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152 Cards in this Set

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The chemical components of cells


The smallest unit of life


A group of similar cells that perform the same function


A structure with two or more tissues working together to perform a function

Organ systems

At least two organs working together to perform a function


A single organism


All individuals of the same species in an area


All the species in an ecosystem that can interact


A community and its physical environment


The part of the earth that supports life


All the chemical reactions that occur within the cells of living things


The relatively constant and self-correcting internal environment of a living organism

Scientific method

A logical approach to gathering information and reaching conclusions

Inductive reasoning

The accumulation of facts through observation until finally there are enough facts to draw a conclusion or develop a testable hypothesis

Deductive reasoning

Making a general statement, often in the format of an if-then statement, then drawing more specific conclusion from it

Clinical trials

Consist of several experimentalgroups that receive different dosages of the drug and a control group thatreceives a placebo (asubstance made to look like the drug being tested)

Double-blind study

Occurs when neither researchers norparticipants know which group is receiving the treatment

Epidemiological studies

Look for patterns that occur inlarge populations


Made of many atoms that are all the same


A chemical structure held together by covalent bonds


Anatom or group of atoms with a positive or negative electrical charge


Two or more elements may combine

Chemical bonds

Atoms in a compound are held together by


Sharing of electrons between atoms


Transfer of electrons between atoms creates oppositely charged ions that are attracted to one another


Attractions between a hydrogen atom with a slight positive charge and another atom (often oxygen) with a slight negative charge.


Release hydrogen ions when placed in water


Produce hydroxide ions when added to water


The lower the pH, the grater the acidity and the higher the pH, the more basic a solution


Prevent dramatic change in pH

Biological macromolecules

Giant molecules of life, are long chains called polymers made of repeating unites called monomers

Major molecules of life

Carbohydrates, Lipids, Proteins, Nucleic acids

Dehydration synthesis

Polymers are built up and water is removed


Same molecules are broken apart and water is added


Polymers, made of monosaccharides. For example, Glucose and fructose


Chains of monosaccharides that store energy or provide structure


Storage of polysaccharide in animals


An indigestible (to humans) polysaccharide made of repeating units of glucose


Water-insoluble molecules, Store long-term energy, Protect vital organs, From cell membranes


Made of one molecule of glycerol and three fatty acids. Examples: Fats and oils

Unsaturated fatty acids

Have double bonds between carbon atoms

Saturated fatty acids

Do not have double bonds between carbon atoms


The main components of plasma membranes

Phospholipids have?

A glycerol head that is polar and hydrophilic, A fatty acid tail that is non polar and hydrophobic


Lipid that consists of four carbon rings attached to molecules that vary from one steroid to the next. For example: Estrogen and testosterone


Amino acids, Polypeptide chains of at least 50 amino acids

Peptide bonds

Amino acids that form proteins that are linked by bonds


Chains of only a few amino acids


Chains of 10 or more amino acids


The change in the chemical environment of a protein can cause it to lose its structure, resulting in a loss of function


Speed up chemical reactions without being consumed

Nucleic acids

DNA and RNA, Polymers of nucleotides


Phosphate, Pentose sugar, and Nitrogen containing base


Single stranded, Has the sugar ribose, Has the nitrogen containing base adenine, guanine, cytosine, and uracil


Two strands that form a distinctive double helix, Has the sugar deoxyribose, Hat the nitrogen containing bases adenine, guanine, cytosine, and thymine

Adenosine triphosphate (ATP)

A molecule capable of storing every in its phosphate to phosphate bonds, often described as the energy currency of cells

Cell differentiation

Webegin life as only one cell, that cell differentiates into many specializedcells

Plasma membrane

The outer boundary of the cell, Controls the movement of substances in and out of the cell

Plasma membrane function

Maintains the structural integrity of the cell, Regulates movement of substances intend out of the cell, Provides recognition between cells, Provides communication between cells

Passive transport

Movement across the membrane that doesn’trequire energy

Active transport

Movement across the membrane thatrequires energy

Simple diffusion

Random movement from region of higher concentration to region of lower concentration

