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112 Cards in this Set

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sedimentary rocks

rocks formed by the accumulation of sediments


layers of rock

3 principles of stratigraphy

1.Fossils of similar organisms are found in widely separated places on Earth.

2.Certain fossils are always found in younger strata, and certain other fossils are always found in older strata.

3.Organisms found in younger strata are more similar to modern organisms than are those found in older strata.

relative ages of rocks

oldest rocks lie at the bottom (Nicholaus Steno)


half of the atoms in a radioisotope decay to a stable isotope

radiometric dating

using half-lives to date fossils and rocks

half-life and useful dating range carbon-14

5700 and 100-60,000 years

half-life and useful dating range uranium-234

80,000 and 10,000-500,000 years

half-life and useful dating range uranium-235

704 million and 200,000-4.5 billion years

half-life and useful dating range potassium-40

1.3 billion and 10 million-4.5 billion years

to use radio metric dating we must know

the concentration of that isotope at the time of that event

why are the radioisotopes in sedimentary rock to reliable to determine the date of its formation

because these rocks are formed from materials that existed for varying lengths of time before being weathered, fragmented and transported to the sight of their deposition

igneous rocks

formed when molten lava cools

radiometric dating of rocks older than 60000 yrs requires

estimating radioisotope concentrations in igneous rocks

a preliminary estimate of the rocks age to determine which isotope to use

paleomagnetic dating

relates the ages of rocks to patterns in earths magnetism which change move and reverse over time which is recorded in sedimentary and igneous rocks

other dating methods use

info about continental drift, sea level changes, and molecular clocks

how many eons are there and what are there names

4: Hadean, Archean, Proterozoic, Phanerozoic

Hadean eon

the time on earth before life evolved

Archean eon

early history of life, ended when photosynthetic organisms appeared

Proterozoic eon

prokaryotic life diversified rapidly and the first eukaryotes appeared

Phanerozoic eon

eukaryotes rapidly diversified


the Hadean, Archean and Proterozoic eons and it accounts for the vast majority of geologic time

plate tectonics

the geophysics of the ,pavement of major land masses. the mechanism of continental drift

earths crust

thick continental and thinner oceanic plates over the malleable mantle

where oceanic and continental plates converge

thinner oceanic plate is forced under the continental plate.


when one plate is forced beneath another. results in volcanism and mountain

when two oceanic plates collide

one is subducted creating an oceanic trench

when two continental plates collide

the plates push up against each other creating mountains

when continental plates diverge

new crust forms resulting in rift valleys where lakes usually form

mass extinctions

when a large proportion of the species living on each disappear, can result from dramatic changes in earths physical parameters


daily events at a given location


long term average expectations over various seasons at a given location, changes slowly

volcanic eruptions

most produced only short lived effects but some can have major consequences


smaller meteorites have little effect but larger ones have caused mass extinctions


the assemblage of all organisms of all kinds living at a certain time or place


all plants living at a certain time or place


all the animals livening in a certain time or place

`why aren't there more fossils

it is very unlikely that animals will become fossils and a lot of rocks get destroyed while some are inaccessible that contain fossils`

precambrian life

mostly small marine organisms but the number of species increased dramatically near the end`


the first era of the Phanerozoic eon

Cambrian period

the first period of the Paleozoic era

Cambrian explosion

a geologically rapid diversification of life that took place in the early Cambrian

Cambrian life

multicellular life was largely or completely aquatic

Paleozoic periods

Cambrian, Ordovician, Silurian, Devonian, Carboniferous, Permian


continents were in the southern hemisphere and lacked multicellular life. evolutionary radiation of marine animals was spectacular. at the 75% of animals became extinct because of environmental changes

Silurian period

continents merged, marine life rebounded, animals able to swim the open water appeared, first vascular plants evolved on land, first

Devonian period

terrestrial arthropods evolved as well terrestrial communities changed dramatically, first plants to produce seeds first forest soils, rates of evolutionary change accelerated, mass extinction of 75% of marine animals at the end maybe because of meteorite collision

Carboniferous period

extensive swamp forests in tropical ares, terrestrial diversity increased greatly, insects evolved wings

Permian period

Pangea formed, conditions for life deteriorated near the end resulting in the greatest mass extinction ever: 96% of all multicellular organisms became extinct

periods of the Mesozoic era

Triassic, Jurassic, and Cretaceous

Triassic period

invertebrates diversified, first frogs and turtles, radiation of reptiles began, first mammals appear, ended with a mass extinction: 65% of species on earth extinct probably due to a meteorite

Jurassic period

Pangea fully divided into 2 continents, lizards appeared and flying reptiles evolved, dinosaurs

Cretaceous period

continents we know today, life proliferated, flowering plants began their radiation, many mammals appeared, ended with mass extinction killing most animals larger than 25 kg probably due to meteorite

