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37 Cards in this Set

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turner syndrome
chromosome xo, female phenotype, ovaries develop abnormally, mostly infertile, relatively short, increased skin folds on neck
Kleinfelter syndrome
xxy chromosome, male phenotype, reduced fertility, hormone treatment at puberty to induce development of ext genitalia,social awkwardness, left handedness
xyy genotype
taller, leaner, suffer from acne, more liely to produce sperm with sex chromosome abnormalities, overrepresented in prisons
sex determining region of the Y chromosome, signals dev of testes, lack of which signals hormone to develop ovaries
Mullerian and wolfian systems
both possesed in female and male fetuses, mullerian will develop uterus, vagina and fallopian tubes/wolffian will develop seminal vesicles, vas deferens and prostate,
developed in testes along with anti-mullerian hormone-promotes wolffian system
steroid hormone that typically develops and maintains typically masculine characteristics
AIS androgen insensitivity syndrome
XY genotype, completely female phenotype, shallow vagina, no ovaries fal tubes or uterus. produces abnormal androgen receptors inhibiting the wolffian system- but anti-mullerian hormone still is in effect/ inhibiting growth of internal sex organs of female
5-alpha -dihydrotestosterone
lack of which, inhibits ability external male genitalia. resulting in female external genitalia in a male with male internal sex organs.
congenital adrenal hyperplasia (CAH)
recessive heritable condition which leads females to release excess amounts of androgens, results in ambiguous external genitalia -some say engage in more bisexual or lesbian behavior or identify themselves as "tomboys"
Reasons for reduced average onset of puberty
due to obesity giving body a sign for reproductive readiness with enough body fat..
female hormone from animal tissue similar to estrogen
gonaotropin-releasing hormone
released by hypothalamus, initiates release of two gonadotropic hormones by the anterior pituitary gland- follicle stimulating hormone, and luteinizing hormone
follicle stimulating hormone
stimulates development of eggs in ovaries and sperm in testes
luteinizing hormone
signals the male testes to produce testosterone and that regulates the menstrual cycle in females.
5-alpha-reductase deficiency
males inability to produce this enzyme which is responsible for converting testosterone into 5-alpha-dihydrotestosterone to create male external genitalia. These individuals usually raised as girls, develop normal male external genitalia at puberty due to increase in testosterone
Onset of puberty
Hypothalamus releases gonadotropin-releasing hormone>anterior pituitary gland> releases gonadotropins, luteinizing hormone, and follicle-stimulating hormone> signals testes to produce testosterone/ ovaries to control menstrual cycle
menstrual cycle to pregnancy
FSH hormone signals dev of follicles>ovulation>estradiol> thickening of uterus lining>corpus luteum>progesterone
Premenstrual dysphoric disorder (PMDD)
severe symptoms of the premenstrual cycle/ severe depression, changes in appetite, impaired cognitive performance, linked with a serotonin disfunction as well.
hormone produced in the corpus luteum that prevents the development of additional follicles and promotes the growth of the uterine lining
Postpartum depression
10-15% of women. occurs in hormanal shift from pregnant state back to normal monthly cycles
combination pill
containts two synthetic hormones: an estrogen and progestin-prevents maturation of follicles and ovulation
Progestin-only pill
prevents only the thinning of cervical mucus that typical accompanies ovulation. passage of sperm into uterus and fallopian tubes becomes less likely
6 matchstick-sized tubes are implanted in a woman's upper arm under local anesthesia. in 3 month intervals. warning against loss of bone density
period of hours or days in which female is receptive to males, hormones play important role in determining.
Testosterone effects on women
Less- reduces acne/reduces sex drive, more-do better on spatial tasks,
Androgens and competition
testosterone seen to increase in winners and decrease in losers
Testosterone effects on men's sexual drive
when it falls between normal limits, does not have a huge effect on sex drive. When reduced drastically below normal limits-greatly effects sex drive. Depo-provera used as chemical castration to use on sex offenders to reduce sex drive
Male's advantage in cognitive behavior
spatial tasks-map reading, maze learning, mental rotation of objects,
Male contraceptives
new development in oral pills containing progestin to physically block the movement of sperm
Anabolic steroids
synthetic versions of testosterone that build tissue- can lead to enlarged clitoris/penis, lower voice, unusual hair loss or growth, psychological disturbances, and enlarged breasts in males, disturbances in sodium levels can cause high BP and kidney disease
Sexually dimorphic
display structural differences between the sexes
interstitial nuclei of the anterior hypothalamus
twice as large in males as in females. may be a correlation in size and males sexual orientation
chemical reaction resulting in an aromatic compound, characterized by a six-carbon ring: for example the enzyme aromatase transforms testosterone into estradiol
alpha fetoprotein
protects female rats from their mothers circulatiing estradiol. Placenta in the hyena blocks this protein and in turn exposes female hyenas to masculinization of sex characteristics. Enlarged clitoris.
Major histocompatibility complex
a gene that encodes our immune system's ability to recognize intruders; might account for female human preferences for male odors
Erectile dysfunction
occurs when a man is unable to achieve an erection sufficient for satisfactory sexual activity,