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98 Cards in this Set

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In the etiolation response, the function of protein kinasases 1 and 2 is to
a-enhance the sensitivity of phytochrome to light
b-activate specific transcription factors in the nucleus
c-transfrom light energy into chemical energy within the plant's cytoplasm
d-increase the post-transitional modification of exiting proteins
e- amplify the signal from the cytoplasmic receptors (phytochrome)
slows cell growth often antagonizing the action of other hormones
abscisic acid
release from the embryo signals seeds to break dormancy and germinate
accumlates in leaves when plant begins to wilt, causing stomata to close rapidly
abscisic acid
synthetic forms of this hormone are widely employed as herbicides that target broad leaf weeds such as dandelions
slowing of stem elongation, thickening and curvature of the stem to start growing horizontally are all part of a growing shoot's response to
e-abscisic acid
B ethylene
transcriptional regulation and post-translational modifications are most closely associated with which stage of a signal transduction pathway
D response
in addition to absorbing water and minerals from the soil, this type of root provides enhanced anchoring of the plant to the substrate
a-lateral root
c-root hairs
d-fibrous root
e-axillary root
B taproot
these sugar-conducting cells lack nuclei and ribosomes and are intimatley associated with companion cells
a-parenchyma cells
b-traceids and vessel elements
c-sclerenchyma cells
d-collenchyma cells
e-sieve-tube elements
E sieve tube elements
as a youngster, you drive a nail in the trunk of a young tree that is 3 meters tall. The nail is about 1.5 meters from the ground, Fifteen years alter, you return and discover the tree as grown to a height of 30 meters. The nail is now ___________ meters above the ground
a 1.5
based on the ABC model, what would be the structure of a flower that had normal expressions of genes A and B but lacked expression of gene C?
C sepal-petal-petal-sepal
suppose George Washington completely removed the bark from around the base of a cherry tree but was stopped by his father before cutting the tree down. The leaves retained their normal appearance for several weeks, but the tree eventually died. the tissue(s) that George left functional was (were) the
c-cork cambium
e-companion and sieve tube memebers
B xylem
the root structure ensures all water and dissolved substances must pass through a cell membrane before entering the stele (vasuclar cylinder)
a-root hairs
b-Casparian strip
c-sieve tube element
B casparian strip
photosynthesis ceases when leaves wilt, mainly because
a-the chlorophyll of wilting elaves breaks down
b- flaccid mesophyll cells are incapable of photosynthesis
c-stomata close, preventing CO2 form entering the leaf
d-photolysis, the water-splitting step of photosynthesis, cannot occur when there is a water deficiency
e- accumulation of CO2 in the leaf inhibits enzymes
C stomata close, preventing CO2 from entering the leaf
what regulates the flow of water through the xylem
a-passive transport by the endodermis
b-the number of companion cells in the phloem
c-the evaporation of water from the leaves
d-active transport by sieve tube elements
e-active transport by tracheid and vessel elements
C the evaporation of water from the leaves
the early morning sun stimulates stomata to open by
a-stimulating the activity of proton pumps in the plasma membrane of the guard cells
b-increasing the concentration of CO2 in mesphyll cells
c-stimulating guard cells to lose K+
d-altering the normal circadian rhythm of guard cells
e-none of the above
A stimulating the activity of proton pumps in teh plasma membrane of guard cells
in leaf sieve tube elements, the concentration of sucrose is significantly greater than in the surrounding mesophyll cells. The mechanism responsible for this difference is
a-simple diffusion of sucrose into sieve tube elements
b-bulk flow driven by transpiration
c-a H+ gradient generated by proton pumps in companion cells and sieve tube elements
d-cohension of sucrose molecules
e-none of teh above
C a H+ gradient generated by proton pumps in companion cells and sieve tube elements
the mature embryo sac (female gametophyte) contains
a- a tube cell and generative cell
b- 3antipodal cells, 2 polar nuclei, 2 synergids, and i egg cell
c-2 andtipodal cells, 1 polar nucleus, 3 synergids, and 1 egg cell
d-a microsporangium and 4 mature microspores
e-both solid and liquid endosperm
B 3 antipodal cells, 2 polar nuclei, 2 synergids, and 1 egg cell
in the alteration of generations in plants the formation of gametes from sporophytes requires which process(es) to have occured
a-mitosis only
b-meiosis only
c-cytokinesis only
d-meiosis and mitosis
e-none of the above
D meiosis and mitosis
a fruit develops from many seperate carpels from ONE flower
aggregate fruit
ensures the endosperm will develop only if ovules where eggs have been fertilized
Double fertilization
a long cellular protuberance that delivers sperm to the female gametophyte
pollen tube
a food-storing tissue of the seed
mayflies swarm in great numbers to increase their changes of mating. This behavior exemplifies which type of dispersion
a- clumped
A clumped
salmon return to freshwater streams to spawn, producing thousands of eggs in a single opportunity before they die. this type of life history event is an example of
a-big-bang reproduction
c-repeated reproduction
e-both A and B
E both A and B
big-bang reproduction
as N approaches K for a certain population, which of the following is predicted by the logistic equation?
