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140 Cards in this Set

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fishing gear

purse seine
midwater trawl
bottom trawl
flatfish bottom trawl
scallop dredge
drift gill nets (regulate size)
long line
fish trap
fish pot
basic assumption in managing fisheries
recruitment (catch) is primarily a function of stock size

density dependence

high population size recruitment declines (competition)
ricker curve
R = aSe^–bs
s = spawner
basic problem and approaches to managing fisheries
how many fish in given stock?
tagging, using fisheries catch data
t/n =
tagging is proportion of tagged fish in size N; r is proportion of tagged recaptured (solve for N)
CPUE should be ~
proportional to Population

y/x = CPUE ~ P

y = catch, x = effort
leslie plots
experimentally fish down an entire area, keeping track of numbers and effort ; will eventually become insanely difficult to catch a fish (serious depletion of stock – good for rats, bad for fish)
Maximum sustainable yield
increased effort gives higher catch
cpue peaks at a point of MSY
further effort decreases stocks, cup declines
problems with MSY
minor improvements in technology cause CPUE to rise; incorrectly interpreted as stock ^

stock behave constantly

environment doesn't change
ageing techniques
scales, otoliths (inner ear stucture), growth rings on clam shells
atlantic cod
from greenland to hatteras, used to be huge, old females produce more eggs, move offshore/inshoe
collapsed in 1992
3 reasons for cod collapse
overestimating abundance, underestimating mortality

ability to catch fish at low levels

increased discarding and non reporting of small fish as population declined
global fishery picture
93 million tons from ocean each year
60% for food
13kg / person
27 million discarded as by catch (benthic more)
large predatory fish 10% of 1950 levels
fishing down food web
began with whales and walruses, then tuna, cod, sardines

now 'underutilized species' like dogfish sharks
shelllfish and benthic inverts( bivalves, urchins)
early life history 3 hypotheses
critical period/year class
stable ocean
critical period/year class hypothesis
'1914 norwegian herring very strong later, stages dependent on egg/larvae stage'
marine fish time reproduction so larval development matches periods of high productivity (blooms)

successful year classes result of spatio–temporal match between first feeding larva and availability of suitable bloom
stable ocean
ocean must be very patchy, clustered something like marine snow

lab studies show amount of zooplankton needed to feed anchovies massively huge
ability to have constancy of composition
why proteins need P
RNA codes them, needs phospholipids
growth rate hypothesis
can measure growth through phosphorous
redfield ratio
CNP 106 16 1
NH3 to NO2 to No3 (autotrophic)
No3 to No2 to N20 to N2
NP and redfield ratio upwelling
nitrogen limiting at surface (photosynthesis)
exess N at depth, nitrification from dead ammonia, low O2
phosphorous depth profiles
PO4 (inorganic) low at surface, increases with depth as heterotrophic digestion

DOP high at surface, result of photosynthesis, decreases with depth
shifts in redfield ratio
down through denitrification (removal of usable NH3) (indian and pacific)

up through nitrogen fixation (atlantic – iron)
haber bosch
produce ammonia from N2 and H2 under high pressure
denitrification occurs in
02 minimum waters and sediments (indo, pacific)
high nutrient low chlorophyll (southern ocean)
global sinking fluxes
POC and biogenic silica almost identical
ideal unit stock
strict breeding group of a biological species
hydrographic containment
explanation for recurrence across seas and species of mating conventions

–matching of spawning sites to subsequent larval drift paths
stock change =
recruitment + growth – natural mortality, – fishing mortality
problems with stock change model
models involve predicting future and don't account for changing stock dynamics

managers often overruled by politicians
cpue, msy
catch per unit effort
maximum sustainable yield
problems with CPUE as measure of fish stock size
high values at outset, later CPUE understimated
stocks same because fishers move
intentional misrepoorting
contionus improvmenets in fishing methods
shifts in stock due to environmental variations
recruitment (stock/time, B/T)
fish can be 'recruited' to a fishery when large enough to be captured by its methods
recruitment rate
number of young entering catchable stock per time
–depends list of variables that biologists continually trying to understand
lincoln index
evaluation of population estimates by marking and recapture
problems with lincoln index
tagged and recapture are trap prone
very few return
closed population assumption violated at sea
tags kill
regime shifts
usually sardine anchovy, climate dpendent

humboldt: high sardine high salinity warm
upwelling = anchovy
near bottom
progressively moving closer to base of food chain by
fishing down the food change
residual stocks are
~10% of mid 20th centrally zip for overall species mix
estuaries and PP
very high, limited by turbidity
3 types of deltas
Fan shaped – nile
bird foot = mississippi
delta – CB, SF
estuarine cross section land out
salt marsh
seagrass bed
primary producers of cross section, land out
marshgrasses (highly productive, enter as detritus)

episammic algae
estuarine turbidity maximum
at salt wedge where 1 ppt isohaline intersects the bottom
salt wedge
traps particles
enhances trophic levels
higher zooplankton biomass
anadromous fish
high copepod abundance
gravitational circulation
landward current along bottom, seaward on top
organisms control horizontal movement by buoyancy
chesapeake bay stats
3 miles wide at annapolis, 30 miles at mouth of potomac

