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123 Cards in this Set

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This is the route by which deoxygenated blood reenters the right atrium of the heart.
Vena Cava (superior and inferior)
Blood flows into the ___ and out of the ___ of the heart.
atrium, ventricle
___ move blood away from the heart and ___ move blood toward the heart.
arteries, veins
This gland secretes an anti-coagulating enzyme and citrate into the urethra.
Prostate Gland
This accounts for 60% of semen volume. It also secretes a coagulating enzyme and ascorbic acid.
Seminal Vesicles
This is the process following cleavage where three embryonic germ layers are formed.
Open end of the archenteron.
This is the blood flow sequence in which oxygen is absorbed both through the lungs and skin.
Pulmocutaneous Circuit
In reptiles, the double circulation is separated into __ chambers. The ventricle pumps blood and is separated by the ___.
3, septum
This is the system that lost fluids/proteins from gas exhange in capillary beds reenter the blood.
Lymphatic System
This is the cell formed from the division of primordial germ cells during the early stages of oogenesis. They undergo mitosis and stop at __ and are then considered ____.
oogonia, prophase I, primary oocytes.
This is the hormone that stimulates the continued development of primary oocytes.
This was the structure that people believed a human developed from initially before the discovery of the embryo.
This is the process of rapid cell division following fertilization. It results in a hollow ball of cells known as the ___. The individual cells that make up this structure are the ___.
Cleavage, blastula, blastomeres
Cells are suspended in a liquid matrix called ___.
Blood contains ___ that function to maintain osmotic balance and buffer the blood.
electrolytes (dissolved salts)
___ help to buffer blood, maintain osmotic balance, and contribute to blood thickness.
Plasma proteins
These combat viruses.
immunoglobins (antibodies)
What are erythrocytes?
red blood cells (carry oxygen)
What are leukocytes?
white blood cells (defense)
ATP is generated by the (oxidation/reduction) of carbs, proteins, and fats.
These are the highest in energy and serve as the best means of energy storage.
These hormones are secreted by the embryo that signal its presence and maintain the secretion of progesterone/estrogen by the corpus lutem.
human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG)
This is the oxygen carrying component of blood. It contains ___ attached to a ___ group. There are also four subunits (two __ and two __ chains).
hemoglobin, iron, heme, alpha, beta
During the Bohr Shift, increased levels of CO2 cause a ___ in pH. As a result the affinity of hemoglobin for oxygen ___.
decrease, decreases
This is the fast block to polyspermy. Result of a ____ of the membrane.
Acrosomal Reaction, depolarization
This is the slow block to polyspermy. Results in the formation of a ____ which is caused by uneven distribution of the divalent cation ___.
Cortical Reaction, fertilization envelope, Ca2+
This is the structure in female insects that allow it to store sperm.
These cells pull cells through during gastrulation.
During chicken gastrulation, the three germ layers form from the top layer of the embryonic cells known as the ____. The bottom layer of cells is known as the ___. The location where cells are drawn towards the yolk is known as the ___.
epiblast, bypoblast, primitive streak
The notochord is formed from the ___ and later develops into the ___.
mesoderm cells, spine
The neural tube is formed from the ___ and later develops into the ___.
ectoderm, central nervous system
The body can't synthesize certain nutrients and must obtain them from their diet. These are known as ____.
essential nutrients
Vitamin B complexes and Vitamin C are ___, and Vitamin A, D, and K are ___.
water soluble, fat soluble
This is the extracellular matrix of the sea urchin egg.
vitelline layer
In the testes, sperm is produced in coiled ___ and hormones are secreted in the ___.
seminiferous tubules, leydig cells
During ejaculation, sperm are propelled through the ____ and through the muscular duct known as the ____.
epididymis, vas deferens
Precum is secreted via the ____.
bulbourethral glands
Two components of gastric juice are ___ and ___.
HCl, pepsin
The solution formed after initial digestion is known as ___.
The ___ neutralizes the pH of chyme during digestion.
The ___ produces bile which helps to digest fats and other lipids. Bile is stored and concentrated in the ___.
liver, gallbladder
During digestion, fats are coated in phospholipids, cholestrol, and proteins and stored as water-soluble ___.
During cell fate determination, the growth factor ___ is deactivated on the ___ side allowing the formation of these structures.
BMP-4, dorsal
The ___ valve is at the exit of each ventricle of the heart, and the ___ valve is between the atrium and ventricle.
semilunar, atrioventricular
This is the pouch in the large intestine that ferments ingested plant material.
The complete digestion of carbohydrates occurs in the ___.
small intestine
In blood vessels, ___ are thicker to deal with ___ blood pressure, and ___ are thinner.
arteries, higher, veins
In the ovarian cycle, __ is released and causes FSH/LH release.
In the ovarian cycle, the ___ phase occurs when increased ___ levels cause the secondary oocyte to mature.
follicular, estradiol
The follicular phase of the ovarian cycle ends as ___.
Once the oocyte is released the ___ phase proceeds. LH then causes the ___ to secrete progesterone and estradiol.
luteal, corpus luteum
The ___ phase of the uterine cycle where the endothelium thickens due to increased ____.
proliferative, estradiol
The secretion of nutrient fluid that can sustain an embryo during the uterine cycle is known as the ___ phase.
The disintegration of the ___ causes a drop in hormone levels leading to the shedding of the endothelium tissue. This is known as the ___ phase.
corpus luteum, menstrual flow
In a frog embryo, the gray crescent is the site of ___ and will develop into the ___ side of the frog.
first cell cleavage, dorsal
In saliva, the enzyme ___ hydrolyzes starch and glycogen.
The slipper glycoprotein in saliva is known as ___.
The flap of flesh that prevents food from entering the trachea is known as the ___.
