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186 Cards in this Set

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study of all complex interrelationships referred to by Darwin as the conditions for the struggle of existence
Principles of Ecology
1) Organisms have specific roles
2) Eco processes = time and space scales
3) Ecos governed by gen physical and bio principles
4) Evolutionary processes affect ecosystems
Ecology author
Haekle (1870)
Organisms - processes
survival and reproduction; unit of natural selection
population - eco processes
pop dynamics, unit of evolution
community - eco processes
interaction among pops
ecosystem - eco processes
E flux; cycling of nutrients
biosphere - eco processes
global processes
Role in Eco System
-fix organic carbon
Role in Eco System
- feed on other organisms + remains
Role in Eco System
cycle elements through ecosystem
Role in Eco System
-recycling function
physical setting where organism lives
role of organism in eco system
- space, body size, food type, active period, etc.
fundamental niche
listing of organism's idealized reqs
realized niche
shrunken version of fundamental niche
Why? presence of other species
Species Richness
How many species are there?
Total # of species in a given area
uniformity in abundance of species
How many species are there?
Diversity Index
- contribution of each species weighted against its relative abundance
Indices: Simpson's Index
Dominance indices
which species is the most common
Indices: Shannon-Weiner Index
Information indices (H)
measures evenness
Low diversity --> H close to 0
High diversity --> H near 1
dimension in space or time in which variation is perceived
(months, days, hours, years, millennia, etc)
dynamic steady state
inputs and outputs balanced
Eco Principles
1) Functions w/in physical and chemical constraints
2) Exchange materials + E w/ surroundings
Abiotic factors
- temp
- water
- light availability
- substrate type (soil, rock sediment OR chemistry, mineral composition)
Periodic cycles
rotation of earth on axis (day)
revolution of moon (tides)
revolution of earth around sun (seasonal)
Annual Temps correlated w/...
north hemi towards sun -- summer or winter
sun hits equator directly
Cells of air circulation
dry belts ~30*N at at poles
mid-latitudes air circulation
Trade Winds
Tropical Latitudes (up to 30* N and S)
Intertropical Convergence Zone
warm moist air rising in tropics - lots of rainfall
Subtropical High Pressure Belts
cold dry air descends to surface = desert conditions
(global oceanic circulation)
any vertical movement of water
Gulf Stream
Affects temp (high) in UK, France and Scandinavia --> same as at Canada
El Nino
Tropical Pacific disruption of oceanic atmosphere
Local Variation b/c of Features
mountains = rainfall on one side
large water = moderate climate
Adiabatic cooling
decrease in air temp w/ increase in elevation
terrestrial environment defined by growth forms of its plants
Whittaker's Biomes
chart for vegetation structure based on Temp + Precipitation
Arctic, high elevations
animals migrate or go dormant
vegetation low-growing perennials
Boreal/Temperate Evergreen Forest
long, cold winters + short summers
evergreens dominant
dominant mammals = moose, hares
Temperate Deciduous Forest
Precipitation EVEN, temp VARIABLE
veg = deciduous trees
Temperate Grasslands
dry - hot summers, cold winters
veg = grazing, fire
Cold Desert
continental interiors
veg = low-lying shrubs
plants = seeds = birds
Hot Desert
veg = succulents
Mediterranean (Chaparral)
West sides of continents
adapted to fire
supports lots of rodents
Savanna (Thorn Forest)
equatorial sides of hot deserts
veg - arcacia
Tropical Deciduous Forest
most cleared by agriculture + cattle grazing
Tropical Evergreen Forest
equatorial region + high rain
Ocean Zone: Benthic
orgs live in/on sediments or rocky surfaces
Ocean Zone: Aphotic
no light, a little food sinks from above
Ocean Zone: Photic
light fuels photosynthesis
Coastal zone
intertidal zone
Aquatic Biomes
Streams and Rivers
Intertidal zones
oceanic pelagic biome
Advances changing Biogeography
1. Continental Drift
2. Phylogenetic taxonomy
3. Theory of Island Biogeography
Biogeography; Wallace's Line in Pacific --> shifting continents
study of patterns of distributions of pops, species + communities
Biogeography regions
Neartic - NA
NeoTropical - SA
Palearctic - Asia
Oriental - India
Ethiopian - African
Wegner's Evidence for Continental Drift
1. Geometric fit of coastlines
2. Alignment of geologic features
Theory of Plate Tectonics
explains origins and destruction of earth's plates and lateral movements
Continental Drift Evidence
1. Marine Geology - mid ocean ridges
2. Geologic - deposition strata
3. Paleoclimate - glacial deposits
4. Paleontological - fossil record anomalies
5. Paleomagenetism
Discontinuous ranges
- appearance of physical barrier splitting species
Discontinuous ranges
- organisms cross an existing barrier + est a population
Biotic Interchange
land masses come together
- asia + north america
Equilibrium Theory of Island Biogeography
+ Immigration rate decreases as island diversity increases
+ Extinction increases as island diversity increases
everything an animals does and how it does them
Genetically Influenced Behaviors
Fixed Action Patterns
Directed Movements
(mnem: females dig inches)
Environmentally Influenced Behaviors
Social Influence
Associative Learning
Spatial Learning
(mnem: Sarah, always share happily)
Environmentally Influenced Behaviors
Social Influence
Associative Learning
Spatial Learning
(mnem: Sarah, always share happily)
Studying behavior examines... (4)
Contribute to survival and reproductive success
Source of Behavior
Genes + Environment
Proximate Question