a-the growth rate will not change
b-the growth rate will approach zero
c-the pop will show an allee effect
d-the pop will increase exponentially
e-the carring capacity of teh environment will increase
B the growth rate will approach zero
which of the following scenarios is consistent with the concept of K-selection
a- an agave bush sending up a large flowering stalk, producing seeds and then dying
b-salmon producing thousands of eggs in a single reproductive event before dying
c-great frigatebirds competing for nesting sites on the galapagos islands
d-a bivalve mollusk releasing thousands of eggs in a single reproductive episode
e- none of the above
C great frigatebirds competing for nesting sites on the galapagos island
which of the following is NOT a density dependent factor that can impact population
c-competition for resources
e-toxic wastes
D climate
the sum of an organisms interaction with biotic and abiotic resources of its environment is called its
b-logistic growth
c-biotic potention
d-carrying capacity
e-ecological niche
E ecological niche
which of the following statements is consistant with the principle of competitive excluision
a-bird species generally do not compete for nesting sites
b-the density of one competing species will have a positive impact on the pop growth of the other competing species
c- two species with teh same fundamental niche will exclude other competing species
d- even a slight reproductive advantage will eventually lead to the elimination of the less well adapted of the two competing species
e-evoluction tends to increase competition between related species
D even a slight reproductive advantage will eventaually lead to the elmination of the less well adapted of teh two competeing species
which of the following best describes resoruces partitioning
a-competitive exclusion results in the success of the superior species
b-slight variations in niche allow similar species to coexist
c-tow species can coevolve to share the same niche
d-differential resources utilization in the decrease in species diverisity
e- a climax community is reached when no new niches are available
B slight variations in niche allow similar species to coexist
as you study two closely related predatory insects species, the two spot and the three spot avenger beeltes, you notice that each species seeks prey at dawn in areas without the other species. however where there ranges overlap the two spot avenger beelte hunts at night and the three spot hunts in teh morning. when you bring them into teh alb, thier offspring behave in teh same manor. you have discoerved an example of
b-character displacement
c-batesiam mimicry
d-faculitative commensalism
e-resourse partitioning
B character displacement
which of the following is an example of Mullerian mimicry
a-two species of upalatable butterfly that have the same color pattern
b-a dayflying hawkmoth that looks like a wasp
c- a chameleon that changes its color to look like a dead leaf
d-two species of rattlesnakes that both rattle their tails
e- two species of moths with wing spots that look like owl's eyes
A two species of unpalatalbe ubtterfly that have the same color pattern
monarch butterflies are protected from birds and other predators by the cardiac glycosides they incorporate into their tissues are from eating milkweek when they were in their caterpillar stage of development. the wings of a different species of butterfly, the viceory. look nearly identical to teh monarch so predagtors that have learned not to eat the bad tasting monarch avoid viceroys as well. this example best describes
a-aposmatic coloration
b-cryptic coloration
c-batesian mimicry
d-mullerian mimicry
e- mutualsim
C batesian mimicry
which of the following abiotic factors has the greates influence on the metabolic rates of plants and animals
d- rocks and soil
C temperature
suppose the number of insects pecies is determined by the number of vertical strata found in the environment. if so, in which of the following biomes might you find teh greates number of insect speices
b-temeperate broadleaf forest
d-temperate grassland
e-open ocean
D temperate broadleaf forest
you are interested in studying how organisms react to variations in several abiotic factors and how they coexist under such conditions. the best biome in which to conduct such a study is
a- coral reef
b-an intertidal zone
c- river
d-tropical forest
e- oligotrophic lake
B intertidal zone
imagine some cosmic catastrophe jolts Earth so that its axis relative to its plane of orbit was increased to 33.5. which of the following events might you predict to occur?
