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20 Cards in this Set

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believe in Idealism:
Variations in plant and animal populations were merely imperfect representatives of ideal forms

Evolution would be counterproductive in a world
Recognizing that organisms vary from simple to complex and can be placed on scale

species are not evolved
Natural Theology: god plan can be revealed by studying nature
Carolus Linnaeu
Taxonomy and binomial nomenclature

grouping the species into categories and ranking into hirarchy. similar species are group into same group and genera in same order
relics r impression of organism fromt he past preserved in rock
may layers of deposits
peleontology- Georges cuvier
fossils recored history

stratum speaks their own terms

extinction is common in history
theory that major changes in the earth surface are the result of catastrophic events
CUVIER-> why nes wpecies
catastrophes caused mass instinction

new species came from other areas
gradualism JAME HUTTON
principle that profound change is cumulative product of slow and continous process
uniformitarianism CHARLES LYELL
geological processes are uniform and have operated from the origin of the earth to present

rates and effects have to be balanced out through time

building mountains process balanced by erosion of the moutains
DARWIN opinions about LYELL's idea
aggred upon:
earth is old
slow process over great length of time cause substantial change
As organisms attained perfection, they became better adapted to their environments

evolution responded to organism's sentiments interieurs ( felt needs)
USE AND DISUSE: the body used to cope with the environment become larger and stronger while those not used deteiorate

inheritance of acquired characristics: modification of an organism acquired during its lifetime could be pass along to its offsprings
Pop- the smallest unit can be evolved
a group of interbreeding individuals belonging to a particular species and sharing a common geographic area
Adaptive change
natural selection is situational

the beak evolution in beagles does not result from inheritance of acquired characteristic
the geography distribution of species
homologous structure
structures that are similar because of common ancestry
vestigial organs
organs that had important function in ancestral form but are no longer esential
continental drift
the movement of Earth's surface overtime