Ex: How a bee finds way to hive?
How does a fish swim?
Ultimate Question
Why? -- evolutinary significance of behavior

Ex: Why NS favors one behavior and not the other?
merge Proximate + Ultimate Questions
link Proximate + Ultimate Questions
Behavioral Scientists
Lorenz, Tinbergen, von Frisch
Tinbergen's 4 Questions about Behavior
1) Mechanistic basis?
2) How animal dev't influences?
3) Evolutionary history?
4) Contribution to survival + reproduction?
Fixed Action Pattern
"Innate Behavior"
instinctive behavioral sequence triggered by sign stimulus and runs to completion
Ex: Goose + egg return to nest; Stickleback fish attack anything red in territory
Directed Movements
"Innate Behavior"
towards or away from a stimulus
(Directed movements)
change in rate of activity in response to envt condition
(Directed movements)
Positive taxis: movement toward
Negative taxis: movement away
...from a stimulus
(Directed movements)
large group movement at a temporal impetus
("Innate + Learned")
gen irreversible; genetic necessity to choose mimic then copy behavior
Sensitive Period
when imprinting can occur
Social Influences on other Behaviors
(1) Aggressiveness - mouse experiment; took behavior of new social group
modification of behavior based on specific experiences
Simple --> Complex
loss of responsiveness to stimuli that convey little important info

