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75 Cards in this Set

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Which of following prevent the production of angiotensin II
ACE inhibitors
In which situation would the stroke volume be the greatest
Increased venous return
Which of the following would most likely result in the release of oxygen from hemoglobin
Increased levels of DPG (diphosphoglycerate)
Which of the following would be greater
End-diastolic volume during a heart rate of 95 bpm
A patient present with a very low blood pressure. Which of the following might be the cause
Too little renin released from the kidneys
Which of the following would occur in reponse to a rise in blood pressure
Increase in acetylcholine release
What is the name for the process during the first phrase of a nerve cell action potential in which sodium floods in
Which of the following causes the oxygen-hemoglobin dissociation curve to shift to the right
increase in temperature
What enzyme is reponsible for converting carbon dioxide plus water in carbonic acid and vise versa
Carbonic anhydrase
One function of the atrioventricular node delay is
allow time for the ventricles to fill before contraction
Which blood vessels are described as having rather muscular walls and a diameter greater than 0.5 mm
In order for breathing occur, the alveolar pressure must
Be greater than the intraplueral pressure
A term that describes difficulty in breathing when lying down
What is a major difference between the action potential of a nerve cell compared to the action potential of a cardiac muscle cell
A drug that depresses the activity of the pneumotaxic center would result in
Reduction in ability to exhale
The maximum volume of blood that the ventricle collects during diastole is best described as
End diatolic volume
Which valvular event marks the end of isovolumic contraction relative to the left ventricle
Aortic semilunar valve opens
This form of lung cancer constitutes approximately 30% of bronchogenic carcinomas, tumors often seen at the hilus, and often associated with neumonia and atelectasis
Squamous cell carcinoma
Which of the following cells make up approximately 5% of the alveolar epithelium
Type II Alveolar Epithelial Cells
Fibrillation is referred to as a heart rate
Greater than 300
Which of the following would most likely result in the binding of oxygen to hemoglobin
reduced levels of hydrogen ions
Through what valve does blood pass when it enters the left ventricle
If the membrane of a cardiac muscle becomes more permeable to potassium, which of the following will occur
Decrease rate
What nerve is the sole motor innervation for the major inspiratory muscle
What is the value for a typical stroke volume
70 ml
A condition caused by poor perfusion to the tissues due to any event causing the parasympathetic nervous system to predominate its influence over the sympathetic nervous system
Neurogenic Shock
What is the Ramp Signal
Action potentials to diaphragm
What type of organism causes the most of the hospital acquired pneumonia
gram negative streptococcus
Above or within which raised ridge in the right atrium is the sinoatrial node located
Crista terminalis
Which of the following is the best value for the normal Mean Aorterial Pressures (MAP)
96 mm Hg
Which of the following would occur in response to a rise in blood pressure
Decrease in sympathetic tone
A condition in which an underlying respiratory condition causes pulmonary hypertension which eventually results in right heart failure
Cor Pulmonale
This form of bronchogenic carcinoma constitutes 20-25% of lung cancers, demonstrates the worse prognosis, and has the highest correlation with smoking
small (oat) cell carcinoma
Once the impulse leaves the atrioventricular node what is the next structure into which it passes
Atrioventricular Bundle of His
A condition in which there is abnormally low levels of carbon dioxide in the blood
Which of the following best describes the mechanism by which digitalis functions
Indirectly causes an increase in intracellular Calcium
What percent of pulmonary embolisms originate from blood clots formed in the legs
What is the most common type of pneumonia
Community acquired
The clogging of the arteries with plaque is known as
How does aldosterone cause its effects
Turing the Na pump on (in kidney tubules)
What percent of high blood pressure cases do not have know causes
The Vagus nerve innervates which baroreceptors
What percent of blood enters the right ventricle due to atrial contraction
Which of the following would occur in response to a drop in blood pressure
Increase renin release
What is the major function of the ventral respiratory group
None of these responses
What is the S2 sound
Closure of the semilunar valves
Name the enzyme that is released by the kidneys in response to low ion concentration, low blood pressure, or hypovolemia
The tension on the myocardium prior to its contraction most closely relates to
Venous return
At sea level, what percent of atmospheric air is contributed to by carbon dioxide
A condition which results in pain that emanates into the left neck, shoulder, and arm due to myocardial ischemia
Angina pectoris
Which of the following occurs in the brain if the pH drops
Which of the following best demonstrates when ventricular depolarization occurs
QRS Complex
Which of the following is the more immediate result of general, peripheral vasoconstriction
Increase in blood pressure
What is the blood pressue of the capillaries
14-17 mm Hg
By what value does smoking increase one's risk of bronchogenic cancer
25 times
A process by which local tissues release Nitric Oxide in order to autoregulate their local blood pressures is known as
Metabolic control
What is the approximate systolic/diastolic pressures for the pulmonary artery
Compounds which decrease the strength of contraction are said to be
Negative inotropic factors
A term that means "reduced blood flow"
Reversible damage of the heart due to reduced blood flow
Myocardial ischemia
The sinoatrial node is a special nerve cell that sends an action potential to the rest of the heart
The volume of air that can be forcibley expired over and above the normal, quiet breathing volume
Expiratory reserve volume
At rest, how much of the oxygen bound to hemoglobin is delivered to the tissues
5 ml/dl plasma
The volume of air that can be forcibly inspired over and above the normal, quiet breathing volume
None of these responses
What percent of blood enters the right or left ventricle due to venous return
Which of the following most closely matches the term "mural"
Which of the following most closely matches the term "lien"
Which of the following most closely matches the term "gynec"
Which of the following most closely matches the term "meio"
Which of the following most closely matches the term "meta"
next to or beyond
Which of the following most closely matches the term "leuk"
Which of the following most closely matches the term "fasci"
Which of the following most closely matches the term "metro"
Which of the following most closely matches the term "karyo"
Which of the following most closely matches the term "lith"