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53 Cards in this Set

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Protects gametes from drying out and protects the embryo from drying out.
waxy cuticle
hard lipid coating to protect from water, and losing water though creates gas exchange problem ex CO2
structure that lets CO2 and water in and out o by bypassing the wax cuticle (Responds to plants needs)
What are character istics of Non-vascular plants?
cuticle and stomata
What adaptive feature let plants move to terrestrial environment?
Vascular Tissue
Vascular tissue
allows active transport of water and nutrients through plant
allows increased size, structural support
prevents dessication (drying out)
Significant macroevolutionary events in plant evolution
Vascular tissue
Gametangia, Seeds
What contributes to plant size?
cuticle, vascular tissue- transport of nutrients and structural support
houses that contain the developing gametangia
purpose of the flower in angiosperms
Increase fertilization using other species as pollen carriers
aid the dispersal of seeds
exposed seed
produce seed but it isn’t enclosed in a parental tissue.
alteration of generations
Alternation between multicellular haploid life stages and multicellular diploid life stages
diploid form that produce haploid spores via meiosis that grow into haploid gametophyte
by mitosis gives rise to gamates then fertilization takes place
fertilization in alteration of gen
takes place to make gamates into zygote Diploid structure--> grows into Sporophyte by mitosis diploid
what are unifying features of plants
Store carbs as starch
Cell wall made of cellulose
Sexual life cycle - alt of gen
Embryos protected gametangia
How are Vascular plants organized?
as seedless, exposed seed, and enclosed seed
transports water and minerals, for photosynthesis.
= delivers sugars to the roots for storage
the woody tissue, support and strength
Why do plants get taller and taller?
to reach out and compete with other plants in order to get more sun. selective pressure in taller plants.
What parts of plants have vascular tissues?
True roots, leaves, stems
Vascular plants w/o seeds
Sporophyte (2n) generation is dominant-
Independent gametophyte
What are the advantages to having a dominant sporophyte?
diploid --> if mistake in 1 chrom then there is 2nd copy that will transfer over ok. on land get more UV light (radiation).
back up copy if your gene gets damaged
Homosporous life cycle
Sporangium 1n--> spore1n-> young gametophyte 1n--> egg and sperm-->zygote 2n--> young sporophyte 2n--> mature sporophyte 2n
seeded plants what happens for gemetophyte
gametophyte is reduced and dependnet on the sporophyte
in seed plants what is gametophyte and sporophyte
ovule is the gametophyte
petal is sporophyte
non vascular what is gametophyte and sporophyte
top is sporophyte rest is gametophyte
seedless vascular what is gametophyte and sporophyte
stalk= sporo
small bud at bottom= gameto
The four gymnosperms types
Cycads, ginkgos, conifers, Gnetophytes
Cycads and ginkgos
Flagellated sperm - swim within pollen tube
Sexes separate – dioecious
adapted to dry conditions
Non motile sperm
Double fertilization
dioecious palm tree ish thingy
2 separate sexes (1 plant= female, 1 plant= male) seeds come from females.
2 sexes present on same individual (1plant has both male and female organs)
non flag sperm, monecious, need leaves, tallest oldest
how are angiosperms seeds dif from gymnosperms seeds
their seeds are housed in ovary tissue.
perfect flowers
both male and female parts=monoecious
imperfect flowers
either male or female parts on flower (not necessarily on 2 sep plants)=can be monoecious or dioecious
where pollen is made in flowers
where pollen lands
contain the eggs
becomes the fruit
double fert
pollen -->stigma -> down style goes to ovary-> ovule both sperm go into
all angiosperms do it
Two haploid sperm nuclei
One haploid egg nucleus and two haploid polar nuclei
what two cell parts were originally free living bacterica
chloroplasts and mitochrondria
is filled with chlorophyll(pigments)- disk like green structures. shuffles e- after light excites them
energy from light travels in photons then absorbed making e- excited then goes into redox reaction
photosystem I
high energy state e- until it reaches the chorophyl because it is next to an e- acceptor. NaDP+ to NADPH
Photosystem II
the final chrolphyll is next to a more e- negative e- acceptor in an e- transport chain in the mitochrondria protein complexs makes ATP. It dumpes its 2e- into the photosystem 1
chloroplats membrane
double bound, atp synthase inbetween atp produced when prfotons moved across membrane