Simple Learning Behavior
Spatial Learning
*Environmental influence

remember based on spatial landmarks
Associative Learning
associating one feature of environment with another
Classical Conditioning
arbitrary stimulus associated w/ a reward or punishment
Operant Conditioning
animal learns to associate one of its own behaviors w/ a reward or punishment - avoid or repeat
ex: wolf attack porquipine
(Animal Communication)
a behavior that causes a change in the behavior of another animal
--> Chemical, Visual, Auditory, Tactile, Electrical
Animal Communication
signals that save E and reduce risks
Aggressive and territorial display
Chemical Communication
Non-sexual: mark territory/ belongings, alarms
Sexual: mate availability
When do Chemical Communication evolves?
- dense vegetation
- animals dispersed
- no mechanisms to make sounds
Acoustic Communication
partially learned or genetically learned
Evidence for Acoustic Communication
males reared in isolation produce THEIR species' call
Hybrid (raised in isolation) = call components from both species
Animal Cognition
ability to perceive, store, process, and use information
* Problem Solving *
Cognition Devt
1) Solve probs by watching others
Behavioral Traits can evolve by naturals selection
ex: snakes in CA - grubs vs animals
Optimal Foraging Theory
Compromise b/w E spent searching + E/nutrition gained
* Benefit & Cost *
Sexual Selection
mate choice + mate behavior
1) Seek and attract mates
2) competing for
3) choosing among potential mates
Intrasexual selection
competition between males!
- selects for weapons or competitive behaviors
Intersexual selection
competition b/w males to be chosen by females can "select" for colors, ornaments, behaviors
Evolve Mate Choice + Mating Behavior
1) Parental Investment (females>males)
2) Females expected to be choosy
3) needs of young
Altricial babies
both sexes needed to feed young = Monogamy
Precocial babies
one sex can care for a feed young better = Polygamy (polygyny)
certainty of paternity
males may try to ensure young are theirs...
(1) guarding females
(2) producing large vol of sperm
(3) remove rival sperm from reproductive tract of female
Presence of Male
More parental certainty = more male involvement
Altruistic beahviors
reduce individuals fitness but increase fitness of other pop members
Inclusive fitness
total effect an individual has on passing on its genes by...
(1) produce own offspring
(2) provide aid to close relatives
Hamilton's Rule + Kin Selection
predicts when NS favors altruistic acts among related individuals
Coefficient of Relatedness (r)
Probability of Inclusive Fitness
Sharing Genes...
2 siblings: 0.5
aunt, niece: 0.25
1st cousins: 0.125
Hamilton's Rule
rB > C
r: coefficient of relatedness
B: benefit of action to person
C: cost of performing action
Kin Selection Examples
- Bees: daughters of queen sterile (worker bees) - share 1/2 genes
- Mole Rats: non-reproductive individuals are descendants of siblings of queen
Tit-for-Tat Strategy
individual treats another in same way treated last time met
- begin being cooperative ("altruistic")
Ex: Vampire Bats
group of organisms of 1 species that interbreed in same place at same time
Population Characteristics
- Size
- Density
- Dispersion
- Sex Ratio
- Age Structure
- Schedules of survival and reproduction
Population Size measurements
Directly = census
Indirectly = extrapolation
(density x A/Vol occupied)
Population Size measurements
Directly = census
Indirectly = extrapolation
(density x A/Vol occupied)
Extrapolation of Pop Size
Mark-recapture Analysis
Clumped Distribution
(pop dispersion)
groups or patches (gen reflect resource availability, aggregation behavior, etc)
Uniform Distribution
(pop dispersion)
spacing among individuals constant (competition among individuals --> territoriality)
Random Distribution
(pop dispersion)
space varies randomly
reflects homogeneity of res and weak interactions
Populations are...
Difference in Population
genetic variations
2 sexes
different life stages
different sizes
Age Structure
(pop age structure)
Rapid Growth = many youngsters
Slow = flat-sided 'pyramid'
Decreasing = low birth rate, pinched bottom
Survival & Mortality Display
follow cohorts through lives
Death Rate
(# alive @ start of year) / (# of deaths during year)
Number Alive at Start of Year
# alive at start of previous year - # of deaths during year
Proportion Alive at Start of Year
# alive at start of current year / # alive @ start of 1st year
ratio of those who live at each year
Type 1
Survivorship Curve
mortality rate increase later in life

Ex: large mammals (humans)
Type 2
Survivorship Curve
mortality rate constant over life

Ex: some birds, reptiles, squirrels
Type 3
Survivorship Curve
mortality rate highest in young

