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86 Cards in this Set

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Action Potential

electrochemical signals sent by the nervous system


central cell body of neuron that contains the nucleus; site of all biosynthesis including neurotransmitters

What are neurons with one/multiple dendrites called?

one: bipolar

multiple: multipolar

How do action potential travel down a neuron?

Dendrites receive the signal and transmit them to the soma. Then, axons carry the action potential away from the cell body

Axon Hillock

Integrates the signal for transmission

Neuron Picture

Resting membrane potential


What helps establish the resting potential?

Sodium pottasium pump

What does it mean that neuron cells are polarized at resting potential?

Negative on the inside and positive on the outside of the membrane


A change in the membrane potential from resting membrane potential of -70 to a less negative or even positive potential

Causes an action potential


After depolarization occurs, repolarization returns the membrane potential back to normal

What do voltage gated sodium channels do?

they are located in the plasma membrane of the axon. They all sodium ions to flow down their gradient into the cell when the membrane potential changes. This allows depolarization to occur to +35mV and allows an action potential to propagate through the axon. The sodium ions flow down the interior of the axon and slightly depolarize the next section of the membrane. Then the process starts over again and continues until the action potential propagates all the way through the axon

Threshold potential

-50 mV

cause voltage gated sodium channels to open

What happens during repolarization?

1.) After the depolarization due to voltage gated sodium channels, the voltage gated sodium channels inactivate

2.) Voltage gated potassium channels open slowly and stay open for a longer period of time causing hyperpolarization by allowing extra potassium to leave the cell causing the interior of the cell to be negative again (-90 mV)

3.) Sodium potassium pump returns cell to resting potential


an insulating sheath that surrounds the axons of many neurons

does not allow ions to exit or enter the neuron so depolarization cannot occur

speeds up action potential by making it jump from one node of Ranvier to the next

Schwann cells

type of glial cell located in the peripheral nervous system; create the myelin sheath

nodes of Ranvier

periodic gaps in the myelin sheath that is concentrated with voltage gated sodium and potassium channels that allow depolarization and repolarization to occur

Saltatory conduction

jumping of action potential from node to node

glial cells

specialized, non neuronal cells that provide structural and metabolic support to neurons


type of glial cells located in the central nervous system; create myelin sheath

Other types of glial cells

1.) astrocytes: in central nervous system; guide neuronal development; regulate synaptic communication

2.) Microglia: in CNS; remove dead cells

3.) Ependymal cells: produce and circulate cerebrospinal fluid

All Action Potentials are of the same size


Equilibrium potential for sodium and potassium

Sodium: +50 mV

Potassium: -90 mV

Are there more sodium or potassium channels in the membrane?

the equilibrium potential for potassium is -90 mV. Since the resting membrane potential is -70 mV, this shows that there are more potassium channels than sodium

Refractory period

After an action potential occurs, there is a period of time that another one cannot occur. this is the refractory period

2 phases of the refractory period

1.) absolute refractory period: neuron cannot fire action potential no matter how strong depolarization is because the voltage gated sodium channels have been inactivated (they only activate again once resting membrane potential has been reached)

2.) Relative refractory period: neuron can be induced to transmit action potential because voltage gated sodium channels are active again after hyperpolarization, but requires a greater depolarization; this is because the neuron has been hyperpolarized (more negative than resting potential) by the voltage gated potassium channels that cause the neuron to have a potential of -90 mV


Junction between axon terminus of one neuron and dendrites, soma, or axon of another neuron

2 types of synapse

1.) electrical synapse: occurs when cytoplasm of 2 cells are joined by gap junctions; action potential spreads directly from one cell to other

2.) Chemical synapse: found at the end of axons where they meet their target cell; action potential here is converted to chemical signal

Synaptic knob

End of the axon

How is a an action potential transmitted across a chemical synapse?