a- winters and summers in Australia would become less distinct seasons
b-both poles would expericene massive ice melts
c-summers and iwnters in the US would become warmer and coler respectibely
d-season variaton on the equator might increase
e- both Northern and Southern hemispheres might experience summer and winter at the same time
C summers and winters in the US would become warmer and colder respectively
the main reason the poles are cooler than the equater is
a-there is ice at the poles
b-the equator has a thinner atmosphere
c- the eqauator is close to the sun
d- sunlight strikes the poles at an oblique angle
e- the poles are permantely titled away form teh sun
D sunlight strikes the poles at an oblique angle
which of the following statemetns best describes the effect of climate on biome distribution
a-knowlegde of annual temp adn rain is sufficient to predict which biome iwll be found in an area
b- fluctuation of environmental variables is not imp if areas have the same annual temp and precipitation means
c- it is not only the average climate that is important in determing biome distibution, but also the pattern of climatic variation
d- temp, and coniferous forests and grasslands all have the same mean annual temp and rain
e-correlation of climate with biome distribution is suffienent to determine the cause of biome patterns
C it is not only the average climate that is imp in determining biome distribution but also the pattern of climiatic variation
the energy diagram of an arachnid reveals the following. for every 500 j of insects consumed 125j end up in the feces, 250j is used in cellular respiration, and 125j is incorporated into the biomass. what is the production efficiency of the arachnid
A 33%
if the animal in the preceding question were a rabit, you would expect the production efficiency to be
B lower
trophic efficiency is
a-the ratio of secondary production to assimiliation of primary production
b-the % of produciton transferred form one trophic level to teh next
c-a measure of how nutrients are cycled form one tophic level to the next
d- usually greater than produciton efficiencies
e- about 90% of most ecosystems
B the % of production transferred form one trophic lecel to teh nest
which of the following is primarily responsilbe for limiting the # of trophic levels in most ecosystems
a- many primary and higher order consumers are opportunistic feeders
b-decompsoers compete with higher order consumers for nutrients and energy
d- primary producers exhaust teh limited amount of the suns energy that reaches the ecosystem
d- nutrient cycling rates are limited by decomposition
e- energy transfer between trophic levles is in almsot all cases less then 20% efficient
E energy transfer between trophic levels is in almsot all cases less than 205 efficient
which of the following statements is correct about biogeochemical cycling
a- the P cycle involves the rapid recycling of stmospheric P
b-the water cycle is a global cycle tat involves the weathering of rocks
c- the C cycle is a glbal cycle that reflects the respirtaion of plants and animals and the burning of fossil fuels
d- the C cycle has mantained a constatn atmospheric concentrtaion of CO2 for the past million years
e- the N cycle involves movement of nitrogen very little of which is chemically alterd by either the biotic or abiotc components of the ecosystem
C the C cycle is a global cycle that reflefcts the respiration of plants and anmilas and the burning of fossil fuels
how is it that the open ocean produces the highest net primary productivity of Earths ecosystems yet the net primary producitivity per square meter is relativeley low
a-oceans contain greater ocncentrations of of nutrients comparted to other ecosystems
b-oceans recieve a greater amount of solar enerry per unit areaa
c-oceasns have teh greates total areal
d-oceans possess greate speicsd dibersity
e- oceanic producers are generallyu much smaller than its conusmers
C oceans have teh greates total area
a unicellular fungus that under anaerobic conditions ferments sugars to alcohol and CO2
??? finish
the absorptive nutrition of fungi is aided by
a-formation of a dikaryon