Ex: marine organisms w/ tiny larvae
(breeding frequency)
Repeated reproduction
(breeding frequency)
breed once or briefly upon maturity then die -- "big bang breeding"
Reproduction schedule variables
- breeding frequency
- litter size
b = B/N
b = birth rate
- number of births per individual per time (per capita birth rate, per year)
d = D/N
d = death rate
- # of deaths per individual per time (N = # of individuals at time period beginning; D = # of deaths in time period)
Constant birth rate + smaller constant death rate
accelerating pace and without limit
"r" is large when...
- mothers mature young
- mothers have large litters
- mothers have freq litters
- females survive at high rates when young
Limits on Logistic Growth
1) Resource limitations
2) increase mortality
3) reduce population growth rate
Limiters on Logistic Growth
a) limiting resource
b) density dependence: pop size affects other pop characteristics
c) Carrying capacity: maximum sustainable individuals
Carrying Capacity
- (k-n)/k = proportion of environment available
Logistic Growth Model
dN/dT = rmax * N (k-N/K)
Managing Populations
- reproductive rates

Ex: cane toads in Australia (cane beetles in sugar cane)
Ecological Footprint
area of impact on environment
Community -- Clements's Discrete Unit
"Holistic" concept - only understand in terms of contribution to ecosystem

"superorganisms" - species connnected

- niche - enhance interdependent functioning
- discrete entities w/ recognizable boundaries
Community -- Gleason's Loose Assemblage of Species
"Individualistic Concept" (no organization at species level)
- community = "Fortuitous association"
1) component species together largely by accident
2) no distinct boundary for community meeting
Middle Ground of Community Concept
1) Individualistic view - most interactions are antagonistic, loose assemblage
2) Holistic - attributes of community arise from interactions among species
Trophic levels
based on E consumption
Types of Trophic levels
- autotrophs (primary producers)
- heterotrophs
- primary consumer - herbivores etc.
- secondary consumers:organisms eating herbivores
- tertiary consumers: orgs eating secondary consumers
- Detritivores: decomposers
- omnivores > get E from +1 Trophic level
Trophic Level Realtionships
Food Chain
Food Web
Food Web Complexity = Stability of community?
should lead to stability --> however, time lags b/w death of last animal and complicated connection = DESTABILIZE
Connectedness webs
feeding realtionships
E flow webs
- ecosystem viewpoint, flux of E b/w species
Functional Webs
importance of pop in respect to survival or death of nearby species.
"Top-down" Control
change in tertiary+ consumer about game availability?
"Bottom-up Control)
change in low trophic level community
trophic cascade
top down collapse b/w a species goes missing
E Transfer b/w Trophic Levels
~5-20% at each level consecutively
Interspecific (+/-) Interactions
catch individuals + consume them, remove prey from population
consume parts of host
- internal (disease) or external
- may negatively affect host but not remove from population
consume all living tissue of host --> kill them
eat whole or part of plants
eat grasses and herbaeous vegetation
eat woody vegetation
consume dead organic material

- have no direct effect on "host" population
- imp in nutrient recycling
Predator Adaptations
1. Size (larger)
2. Cooperative hunting of larger game
3. Form + Function match diet
4. Digestive tract (multiple vessels)
5. Grasping + tearing functions
Prey Escape Mechanisms
1. swift
2. early predator detection
3. hide/seek refuge
Prey Escape Mechanisms
1. thorns
2. defensive chemicals
Prey Escape Mechanisims
1. Camouflage - w/ organics, w/ noxious plants or animals
2. Unpalatable
warning colorations
Batesian Mimicry
certain palatable species mimic unpalatable models - benefit from predator learning experience
Mullerian Mimicry
among unpalatable species resembling one another

(aposematic coloring of mimicry complex)
Parasite Dispersal
Internal: benign environments
Challenges to Parasite Survival
1. host organism detects & destroys
2. disperse through hostile environments (complicated life process, multiple hosts, etc)
Parasite: Malaria
2 dif host adaptations: humans + mosquitoes
soil + skin
- generally host-specific (use only 1 species)
- live inside host --> lead to death of host

Ex: Fire Ants - "decapitating flies"
Plants - Antiherbivore Defenses
Biochemical means
1. low nutritional content of tissue
2. toxic cmpds
3. structural defenses: spines, seed coats, sticky gums + resins
4. Secondary compounds dev'd to attract protective species
Predator + Prey populations...

(predator cycle lags slightly behind prey)