1.) action potential reaches the synaptic knob

2.) presynaptic membrane is depolarized and opens voltage gated calcium channels

3.) calcium moves into presynaptic cell and causes exocytosis of neurotransmitter in secretory vesicles

4.) neurotransmitter binds to receptor proteins on postsynaptic membrane

5.) ligand gated ion channels open after neurotransmitter binds to it and alters the membranes polarization

6.) if threshold voltage is reached, action potential is initiated


neurotransmitter in the neuromuscular junction

Excitatory neurotransmitter

neurotransmitter that causes depolarization in the postsynaptic membrane and allows an action potential to occur

Inhibitory neurotransmitter

causes hyperpolarization which drives the membrane potential farther away from the threshold needed for action potential

Temporal summation

presynaptic neuron fires action potentials very rapidly; the excitatory or inhibitory post synaptic potentials pile up and the additive effect will allow depolarization or hyperpolarization

Spatial summation

ALL EPSP and IPSP from all synapses on postsynaptic membrane are added at a given moment in time

Efferent neurons

carry info from CNS to appropriate glands/organs

Afferent neurons

carry info toward CNS

Peripheral Nervous system

includes axons, dendrites, and cell bodies that are not part of central nervous system

Somatic: voluntary movement (if you need to or want to) of skeletal muscle; excitatory only

Autonomic: involuntary processes such as digestion, circulation etc; excitatory or inhibitory

Division of Autonomic system

Sympathetic: fight or flight

parasympathetic: rest and digest

Central nervous system

Brain and spinal cord

Where are most neuronal cell bodies found?

in the Central nervous system; they bunch together in the CNS to form nuclei

What are cell bodies bunched together outside of the CNS called?


3 divisions of the brain

1.) Hindbrain (rhombencephalon)

2.) Midbrain (mesencephalon)

3.) Forebrain (prosencephalon)


1.) medulla: located below pons; area of brain that connects to spinal cord; regulates vital autonomic functions such as blood pressure and digestion; contains respiratory rhythmicity center

2.) pons: located above medulla; coordinates balance

3.) cerebellum: located behind medulla; coordinates complex movements; pons and cerebellum receive info from vestibular apparatus in ear which monitors acceleration and position due to gravity


located above pons;

relays visual and auditory information; contains Reticular Activating System which controls arousal and wakefulness


1.) diencephalon: thalamus and hypothalamus; thalamus is located above hypothalamus and contains processing centers for sensory info and relays info between spinal cord cerebral cortex.

hypothalamus is located above midbrain and controls emotions, hormones, and serves as the primary link between nervous and endocrine system by controlling the pituitary gland

2.) Telencephalon:

Cerebrum which controls memory, planning, higher learning etc

Basal Nuclei: regulation of motor movement

Limbic System: has amygdala and hippocampus

Amygdala controls emotions; hippocampus controls memory and learning

Left side of brain vs Right side

Left side: controls motor functions of right side of body; responsible for speech and logic

Right side: controls motor functions of left side of body; responsible for music and creativity

Corpus Callosum

a thick bundle of axons that connects the two hemispheres of the brain


the main part of the brain that consists of both hemispheres

Cerebral cortex

1.) frontal lobe: initiate all voluntary movement; helps in complex reasoning skills and problem solving

2.) Parietal lobe: involved in touch and taste sensations

3.) Temporal lobes: involved in sound and smell sensations; involved in short term memory, language comprehension

4.) Occipital lobe: process visual sensation

Brocas area

speech production

Wernickes area

language comprehension

Limbic system

located between cerebrum and diencephalon; important in emotion and memory and learning; includes amygdala and hippocampus

Cranial nerves

there are 12 pairs of cranial nerves that convey sensory and motor information to and from the brainstem

Spinal nerves

There are 31 pairs of spinal nerves that convey information to and from the spinal cord

Vagus Nerve

a cranial nerve; part of the parasympathetic system;

Anatomy of Somatic System

1.) All somatic motor neurons innervate skeletal muscle cells, use acetylcholine, and have their soma in the brain stem or front part of spinal cord

2.) All somatic sensory neurons have a long dendrite that goes from a sensory receptor to the soma which is in the dorsal root ganglion. The axon goes into the spinal cord and the first synapse is in the CNS

Anatomy of Autonomic System

1.) contains preganglionic and postganglionic neurons. The preganglionic neuron sends and axon to the postganglionic neuron which send an an axon to an organ or gland.

