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25 Cards in this Set

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round window
a membrane-covered opening between the chamber of the middle ear and inner ear located below the oval window
salutatory conduction
rapid transmission of nerve impulse along an axon resulting from the action potential jumping from one node of Ranvier to another, skipping the myelinated regions of the membrane
Schwann cell
a type of supporting nerve cell that is found in the PNS and wraps around axons of neurons and produces the myelin sheath
the white, tough, protective layer of the eye that helps give the eyeball its shape; the white of the eye
semicircular canals
three tubes that are situated at right angles to one another and contain mechanoreceptors that detect head and body rotation; responsible for dynamic balance or rotational equilibrium (rotational equilibrium dynamic balance), which is the balance that is established in response to the head and body being moved or rotated
the reception and processing by the brain of a nerve impulse sent by an activated sensory receptor
specialized mechanisms or functions by which an organism is receptive and responsive to a certain class of
sensory adaptation
the tendency of sensory neurons to become less sensitive when they are repeatedly stimulated
sensory neuron
a type of nerve cell that receives stimuli and conducts an impulse toward the brain and spinal cord
sensory receptor
a cell or groups of cell that is specialized to receive stimuli that provide information about the body's external conditions and internal conditions
an inhibitory neurotransmitter in the CNS
somatic nervous system (SNS)
a part of the PNS that conducts nerve messages to the skeletal muscles, also known at the voluntary nervous system
pressure disturbance beginning at a vibrating object and spread out by a medium (air)
sound wave
a series of compressions and rarefactions resulting in a S-shaped curve
stapes (stirrup)
the third ossicles, involved with amplifying sound
static balance (gravitational equilibrium)
balance resulting from changes in the position or the movement of the head in one direction; usually response to gravity
sympathetic nervous system
fight-or-flight, preparing for stress
the location or junction in a neural pathway where one neuron communicates with another neuron; a tiny gap between the synaptic terminal of an axon and the signal receiving dendrite or cell body of another neuron or an effector, such as a muscle
synaptic cleft
a tiny space between the synaptic knob of a transmitting neuron and the receiving neuron or effector cell
synaptic knob
tiny enlarged ending on an axon terminal
synaptic vesicle
a tiny membranous sac that, in this case, contains neurotransmitters
a layer in the choroid that increases the absorption of light to stimulate photoreceptors in dim conditions
taste bud
a sensory organ composed of a taste pore, taste cells, and sensory fibres of a sensory neuron involved in initiating taste sensations
tectorial membrane
one of two parallel membranes found in the organ of Corti. During the transmission of sound waves, the basilar membrane vibrates and causes the sensory hairs to flex against the tectorial membrane
a sensory receptor that detects heat or cold