Facilitated diffusion

Movement from region of higher concentration to region of lower concentration with the aid of a carrier of channel protein


Movement of water from region of higher water concentration (lower solute concentration) to region of lower water concentration (higher solute concentration)

Active transport

Movement, often from region of lower concentration to region of higher concentration, with the aid of a warrior protein and energy, usually from ATP


Process by which materials are engulfed by plasma membrane and drawn into cell in a vesicle


Process by which a membrane bound vesicle from inside the cell fuses with the plasma membrane and spills contents outside the cell


Containsalmost all of the genetic information of the cell, the DNA, Organized into chromosomes


Contains almost all the genetic information and influences cellular structure and function, Within the nucleus, Involved in the production of ribosomal RNA

Endoplasmic reticulum

Anextensive network of channels connected to the plasma membrane, the nuclearenvelope, and certain organelles

Roughendoplasmic reticulum (RER)

Studded with ribosomes (sites where the synthesis of proteins begins), Produces membrane

Smooth endoplasmic reticulum (SER)

Detoxifies drugs, Produces membrane

Golgi complex

Sorts, modifies, and packages products of RER


Digest substances imported from outside the cell, Destroy old or defective cell parts


Provide cell with energy through the breakdown of glucose during cellular respiration


Providesshape and support for the cell, Iscomposed of microtubules, intermediatefilaments, and microfilaments, Transportation highway to moveorganelles


Composed ofmicrotubules arranged in a ring, May function in cell division andin the formation of cilia and flagella


Responsiblefor the structure and movement of cilia and flagella


Numerous short extensions in a cellthat move back and forth (on cells lining the respiratory tract)


In humans, found only on spermcells

Cell metabolism

Includes all of the chemicalreactions that take place in a cell


Complex molecules are broken downinto simpler compounds, Energy is released

Fourphases of cellular respiration

Glycolysis, Transition reaction, Citric acid cycle, Electron transport chain


Occurs in the cytoplasm, splits glucose into two pyruvate molecules, Does not require oxygen

Transition reaction

Occurs within the mitochondria, C02 is removed from each pyruvate

Citric acid cycle (Krebs cycle)

Occurs within the mitochondria, Acetyl CoA enters the critic acid cycle, requires oxygen

Electron transport chain

Occurs within the mitochondria (inner membrane), Releases energy that results in 32 ATP, Requires oxygen


Breakdownof glucose without oxygen, Takes place entirely in thecytoplasm, Very inefficient

Fourprimary tissue types

Epithelial, Connective, Muscle, Nervous

Epithelial tissue

Covers the body surfaces, Lines cavities and organs, Forms glands

Connective tissue

Provides support and protection for organs, Serves as a storage site for fat, Participates our immunity

Muscle tissue

Body movement, Movement of fluids through the body

Nervous tissue

Conducts nerve impulses through the body

Squamous epithelium


Cuboidal epithelium


Columnar epithelium


Simple epithelial cells

Single layer of cells

Stratified epithelial cells

Multiple layers of cells

Exocrine glands

Secrete into ducts leading to bodysurfaces, cavities or organs

Endocrine glands

Lack ducts and secrete theirproducts, hormones, into tissue fluid just outside the cells

Protein fibers

Collagen, elastic, and reticular fibers, Produced by fibroblasts, which are also responsible for tissue repair

Ground substance

Noncellular material, May be solid (bone), fluid (blood),or gelatinous (cartilage)

Areolarconnective tissue

Between muscles, surroundingglands, wrapping small blood vessels and nerves, Wraps and cushions organs


Under skin, around kidneys andheart, Stores energy, insulates, cushionsorgans

Denseconnective tissue

Made of tightlywoven fibers, Found in ligaments, tendons, andthe dermis

Specialized connective tissue

Cartilage, Bone, Blood


Tough but flexible, Serves as a cushion between bones, Lacks blood vessels and nerves, Heals more slowly than bone


Ends of long bones and parts of theribs, nose, trachea, bronchi, and larynx, Support and flexibility, Smooth surface for joint movement

