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51 Cards in this Set

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Extant most recent common ancestor of Amphibia


Extinct most recent common ancestor of Amphibia

Temnospondyls (Brachiosaurus)

Period of insect diversification (era and date)

Carboniferous (360-285 mya)

Period of vascular plant formation and first tetrapods (era, date)

Devonian (408-360 mya)

Period where first jawed fishes formed (era, date)

Silurian (438-408 mya)

Two groups of fishes which diversified from the Silurian period

Actinopterygian (radial-finned fishes)

Sarcopterygian (lobed-finned fishes)

Organism linking the transition of water to land

Tikaalik roseae

First early aquatic tetrapod

Acanthostega gunnari

Define the North American Breeding Bird Survey

Organized 4100 survey routes across country, 24.5 mile transects, run by Canadian wildlife and US geological survey,

5 hour survey

During breeding season?

Christmas bird count

One count on christmas per year. Groups sample a 15-mile radius circle

First true land tetrapod


Diversification of reptiles (age, dates)

Permian (285-245 mya)

Group including all extant amphibians


3 Orders of Class Amphibia

Gymnophonia, Caudata, Anura

Common ancestor of salamanders and frogs

Gerobatrachus hottoni

Ancestor of all mammals that arose in the Permian


Extant classes in Lepidosauria

Tuatara, Squamata

3 Orders of Squamata

Serpentes, Lacertilia, Amphisbaenia

Groups in Archosauria

Crocodyllians, Dinosauria

Saurischian vs. Ornithischian dinosaurs

Saurischian contained Theropod dinosaurs (ancestor of birds), Ornithsian dinos (mistakenly named bird-hipped dinos due to their fused hipbones)

Two theories of bird origins

Theropod dinosaurs (more evidence), Thecodont reptiles in the triassic

Feathers were originally used for:

Thermoregulation, mate attraction

Which dinosaur showed evidence for gliding with wings on fore and hind legs?

Microraptor Gui

Two theories for evolution of flight

Aboreal vs. Cursoreal

Two theories for when major groups of birds evolved

Tertiary (Big Bang),Cretaceous diversification

Traits of modern birds

bipedal, feathered vertebrates with wings


Well-developed brains

Richly provisioned eggs

sexual selection

4 types of wings to support different types of flight

High aspect ratio


High Speed


Critisims of the Biological Species concept

Does not account for:

Asexual organisms, allopatry and hybridization

Many species concepts encompass:

Morphological similarity

Ecological similarity

Reproductive isolation

Evolutionary cohesion

Four models of speciation

Allopatric, Peripatric, Parapatric, Sympatric

Define Jordan's Law

Closely related populations usually have undergone allopatry speciation

Fourier analysis

Any complex sound can be viewed as a series of sin waves

Are lower or higher frequencies best heard in a forest ?

Low frequencies: wavelength is longer and therefore is less obstructive and can move through a forest without hitting an object and being dispersed

Why do bird birds make lower-pitched sounds than smaller birds?

Syrinx is larger and can propagate a larger amount of air molecules. An object has difficulty producing sound with wavlengths larger than it is

Why are some bird sounds easy to localize while some are not?

Harder to localize calls have a constant frequency. Can usually tell songs are farther by a loss of frequency or a change between two ears.

Why do birds migrate?

Exploit seasonal food resources

Food a good breeding site

Avoid predation

Avoid climatic extremes

What is the trade-off in reproduction and survival for residents and migrants?

Tropical resident (high survival, low reproduction ), Migrant (med, med), Temperate resident (low, high)

Bird navigate using:

Sun compass, star compass, magnetic field, olfaction, infra-sound

Which traits of migration are inherited?

Direction, length, feeding behaviuor, timing

3 Ways birds produce color

Pigments (absorbtion), irridensence (interference), structure (Rayleigh scattering)

Types of avian mating systems

Social monogamy




5 Great Mass Extinctions

Late Cambrian, Late Ordivician, Late Devonian, Late Permian, Late Cretaceous

Main modern causes of extinction

Habitat destruction, introduced species, climate change

Amphiban decline

32% of amphibian species threatened with extinction

Predicted trend of human pop growth

Overall not sure, but think it may stabilize around 9-10 billion

3 Main major threats to birds worldwide

Agriculture, logging, invasive species

Out of all birds, which percent of them are red-listed?


Aside from humans, what is the most abundant species of large mammals?

White-tailed deer (40-50 million)

What is the global level for CO2 (ppm)

402 ppm

Explain the tragedy of the commons

Too much freedom is bringing ruin, each persona takes as much as they can for themselves. Must impose mutually agreed limits

Paris Agreement

Goal of 195 countries to lower emission limits to keep global surface warming below 2C