Cenozoic era periods

tertiary and quaternary

Order of the eras of the Phanerozoic eon

paleozoic, mesozoic, cenozoic

tertiary period

Indian met Asia

Quaternary period

current period, started with drastic cooling which pushed animals to the equator, started warning, humans appeared

attributes of all organisms

have cell membranes and ribosomes

have a common set of metabolic pathways, such as glycolysis

replicate DNA semiconservatively

use DNA as the genetic material to encode proteins, and use a similar genetic code to produce those proteins by transcription and translation


bacteria and archea

three domains of life

bacteria, archea, eukarya

prokaryotic organisms

unicellular, do not divide by mitosis, no membrane enclosed nucleus, lack membrane enclosed cytoplasmic organelles


polymer that produces a mesh like structure around the cell. unique to bacteria and key difference between bacteria and archea

gram stain

lab technique, used to classify bacteria into 2 distinct groups gram-positive and gram-negative, where bacterial cells are soaked in violet dye, treated with iodine washed with alcohol and counterstained with red dye

gram-positive bacteria

appear blue to purple after test because of its cell wall which has 5x as much peptidoglycan

gram negative bacteria

appear pink to red after test because it has 5x less peptidoglycan

common shapes of bacteria

spheres, rods, spiral forms and names are based of these forms


spherical bacteria may live singly or associate in 2 or 3 dimensional arrays


a rod shaped bacterium may be single, form chains or gather


spiral bacterium may be single, form chains or gather

less common bacterial shapes

long filaments and branched filaments

shape of archea

less is know because few have been seen

why is rRNA useful for phylogenetic studies

evolutionarily ancient

all organisms have it

critical so lateral gene transfer is unlikely

slowly evolves allowing comparison between distantly related organisms

lateral gene transfer

genes moving sideways from one prokaryote species to another

can result in discordant gene trees, therefore consensus trees or trees based on genes that are not likely to laterally transfer are needed

consensus tree

comparison of multiple genes to create an organismal phylogeny

genes most likely to be laterally transferred

genes that result in a new adaptation that confers higher fitness on a recipient species

8 major material groups

1) the low-GC Gram-positives, 2) high-GC Gram-positives, 3) hyperthermophilic bacteria, 4) hadobacteria, 5) cyanobacteria, 6) spirochetes, 7) chlamydias, and 8) proteobacteria

the low-GC Gram-positives

aka Firmicutes have low ratio of GC base pairs, includes bacteria that can produce endospores, staphylococci, mycoplasma plasmas


heat resisting structures that some bacteria can produce, they replace the parent bacteria and lie dormant until they reproduce once they have found favorable conditions


lack cell walls, among the smallest cellular organisms known

high-GC Gram-positives

aka actinobacteria have an elaborately branched system of filaments, we derive mot of our antibiotics from these, includes bacteria that causes TB

Hyperthermophilic bacteria

live at very high temperatures


thermophilic extremophiles, can survive cold extremes as well as hot


the first photosynthesizers, require few things to survive, contain photosynthetic lamellae (highly organized internal membrane systems), some colonies differentiate into vegetative cells, spores, or heterocysts

vegetative cells (cyanobacteria)


spores (cyanobacteria)

resting stages that can survive harsh environments

heterocysts (cyanobacteria)

specialized for nitrogen fuxation


have spiral bodies and axial filaments allowing them to move in a corkscrew fashion, many are human parasites some are pathogens


very small, live only as parasites, have a complex life cycle involving two forms of cells


a large and diverse group, mitochondria originated with these, includes photoautotrophs, nitrogen fixers, e. coli, cholera

2 characteristics shared by all archea

the absence of peptidoglycan in their cell walls and the presence of lipids of distinctive composition in their cell membranes

2 principal groups of archea

crenarchaeota and euryarchaeota

crenarchaeotes are found

live in hot or acidic places


some are methanogens (produce methane), some are extreme halophiles (salt lovers), some members have no cell wall


a form microbal communities may take. upon contacting a solid surface, the cells bind to that surface and secrete a sticky, gel-like polysaccharide matrix that traps other cells. once a biofilm forms, the cells become more difficult to kill.

fossil stromatolites

large, rocky structures made up of alternating layers of fossilized biofilm and calcium carbonate—are among the oldest remnants of life on Earth

quorum sensing

on type of communication between prokaryotes


the communities of bacteria and archea that inhabit our bodies. very important for human health

Koch's postulates

The microorganism is always found in individuals with the disease.

The microorganism can be taken from the host and grown in pure culture.

A sample of the culture produces the same disease when injected into a new, healthy host.

The newly infected host yields a new, pure culture of microorganisms identical to those obtained in the second step.

For an organism to be a successful pathogen, it must:

arrive at the body surface of a potential host;enter the host’s body;evade the host’s defenses;reproduce inside the host; andinfect a new host.


the ability of a pathogenic bacteria to multiply in the hosts body


the ability of a pathogenic bacteria to produce toxins


released when certain Gram-negative bacteria grow or lyse (burst), rarely fatal


soluble proteins released by living, multiplying bacteria, highly toxic, sometimes fatal

obligate anaerobes

prokaryotes that live by anaerobic metabolism because oxygen is toxic to them

facultative anaerobes

can shift their metabolism between anaerobic and aerobic

aerotolerant anaerobe

cannot preform aerobic respiration but oxygen does not damage them

obligate aerobes

unable to survive in the absence of oxygen and require oxygen for cellular respiration

4 broad nutritional categories

photoautotrophs, photoheterotrophs, chemoautotrophs, and chemoheterotrophs


preform photosynthesis, light is their energy source, carbon dioxide is their carbon source


light is their energy source but must obtain carbon from organic compounds,


obtain their energy by oxidizing inorganic substances and use some of that energy to fix carbon


obtain both carbon and energy from complex organic compounds