When talking about reproductive hormones, the hypothalamus releases ___ that direct the anterior pituitary to release __ and __.
The male sex hormones are ___ and the female sex hormones are ___.
androgens, estrogens
In males, the FSH triggers the activity of ___, which nourishes the developing sperm.
sertoli cells
In males, the LH triggers the activity of ___, which promotes spermatogenesis.
leydig cells
Blood clotting occurs when __ is converted to __, which in turn converts ___ to ___.
prothrombin, thrombin, fibrinogen, fibrin
A ___ is a clot within a vessel.
___ neurons transmit info from the senses to the brain.
___ make up most of the brain and make local connections.
___ neurons transmit signals from the brain to muscles.
At resting potential, the __ is higher inside the cell and the __ is higher outside the cell.
K, Na
The Nernst Equation is used to calculate what?
equilibrium membrane potential
As the magnitude of potential increases (becomes more negative) a ___ occurs.
As the magnitude of the potential decreases (becomes more positive) a ___ occurs.
When ___ is met, __-__ ion channels open.
threshold, voltage-gated
The __ channels open first during action potential.
sodium (Na)
During the __ period, an action potential cannot be initiated. It is a result of inactive sodium channels
The speed of action potential is determined by ___ and the presence of ___.
axon diameter, myelin sheath
Myelin sheath is synthesized by ___ in the CNS and by ___ in the PNS.
oligodendrocytes, schwann cells
___ bring potential toward threshold (depolarize).
___ bring potential away from threshold (hyperpolarize).
___ summation occurs one after the other and ___ summation occurs simultaneously.
temporal, spatial
In the cochlea, hairs on the ___ membrane come into contact with the ___ membrane as waves are transmitted through the ___ canal.
basilar, tectorial, vestibular
After the vestibular canal, the vibrations travel down the ___ canal and are dampened at the ____.
tympanic, oval window
Caterpillars molt because of ___ which is activated by lack of ___ hormone.
ecdysone, juvenile
Kidney is supplied by the renal ___ and drained by the renal ___.
artery, vein
The ___ is the functional unit of the kidney.
The ___ is surrounded by capillaries of the Bowman's capsule in the kidney.
The correct order of the filtrate flow in the kidney is: proximal, distal, loop of henle, collecting duct
proximal, loop of henle, distal, collection duct
The ___ is the capillary that supplies the loop of henle.
vasa recta
the proximal and distal tubules are surrounded by the ___.
peritubular capillaries
In the ___ loop of henle, aquaporins allow water adsorption.
In the ___ loop of henle, there are no aquaporins and NaCl is diffused in the __ segment and actively transported in the __ segment.
ascending, thin, thick
In the __ tubule, the absorption/secretion is regulated by aldosterone.
__ neurons transmit sensory input to brain. and ___ neurons transmit motor output to muscles.
afferent, efferent
The ___ nervous system regulates the internal environment.
The __ nervous system excites and the ___ nervous system calms down.
sympathetic, parasympathetic
An ___ is isotonic to its surroundings, and an ___ is has osmolarity independent to its surroundings.
osmoconformer, osmoregulator
__ cannot tolerate large fluctuations in external osmolarity and __ can tolerate large fluctuations in external osmolarity.
stenohaline, euryhaline
The neurotransmitter released during muscle contraction is ___
The forebrain develops from the __ and ___. The midbrain develops from the ___. The hindbrain develops from the ___ and ___.
telencephalon, diencephalon, mesencephalon, metencephalon, myelencephalon
The brainstem functions in __ and __.
homeostasis, energy relay
Arousal and sleep is controlled by the cerebrum and brain stem and is regulated by the hormone ___ synthesized in the ___ gland.
melatonin, pineal
The biological clock is regulated by the ___ located in the hypothalamus.
suprachiasmatic nucleus
Emotions are controlled by the ____.
limbic system
The ___ area controls muscles of the face and allows us to speak. The ___ area allows us to comprehend speech.
Broca's, Wernick's
Acetylcholine is ___ and its activity is terminated by ___ in the synaptic cleft.
excitatory, enxyme
The adrenal cortex functions in the body's response to stress and responds to ___ hormone to synthesize the corticosteroids ___ and ___.
ACTH, glucocorticoids, mineralcortocoids
Papillae on the tongue sense __, __, __, __, and __.
sweet, sour, salty, bitter, umami (delicious)
Smell is also known as ___.
The hormone that responds to increased osmolarity is ___ and reacts to decreased osmolarity.
ADH (anti-diuretic hormone)
The hormone that responds to decreased blood pressure is ___ and causes synthesis of ____ which leads to synthesis of ___ and increased blood pressure.
renin, angiotensin, aldosterone
Aldosterone causes more absorption of water and ions in the ___ tubules.
The hormone that responds to increased blood pressure by reducing renin production is ___.
atrial natriucetic peptide
The process of interpreting stiumli is known as ___.
Lipid-soluble hormones most often exert their effects by altering ___.
gene expression
The ___ excretory system in flatworms draws filtrate into flame bulb by cilia.
The ___ excretory system in earthworms is openeded internally to the body cavity and draws filtrate in via cilia. Osmoregulation by capillary network also occurs.
The ___ tubules in insects extend from the digestive tract and remove filtrate.
Local regulators exert effects on cells nearby. ___ signaling targets cells nearby, and ___ signaling targets the secreting cell.
paracrine, autocrine
___ hormone target endocrine cells and ___ hormones target non-endocrine cells.
tropic, non-tropic
The pancreas secretes __ and __.
insulin, glucagon
The parathyroid hormone secretes ___ which monitors levels of ___.
PTH, Ca2+
The thyroid secretes __ and __ and is dependent on iodine concentrations.
T3, T4
Insects have a compound eye with many ___.