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46 Cards in this Set

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proportion of variance explained by model

SS model/SStotal

assumptions for parametric test

data is independent

residuals normally distributed;

not correlated with model;

not correlated with explanatory variables;


type 2 error

don't see pattern when there actually is

accept a false null hypothesis

ancova hypothesis tests

slopes equal to 0

slopes parallel (compare to each other)

elevation of slopes

p value: define, mean, derived, a value

probability that H0 is true

derived from F distribution where higher F value, more likely that H0 is NOT true

alpha <.05 is commonly used criterial to call result significant

what do you do with trend line in a figure once you have established slope is 0

remove trend line from figure, tate no statistically significant difference between two variables

check residuals for diff model

limiting nutrient in NASG; differ than others? main factors

phosphorous; most others limited by nitrogen because lack iron for nitrogen fixation. iron supplied by saharan dust

how do heterotrophic acquire organic nutrients

excrete exoenzymes that dissolve their food, transport (usually actively) across cellular membrane

dilution experiment values

y int = instantenous growth rate (K)

slope = instantaneous grazing rate (G)

K-G apparent growth rate

both per time

dilution experiment assumptions

phytoplankton specific growth rate independent of concentration (don't compete)

microzooplankton grazing linear function of prey abundance (don't eat faster or get full)

grazers don't grow during incubation

what limits PP in HNLC of eastern north pacific

iron; quickly used up by phytoplankton who need it to grow.

main source is upwelling (little by wind and rain)

ocean hypothesis

critical period - match mismatch - stable ocean

'1914 norwegian herring very strong later, stages dependent on egg/larvae stage

marine fish time reproduction so larval development matches periods of high productivity (blooms)

successful year classes result of spatio-temporal match between first feeding larva and availability of suitable bloom

ocean must be very patchy, clustered something like marine snow

lab studies show amount of zooplankton needed to feed anchovies massively huge

measure standing stock of phytoplankton? how does this compare to the measurements of primary production?

chlA = standing stock ug/L

PP = C14 incorpation ugCincorporated/time

hl gives phytoplankton population while C gives rate of growth

2 important factors in bacterial mortality

virus infection

flagellate predation

adaptations of deep sea organisms, examples

sensors that pick up movement

gulper eels eat everything

biolum = copepods shoot

attach to mate = angler fish

red shrimp can't be seen

large eyes = elephant pod

photophores - match light from above

2 biological, 2 physical variables that interact to create horizontal band of species distribution in rocky intertidal

physical: desiccation (easy to dry out must be able to keep water in)

high water activity = must hold tight

biological - competition for space

predation prevents some from going into others

ETM for anadromous fish

concentrates particles, including zooplankton; high concentrations of food for andronmous

removing disaster from rocky intertidal

mussels would take over and push everyone else out

sinking fluxes and PP

f ratio

new nitrogen to total nitrogen input?

high f ratio high sinking flux because new is an outside source of nitrogen to the surface water

increasing N causes phytoplankton to bloom especially diatom and sinking of them provides flux of organic matter

2 methods of estimating sinking fluxes of POM

sediment traps; sit at given depth and get whatever hits them

video plankton recorder; water flows through and picture are taken most often used for plankton. particles that pass through time yields flux

4 components of biological pump; which has largest effect on vertical sinking velocities

archimedian - fecal pellets and carcasses (Gravity)

recipriciting (diel vertical migration upa nd down)

rotary -recylcing between organism in surface waters

carbonite carbonate tests

archimedian pump has largest effect on vertical sinking flux because it is a direct flux of particles in deep

strategy of plankton position maintenance to avoid getting washed out

regulate buoyancy, ride salt wedge up estuary and ebb tide out; vertically migrate over tidal cycle

2 oscillations other than el nino

pacific decadal - cold/warm regime, shifts anchovy to sardine

atlantic oscillation, high to low portugal iceland

upwelling systems - sinks or sources of atmospheric CO2

source - cold pressurized deep water comes to surface; warming and release forces CO2 out of water and into atmosphere like opening coke

sites of AABW

sink; colder water holds more dissolved gasses and are rich in dissolved CO2 due to extreme cold and dense

marine snow composed of

aggregated TEP catching living and non living particles = fecal pellets, carcasses, plankton and appendicularian houses glue is TEP (operationally defined as stainable by Alcian blue)

method to measure hydrolytic enzyme

fluorescent substrate to measure enzyme activity and michaelis - mention kinetics to determine max (maximum turnover velocity of enzyme)

fundamental connection between P and growth (growth rat hypothesis)

RNA is fundamental connection between P and Growth because RNA codes for production of proteins and proteins require for goth; have have very little to no P but RNA requires it

3 adaptions of mangroves

prop roots (soft sediment)

suck in O2 through pneumatophores that poke

seeds germinate on trees and drop into water

membranes prevent salt entering

how analyze chlorophyll

fiter to catch all phytoplankton, acetone to extract. sonicate to disrupt, centrifuge to separate chlorophyl from biomass

use spectrophotmer to test wavelength


both species helped by other coral and zooxanthale

island biogeography

richness dependent on size of ecosystem and number of resources, maximum number for any system based on competition

more chance for extinction further away

corraline algae do?

hold reef together

substance theory of atolls

coral reef forms close to land, land subsides slowly until lagoon forms were island was

largest habitat of ocean floor; dominant phylum

abyssal plane, echinoderms

where hydrothermal vents

edges of tectonic plates where steam emitted



POM size

smaller than picoplankton (.2 um) sometimes .045

Labile vs refractory

usable, unusuable(can be split by UV light when returns to surface)


redox potential discontinuity border of oxygen and anoxic good for sulfur oxidation using H2s and O2


nitrogen instead of oxygen for respiration! (breaking down organic material)

No3 - no2 - No - N20 to N2

oxygen minimum zones!


bacteria only, ammonium (waste) and nitrate yields nitrogen and water