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123 Cards in this Set

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One X chromosome in human female cells is permanent condensed and inactive. This Chromosome is call a _____ .
Barr Body
At which stage of the cell cycle are chromosomes photographed to produce a karyotype?
A man's X chromosome will be inherited by:
all of his daughters
In which group of organisms does mitosis occur only in diploid (2n) cells? 1n? 1n and 2n?
Animals; Fungi; Plants
Which cellular process happens only during S phase of the cell cycle?
DNA Synthesis
Which occurs during prometaphase of mitosis?
The nuclear envelope breaks down
Cytokinesis in plant cells is achieved by:
forming a cell plate
Cytokinesis in animal cells is achieved by:
Pinching the cells in two with a cleavage furrow
What are the phases of cell division in order
1. Prophase
2. Prometaphase
3. Metaphase
4. Prophase
5. Anaphase
6. Telophase
7. Cytokinesis
During cell division in bacteria, the origin (origin of replication) of the chromosome attached to:
Plasma Membrane
Students in a classroom exhibited a wide range of heights, but students of intermediate height were most common. Height can be explained best by which genetic mechanism?
Polygenic Inheritance
______ is a chromosomal alteration in which non-homologous chromosomes exchange pieces.
reciprocal translation
One gene studied by Mendel caused plants to have short stems (dwarfs) rather than long stems (tall). It is known that the dwarf plants do not make normal amounts of a hormone called.
What is the MOST significant conclusion that gregor mendel might have drawn from his research
traits are inherited in discrete units, one of which comes from each parent.
What do sons inherit from their mothers?
Mitochondrial DNA
A person with down syndrome has ___ chromosomes in their somatic cells
47, on chromosome 21
Assuming a normal set of autosomes, which combination of sex chromosomes in humans is always lethal
Sickle Cell disease occurs when an individual is homozygous recessive for a single gene, yet this disease has a complex set of symptoms affecting many parts of the body. Which term applies to this situation.
When do coral fornicate
a full moon
Organic molecules that contain a large proportion of nitrogen and oxygen are likely to be:
hydrophillic h20 love (high electronegativity)

c-h hydrophobic h20 hate
Which term best describes the following chemical reaction:
CO2+ 2 H2O + E --> CH4 + O2
Enzymes are biological catalysts. A general function of a catalyst is:
lowering activation energy
The adhesive and cohesive properties of water molecules are due to:
hydrogen bonds
Animal cells and higher plant cells both contain:
One of the following functional groups is found in the amino acid cysteine. Within a protein, two of
these groups can form a covalent bond, which contributes to protein structure. This group is:
Pure lipid bilayers are nearly impermeable to lysine, an amino acid. Cells of the small intestine
(which contain relatively low levels of lysine) readily take up lysine from the lumen of the intestine
(where lysine levels are high). Which transport mechanism probably is responsible for this uptake?
facilitated diffusion
what type of mechanism is responsible for moving something up a gradient?
active transport
what type of mechanism is responsible for moving something down a gradient?
passive transport
what type of mechanism is responsible for moving something directly through a membrane?
simple diffusion
One feature that unifies all life, and indicates a common ancestor for all organisms, is:
a nearly identical genetic code
What are the major domains of life?
1. bacteria

2. Eukarya

3. Archea
From its atomic number of 6, it is possible to predict that a carbon atom has:
# of p = # of e-

mass = p+n

6 protons therefore 6 e-
Another name for a proton acceptor is a/an ____________ .

proton donor = acid
A mole of NaCl and a mole of ATP are equal in their:
weight in grams
Transport of materials from the Golgi apparatus to the lysosome occurs:
membrane vesicles
What is the MOST significant conclusion that Gregor Mendel might have drawn from his research?
traits are inherited in discrete units, one of which comes from each parent
Both mitochondria and chloroplasts have electron transport chains. The immediate result of
electron transport in these organelles is:
generating a H+ gradient
The lac and trp operons are similar in that both:
are negatively regulated (turned off) by a repressor
nonsense mutation
stop codon
missense mutation
different amino acid different code
silent mutation
same amino acid different code
In which group of organisms does mitosis occur only in diploid cells?
animals only

1n = fungi

1n or 2n = plants
A cell structure containing the "9+2" arrangement of microtubules is a/an:
nerve axon

9+0 = basal body (centriole)
A molecule composed only of carbon and hydrogen:
stores a great deal of energy in its chemical bonds

The phenotype of a heterozygote differs from the phenotypes of both homozygotes. The simplest
explanation of this situation is:
incomplete dominance
The sex chromosomes in somatic cells of people with Turner syndrome are _____ .

