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36 Cards in this Set

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Strepsirhine primates are
wet nosed- Lorises, Galagos and lemurs
Haplorhines primates are
Dry nosed
Tarsiiformes primates are
Platyrhines are
new world monkeys
Catarrhines are
Cercopithicoids- old world monkeys

Hominoids- apes (including humans)

Anthropoids use what
tail as an extra limb

three premolars

Catarrhines have what?
no prehensile tail

two premolars

narrow nasal septum

trichromatic color vision dental formula

Old world monkeys

we rely on what to understand evolution in humans?
Fossil records
What part of the world do we focus on the evolution
Rift Valley of Africa
what species was "LUCY"
Australophithecus Afarensis
When was "Lucy" alive
3 million years ago
how tall was "LUCY"
4 feet tall
P. boisei was how long ago
2.6 million years ago
Paranthropus has what unique features
Sagitttal crests

massive jaw muscles and teeth

small brains

A. Africanus was how long ago?
2.5 million years ago
Australopithecus Garhi was how long ago and where
2.5 million years ago, Eastern africa (not Noth!!!)
A. Sediba lived when
1.8-2.0 million years ago
Genus Homo had an increase in what?
Brain-to-body size ratio
Genus Homo started to use what?
Tools and they became more sophisticated over time
"Turkana Boy" was what species
African H. Erectus or H. Egaster
How old was "Tarkana Boy"
10-12 years old
Turkana boy had brain capasity of what?
900 cc (not human and not "Ape")
"Java man" lived when and was what species
.75 MYA and was H. Erectus in china
Order of Homo species
Homo Erectus

Homo Neanderthalensis

Homo Sapiens

Multiregional Model:
Despersial throughout the old world and simultaneously evolved to modern form
Replacement Model:
Single group that dispersed from Africa evolved into modern form
Abiotic components are?
Light, water, temp, wind, nutrients and pH
Biotic components are?
other organisms like predators
The 6 levels of ecological studies are




landscape or global


Semelparity is
Big bang reproduction (salmon, century plant)
Repeated reproduction (oak trees, humans)
Carrying capacity is what kind of growth
Logistic growth (K-n)/K
Density-Dependent factors are
Food and water


vector transmitted diseases

territorial behavior

toxic wastes

Fundemental Niche
Set of environmental conditons that sustains a positve growth rate
Relized Niche
Set of Environments that population actually occupies it excluded to competitiors