3600 species, 15 million people

~21 feet deep
San Fran Estuary basics
drains 40% area of california
high seasonal freshwater flow small in comparison to 6ft tides >5 knots
16% of historical water flow
lots of imported fish species, invasive
distance from gold golden gate to salinity 2PPT
smaller = more freshwater, better for production
surrogate of flow (lower X2 higher flow)
ecological benefits of X2 high flow
habitat expansion (reduced salinity to spawn)
pelagic basics
75% of total ocean microbes
50% of total ocean microbial production
1–4 celsius, pressurized
habitat distribution of water top to bottom
terrestrial, epipelagic, mesopelagic, bathylpelagic (largest) abyssal pelagic hadal
energy sources for deep sea organisms
fluxes of particulate matter
DOM from MOC
in situ chemoautotrophic production (ammonia oxidation, sulfide oxidation, hydrogen oxidation)
hydrothermal vents
particle flux
negative exponential;
starts highest flux but degrades rapidly through 100–500 meters
evens out and drops down
martin curve
idealized flux
Fz = F100 * (z/100)^–b
flux at depth = flux at 100 meters * depth/100 ^ –empirical parameter
problems with martin curve
strongest particle attenuation between 100–500
(microbial degradation and zooplankton particle feeding)
B changes
sinking rates different for diff particles
abyssal plane basics
largest benthic habitat (60%)~4500 m
desertlike, only 1–2% of surface production falls
cold and salty, high O2
fish mostly scavengers
lots of echinoderms (but still small biomass)
most abundant abyssal plane organisms
sponges (most endemic)
hydrothermal vents basics
warm diffuse flow (5–100 C) OR
superheated 250–400 C plumes with minerals
Low O2, high HS
usually toxic to cytochromes
humans sense at 10 PPM; LC 500 PPM
organic molecules from CO2, need O2
Riftia facts
85cm/y growth rate
1.5m long,density up to 176/square meter
no mouth but trophosome with symbiotic bacteria
90% vent species
molluscs, annelids, crustacea
short lived
giant clams have red soft body (hemoglobin, atypical)
pompej worm
hottest animal, lives up to 80 C
bacteria live on surface
lost city vent characteristics
lower temp
methane and hydrogen rich
alkaline fluid
small amounts of CO2 and sulfide (NO sulfide oxidation)
cold seeps
subduction zones
contribute significantly to primary production
low species diversity
influence metal content of water
twilight adaptatons
see or be seen
elephant pod – huge eyes, transparent bodies

photophores – match changing light from surface so invisible from below

pigeon fish – flat bodies with silver sides
deep see adaptations
bioluminesce to:
attract prey,
escape (Shrimp drop cargo, copepods shoot it away)

eat as much as possible, huge jaws (gulper eels)
bottom adaptations
echinoderms filter/suction feeders
rat tails/sleeper sharks olfactory to scavenge
Biogenic Environments
kelp, coral reefs, sea grasses, mangroves, sargassum
kelp forest
subtidal, outside 20ºC isotherms
need hard substrates, most in falkland islands
up to 1/2 m per day
90% becomes detritus
keystone species in kelp forest
sea otters; when down urchins up and kelp down (urchans eat holdfasts)
worm shaped
size: home of largest protists/smallest metazoans (between sand)
organs for temporary attachment
relatively mobile (grains shift)
meiofauna characteristics
interstitial, live in water between sand
convergent evolution
protective armor (Scales...)
k strategists
Coral reefs essentials
cnidaria and dinoflagellates (zooxanthellae)
shallow waters, warm temps, high salinity
meroplanktonic: lnaula larvae
exoskeleton 103 mm around polyp
GBReef 2 million, some 60
Atlantic 10,000
coral symbiosis
all nutrients bound in biomass, constant recycling (low F ratio, <.1))

CO2, NH4, P from polyp
Photosynthetic sugars, amino acids from algae
more calcification possible with symbionts
coral taxonomy
Phylum Cnidaria (nematocysts)
class Anthozoa
subclass Hexacorallia (hexagon symmetry)
deep sea corals
majority of coral species in deep dark water
greatest threat deep sea trawling
sea pens and sea whip/gobi (he almost discovered)
algae in coral reefs
Coralline (red)
important in cementing reef fragments
don't need a lot of light, bottom of coral
Some Coral Reef Fish
highly specialized
Parrot fish – grasps algae from corals (sand through it)

