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16 Cards in this Set

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Proxima Centauri
4.22 Light years away
The closest star to the sun
Radio Astronomy
The use of radio waves to detect other life in the galaxy
The Drake Equation
Predicts the probability that other civilizations exist within the Milky Way
N = Ns × fp × ne × fl × f i × fc × L
The number of stars within our galaxy
100 billion (1011) stars in the milky way (our galaxy)
The fraction of stars that have planets
Transit Method
Whenever a planet moves between the observer on Earth, the brightness of the star dims and then appears again "periodic oscillation"
Doppler Spectroscopy
The gravitational pull of a planet pulls on the star, making the star wobble
The effect is greater with big planets
Direct Imaging
The use of telescopes to take a picture of the parent star and the planet
Extra-Solar Planets
Planets that have been found out of our own solar system - 518 found
A planet orbiting around a star, other then our own sun
n e
The number of planets that can potentially support life
Must be in the habitable zone
Must look at how far the planet is from the star
Properties of Water
Cohesion - attraction and sticking together
High heat capacity
High heat of vaporization
Hydration shells minimize
Dissolves hydration shells
Project Pheonix
Liquid water on Mars at one point
A machine scraped away dirt on Marks and revealed white stuff
The white stuff is crystals from two different times, which suggests sublimation (gas - solid without going to liquid)
The fraction of planetary systems that can actually develop life
Fi & Fc
The proportion of planets with intellegent, communicating life
The lifetime of a civilzation
The Fermi Paradox
So many aliens... Where are they?
1) We cant detect them
2) No other civilizations exist