b-the large surface area provided by the mycelium
c-the fact that they are all parasites
d-spore formation
B the large surface area provided by the mycelium
one piece of evidence, which is consistent with the hypothesis that Chytrids diverged earliest in fungal evolution in the presence of ______________________- in this phylum
C flagellated zoospores
the symbiotic relationship as best exemplified by the association of photosynthetic bacteria and fungal hyphae to form a lichen
e-none of the above
A mutualism
members of this phylum form resistant structures during sexual reproduction and ahve an asexual phase characterized by bulbous black sporangia
D zygomycota
this stage in the sexual life cycle of fungi that involves the fusion of haploid nuclei
A karyogamy
which of the following associations is not an example of symbiosis
c-a saprobe that absorbs nutrients from non-living organic material
d-nitrogen fixing bacteria in the root nodules of plants
e-tapeworm living in the intestine of a mammal
C a saprobe that aborbs nutrients from non-living organic material
how are the vascular plants that are involved in mycorrhizae and the photosynthetic cells that are involved in lichens alike
a-they provide organic nutrients to fungal partners
b-they secrete acids that keep the fungal partner form growing to quickly
c-they are in intimate association with chytrids
d-they are digested by fungal enzymes while still alive
e-they produce zygosporangia
A they provide organic nutrients to fungal partners
if a bacterium regenerates from an endospore that did not possess any of the plasmids that were contained in its orginal parent cell, the regenerated bacterium will probably
a-lack antibiotic-resistant genes
b-lack a cell wall
c-lack a chromosome
d-be unable to survive in its normal environment
e-inable to synthesize proteins
A lack antibiotic resistant genes
which of the following statements about bacterial cell walls is TRUE
a-they are identical in molecular composition to the cell walls of fungi
b-they all have a lipopolysaccharide layer
c-they prevent cells form bursting in a hypotonic environment
d-they prevent cells form dying in a hypertonic environment
d-all of the above are true statements
C they prevent cells from bursting in a hypotonic environment
in addition to peptidoglycan, the cell walls of Gram-negative bacteria also contain
C lipopolysaccharides
many physicians administer antibiotics to patients at the first sign of any disease symptoms. why can this practice present more problems for these patients and for others not yet infected
a-particular patients may be allergic to the antibiotic
b-antibiotics may cause other side effects in patients
c-antibiotics may interfere with the ability to identify the bacteria present
d-overuse of antibiotics can select for antibiotic-resistant strains of bacteria
e-the antibiotic may kill bacteriophages that keep the bacteria in check
D overuse of antibiotics can select for antibiotic-resistant strains of bacteria
which of the following is an important source of endotoxin in gram negative species
d-cell wall
D cell wall
poisoned by O2
obligate anaerobe
uses CO2 to oxidize H2 releasing CH4 as a waste product
uses light energy to drive the synthesis of organic compounds from CO2
thrive in very hot environments
extreme thermophile
which of these taxa contains species that produce potent toxins that can cause extensive fish kills, contaminate shellfish, and poison humans
a-red algae
e-golden algae
B dinoflagellates
an individual mixotroph loses its plastids (i.e. cholorplasts) yet continues to survive. which of the following most likely accounts for its continued survival
a-it relies on photosystems that float freely in its cytosol
b-it must have gained extra mitochondria when it lost its plastids
c-it engulfs organic material by phagocytosis or by absorption
d-it has an endospore
e-it is protected by a cell wall
C it engulfs organic material b phagocytosis or by absorption
which of these statements about dinoflagellates is flase
a-they posses two flagella
b-some cause red tides
c-their walls are composed of cellulose plates
d-many types contain chlorophyll
