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51 Cards in this Set

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Where is the rRNA synthesized?
in the nucleolus
Where are the large and small subunits assembled?
Through what does mRNA leave the nucleus?
nuclear pore
What structure carries on protein synthesis?
A cell active in protein synthesis would have prominent what?
Where can you find free ribosomes?
in the cytosol
Where can you find bound ribosomes?
attached to the outside of the ER or nuclear envelope
What structure lines each nuclear pore and regulates entry of most proteins and RNAs and macromolecules
pore complex
Nuclear lamina
protein filaments that maintain shape of the nucleus
Which is diffuse mass, chromosome or chromatin?
What is the chromatin made of?
DNA and proteins
Which type of ribosome is responsible for secreted proteins?
How is the endomembrane system continuous?
membranes of this system are either touching directly or by vesicles
What structures does the endomembrane system include?
golgi apparatus, lysosomes, vacuoles, and plasma membrane
What is cisternae?
network of membranous tubules and sacs that are part of the ER
What are some of the processes of smooth ER?
synthesis of lipids, metabolism of carbs, and detox of drugs and poisons
Add what fcl group for detox?
Where is calcium stored?
smooth ER
What is a glycoprotein
proteins that have carbs bonded with them
After leaving the ER, transport vesicles travel to what organelle?
the golgi apparatus
What are the two sides of the golgi apparatus?
cis and trans
What side of the golgi faces the ER?
Where does golgi dispatch products?
trans side
What is a lysosome?
membranous sac of hydrolytic ensymes that an animal cell uses to digest macromolecules
What type of environment do lysosomes prefer?
Where are hydrolytic enzmes and lysosome membranes made?
What is autophagy?
when lysosomes use their own hydrolytic enzmes to recycle a cells own organic material
what organelle is affected by tay sachs?
Waht is cell sap?
solution inside plant central vacuole
what process forms food vacuoles?
From what organelle is the plant central vacuole dericed?
ER and golgi
Are mitochondria and chloroplasts part of the endomembrane system?
How many membranes do mitochondira have seperating innermost space from the cytosol? Chloroplasts?
2 for mito, usually 3 sometimes 4 for chloro
Membrane proteins of mitochondria and chloroplasts are made but what type of ribosome?
What other structure imports proteins from the cytosol?
inner folded membrane of mitochondria
intermembrane space in mito
space between inner and outer membrane
mitochondrial matrix-
contains many dfifferent enzymes as well as mitochondrial DNA and ribosomes
Where in plant cell is the DNA enzymes etc
int he stroma- fluid outside thylakoids
What is the by product of perioxisomes?
H202 ( hydrogen peroxide)
Structure of micro tubules?
hollow tubes; wall consists of 13 columns of tubulin molecules
protein subunits of MT
tubulin, a dimer consisting of alpha tubuilin and beta tubulin
main functions of MT
- maintence of cell shape ( compression resisting girders)
- cell motility ( cilia, flagella)
- chromosome movements in cell division
- organelle movements
microfilaments ( actin ) structure
two intertwined strands of actin, each a polymer of actin subunits
MF protein subunit
function of MF
maintenance of cell shape, chnges in cell shape, muscle contraction, cytoplasmic streaming, cell motility ( pseudopodia), cell divison ( cleavage furrow)
Intermediate filaments structure
fibrous proteins supercolied into thicker cables
protein subunit
one of keratin family
IF function
maintenance of cell shape , anchorage of nucleusand certain other organelles, formation of nuclear lamina
What do animal cells have that plants dont?
lysosomes, centrosomes with centrioles, flagella
What is in plant cells but not animal cells?
chloroplasts, central vacuole, cell wall, plasmodesmata