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60 Cards in this Set

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gradual change in species to make them better suited (adapted) to their environment; descent with modification.

Evolution requires two things

1. Variation, which has to be heritable

2. Natural Selection

Relative fitness

the ability to produce fertile offspring and there by pass genes on

Evidence for evolution

1. The Fossil Record

2. Transitional forms in Fossil Record

3. Homology

4. DNA

5. Embryology

6. Vestigial Structures

Homolgous vs Analogous structures

Homology=Common ancestor

Analogous=Convergent evolution, not common ancestor

Convergent vs Divergent Evolution

Divergent=Had a common ancestor

Convergent=No common ancestor but similar characterisitics

Phylogenetic Tree

shows the evolutionary relatedness among species


change in allele frequencies change from generation to generation.

Biological Species Concept

a species is group of populations whose members can interbreed and produce fertile offspring

Allopatric speciation

appearance of new species due to geographic separation

Sympatric speciation

speciation without geographic isolation

Hybrid polyploidy

mostly happens in plants and gives rise to new species, which contain genes from two different species; most present-day plants are the result of hybrid polyploidy

Steps of Hybrid Polyploidy

1. A defect in fertilization leads to a union of haploid gametes from two different species

2. The resulting hybrid is haploid and sterile but most plants can reproduce asexually,which allows this hybrid to live and reproduce for an indefinite period of time

3. A later defect in cell division leads to DNA replication without segregation of sister chromatids. The result is a new diploid species capable of sexual reproduction.

Nervous vs Endocrine Systems

Nervous – rapid, short-lived response that depends on direct contact between cells (neurons).

Endocrine – slower, longer-lived signal; depends on circulation to deliver hormones.


secreted by one organ in the body, travel through the blood and elicit a response at another site in the body

Endocrine cell

releases hormone

Target cell

responds to a hormone via a specific receptor

Water-soluble hormones

1. Proteins, peptides, modified amino acids

2. Cannot pass through the plasma membrane and therefore act on receptors (protein) on the surface of cells

3. Binding to cell-surface receptors initiates a process of signal transduction in the cells that both activates or inhibits proteins in the cell and changes gene expression (turns on or off genes)

Lipid Soluble Hormones

1. Steroids, secreted by sex organs or adrenal cortex, and thyroid hormones.

2. Pass through plasma membrane into cells

3. Bind to receptors (proteins) inside cell – nuclear receptors. Nuclear receptors are themselves transcription that, upon hormone binding, alter gene expression

4. Nuclear receptors not bound to hormone, may reside in the cytoplasm or the nucleus, but when activated (hormone binding)they act in the nucleus.


1. Mediate a hormone’s action

2. Impart specificity to the system; hormones travel through the blood so all cells see them, but only cells with the right receptor will respond.


the master endocrine regulator, releases hormones and inhibitory hormones that act on the pituitary


1. Posterior pituitary

2. Anterior pituitary

Posterior pituitary

– stores and releases oxytocin and anti-diuretic hormone (ADH)secreted by hypothalamus

Anterior pituitary

– responds to releasing and inhibitory hormones secreted by the hypothalamus

Adrenal Gland

1. Adrenal Medulla

2. Adrenal Cortex

Adrenal Medulla

– responds to neuronal input

a. Neuroendocrine cells respond to neuronal input by secreting hormone

b. Fight-or-Flight response – increases heart rate, blood pressure, and blood flow

Adrenal Cortex

– responds to ACTH from anterior pituitary

a. Mineral corticoids – regulate blood pressure

b. Glucocorticoids – raise plasma glucose,anti-inflammatory

Thyroid Gland

responds to TSH from anterior pituitary

4 Types of Diabetes

1. Type 1

2. Type 2

3. Monogenic

4. Gestational

Type 1 and 2 Diabetes

Type 1 diabetes: Autoimmune destruction of insulin-secreting βcells of the pancreas

Type 2 diabetes: Highly correlated with obesity. Two-hit disease involving defects in insulin secretion and action (insulin resistance)

Monogenic and Gestational Diabetes

Monogenic diabetes: Caused by a mutation in any one of ~24 genes. Generally dominant and generally involves a defect in insulin secretion (b-cell defect)

Gestational diabetes: Occurs in pregnant women as pregnancy is a period of natural insulin resistance, compensation is insufficient.


the body’s chief anabolic hormone; it is generally involved in the uptake of nutrients and their conversion to storage forms

Three Actions of Insulin

1. Promotes the uptake of glucose by muscle cells,which then uses it for fuel or stores it as glycogen.

2. Promotes the utilization of glucose in liver,which synthesizes glycogen and fatty acids

3. Inhibits the breakdown of fat from adipose tissue.

Insulin Secretion

Beta cells of the pancreas secrete insulin inresponse to rising blood glucose levels

Diabetes Treatment

Type 1 diabetes is treated with insulinreplacement therapy; it requires injection ≥ 2x/day

Type 2 diabetes can be treated with diet andexercise; if and when that fails oral (pills) hypoglycemic agents are used andeventually insulin injection

External Fertilization

Happens in marine animals, both male and female gametes are released into the water where fertilization happens. Does not involve male-female physical contact and therefore depends on environmental cues.

Internal Fertilization

1. Almost all terrestrial animals

2. Sperm deposited in female reproductive tract 3. Requires copulation (intercourse, sex)

4. Requires complex reproductive systems


1. Follicles

2. Ovulation

3. corpus luteum


produce eggs, estrogen


- Several hundred eggs released during the reproductive years, from puberty to menopause (12-50); ~1 every 28 days

Corpus Luteum

– formed from the remainder of the follicle; estrogen and progesterone


Fertilization and early embryonic development


1. Endometrium – where embryo implants

2. Ectopic Pregnancy – implantation of the embryo anywhere other than the endometrium, usually in the fallopian tube (tubal pregnancy); serious and potentially fatal medical emergency


1. Opening between uterus and vagina

2. Pap Smear – cells surrounding the cervix are removed and examined for cervical cancer


Birth canal, entry point for sperm


external genitalia, Labia, clitoris


1. Housed inside a scrotum

2. Sperm production (requires a lower temperature)

3. Testosterone production


1. Storage and further development of sperm

2. Ejaculation – expulsion of sperm

Vas Deferens

carries sperm


(male sterilization, permanent birth control) – severing of vas deferens to prevent the delivery of sperm


1. Carries semen or urine (not at the same time) 2. Semen – sperm cells (5% of semen, 200 – 500 million sperm/ejaculation) + fluids secreted from various glands.


erectile tissue


Diploid cells in seminiferous tubules continuously divide (mitosis), so males produce sperm throughout their adult lives.

Aquatic Biomes

Marine and Freshwater

Pelagic and Benthic Realm's

Pelagic: Ocean/lake surface

Benthic: Ocean/lake floor

Photic and Aphotic Zone

Photic: Up to 200 meters, light is sufficient to support photosynthesis

Aphotic: 200 meters and below, not enough light to support photosynthesis

Twilight and No Light Zone

Twilight: some light but not enough for Photosynthesis

No Light Zone: complete darkness

Land/Ocean Biomes

Intertidal Zone



Freshwater Biomes

Standing(lakes and ponds)

Running(streams and lakes)

Terrestial Biomes

Tropical Forest




Temperate Grasslands

Temperate Forests

Coniferous Forests


Polar Ice