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44 Cards in this Set

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Magnesium (macronutrient). What is it's function?

Chlorophyll component, activates many enzymes

Chlorophyll & enzymes

Micronutrient Mnemonic

It's Mnemonic Szn! By Cleaning Most Cupboards & Nice Fences.

Phloem loading is always active or inactive?

Always active! (ATP)

ATP is used

True/False: phloem unloading is always passive.

False, it can be active or passive

What is the direction of flow of Xylem?


What is the direction of flow of Phloem?

From Source to Sink

Xylem is under positive or negative pressure?


Phloem is under positive or negative pressure?

Positive pressure

What role do p-proteins play in the phloem transport?

They're a safety measure. If the plasmodesmata is damaged, they will plug the hole to reduce further damage

What is the pressure-flow hypothesis?

The idea that high turgor pressure bear sources causes sucrose to flow to sinks.


Long cells, pits, only a primary cell wall

Vessel elements

Short, wide, pits, perforations at ends (more efficient at transporting H2O)

Positive turgor pressure in guard cells means

Stomata will be open

Negative pressure/flaccid guard cells means

Stomata will be closed

Xylem are alive or dead at maturity?


Phloem are alive or dead at maturity?



Channels that connect inside of one cell to the inside of the next cell


Protein channels that allow water to cross between cells

What are the three routes to which water moves through the cortex in roots?

Symplastic route, transmembrane route, and apoplastic route

Endodermis function in roots

Controls ion uptake and prevents ion leakage from the vascular tissue

Is this a monocot or dicot? Can it undergo secondary growth?

Dicot, yes!

Vascular bundles are arranged by the edges

Is this a dicot or a monocot? Can it undergo secondary growth?

Monocot, no!

Vascular bundles are scattered throughout the ground tissue

Anticlinal growth is responsible for what type of growth?

Length, primary

Periclinal growth is responsible for what type of growth?

Width, secondary

True/False: Heartwood (at the center) is actively transporting water.

False! A buildup of sap gives it a darker color

Protoderm leads to what primary tissue system and which primary tissue (s)?

Dermal tissue, epidermis

Ground meristem leads to what primary tissue system and which primary tissue (s)?

Ground tissue. Parenchyma, collenchyma, sclerenchyma

Procambium leads to what primary tissue system and which primary tissue (s)?

Vascular tissue. Xylem and Phloem

True/False: most plants that do not produce Woody tissues consist entirely of primary growth


Parenchyma function

Synthesis and storage

Collenchyma function


Sclerenchyma function

Sclereids: protection (hard outer surface of seeds and fruits)

Fibers: support

Casparian Strip

Tightly packed endodermal cells which secrete a narrow band of wax, made of suberin (waterproof barrier)


Molecular attraction between unlike molecules


Molecular attraction among like molecules


Main material of cell walls

Flowering plants are (angio/gymno)



Populations of undifferentiated cells that retain the ability to undergo mitosis

How do meristems persist?

In mitosis, one duplicate carries on duties as a meristematic cell, while the other differentiates

Vascular cambium (secondary growth) produces what 2 mature tissues?

Secondary phloem and secondary Xylem

Cork cambium (secondary growth) produces what mature tissue?

Cork! (And bark)

Modified Leaf Example

Pea tendrils aid the plant in climbing!

Modified Stem example

Thorns provide protection from predators and are a type of stem modification!

Modified root example

Storage roots, like sugar beets, store carbs and other nutrients for future use