XXY = kleinefelter

XX = normal female

XYY = Super Male

XXX = female fertile
Two parents have the same genotype, AABbCcDd. Assuming independent assortment of these 4
genes, what is the probability that one of their child will have the genotype AAbbCcDD?
1 x 1/4 x 1/2 x 1/4 = 1/32
What do sons inherit from their fathers?
SRY gene
Experiments performed by TH Morgan with white-eyed fruit flies showed that:
the white-eye gene was on the X chromosome
Bacterial cell division is called:
binary fission
Before TH Morgan began studying fruit fly genetics, he studied regeneration in Planaria. He found
that a piece of an animal representing as little as _______ could regenerate into a complete animal.
During what part of the cell cycle are chromosomes photographed to produce a karyotype?
What happens during anaphase of mitosis?
chromosomes move toward the poles
The movement of molecules from an area of low concentration to one of higher concentration
requires energy and is called:
Which of the following occurs in the chloroplast stroma?
calvin cycle
The First Law of Thermodynamics states that:
energy can not be created or destroyed
second law of thermodynamics
energy of the universe is a closed system
Chemical interactions between atoms are determined primarily by:
electrons in their valence shell
Microtubules are important for:
A. motility in sperm
B. transport in nerve axons
C. moving chromosomes during mitosis
Rudolph the reindeer had a shiny nose and his girlfriend Clarisse had a dull nose. After “playing
some reindeer games,” they ended up with a herd of little reindeer, all of whom had dull noses. It is
likely that the shiny nose trait is:
a recessive trait
Which of the following is NOT a feature of the cell theory?
all cells contain mitochondria
One feature that unifies all life, and indicates a common ancestor for all organisms, is:
dna is the genetic material in all cells
Another name for ATP breakdown
(ATP + H2O --> ADP + Pi + energy) is:
Feedback inhibition
Product of enz. 1 is substrate for enz. 2, etc
Another name for ATP synthesis
(ADP+Pi --> ATP+H2O) is:
______ is the process used by an amoeba to engulf a bacterium
Which of the following can pass easily through a pure lipid bilayer
____ is a protein hormone that inhibits muscle development
Dog mutation name
Bully whippet
co2 needed for photosynthesis enters a leaf through
The random motion of molecules, which results in their net movement from an area of high concentration to one of lower concentration is called
When chloroplasts are illuminated with white light, chlorophyll absorbs:
red and blue light
Krebs cycle reaction
Malate+NAD^+ ---> oxoaloacetate + NADH
malate is oxodized to oxaloacetate
a competitive inhibitor of an enzyme:
binds to the active site
one function of cholesterol in plasma membrane is to:
stabilize (or buffer) membrane fludity
Describe the relationship between photosynthesis and respiration
photosynthesis stores energy in complex organic molecules and respiration releases it
What happens immediately after telophase of mitosis?
cytokinesis begins
In what order were the following discoveries made:
I: meiosis
II: Mendel's laws
III: rediscovery of laws of inheritance
IV: mitosis
People with Klinefelter syndrome have _____ chromosomes in their somatic (body) cells.
Breakdown of the nuclear envelope occurs at the beginning of __________ .
During what phase of mitosis are chromosomes equidistant between the two poles?
approximately 1 out of 5 individuals in a carrier for an autosomal recessive disease. Among the affected population, what is the approximate frequency of individuals with the genetic condition.
Human fetuses that are monosomic for any autosome:
do not survive until birth
What occurs during prophase I of meiosis?
Synapsis and Crossing Over
What is the name for a human cell that contains 22 autosomes and a Y chromosome?
a sperm cell
The phenotype of a heterozygote differs from the phenotype of both homozygotes. The simplest explanation of this situation is:
Incomplete Dominance
If an animal cell contained 12 chromosomes during G1 phase of mitosis, what would be the diploid number of chromosomes for this organisms?
Both parents are heterozygous for brown eyes (Bb), but one is blond (rr) and the other is a red head (Rr). What is the probability that the next child will have brown eyes and red hair?
what is the probability of an individual having the genotype AaBBCcDd if its parents were AABbCCdd?
A husband and wife are both carriers fro cystic fibrosis, an autosomal recessive disease; neither parents has the disease. The family has 2 children, a boy and a girl. What is the probability that both children have the disease
What structure is found at the poles of animal mitotic spindles but not in plant spindles?
An individual has the genotype AAbbCCdd. Relative to these 4 unlinked genes, how many different types of gametes could be produced?
Mendel crossed true breeding purple and white flowered plants. In the F1 generation all of the plants had purple flowers. If he observed 200 plants with white flowers in the F2 generation, ____ plants would be expected to have purple flowers.
genes affecting insect eye color C=red, c-cinnabar and wing shape V=normal; v=vestigal were studied. how many map units seperate the eye color and wing shape genes.
CcVv x ccvv --> 172 CV 17ccV 188 ccvv 23 Cvv
CV and ccvv = parental

