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37 Cards in this Set

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What is a universal solvent?

Dissolves tons of stuff

What is surface tension?

Liquid (water) strong at surface

What is a high melting and boiling point?

Takes lots of energy to melt and boil

What is a high specific heat capacity?

Can take lots of energy before changing temperature

What is cohesion?

Sticks to itself

What is adhesion?

Sticks to other stuff

What biogeochemical cycles are there?

Water, carbon/oxygen, nitrogen, phosphorus

What is a nutrient reservoir?

Houses nutrients.

What is rapid cycling of nutrients?

Nutrients cycle rapidly between reservoirs

What is slow cycling of nutrients

Nutrients accumulate, taking millions of years to become available. E.g. fossil fuels

Example of carbon rapid cycle?

Producer, consumer, decomposer, atmosphere

What is the water cycle powered by?


What is transpiration?

Water loss through leaves

What is condensation?

Gas to liquid

What is evaporation?

Liquid to gas

What is photosynthesis?

6C02 + 6H2O -- light > C6H12O6 + 602

What is cellular respiration?

6O2 + C6H12O6 -> 6CO2 + 6H2O

How does most carbon exist as?

CO2(g) in abiotic environment

What is a carbon sink?

Store carbon (e.g. gasoline, trees)

What is a carbon source?

Releases carbon (e.g. burned gasoline)

What is the greenhouse effect?

Greenhouse gases prevent some heat from leaving Earth after coming in, causing global warming

What are fossil fuels?

Formed after a long time, mostly carbon from organism remains

What is deforestation?

Cut down forests

What is the form of atmospheric nitrogen?


What forms or nitrogen can be used by plants and animals?

NO3-, NO2-, NH3+, NH4

What is nitrogen fixation?

Nitrogen gas converted to usable forms

How is nitrogen fixed?

Lightning, bacteria

What do decomposing bacteria decompose?

Dead plants, animals and NH3 waste

What is denitrifying bacteria?

Usable nitrogen turned into nitrogen gas then released to atmosphere. The bacteria which does this are anaerobic

How dies most phosphorus exist as?

PO4 ^3- (phosphate ion)

What is an algal bloom?

Algae overgrowth from over nutrients like phosphorus or nitrogen in water

Why are algal blooms bad?

Lots of algae end up dying, decomposers use lots of dissolved oxygen in decomposing, less oxygen means lots of aquatic life die

What is productivity?

Ecosystem energy capture and storage rate vs time. Biomass added to an ecosystem per year for example

What does productivity depend on?

Solar radiation, precipitation, nutrients, producers

What is the Gain Hypothesis?

Earth regulates itself, energy, nutrients, to maintain balance

What is a stromatolite?

Fossilized sedimentary structure formed formed from ancient bacteria

What do stromatolites tell about Earth's history?

Initially, atmosphere was anoric, iron oxide bands in rock show increased oxygen levels. Oxygen came from photosynthetic bacteria