Elastic cartilage

Flexible, Elasticfibers, Flexiblepart of the external ear and the epiglottis


Madeto withstand pressure, Discsin the intervertebral spaces and the knee joints to support the huge loads

Bone (Connective tissue)

Protects and supports internalstructures, Facilitates movement alongwith muscles, Stores lipids (in yellow marrow),calcium, and phosphorus, Producesblood cells (in red marrow), Solidmatrix, Hard due to calcium and phosphorussalts§Resilient due to strands of theelastic protein collagen

Blood (Connective tissue)

Consistsof plasma (a liquid matrix) and formed elements

White blood cells

Help fight infection

Red blood cells

Transportoxygen to cells and some carbon dioxide away from cells


Help with clotting

Muscle tissue types

Skeletal, Cardiac, Smooth

Skeletal Muscle tissue

Obvious striations, Voluntary, Skeletalmuscle attaches to bones for voluntary movement of body

Cardiac muscle tissue

Wall of heart, Branching striated cells, Specialized junctions between cells(*intercalated discs with gap junctions), Involuntary, Contractsand propels blood through body

Smooth muscle tissue

Cellstaper at each end, Nostriations, Involuntary, Found in walls of digestive system,blood vessels, tubules of urinary system, bronchioles of lungs, Propels substances through internalpassageways

Nervous tissue

Makes up the brain, spinal cord, nerves


Generate nerve impulses and conductthem to other neurons, muscle cells, or glands


Support, insulate, and protectneurons

Parts of Neurons and Neuroglia

Axon, Dendrite, Cell body, Neuron, Neuroglia

Cell junctions

Tight junctions, Adhesion junctions, Gap junctions

Tight junctions

Form a leak-proofseal, Found between cells lining theurinary and digestive tracts

Adhesion junctions

Allowfor stretching of cells without coming apart, Alsoallows for cells to slide slightly relative to each other, Foundbetween skin cells

Gap junctions

Have small holes connecting thecytoplasm of adjacent cells, Allow for exchange of ions betweencells, Allow for rapid communication ofelectrical impulses in cardiac cells- synchronizing electrical activity andthus contraction, Found between cardiac muscle cells


Sheets of epithelium supported byconnective tissues

Mucous membranes

Line passageways that open to theexterior of the body

Serous membranes

Line the thoracic and abdominalcavities and the organs within them

Synovial membranes

Line the cavities of freelymoveable joints

Cutaneous membrane (Skin)

Covers the outside of the body

Body cavities

Ventral (front) and Dorsal (back)

Ventral (Anterior)

Thoracic cavity, Abdominal cavity, The diaphragm separates them

Dorsal (Posterior)

Cranial cavity (encloses the brain), Spinal cavity (houses the spinalcord)

Thoracic cavity (Subdivided)

Pleural cavities (contain thelungs), Pericardial cavity (contains theheart)

Integumentary system

Skin, Derivatives of the skin, Hair, Nails, Sweat glands, Oil glands, Wax glands

Skin functions

Largest organ, Protects against bacterialinvasion, UV radiation, and physical and chemical stress, Prevents water loss, Regulates body temperature, Synthesizes vitamin D, Receives external stimuli, Excretion of waste products

Skin layers

Epidermis, Dermis, Hypodermis or subcutanesous layers


Thin outer layer, No blood vessels


Thicker inner layer containingnerves, blood vessels, and glands, Primarily connective tissue

Hypodermis or subcutaneous layer

Layer of loose connective tissuejust below the epidermis and dermis, Anchors skin to tissues of other organ systems that lie beneath

Types of over exposure

Basal cell carcinoma, Squamous cell carcinoma, Melanoma isthe most dangerous type of skin cancer

Negative feedback

Correctivemeasures that slow or reverse variation from a normal value

Positive feedback

Causea change that promotes continued change in the same direction- rare, Bloodclotting, Childbirth, Ovulation

Homeostatic components

Receptor, Control center, Effector


Detects a change in the internal orexternal environment

Control center

Integrates the information comingfrom all receptors and selects an appropriate response


Carries out the response


Abnormally elevated bodytemperature


Abnormally low body temperature


Throw away gloves and clean area