e-their dead cells accumulate on the seafloor and are mined to serve as a filtering material
E their dead cells accumulate on the seafloor and are mined to serve as a filtering material
which of the following statements concerning protists is False
a-protists along with plants, animals and fungi are eukaryotes
b-most protist are unicelluar
c-at the cellular level protists are highly complex
d- like prokayotes protists lack a nucleus and other membrane bound organelles
e-all of the above are true statements
D like prokayotes, protists lack a nucleus and other membrane bound organelles
which of teh following human diseases does not involve kinetoplastids
a-chagas disease
b-african sleeping sickness
e-all of the above diseases involve kinetoplastids
D malaria
which of the following statements concerning malaria or the malaria parasite is false
a-the parasite that causes malaria is an apicoplexan
b-the definitive malarial host is the tsetse fly
c-malaria involves both human liver and blood cells
d-the diploid stage of the malaria parasite is restricted to the definitive host
e-all of the above are true statements
B the definitive malarial hsot is the tsetse fly
you are looking at a drop of lake water under a microscope. you observe a large number of unicellular protists with unique perforated glass like walls. the cells are moving about utilizing flagella that have fine hair-like extensions. you are most likely observing
D diatoms
cephaliziation is generally NOT associated with
b-bilateral symmetry
c-longitudinal nerve cord
d-concentration of sensory structures at the anterior end of an organism
e-sessile existence
E sessile existence
dr B. finds that if he removes one cell at the four cell stage from a particular embryo the remaining cells develop into a complete organism. the organism must be a(n)
a-sea star
c-earth worm
d-flat worm
e-all of the above
A sea star
which of the following statements concerning a coelom is false
a-it must be completley lined with mesoderm
b-it can be found in diploblastic as well as triploblastic animals
c-it can function to cushion suspended organs
d-it enables internal organs to grow and move independently of the outer body wall
e-coeloms may have evolved independently at least twice
B it can be found in dipoblastic as well as triploblastic animals
which of the following is a likely cause for the Cambrian explosion of animal diversity
a-predators acquired adaptations that helped them catch prey
b-prey species acquired new defenses such as shells
c-a rise in atmospheric oxygen levels
d-evolution of teh Hox gene complex
e-all of the above are likely causes for the Cambrian explosion
???? finish
which of the following combinations of phylum and description is INcorrect
a-echinodermata-bilateral symmetry as a larva, coelom present
b-nematoda-roundworms, pseudocoelomate
c-cnidaria-radial symmetry, polyp, and medusa body forms
d-platyhelminthes-flatworms. gastrovascular cavity, acoelomate
e-porifera-gastrovascular cavity, coelom present
E porifera - gastrovascular caivty, coelom present
which of the following does not constitute a key evolutionary branch point in the phylogenetic tree of animals
a-no true tissues vs true tissues
b-radial summetry vs bilateral symmetry
c-no body cavity vs the presence of a body cavity
d-protosome vs dueterostome development
e-blastopore vs no blastopore
E blastopore vs no blastopre
you are trying to identify an organism. it is an animal, but it does not have nerve or muscle tissue. it is neither diploblastic nor triploblastic. it is probably a(n)
b-comb jelly
D sponge
which of the following statements concerning a bilaterally symmetric animal is false
a-has a left side and a right side
b-only one imaginary cut divides the animal into mirror-image halves
c-many exhibit cephalization
d-generally move actively from place to place
e-their symmetry equips them to meet the environment equally well from all sides
E their symmetry equips them to meet the environment equally well from all sides
a student from another university (west of the state line) was arguing with your friend that Cnidarians have a true coelom. you interjected, "that's impossible. they.................."
