (membrane potential reaching positive potential activates this)

5. Undershoot: K slow to close, creates slightly more negative than resting potential

Strength of response

response within an axon does not change, but the number of axons responding can vary to produce different levels of response

Types of Synapses

Electrical and Chemical, chemical is major, electrical in heart and smooth muscle

Chemical Synapses

-Ca2+ floods in through Na+ gates and causes exocytosis

-synaptic vesicles (most common hormone being acetylcholine)

- Breakdown of vesicles


breakdown of a membrane. In synapses, Ca2+ induces this in synaptic vesicles


-forms chemical bond to transmembrane protein on dendrites

-Allow ion channels to open in dendrites through conformational change, which floods Na+ to flood in to neurons.

-acetylcholine broken up and actively transported back into the synapse.

Gastrovascular cavity

-the hollow tube inside organism that is a one way opening

-fluids come from mouth into this tube, all gases, nutrients, wastes diffuse through this cavity into the cells

-quite functional for small aquatic organisms

Open circulatory system

-no capillaries; body sinuses (hemocoel) fill with hemolymph-- 20-40% of body by volume

-diffusion of Gas, nutrients, waste throughout

-body cells bathed in hemolymph; functional for small land organisms

-lots of small "hearts" (pumps) which direct flow from posterior to anterior side of body


blood material in arthropods, takes up 20-40% of body by volume


space that hemolymph is contained in, body sinus.

Closed circulatory system

blood completely contained within vessels: blood 5-10% of body by volume, G/N/W diffuse into/out of blood from surrounding cells

-essential to evolution of larger organisms-- enables fast transport of g/n/w through vessels while still dependent on diffusion at cell level.

Circulatory system in invertibrates

Radiates: gastrovascular cavity

Arthropods: open circulatory system

Annelids: closed circulatory system

increase in body size allowed by increase in complexity of circulatory system

Things that affect rate of diffusion

temperature, pressure, concentration, surface area

single vs double circulation

single: undifferentiated pumping pressure, blood is pumped before being oxygenated and doesn't gain extra pressure for pumping after

double: differential pumping pressure, separation of oxygen rich and poor blood, allows land existence

Pulmonary circuit

low pressure pumping

-lung capillaries are thin/weak, can't handle a lot of pressure without bursting

Systemic circuit

High pressure pumping,

-carries O2 rich blood

Consequences of double circulation in evolution

1. Allows endothermy

2. Land dwelling-> locomotion more efficient

3. increase in body size

Right to Left Shunting

Diastole is not affected,

blood that would otherwise be projected through the pulmonary circuit will be shunted through the RAo and LAo by the cavum venosum

-lower pressure in CV bc Aortic valves open slightly earlier than PA.

-vasodilation occurs to lower pressure in circuit

-heating body temperature

Mechanisms of intercardiac shunting

1. differences in timing of valve openings

2. Vasoconstriction vs vasodilation

Left to Right shunting

Blood flows from central cavum to the pulmonary cavum to increase blood flow to pulmonary artery

-pulmonary valves open earlier

-vasoconstriction occurs to increase pressure in circuit

-staying warm at night-redirecting blood to core. increase cellular respiration, superoxygenate themselves

Cells in Stomach lining

mucas, chief, and parietal cells


produced by chief cells in the stomach, breaks down protein

-activated to pepsin by HCl

parietal cells

-produce HCl in stomach

- break down protein

-activate pepsinogen with HCl

mucus cells

secretes mucin in stomach, protects cell lining and lubricates

chief cells

-produce pepsinogen in stomach, key for breakdown of protein

- pepsin activated by HCl.

-also produce zygogen


hormone that is facilitating the production of HCl.

enzymes that can work in acidic environment of stomach

zygogen and pepsinogen

CCK function


-directly initiates bile production in liver

- directly increases enzyme production in the pancreas

- feeling of satiety (feeling comfort from eating)


-hormone secreted in the pancreas, increases bile secretion


* decreases stomach motility (increases time exposed to breakdown molecules)

* increases bicarbonate secretion (pH regulation).


stimulates storage of glucose as glycogen, drop blood sugar


promotes breakdown of glycogen and release of glucose into the blood


tight network of capilaries in the small intestine region that hormones are secreted from


regulates blood glucose levels. triggers release of either glucagon or insulin.


-smallest functional unit of a muscle (smallest unit of contraction).

-one sarcomere is area between z lines, allowing contractile unit

z line

-functional proteins bounding the edges of a sarcomere

- actin attached to the z line, myosin filament

t tubules

transverse tubule, on muscle membrane.

-allow Na to flow into muscle through the sarcolemma.


muscle membrane, not permeable. Has t-tubules on its surface to allow ion flow

sarcoplasmic reticulum

-similar to endoplasmic reticulum, transporter specialized for muscle-ion transport.

-t tubule is part of this.

- Ca2+ stored in sarcoplasmic reticulum, requires Na influx to release

Calcium role in muscle contraction

binds to troponin complex, allowing conformational shift thus exposing the binding sites for the myosin filaments.


ATP used to power binding of myosin head with the binding site on actin.

muscle contraction cycle

1. ATP bound to myosin head, turned to ADP inducing conformational change

2. crossbridge to bind myosin with binding site

3. ADP released, conformational change of myosin

4. ATP bound to myosin head.