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23 Cards in this Set

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variety of life
species richness
number of species in an area
species diversity
number of species AND relative number of individuals of each species
the entire set of genetic material in a cell
particular version of a gene: basis of biodiversity
nonliving environment(air, water, soil) and all organisms living in a particular area
ecosystem services
certain organisms take on certain tasks/services we we all can survive (provide oxygen, nitrogen, etc.)
traveled to Galapagos on the BEAGLE and to south america
traveled to southeast asia and AMAZON
Natural Selection
-parents pass characteristics to offspring
-not all individuals can survive and reproduce
-some characteristics make individuals more likely to survive and reproduce
descent with modification
tree-branching pattern
-evolution from a common ancestor
-divergence of species through time
3 major pieces of evidence for evolution/specification
1. fossil records
2. species on islands
3. direct observation of speciation (peppered moth colors)
standard deviation
measure of variation in a population
population variation
basis of darwins ideas
-can make the link between cause and effect less than straightforward
stabilizing selection
have most offspring, most common in stable envirnments
directional selection
change in environment, population mean shifts
disruptive selection
population diverges into 2 groups, producing 2 forms of life from one
ecological niche
particular set of environment conditions that occurs in each species
competition species interaction
both species suffer a cost from interaction
mutualism species interaction
both species benefit
predation species interaction
one species benefits and one suffers a cost
community vs. ecosystem
all species in an area vs. community plus nonliving environment
results in ecological succession, high levels leads to low levels of diversity