a- are radially symmetric
b-are diploblastic
d-lack true tissues
e-bilaterally symmetric
B diploblastic
while snorkeling with your friend you observed a colony of sessile marine animals wrapped in calcium carbonate shells that were attached to a pier by thick stalks. the animals employed jointed appendages projecting from their shells to capture small organisms suspended in the water. your friend said, " these animals belong to the phylum Mollusca" but having taken bio109 you knew better. " these animals belong to teh phylum _________________" you replied with an authoritative air
d- nematoda
A arthropoda
which characteristic is shared by both cnidarians and flatworms
a-dorsoventrally flattened bodies
b-flame cells
c-radial symmetry
d-a digestive system with a single opening
e-both A and D
D a digestive system with a signle opening
while snorkeling, a student observes an active marine animal that has a series of muscular tentacles bearing suckers associated with its head. segmentation is not observed, but a pair of large, well-developed eyes is evident. the student is observing an animal belonging to which class
A cephalopoda
echinoderms and choradates
a-exhibit radial symmetry
b-are dueterostomes
c-have water vascular systems
d-show a high degree of cephalization
e-have hollow dorsal nerve chords
B deuterostomes
a new species of aquatic animal is discovered with the following characterisistcs: true radial symmetry, no circulatory or water vascular system, eight rows of comb-like plates of fused cilia and a pair of long retractable tentacles. as a well informed bio 109 student you would place this new species in the phylum
B ctenophora
the heartworms that can accumulate withing the heart of dogs and other mammals have a pseudocoelom, an alimentary canal, and an outer covering that is occasionally shed, to which phylum does the heartworm belong
B arthropoda
while scuba diving, dr B. observes several tube dwelling marine worms that have a horseshoe-shaped ring of tentacles encircling their mouths. no segmentation or parapodia are evident. he correctly deduces that the worm belong to the phylum
E phoronida
pharyngeal slits appear to have functioned first as
a-the digestive system's opening
b-suspension feeding devices
c-components of the jaw
d-gill slits for respiration
e-portions of the inner ear
B suspension feeding devices
lampreys and hagfishes are similar in that they both
a-lack jaws
b-have a notochord
c-have a cranium
d-lack paired appendages
e-all of the above
E all of the above
the hypothesis that the appendages of tetrapods first evolved for walking underwater would be supported by the fossil evidence that Acanthostega ( a devonian tetrapod) also had
b-dorsal hollow nerve cord
D gills
the fact that marsupial and eutherian mammals exhibit a number of remarkable look alikes even though they evolved along separate mammalian lineages can be ascribed to
c-genetic recombination
d-reverse evolution
e-none of the above
E none of the above
which of the following is not a primate characterisitcs
a-dextrous hand with opposable thumb in many species
b-ability to produce milk
d-eyes close together on front of the face
e-all of the above are primate characterisitcs
E all of the above are primate characteristics
unlike modern members of this clade, archaeopteryx had clawed forelimbs, teeth and a long tail
A reptilia
their adaptive radiation following the cretaceous extinctions filled niches vacated by the dinosaurs
e-ray finned fish
B mammals
a post anal tail and pharyngeal slits are characteristics of the phylum
e-none of the above
D chordata
which of the following statements concerning human evoluntion is FALSE
a-homo sapiens are the direct descendants of homo neanderthalensis ( neanderthals)
b- different species of the genus homo coexisted
c-human characteristics such as brain size and posture evolved independently
d-human ancestors were not modern apes
e-chimps and humans share a common ancestor
A homo sapiens are the direct descendants of homo neanderthalensis
which of the following is not a true statement concerning the order primata
a-first were small arboreal mammals
b- traits shaped by demands of living in trees
c-consists of the two suborders, prosimii and anthropoidea
d-descended form insectivores in Cretaceous
e- all of the above statements are true
E all of the above statements are true
why is the amniotic egg considered an important evolutionary breakthrough? it
a- has a shell that increases gas exchange
b-allows incubation of eggs in a terrestrial environment
c-prolongs embryonic development
d-provides insulation to conserve heat
e-permits internal fertilization to be replaced by external fertilization
B allows incubation of eggs in a terrestrial environment
what is a distinctive feature of the chondrichthyans
a-an amniotic egg
b-unpaired fins
c-an acute sense of vision that includes the ability to distinguish colors
d-a cartilaginous endoskeleton
e-lack of jaws
D cartilaginous endoskeleton