2.) All autonomic preganglionic neurons release acetylcholine; all parasymathetic postganglionic also release acetylecholine; all sympathetic postganglionic release norepinephrine

Sympathetic vs. Parasympathetic system

Sympathetic: preganglionic neurons are in thoracic and lumbar region of spinal cord; preganglionic axon is short; ganglia is far from target; postganglionic axon is long; usually releases norepinephrine

Parasympathetic: preganglionic neurons are in brainstem and sacral spinal cord; preganglionic axon is long; ganglia is close to target; post is short; releases acetylcholine

Four properties that sensory receptors need to communicated to CNS

1.) stimulus modality (type of stimulus)

2.) Stimulus location

3.) Stimulus intensity

4.) Stimulus duration

Structure of outer ear

contains auricle or pinna and external auditory canal

Structure of middle ear

contains ossicles which are three small bones known as malleus, incus, and stapes

Structure of inner ear

contains cochlea, semicircular canals, utricle and saccule

What do the semicircular canals, utricle and saccule do?

they help with balance

Eustachian tube

passage from back of throat to middle ear that equalizes pressure on both sides of the ear drum

Organ of Corti

the basilar membrane and tectorial membrane; primary site at which auditory stimuli is detected

How is sound converted to hearing in the ear?

Sound waves travel through the outer ear and cause tympanic membrane to vibrate. This causes the bones of the middle ear to vibrate; then, the stapes, the last bone of the middle ear causes vibrations on the oval window; this causes perilymph and endolymph which are fluids in the cochlea to vibrate; this causes the basilar membrane to vibrate which is in the cochlea; this causes hair cells to move against the tectorial membrane; this causes neurotransmitters to release and stimulates dendrites of afferent neurons; nerve impulses are created

Oval window

membrane that divides inner ear from middle ear

Pitch (frequency)

distinguished by different regions of the basilar membrane vibrating;

low frequency is at the apex of the cochlea while high frequency is detected near the oval window

How can you determine the source of where a sound is coming from?

based on the difference detected between two ears; if the sound is coming from your right, your right ear will receive the sound waves slightly sooner and more intensely than your left

Loudness of sound

based on amplitude of vibration; more vibration will cause more frequent action potentials

Vestibular complex

made of the three semicircular canals, the utricle, the saccule, and the ampullae

all of these things contain endolymph and hair cells which detect rotational acceleration of the head

Reflex Arc

Does not involve the brain for motor output BUT signals still go to the brain


Small neuron in spinal cord that is Always inhibitory

Monosynaptic Reflex

Always the excitatory reflex because there is only one synapse

Disynaptic Reflex

Always inhibitory because there are two synapses due to an interneuron

Cones in eye

for color vision

3 types of cones: red, green, blue that work together to produce color

Cones are located in the FOVEA mah nigga

Rods in eye

for black and white vision

Located in periphery

How the eye works

No light: photoreceptors are depolarized (sodium channels are open) and either stimulate or inhibit the bipolar cell

Light: photoreceptor is hyperpolarized and either inhibits or stimulates the bipolar cell

2 types of hormones

Peptide hormones and steroid hormones

Peptide hormones

1.) Poplypeptide made in the ER

2.) Hydrophillic (can travel in blood)

3.) Bind to cell surface receptors

4.) Use second messenger systems

5.) stored in vesicles

6.) Rapid response

Steroid Hormones

1.) Made of cholesterol

2.) Made my smooth ER

3.) Hydrophobic (travel using proteins)

4.) Bind to nuclear/cytoplasmic receptors

5.) Use transcription factors and regulate gene expression

6.) Slow response


1.) Controlled by hypothalamus

2.) Connected to hypothalamus by the Infundibullum

3.) Anterior Pituitary (controlled by hormones from the hypothalamus via a portal system)

4.) Posterior Pituitary (Controlled by Axons that extend down from hypothalamus)

Portal System

Two consecutive Capillary beds

Anterior Pituitary Hormones








Posterior Pituitary


ADH (Vasopressin)