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18 Cards in this Set

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3 classes of muscle according to location
skeletal, visceral, cardiac
is skeletal muscle always connected to bone?
no, facial muscles
what are visceral muscles controlled by?
autonomic nervous system
2 classes of muscle according to microscopic appearance
striated-includes skeletal and cardiac muscles. controlled by both autonomic and somatic nsystems
smooth-controlled by autonomic nervous system
2 classes of muscle according to control type
voluntary-controlled by somatic
involuntary-cardiac and smooth. controlled by autonomic
fibrous connective tissue that binds adjacent muscles
3 types of fascia
epimysium-surrounds entire muscle
perimysium-surround individual fascicles of muscle
endomysium-surrounds individual muscle fibers
fibrous connective tissue that connects muscle to bone
what is the muscle cell membrane?
what is the cytoplasm of a muscle fiber?
what is a triad
a pair of terminal cisternae plus t-tubule
what is A band?
length of myosin plus actin overlap
what is I band?
length of actin not overlapping with myosin
What is the Z line?
perpendicular of actin
What is H zone?
myosin without actin overlap
what measures a sarcomere?
distance between two Z lines
which band stay the same and which change when a muscle contracts?
A stays same while I and H narrow
example of a neurotransmitter