ccV and Cvv = recombinant

17+23 / 400 = .1 x 100 = 10
Tomato plants heterozygous for two traits (height and seed shape) were allowed to self-fertilize. What proportion of the offspring will be homozygous dominant for both traits?
Endosymbiont organelles:
A. are descended from free-living bacteria
B. contain a circular DNA molecule
C. contain ribosomes similar to those of bacteria
Hypotheses that are consistent with the results of experimental testing are:
modified and reworked until true
Endocytosis (enter cell) and Exocytosis (exit cell)
movement of large molecules and structures across the PM occurs in membrane vesicles
Where does the Krebs cycle occur
in the mitochondrial matrix
when yeast cells are grown without o2, _____ is a product of glucose breakdown
an acetyl group contains how many carbon atoms?
In photosynthesis, plants use carbon from _____ to make G3P and other organic molecules
carbon dioxide
PFK is an important regulator of cell respiration. PFK activity is:
inhibited by ATP
alcoholic fermentation in yeast
lactic acid fermentation in human muscle
Inheritance patterns of blood types show that there are 3 alleles of the ABO gene in human
populations, which give rise to _____ different blood types.
The frequency of crossing over between two linked genes:
is related to the distance between them
Crossing over occurs during:
prophase I
Which of the following are found in or on the plasma membrane


intergral proteins
The theory of evolution is critical to all areas of biology because it explains:
A. the diversity of organisms
B. why all organisms have characteristics in common
C. how organisms become adapted to the environment
D. why distantly-related organisms sometimes resemble each other
Sexual Reproduction acts to increase genetic variability by:
1. crossing over occurs in prophase I of meiosis
2. chance combinations of gametes fuse with each other during fertilization
3. assortment of chromosomes in meiosis is random
4. genetic exchange can occur during synapsis
Which of the following is involved in the Calvin cycle and the light reactions of photosynthesis?
Eukaryotic genes that encode rRNAs:
are usually present in 100’s or 1000’s of identical copies
During glycolysis, which process is used to make ATP?
Substrate level phosphorylation
Among Caucasians, approximately 1 out of 2500 has cystic fibrosis, an autosomal recessive
condition. Among the affected population, what is the approximate frequency of carriers?
The __________ is a disk of protein at the centromere of each mitotic chromosome that becomes attached to microtubles
The MTOC (microtubule organizing center) found at the spindle poles of plant and animal cells is a:
the occurrence of ___________ in essentially all living cells indicates that this process evolved very early in the evolution of life
how many carbons does glucose have
how many carbons does pyruvate have
Which process occurs in essentially all organisms?
Consider the following cross Mm x Mm, where M is fully dominant to m. The offspring of this cross
include 3 different genotypes
Hemophilia is a recessive, X-linked disease. A woman who is a carrier and a man who has this
disorder have a son. What is the chance that this son will have hemophilia?
Mendel crossed true breeding tall and dwarf plants. In the F1 generation all of the plants were tall.
In the F2 generation, if he observed 618 tall plants he would have expected about _____ dwarf plants.