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94 Cards in this Set

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Branches of anatomy

Gross anatomy(body structure) microscopic anatomy(tissue study) surface anatomy (all organs studied together)

Anatomical terminology

Based on ancient Greek or Latin, provides standard nomenclature worldwide

Chemical level

Atoms form molecules

Cellular level

Cells an their functional subunits

Tissue level

Group of cells preforming a common function

Organ level

Discrete structure made up of more than one tissue

Organ system

Organs working together for common purpose

Organism level

Result of all simpler levels working in Union



Intugumentary system

External body covering, protects deeper tissue from injury, sunthesizes vitamin D

Skeletal system

Protects and supports body organs, provides framework for muscles, blood cells form with in bone

Muscular system

Allows manipulation of environment, Locomotion, facial expressions, maintains posture,produces Heat

Nervous system

Fast acting control system responds to internal and external changes

Endocrine system

Glands secrete hormones that regulate growth reproduction and nutrition use

Cardiovascular system

Blood vessels transport blood blood carries oxygen and carbon dioxide carries nutrients and waste

Lymphatic system/immunity

Picks up excess fluids leaked from blood vessels mounts attacks against foreign objects

Respiratory system

Keeps blood supplied with oxygen and removes carbon dioxide

Digestive system

Breaks down food into smaller units and indigestible foodstuffs eliminated as feces

Uranary system

Eliminates nitrogenous wastes regulates water electrolyte and acid-base balance

Reproductive systems

Overall function is to produce offspring testes produce sperm & male sex hormone ovaries produce eggs and female sex hormone

Anatomical position

Visual refrence point


Frontal- dividing front and back

Median-dividing left and right

Transverse- dividing upper and lower

Cell main components

Plasma membrain- outer boundary

Cytolasm- contains most organelles

Nucleus-controls cellular activities


Plasma membrain

Outer boundary structure of membrane fluid mosaic model provides barrier against substance outside cell determines which substance enters or leaves the circle


Contains most organelles


Control cell activity

Membrain transport

Simple diffusion-tendency of molecules to move down their concentration gradient

Osmosis- diffusion of molecules across membrain

Intergral proteins- use ATP as every source

Facilitates diffusion

Movement of molecules down their concentration gradient through an integral protein

Active transport

Moves molecules across the plasma membrane against their concentration gradient


mechanisms by which particles enter cells phagocytosis- cell eating pinocytosis-cell drinking


Mechanism that moves substances out of the cell


Life internal to plasma membrane consists of centrioles organelles and inclusions


Consist of water ion and enzymes


Constructed of proteins and ribosomal RNA not surrounded by a membrane

Endoplasmic reticulum

Network within the cytoplasm

Rough ER

Ribosomes stud the external surface

Smooth ER

Tubules in a branching Network

Golgi apparatus

Stack of three to 10 disk shaped envelopes (UPS)


Membrane wall sacs containing digestive enzymes digests unwanted substances


Membrain walled sacks of oxidase enzymes the trash removal system


Generates most of the cells energy, most complex organelles powerhouse

Stages of mitosis prophase

Prophase first and longest stage of mitosis-cromatin threads condense onto chromosomes


Second stage, chromosomes Custer at the middle of the cell centrosomes are aligned along the Equator


Chromosomes are pulled apart


Cells pull apart


Completes the division of the cell into 2 daughter cells

Developmental aspects of cells

Aging genetic theory proposes that aging is programmed by genes


Cells that work together to preform a common function

4 basic types of tissue


Connective- support

Muscle- support

Nervous- control

Characteristics of epithelial tissue

Cellularity-cells separated by minimal extracellular material

Specialized contacts- cells joined by special junctions

Polarity, supported by conection tissue, avascular, regeneration

Endocrine glands

Ductless glands that secrete into surrounding tissue

Exocrine glands

Ducts cary products to epithelial surface

Cell junction

Tight junction-close off intercellular space

Adhesive belt junction- anchoring junction

Desmosomes-main junctions for binding cells together

Gap junctions- passageways between two adjacent cells

Basal lamina

Acts as a selective filter determining which molecules from capillaries and enter the epatheliam

Apical surface features

Microvilli fingerlike extensions of the plasma membrane

Connective tissue types

Cartalage, cinnective tissue proper, bone,

Intugumentary system



Lyes deep in the dermis

Skin color

Melanin(most important made from tyrosine), carotene(made from carrots) hemoglobin(allows blood to show through, Caucasian skin)

Hair layers

Three layers medulla-central core cortex- surrounds medulla cuticle- outer layer


Free edge, body, root, nailfold, cuticle (eponychium)


Hair follicles, hair bulb, root, arrestor pili muscle (hair standing up)

Sebaceous glands

Secrete sebum (oils) -collects dirt softens and lubricates hair and skin

Sweat glands

All over body, blood filtrate, 99% water with some salt


First-epadermis second-upper part of dermis third-full thickness of skin

Skin cancers

Basal cell carcinoma- not common squamous cell carcinoma-arises from keratinocytes of stratum spinosum Melanoma-most dangerous

As we age so does akin

4 months formed 5-6 months covered in downy hairs middle to old age, less elastic, skin inflammation become more common

Charictoristics of cartalage

Resilient tissue, consists promarily of water

Location of cartalage

Ear, epiglottis, larynx, trachea, nose


Hyaline-abundant, provides support throught flexability

Elastic- contains many elastic fibers

Fibro cartilage- resists strong compression


Adaposal growth-centroblasts in surrounding perichondrium produce new cartalage

Interstitial growth- divide and secrete new matrix

Stops growing when skeleteon does

Function of bone

Function of bone support movement protection mineral storage blood cell formation energy metabolism

Type of bone

Long bone short bone flat bone irregular bone



Epiphysis- ends of bone

Blood vessels-well vascularized

Medullary cavity-hollow cavity filled with yellow marrow


Anamoy of bone

Compact bone- dense outer layer

Spongy- internal network of bone

Bone development

Ossification- bone tissue formation

Membrain bones-formed directly from messenchyme

Other bones-develope initially from hyaline cartalage

Bone repair

Simple and compound fractures - treatment by reduction - close reduction, -open reduction

Disorders of bones

Pagets-excessive rate of bone deposits

Osteosacroma- form of bone cancer


Skull,vertebrae and bony thorax








Pelvic pectoral girdles, hands and feet


Hip dysplasia-head of the femur

Clubfoot-soles of the feet turn medially


Where bones meet

Functional classification

Based on amount of movement


Immovable, common in axial skeleton


Slightly movable


Freely moveable

Structural classicication

Fibrous, cartalaginous, synovial


Most moveable type of joint

Selective synovial joints

Sternoclavicular -saddle joint

Temporomandibular- modified hinge joint

Glenohumeral- shoulder joint


Wrist-stabilized by numerous ligaments

Hip-ball and socket

Knee-most complex joint, acts as hinge

Joint injuries

Torn cartalage-common in knee

Sprains- ligaments of reinforcing joint are stretched or torn

Dislocation-occurs when bones or joints are forced out of alignment

Inflammatory and degenerative conditions

Bursitis-inflamaton of bursa due to injury or friction

Tendonitis- inflammation of a tendon sheath

Arthritis-osteo-wear and tear-rheumatoid-inflamation-gouty- uric acid build up

Lyme disease- inflammatory disease causing pain