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46 Cards in this Set

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The basic structural and physiological unit of all living organisms.
The cell
The initial accumulation of oxygen in the atmosphere was the result of photosynthesis from an organism most like modern.
Scientists group species on an evolutionary tree based on_______.
Gene Similarities, the fossil record, and anatomical structures.
The key purpose of any single experiment is to __________.
Test predictions that are based on hypothesis.
True or False. In an undisturbed sedimentary rock, the oldest layers lie at the bottom, and successfully higher strata are progressively younger.
True or False. Sedimentary rock forms from magma.
True or False. Mitochondria and chloroplasts have lost all of their DNA to their host cell.
Paramecium bursaria is an extant protist which consumes but does not digest photosynthetic bacteria, suggesting a mechanism for endosymbiosis.
There are many similarities between chloroplasts and photosynthetic bacteria.
Mitochondria and chloroplasts are thought to be derived from prokaryote ancestors.
Rock like structures formed by the oxygen generating cyanobacteria are known as _______.
The evolutionary relationships among organisms is known as ________.
From smallest to largest, name the taxonomic categories.
Domain Drunk
Kingdom King
Phylum Phillip
Class Called
Organism Ofelia
Family For
Genus Good
Species Sex
Group that includes common ancestor and some but not all descendants.
True or False. Archaea have peptidoglycan in their cells.
True or False. Archaea include species that are obligate anaerobes which produce nearly all of the methane in the atmosphere.
True or False. Archaea include species that love heat and acid and could die at 131 degrees F.
True or False. Archaea have rRNA that differs as much from bacteria's DNA as it does from that of Eukarya.
A bacterial cell gives rise to two genetically identical daughter cells by ______.
These gram-positive bacteria which form from mycelia like chains of cells were once classified as bacteria. They include bacteria that cause tuberculosis and produce streptomycin.
These bacteria are small intracellular parasites that have a unique, complex reproductive cycle and include strains that cause eye infections and venerial disease.
In order for a prokaryote cell to divide which of the following must occur?
A reproductive signal, DNA replication, segregation, of DNA, and cytokenesis.
How does a nucleus in G2 differ from a nucleus in G1?
The G2 nucleus has double the amount of DNA as the G1 nucleus.
The basic structure of chromatin has sometimes been referred to as beads on a string of DNA. These beads are called _______.
During mitosis and meiosis the chromatin compacts which allows ______ to take place more easily.
The orderly distribution of genetic material into 2 new nuclei.
The mitotic spindle is composed of_______.
A major drawback of asexual reproduction is that it______.
produces a lack of variation among the progeny.
An indicator of programmed cell death is______.
neatly fragmented chromatin.
In vascular plants the dominant life cycle phase is the _______, in nonvascular plants its the ________.
sporophyte, gametophyte.
Mosses are dependent on water for reproduction because________.
sperm must swim through water to reach and fertilize eggs.
The function of the pollen tube is to________.
Digest the sporophyte tissue as it elongates, taking the male DNA toward the female gametophyte.
Vascular plant with naked seeds which develop in female cones.
The pistil (carpel) consists of_______.
stigma, style, and ovary.
The ancestor of the animal clade was probably a __________.
colonial flagellated protist.
Protostomes would be described as______.
free floating larvae, anterior brain, development of mouth from blastospore.
Birds are __________.
in a monophyletic group that includes lizards, snakes, and crocodiles.
True or False. Birds are not included in the mammals.
Most amphibians like frogs breathe air by_______.
lungs and thin skin.
Which of the following features is not found in the chordate lineage?
An external skeleton.
Bilateral symmetry.
Notochord at stage of development.
Dorsal hollow nerve chord.
Pharyngeal slits.
An external skeleton.
True or False. Deuterosomes and protostomes differ in a number of characteristics and the ablilty to form a blastospore is one of them.
Which group of plants lacks vascular tissue?
None of these.
Radiata are_____.
Protostome animals with radial symmetry.
Cyanobacteria should not be called "blue green algae" because they_______.
Do not have chloroplasts.
Worms would be in which 3 phyla?
Annelida, Nematoda, Platyhelminthes.
How old is the earth?
4.6 bil yrs old
Miller and Urey's experiments proved that ___________.
complex organic molecules can form spontaneously under conditions that probably existed on early earth.