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27 Cards in this Set

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Selective Permeability
Allows the membrane to determine what substances enter or leave a cell.
& determins what substances enter or leave a cell
Is the process of random movement toward a state of equilibrium.
Simple Diffusion
Small molecules pass through the phospholipid bilayer of the membrane.
Water molecules are abundant enough and small enough that they move through membranes by a diffusion process called osmosis
Solutions that have equal concentration
more solution outside the cell then inside
More solution inside the cell than outside
Osmosis depends on the
Number of solute particles present
A fluid which red blood cells are normally suspended.
Passive transport
a process that does not require any input of outside energy to drive them.
Active transport
A process that requires the input of chemical energy from an outside force.
Facilitated Diffusion
Goes through channel proteins or by means of carrier protiens.
How fast a substance diffuses depends on which four factors.
Diameter- smaller the faster
Temperature- higher the faster
Electrical charge
Concentration Gradient- the greater the faster
Tugor pressure
The pressure that keeps plants upright. Also the driving force for the enlargement of the plant cells.
Integral membrane protiens may form...
Channels through which substances can pass.
Carrier proteins
can speed up the diffusion of these substances when binding to a membrane protein.
Membrane channel proteins have a...
central pore lined with polar amino acids and water, and nonpolar amino acids on the outside of the protein.
A gated channel opens when...
something happens to change the three dimensional shape of the protein.
Another way that water enters cells rapidly is through water channels
Active transport
The movement of a substance across a biological membrane against a concentration gradient requires the expenditure of chemical energy.
move a single substance on direction
move two substances in the same direction.
move two substances opposite directions, one in the cell and one outside the cell.
Primary active transport
requires the direct participation of the energy rich molecule ATP.
Secondary active transport
Does not use ATO directaly rather its energy is supplied by an ion concentration gradient established by primary active trasnport.
coupled transporters
Symports and antiports are known as thus because they move two substances at once.
Carrier protiens
Allow diffusion both into and out of the cell.