Angel Fish, Butterfly Fish, Moray Eel, Sea/Brittle Stars, Polycheates and sponges
coral reef fish
dorsal fins lock in place (name) so that it harder to eat
strongs jaws, can blow on sand dollars to expose and eat
Surgen fish
coral reef fish
poisonous blade close to tail fin,
feed on small phytoplankton, some zoo
giant clam
largest bivalve mollusk, up to 400 lbs, 5 feet
dinoflagellate endosymbionts zooxanthellae
coral reef ecology
competition for space = chemical warfare

reproduction synchronized w/ moon

feed on zooplankton with nematocysts, mucous nets

primary production by zooxanthellae, reef algae, reef phytoplankton
coral reef formation
fringing reef along coast

barrier reef as land sinks leaving ocean water between reef and land

atolls as island continues to subside
3 zones of coral reef
reef flat (back reef): few m's deep, variations in TS

reef crest: highest point, exposed to air at Ltide

reef slope (fore reef): largest, outside of r crest; below 20 m soft corals sponges replace hard
animal threat to c reef
acanthaster planci (Crown of thorns starfish)
mangrove swamp characteristics
emergent vascular plants
important tree genera: Red Rhizophora, black, white mangrove
salty, low o2, little wave action (variable TS)
high organic input
low stability (on mud)
physiological adaptations to salt
mangrove formation
sediment entrapment, 95% of leaves become part of detrital food web
viviparous Rhizophora
seeds germinate on trees, drop into water and dispersed
mangrove adaptations to NaCl
roots have membrane prevents salt entering
leafs can excrete salt
mangrove adaptations to low O2
oxidized sediments around roots sucked in through pneumatophores
mangrove adaptations to soft sediment
anchor/cable/prop roots spread far and shallow
mangrove morphology
fish, shrimp Htide; land mammals Ltide
barnacles oysters sponges crabs on prop roots

mangroves seaward, marshes/t flats landwards
sea grass characteristics
flowering (underwater fertilization) vascular, need a lot of light

produce own environment, provide shade for algae

slow water movement and trap sediments
leafs grow like a conveyer belt, tips get colonized and eaten

shelter large number of species
largest sea grass
posidonia, clear water, up to 50 M
sea grass zonation
upper leaf epiphytes (plant on plant)
lower leaf
rhizome layer
sediment layer
food source in vents
vent walls and water, particles emerging from vents, covered with bacterial mats of chemosyntheiszers utilizing sulfide
sulfur synthesis
use SO4, outside sulfide (s2) and ammonium need a small amount of oxygen
oxidation of sulfide (HS + 02)
yields SO4 + H+, only done by bacteria
result of quickly developing vent fields
fauna must travel with them, large dispersal for larvae
vents in back system NW Pacific and hydrothermal areas of SW
dominated by
provannid snails
MAR species
vent invertebrates
rifia pachyptila
rapidly growing 85 cm/yr
organ trophosome with symbiotic bacteria that oxidize sulfur
polychaete that live on EPrise and Galapagos Ridge
alvinella pompejana; live in parchment like tubes
extraordinarily heat tolerant
6 cm shrimp
rimicaris exoculata MAR 'without eyes' though can actually see heat a bit
scaly foot gastropod
coiled snail, 5 cm diameter, central indian ridge
foot is covered by iron sulfur minerals (plates)

weird side expansions on esophagus
bathymodioulus and calpygena
mollusk bivalves dependent on endosymbiotoic chemosynthesizing bacteria
fox's experiment
production of amino acids
formation of protein like structures
formation of proto cells from proteinoids
wet – dry – wet driving metabolism
main groups of origin of life
information first (RNA)

energy transduction first (energy currency like ATP)
aerobically feed on methanol
aerobicalically; also anaeraobicfeed on methane (bacteria and archaea)
anaerobic respiration 1
use no3 to break down organic material
NO3 – No2 – NO – N20 (nitrous oxide) to N2

No3 to N2 same energy yield as O2 as terminal electron acceptor
dissimilative nitrate reduction
assimilative vs dissimlative
catabolism photosynthesis vs breakdown of complex
sulfate respiration
anaerobic respiration 2
uses so4 or S instead of O2 as terminal electron acceptor
byproducts = H2S (rotten eggs)
much less energy than nitrate
anaerobic electrons transferred from more reduced to more oxidized ORGANIC compound very low energy
glucose to pyruvate (C3) to ethanol or lactate
byproducts of fermentation
hydrogen, organic acids,
winogradsky colmn
structured by oxygen then sulfur
take bunch of different soil and close; watch organisms develop
habitat vs biome
haitat is only physical environment
populatino vs community
group of individuals of one species vs interacting species
co occuring (ot necessarily interacting ) species
evenness vs carrying capacity
relative abundance of species in relation to each other; highest, all equally abundant VS

theoretical max numbers given resource level
trophic groups
pooling species according to their position in food web
gaia hypothesis
communities as super organisms
groups of organisms exploiting same resources (suspension feeders)
transition from one species composition to next OFTEN with complete replacement (blooms)
mutualism vs competition
both organisms benefit, both organisms lose
postive or no relation one way, negative other. infauna vs suspension feeders
island biogeography basics
equilibrium in richness established by balancing extinction vs immigration
rocky shore environment abiotic gradients
exposure to wave action
desiccation light

in tidal ponds: salinity, temp, o2, pH
balanus/ vs chthamauls mortality factors
Desiccation: B between high spring/neap tides
clam like, took them out and many algae appear
increase in diversity of algae ; transition from R to K but eventually lower diversity as 1 organism wins out competition for light and space

dog when, important predator, drills holes into barnacles and mussels